When the NWO sets in, You'll know the Tribulation has Begun

1998 promises to be an eventful year as Australia's politicians bind us into the Communist police state known as the NWO. Make no mistake about it, the world has almost reached the end of God's grace. When the NWO sets in, you'll know the tribulation's begun. following the catastrophic earthquake that sinks Los Angeles, and Russia's invasion of the United States, the world's religions will unite. They'll cry "peace", and the NWO will come-in overnight.

Whether its called Socialism, Communism or Fascism, at the root of collectivism is the submergence of the individual to an elite group. Lenin said: "From each according to his ability; to each according to his needs". He also said: "That liberty is precious - so precious that it must be rationed" mao said: "communism is not love. Communism is a hammer which we use to crush the enemy."

Today its largely the group, not the individual, that matters. Individuals are identified as members of a group. Their identity is not in their individuality, but in their membership of some group. Their identity is defined in terms of how they fit-in with others. They're Catholic, Protestant, men, women, gays, straights, etc., first, and individuals last. Not only is the individual identified by his group, but so is his behavior. We can no longer tell if one's behavior is good or bad, right or wrong, until we find out his group identity. And individuals are taught to test their behavior, not against an individual standard, but against group acceptability.

Ours is the collectivist age of style and image, groups and groupies, and the fruitless search for inner-identity and self- esteem through others. Few want to be seen as out-of-step. We're mere spectators in the stadium, with no chance of getting onto the playing field. "Belonging" is more important than what one belongs to. Being in-step is more important than the tune of the drummer.

Singers put words in our mouths. When something is in and trendy, no one is allowed to dissent. Most people have become conformists, and function only within the premises of collectivism. Struggling to understand its nuances and principles, thinking, like Machiavelli, that there's only one way to deal with man, believing that group thinking is the last word, unaware that there's any alternative.

A Frenchmen, Claude Adrian Helvetius (1715-1771), contributed the most to our (Benthamite) vein of thought, which sets "the greatest happiness of the greatest number" as the guiding principle of ethics. Helvetius was the product of the social and moral decline of 18th century France. At the college of Louis le Grand, young Helvetius made friends with Voltaire, and the Encyclopedists. In Paris he frequented salons where radicals discussed social issues that would soon throw France into bloody revolution. Illustrious Freemasons like d'Alembert, Diderot, Helvetius, d'Hollback, Voltaire, and Condorect "completed the evolution of minds and prepared the new era." (Nesta H. Webster, SECRET SOCIETIES AND SUBVERSIVE MOVEMENTS). In 1758 Helvetius's "De l'Esprit" appeared. (Mordecai Grossman, THE PHILOSOPHY OF HELVETICUS 16, 1926).

Both civil and religious authorities were angered when the book was published. They pronounced it "atheistic, sacrilegious, immoral and subversive!" (D.W. Smith, A STUDY IN PERSECUTION 25). It was forbidden by order of council and burned, together with the Encyclopedia (Grossman, p. 17).

The philosophy of Helvetius contained the essence of humanism. he defined the object of life as earthly happiness, rather than salvation, and advocated legislation, certainly not preaching, as the means by which happiness for the greatest number would be achieved. He said that great virtues were made possible by great passions (Grossman, p. 107).

Christianity was in this way construed as a deterrent to virtue. Helvetius believed man is entirely a product of his environment (D.W. Smith, A STUDY IN PERSECUTION). That man develops according to the cultural pressures to which he is subject. That education accounts for all differences between individuals and must be utilized to realize "the ideal of general intelligence, virtue, and happiness." Even though he admitted there was no way to prove this, he said society must act as though it were true. (Grossman, p122). Denying all absolutes of justice, good and evil, Helvetius held that self-love is the mainspring of human action. In his system, the only pleasure that is immoral is one that conflicts with the pleasure of the greatest number. (Grossman, p. 100). The final test of any action, then, is its utilitarian value - its use to the public. The ideal government, he believed, would bring the greatest happiness to the greatest number, and universal education would make children useful to such a society. He advocated legislation of punishments and rewards, to force men to contribute to public welfare. Under such a system, he felt only madmen could prevent themselves from being good citizens. Individual preferences and rights are lost to Helvetius, in the all-consuming importance of public interest. He believed "only in the union, the identification of private and public interests," and suggested that "fine women" be offered as prizes for publicly beneficial acts. (That sounds enlightened). He found Christianity to be at cross-purposes with his entire scheme. (No PUN intended).

Humanism is the religion of the UN, which is being forced upon the world. It is without an absolute. Its ethics are situational. It is without morals, because it acknowledges no principles other that those which, from time to time, seem beneficial to the elite group who will control society for their own benefit.

