Bible Believers' Newsletter 236

"We focus on the PRESENT Truth -- what Jesus is doing NOW . . ."                       ISSN 1442-8660

Greetings in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Next year we will see the anniversary of two major prophecies. 2003 will be a lifespan or seventy-years since one Sunday morning in June, 1933,  the Lord Jesus showed Brother Branham seven consecutive visions which He said would transpire before His Coming.   It will also be a generation or forty years since Christ's mediation and the Laodicean Church Age ended, and He revealed the Seven Seals, indicting the denominations for the second crucifixion.

Having rejected the liberty of the faith by which Christ has made us free, national leaders have again entangled us all with the yoke of Talmudic bondage by submitting to their new International Criminal Court (ICC) which has no jury and recognizes no right of defendants before the court to face their accusers, no right to legal representation or a speedy trial, no right to a reasonable bail, and no need for search and/or arrest warrants. One is taken into custody and held for an indefinite period before trial upon allegations of a 'hate crime' which can be simply 'causing mental harm to another'.

So long as the privilege of incapacitating their mental faculties by the virtual reality of TV is not threatened, Joe Six Pack and Sally Soccer Mum won't mind losing habeas corpus or the right to a speedy trial, the right to confront one's accusers and the right of appeal.

Satan is demanding his pound of flesh. And he wants it now!

This Newsletter serves those of like precious faith who personally confirm everything in their own Bible. God bless you, saints. . . Your brother-in-Christ, Anthony

Pope John Paul II Sent a Message to Saddam Hussein

Baghdad (INA) July 22, 2002 -- Pope John Paul II sent a message to Iraq's Saddam Hussein on the 34th anniversary of the Baath Party's coming to power, saying that he prays and "implores God to bless Iraq and its people, and to make peace reign in the region".

London July 24, 2002 -- Giant wars are erupting in the British political, military, and religious establishments, over the coming war on Iraq. Most revealing, is a piece in the London Independent today, entitled "Defence Chief Replaced For Being `Off-Message' Over Iraq Invasion." It reports that the British Government took the "highly unusual" step yesterday, of announcing who would replace Admiral Sir Michael Boyce as Chief of the Defence Staff, when Boyce's term expires.

"Sir Michael is among a number of senior British commanders who are said to question Britain's backing for a US invasion of Iraq, and are skeptical of Pentagon claims about Saddam Hussein's links with the al-Qaeda terror organization, and his stockpiling of weapons of mass destruction."

On the religious front, the London Guardian's lead front-page article is headlined, "New Archbishop Issues Warning on Iraq," reporting that the new Archbishop of Canterbury, Reverend Rowan Williams, upon being officially announced to his post, immediately distanced himself from the "Blair line" on Iraq, saying he would support no military action that was not first backed by the United Nations (Composite British Press).

Washington July 28, 2002 -- Career military men are against military action against Iraq. It is high-level (predominantly Jewish) civilians in the White House and Pentagon who are vehemently pushing for a military confrontation.

Kuala Lumpur (AFP) July 23, 2002 -- Iran's President Seyed Mohammad Khatami urged Washington in his remarks to accept that other nations have a right to choose their own paths. "We had eight years of war in Iran and we had a lot of problems with Iraq. We still believe that Iraq should abide by UN Security Council resolutions and by the public opinion of the world, but at the same time, we condemn any foreign interference in Iraq and we recognize their sovereign integrity. No one has the right to decide for the people of Iraq, they should decide for themselves."

The Jews of Iraq

In attempts to portray the Iraqis as anti-American and to terrorize the Jews, the Zionists planted bombs in the US Information Service library and in synagogues. Soon leaflets began to appear urging Jews to flee to Israel. . . Although the Iraqi police later provided our embassy with evidence to show that the synagogue and library bombings, as well as the anti-Jewish and anti-American leaflet campaigns, had been the work of an underground Zionist organization, most of the world believed reports that Arab terrorism had motivated the flight of the Iraqi Jews whom the Zionists had "rescued" really just in order to increase Israel's Jewish population. Full story:

Secret Talks In Europe?

Foreign Minister Shimon Peres meeting with Danish officials in Copenhagen, was presented with the latest European Middle East peace plan today.   Denmark now holds the rotating presidency of the European Union, but its plan is very similar to . . . that which President George Bush spoke about last month in his public address.

Highly-placed security sources have intimated that intensive negotiations are already taking place in Europe. Israel's General Security Service head Ami Ayalon and others are meeting with leading Arabs from Judea and Samaria, according to the report, and on the agenda are the internationalization of Jerusalem and a return to the 1967 borders.
Full story:

Proposal to Internationalize Jerusalem's Old City

July. 8, 2002 -- Israeli, US, and German delegates spent yesterday fighting a surprise proposal to internationalize Jerusalem's Old City presented by an Italian politician at the five-day meeting in Berlin of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, composed of parliamentarians from 55 countries.

"The head of the Italian delegation told us his main concern is that in the future when there are peace discussions, the Palestinian entity will be given control of the Christian Holy sites. He thinks that is not good enough for Christians," Cooper said. He added that the Italian politician preferred for religious reasons to have the Old City internationally administered. Full story:

Milosevic 'Trial' Blows up in Tribunal's Face!

July 27, 2002 -- The prosecution called Mr. Markovic to testify. He was their witness. . . he testified against them. . .

  1. Mr. Markovic testified that the Milosevic government did not try to drive ethnic Albanians out of Kosovo during the NATO bombing. Quite the contrary: 'I told (local officials) that presidential orders are that the flow of refugees must be stopped,' Markovic said during cross-examination by Milosevic. . .' (AP, July 26, 2002).

  2. Mr. Markovic testified that Milosevic came down hard on anti-Albanian hate crime: 'More than 200 criminal charges were filed against members of the police, and I think a similar figure stands for the army,' said Markovic. . .' (AP, Ibid)

Prior to being brought to The Hague, Rade Markovic was held in a Belgrade jail for the past 17 months. Today at The Hague, Mr. Markovic testified that he was tortured in that jail to force him to agree to give false testimony against Slobodan Milosevic.

But what of the New World Order?

On 28 June 2001, Slobodan Milosevic was kidnapped from Belgrade. Mr. Milosevic has been abused in the former Nazi jail at Scheveningen. At times he has been tortured with lights on him, 24 hours a day. He has been denied the basic right to meet advisers of his choice. President Milosevic is forbidden access to the Internet or a library. His research tool is a pay telephone near his cell. Full story:

EU Allows Drugs but will Stop Herbal Remedies

According to the London Telegraph the European Union is going to close down the sale of Herbal remedies from any source except for a few remedies sold through drug companies.

The only Herbal remedies that have been found to have serious side effects are Chinese herbs and these will continue to be allowed by EU laws. At the same time political lobby groups in the EU and the Greens are pushing to have hallucinogenic drugs legalised.
Full story: vitamins-for-all.orgc

Digging Potatoes

An old man in Palestine wanted to dig his potato garden, but it was very hard work and his only son, who would have helped him, was in an Israeli prison. The old man wrote a letter to his son and mentioned his predicament.

Shortly, he received this reply, "For HEAVEN'S SAKE, Dad, don't dig up that garden, that's where I buried the GUNS!"

At 4:00 a.m. the next day a dozen Israeli soldiers arrived and dug up the entire garden, without finding any guns. Confused, the old man wrote another note to his son telling him what happened, and asking him what he should do next.

He replied: "Now plant your potatoes, Dad. This is the best I can do for you at this time."

They that Wait Upon the Lord

Perhaps you've noticed that 2003 will mark the anniversary of two major prophecies.   It will be a lifespan since, one Sunday morning in June, 1933, the Lord Jesus showed Brother Branham seven consecutive visions He said would transpire before His Coming. And it will be one generation from the close of Laodicea and mediation in 1963 when Christ revealed the Seven Seals and indicted the denominations for the second crucifixion of the Word.