Our once Christian, Western world, was established on biblical principles. The restraints upon government, contained in written constitutions, have been gradually softened and our representative legislature (so-called) has become more prominent and deferred-to, above the individual voices of electors. In a speech written for the House of Lords in 1737, Philip Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield, said: "Arbitrary power has seldom or never been introduced into any country at once. it must be introduced by slow degrees, and as it were, step by step, lest the people should perceive its approach" (George Seldes, GREAT THOUGHTS 77, 1985).

A totalitarian state is founded upon the denial of individual rights. Collectivism is "the theory that the group (or collective) has primacy over the individual. Collectivism holds that, in human affairs, the collective-society, the community, the proletariat, the nation, or race - is the unit of reality, and the standard of value. On this view, the individual has reality only as part of the group, and value only insofar as he serves it. On his own, he has no political rights. He's to be sacrificed for the group, whenever it, or its representative, the state, deems it desirable" (Leonard Peikoff, OMINOUS PARALLELS 17 Mentor 1983). that's why Australia has so much youth suicide.

It's been suggested that Australia is a nation of constitutional illiterates, and to a degree, I think this is so. The Constitution appears to be a subject that everybody talks about but nobody reads. A little like the Bible.

In the first of three courses in Constitutional Law, a friend was nearly bounced out for having the temerity to suggest to his Professor that, since this course was labeled Constitutional Law, they ought perhaps read the Constitution. The course that lawyers take today called Constitutional Law, frankly does not consist of studying the Constitution. It involves memorizing the catechism of sophistries by which one Constitutional provision after another is construed out of existence. This is one reason why in our present Constitutional Crisis, we find lawyers among those most derelict in failing to advance any remedy to correct the situation.

That's precisely what the denominational world church system has done with the Word of God. Teaching for doctrines the commandments of men, they made the Word of God of none effect to themselves.

The rejection of God's grace is bringing us back under the law and enslavement. Whereas God's Word was once written within the heart of individual Australians - in our contemporary society, criminal activity and legislation reflect the Talmud and national apostasy. Australians no longer have God's Word to anchor their soul, and seek external group restraint.

Francis Schaeffer wrote in 1976: "We mustn't think of an overnight change but a subtle trend by the leadership toward greater control and manipulation of the individual. Of course, some might feel uncomfortable about this increased control and manipulation in a relativistic age, but where would they draw the line? Many who talk of civil liberties are also committed to the concept of the state's responsibility to solve all problems." Schaeffer added: "At that point the words left, or right, will make no difference. They're only two roads to the same end. There's no difference between an authoritarian government from the right or left; the results are the same. An elite authoritarianism will gradually form on society so that it will not go into chaos. And most people will accept it, from the desire for personal peace and affluence, from apathy, and from the yearning for order to assure the functioning of some political system, business, and the affairs of daily life. That's what Rome did with Caesar Augustus." (Paul McGuire, WHO WILL RULE THE FUTURE? 36-37, 1991; Vol. 5, How Should We Then Live? 243-244 1976). That's where Australia and the world, are headed today.

The basis for the present legal philosophy is legislative omnipotence: "The triumph of the Positivist theory of law - that law is the will of the lawmaker; and the decline of the rival Moral theory that law is reason and conscience; and the Historical theory that law is an ongoing tradition in which both politics and morality play important parts, has contributed to the bewilderment of legal education. Skepticism and relativism are widespread..."

In both law and medicine, pragmatism substituted the "case" system for reasoning from general principles.

In law schools, students are taught with casebooks rather than treatises. As a result, "law students are taught cases and little else. If the cases got it 'wrong,' it's foolish to expect the hurried practitioner or overburdened judge to undertake original scholarship. Today, it's rare for even the High Court to rely on anything more than its own precedent" (39 CATH. U.L. REV. 1, 18 1989). The case-method is judicial-opinion centered.

"We're given a choice between Communism - international socialism, on one end of the spectrum, Nazism - national socialism - on the other end, or Fabian socialism in the middle" (Larry Abraham, CALL IT CONSPIRACY 1985). Most of Australia's post War Prime Ministers have been Fabian Communists.