We should be conscious of these landmarks, remembering it was one generation after the first crucifixion that God sent Titus to burn the temple and destroy Jerusalem. Jesus told the Hebrew people "the generation that sees Israel restored to the Promised Land would not expire through old age before the Millennium commences."   Let us look up, and take particular care to ensure we are fulfilling God's perfect will in our lives.

Moses smote the rock a second time: he disobeyed God's command to speak. That rock was the anointed Word, it was Christ.  Moses typed church organization which failed God foreshadowing how the Gentile denominations would crucify Christ unto themselves a second time in 1963, as Israel's denominations had crucified Him unto themselves the first time.   Moses' action illustrated the insufficiency of the part-Word revealed to the Church Age saints to put them in the rapture for the body change.

Although Moses took God's permissive will, God brought forth water to bless Israel naturally, for those unbelievers would raise up a new generation who would inherit His promise. Yet His perfect will was unchanged. and with the exception of Joshua and Caleb, every adult Israelite who followed Moses out of Egypt perished before Israel crossed Jordan to rest from their enemies in the Promised Land. Jordan types death and Israel's rest in the Promised Land types our Millennium of rest. God will take the Laodicean saints in death, and denominational people will all perish before the Millennium. The waters of Life type the Holy Spirit given for the Bride in the second crucifixion when the world church system rejected the 'third pull' or the spoken Word of Brother Branham's Message, which is the baptism with the Holy Spirit or new birth in this day. While Joshua, which means "Jehovah-Saviour," and is the same word as Jesus, honored every Word of God spoken by his Messenger, Moses, as the Son of man in this last day's ministry says 'Amen' to Brother Branham's THUS SAITH THE LORD (Joshua 1:1-9; Revelation 10:8-11). Joshua types the Son of man in the Christ's Bride outside the denominational camp.

Joshua kept Israel under the sign of the blood of the lamb, and whoever was under this token in Egypt was saved, as everyone under this token in Jericho was saved. During the Church Ages, the Blood of Christ was the Token. Since the revelation of the Seven Seals in 1963, the Holy Ghost since the Token because there is no more Blood on the Mercy Seat in the heavenly temple. And now the Bride of Christ is the Blood on the Mercy Seat of planet earth because the Life is in the Blood and we are the Blood of Christ by the baptism with the Holy Ghost, displaying the Token Life of Christ. And all under this Token are safe.

As Joshua allotted the twelve tribes their positions in the Land, our Joshua identified the Seven Church Ages in their part of the Word in the context of history, showing how God redeemed the saints in each Age by identifying the messengers, their Messages, and the duration of each Church Age. And as Joshua led the new generation into their rest after the exodus generation had perished, since the generation that followed Brother Branham in Pentecost is finished, our Joshua has been leading the end-time Bride by God's perfect will to maturity in the unity of the faith for the manifestation of the Sons of God and the great translation without death. The Holy Spirit is leading us to our thousand-year rest.

God can bless people who exercise of the gifts of the Spirit and offices of ministry although they may have sold their birthright for popularity or personal gain like Esau, or by rejecting the Word to serve a man-made organization as Balaam did. But there is a penalty for desiring God's permissive will above perfect obedience.

These may prosper and succeed in this world. God will permit women professing the Holy Ghost to wear shorts, cut their hair or paint their faces, and suffer ministers to put them in the pulpit wearing religious gowns, although His Word has strictly forbidden all of these things. However, those who take His permissive will, like Balaam did, will rue the day.

After Israel chose His permissive will, God blessed them for forty years in the wilderness. Jesus said, "Your fathers ate manna in the wilderness, and are dead," or removed from the Book of Life and lost (John 6:48). 2003 will mark forty years since Laodicea rejected God's perfect will, that was revealed in the Seven Seals, for His permissive will of church creeds. Yet God has blessed and prospered them as they wandered in a denominational wilderness until they grew materially rich and in need of nothing. They have married and given in marriage, built, raised children, paid tithes, and spoken with other tongues, yet every one of them will perish because they have rejected God's original will, which is His Word, for His permissive way.