The result of pragmatism on children has been summarized:

While the youngest mind is taught that there are no absolutes, that no decision is final; that no authority figure except the state has the last word; that everything is equally acceptable; that real objectivity is the absence of any standard of right and wrong; then I contend that these young minds will be learning the ruthlessness which is so prevalent in today's youth, and being acted out on all sides in today's society. In the Educationists' terminology, the logical consequences of this philosophy, real freedom, is achieved only when one is a slave to the state. It's worth mentioning that democracy is not seen by the educationist as a form of government, but as a WAY of life. It is in reality a socialized society. There's something vastly more sinister to be pointed out here than just the production of group mentality. The implication of such a group mind is that the person goes through life looking to the group to validate his decisions. The corollary of this insistence on relating everything to the group, relating from smaller to larger groups, and taking the largest group decision as the ultimate, is that the family is downgraded to just another small group with no special meaning. Thus, all family decisions, especially in the area of values, are open at all times to modification through group dynamics in the classroom, and eventually become of little importance at all to the child. (Estalvin Dee Lillywhite, SECRETS THAT EVERY AMERICAN SHOULD KNOW 193-194 Hawkes Press: 1985).

By 1995 it could be stated: "Almost a quarter of Americans work in public schools as students or staff." Education as we know it may soon be abolished. The plan's based in part on the Russian system of indoctrination. (In the mid-1980's, education exchange agreements gave the Russians American technology, while they explained how to brainwash children). (John Loffler, "Beyond Goals 2000: Workers for the 21st Century," Personal Update 2; May 1997).

Diplomas will be replaced by a CIM: Certificate of Initial Master. without a CIM it will be virtually impossible to find work. Workers without the certificate "will be condemned to dead-end jobs that leave them in poverty, even if they are working." Later it will become illegal to employ anyone without a CIM. The focus will be on lifetime learning. The work force will be monitored by a national computer containing everyone's academic and psychological work profiles. This totalitarian creation, modeled after the Communist Chinese Dangan system, will also include employee career histories. There'll be no exception for home schoolers: all will be forced to participate to get a job. The system is said to be "voluntary" but states will be forced to participate - or lose federal funds. The educational agenda is being driven by an interlocking set of laws, government departments, and private foundations (Loffler, p. 3).

This is where our planned unemployment, and dumbing-down through education (so-called), is leading Australia.

In 1997, William Greider published his latest book - one world, ready or not. It's a call for still more government intervention with a number of interesting observations: "The deepest social meaning of the global industrial revolution is that people no longer have free choice in the matter of identity. Ready or not, they're already of the world. As producers or consumers, as workers, or merchants, or investors, they're now bound to distant others, through the complex strands of commerce and finance re-organizing the globe as a unified marketplace." In the end, nations will lose their rights too: "The capacity of nations to control their own affairs has been checked by finance, and eroded by free-roving commerce, but politicians continue to pretend they are in charge" (William Greider, ONE WORLD, READY OR NOT 333-334).

In his exchange with President Clinton, on October 29, 1997, Chinese President Jiang Zemin answered a question about Tiananmen Square by saying pragmatically that "it is relative".

Jesus Christ is the same: yesterday, and today, and forever. he's the unchanging Word manifest in flesh. What the Word says is the absolute. But we must understand what that Word means, not learn what It says. We must come into the unity of the faith, or common understanding of the Word, which is: the mind of God in us.

In philosophy, we're taught that man's mind is impotent, that reality is unknowable, that knowledge is an illusion, and reason a superstition. In psychology, we're told that man is a helpless automaton, determined by forces beyond his control, motivated by innate depravity.

In literature, we're shown a line-up of murderers, dipsomaniacs, drug addicts, neurotics and psychotics as representatives of man's soul - and are invited to identify our own among them - with the belligerent assertions that life is a sewer, a fox hole, or a rat race, with the whining injunctions that we must love everything, except virtue, and forgive everything, except greatness.

In politics we're told that America, the greatest, noblest, freest country on earth, is politically and morally inferior to Soviet Russia, the bloodiest dictatorship in history. If we look at modern intellectuals, we're confronted with the grotesque spectacle of such characteristics as militant uncertainty, crusading cynicism, dogmatic agnosticism, boastful self-abasement nd self-righteous depravity, in an atmosphere of guilt, of panic, of despair, of boredom and of all-pervasive evasion. If this isn't the stage of being at the end of one's resources, there's no place to go except Jesus Christ (Ayn Rand 1963).

Once we've reached the end of our finite resources, we can call upon the infinite resources of God. His Word is full of precious promises. They're all positive, and they're all true. We must take God at His Word. And if we're fully obeying all we know God's Word requires of us, we can hold Him to His Word. And He's obligated to honor His promise.

So hold Him to His Word. Expect Him to show you the way. And shine the Light for you to walk in, One step at a time. As you step into the Light He reveals, watch for Him to unveil more Light, and keep walking in the Light as He is in It. radio090.htm

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