God will cause His permissive will to glorify His perfect will but all those who have taken His permissive way have excluded themselves from His one eternal purpose and plan (Ephesians 1; Romans 8:28-30).  But go on woman, cut your hair, paint your face, wear clothes pertaining to a man. And you men, continue to shirk your responsibility to stand on His Word and rule over your own house. But you'll be taking God's permissive way and will surely pay the terrible price for your rebellion.

Saul, who was Israel's first king, was small in his own sight at the time he was anointed, but when the Lord sent him to utterly destroy the Amalekites, who were Serpent's seed, along with all of their livestock and possessions, which were also under the ban, and to preserve nothing, Saul spared king Agag alive, and he kept the best of the animals for a sacrifice to God, although they were utterly accursed by Him.

I Samuel 15:22-23, 33, 35 "And Samuel asked, Has the Lord as much pleasure in your burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in your obedience? Obedience is better than sacrifice. He is more interested in your listening to Him than in your offering Him the fat of rams. For rebellion is as wicked as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquitous as idolatry. Because you have rejected the Word of Jehovah, He has rejected you from being king. . . And Samuel chopped Agag into pieces before the Lord in Gilgal. . . And Samuel came no more to see Saul: nevertheless he mourned for Saul: and the Lord repented that He had made Saul king over Israel".

God's Word requires a total separation from sin as Samuel demonstrated by killing and cutting up the Serpent seed king, and shunning to speak with the backslidden Saul. We should not presume God's will. We must walk by faith, and faith is a clear revelation of the unchanging mind of God. Faith cannot fail. Faith is the Absolute of God -- THUS SAITH THE LORD, His perfect will.

God means "an object of worship." And worship means "revere and adore with the highest honor and dignity." True worship is living our lives all pleasing to Him by becoming written epistles of the Word for our day that we may be read and known of all men, having the Token or evidence of the Life of Christ on display at all times. The true worship of God is nothing to do with religion, and everything to do with joyful obedience. Our own lives are to be lived as a sacrifice of praise such that we are dead to the desires of our flesh and mortal spirit that we may be alive to perform His will (Colossians 3:3).

As there is but one true, omnipotent, omniscient God, Who is no respecter of persons and Who commands perfect worship, we know He has only one provided Place of worship. The least erudite and the wisest enter by the same Door and meet Him here in perfect unity of heart to learn, understand and perform His perfect will in their lives.

God's will is His Word.   Our objective is to recognize our day and its Message which is His will for us at this time. In Ephesians 1:3-12, Paul assures us "the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ has already blessed His elect with all Spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ." In other words, we are predestinated according to God's foreknowledge that we will freely come under pre-eminence to His revealed Word whenever we meet It. But to obtain those Spiritual blessings vouchsafed to us we must enter "heavenly places in Christ," or recognize our day according to the prophecies of God's Word, and see that part of the Word living through us.

"Heavenly places in Christ" is the believer's position in the Body: their part of the Word. We must find our place in the Body, not try to take the place of somebody from a day gone by. We can not be baptised into parts of the Body which are already made up. The great forty-nine days of Alpha or Pentecost and all Seven Church Ages from Ephesus to Laodicea are fulfilled. And since the Gentile dispensation is not quite over, that leaves only the holy convocation or fiftieth day we call Omega. This is the last part of the Body. The saints who make it up will all be restored to the apostolic faith of the Alpha Bride and understand the finished mystery of God whereby they will see what remains to be fulfilled of the New Testament and their part in It.

"According as God has chosen us in Christ the Logos, before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love." God chose us before there was a world. Before there was anything. When He foresaw us identified with the Word for our day. Christ is the Logos or expressed thoughts of God manifest in virgin-born flesh. As His thoughts are eternal and they are real, the Logos is His Attributes, His self expressed in word form. In its designated and decreed season that creative Word will manifest what was spoken.

We receive the Holy Spirit as the "letter" of the Word through our ears or our eyes and It enters our heart by the understanding of faith once It has been quickened by His Spirit to make It live and reproduce Himself in us. God's Word is His Spirit in a form we can receive by faith. That Word is eternal Life.

If you can recognize yourself in the Logos by matching your life with the Word God is fulfilling now, you know you a part of the Word, and were ever eternal with Him. You can not receive eternal Life at a point in time. Either you always were eternal or you never will be, for eternal is without beginning and without end. There is only one eternal, and that is God. If you have eternal Life you were always eternal and are predestinated "to be holy and without blame before God in love." You just didn't realize who you are -- now, since you recognize your position in Christ you can fulfil your part of the Word.

"Having predestinated us to be recognised as His Own children by Jesus Christ, according to the good pleasure of His will, to the praise of the glory of His grace, wherein He has made us accepted in the Beloved." There is nothing we can do except live to please Him and be grateful. Accept sure mercies of God Who has accomplished all things in our behalf through our Kinsman Redeemer. "Grace, grace the caagsone cried." The end-time Bride is the Caagsone that completes the Temple of God, incarnate of the Son of man to do the very Works of Jesus in the manifestation of the Sons of God. Today we are the flesh that veils God. The victory is ours, the price of our redemption has been paid. To receive it, all we need do is get into Christ by identifying so closely with the present Truth, what Jesus is doing now, that we become the Word in our flesh.

We are already predestinated to being placed or recognised as God's children through the merits of Jesus Christ. If this is your personal revelation, transform the understanding into reality or manifestation in your life by evicting the world and yielding to the Word. This is "the good pleasure of God's will," and that is all we need to know, God's will for our life.

"In Christ we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the rich abundance of God's grace toward us in all wisdom and prudence; making known unto us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure which He has purposed in Himself". This is getting better and better. Let's see what God's one eternal purpose was because we want to see ourselves in that purpose. If we can see ourselves in His eternal purpose then we will know we are a part of His eternal thinking and share His eternal Life. This blessed eternal Life assurance will cast out any doubts.

Here is God's purpose: "In the dispensation of the fulness of times to gather together in unity and consummate all things in Christ, both things in heaven, and things on earth; even in Him." (John 17:21-2-23; Ephesians 1:22-23; 4:13). After all Seven Church Ages are complete, and they are since Laodicea finished in March, 1963, God swore He would gather together all of His manifested Attributes back into the Logos (Revelation 10:5-6).

When He expounded the parable of the wheat and the tares to His disciples, Jesus spoke of this as the harvest at the end of the ages or dispensations (Matthew 13:36-43). Peter called this gathering together "the times of restitution of all things spoken by the mouth of all God's holy prophets since the world began" (Acts 3:20-23; Revelation 10:7). God's Word had to be gathered first, restoring the apostolic faith and finishing the mystery of God. Now, the revelation of the fulness of the Word in the fulness of times is uniting the end-time Bride for the manifestation of the sons of God. Our maturity in the unity of the faith will call the first resurrection of the sleeping saints. And all who have been baptised into Christ will be gathered together in glorified flesh for the Wedding Supper in the Sky, and the great Millennium.

"In Whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of God who works all things after the counsel of His own will: that we should be to the praise of His glory, who were the first to place our confidence in Christ".

Our "inheritance" is our Name in the Lamb's Book of Life, which is the genealogy of Christ, God's elect. This means our inheritance is in Christ, the Word or Logos, and that makes us heirs of God, and joint heirs with Him in all God is (Romans 8:17).

Just as the Old Testament saints could not be resurrected and glorified until after Christ had fulfilled the role of Kinsman Redeemer to purchase His Gentile Bride, as typed in the Book of Ruth (Hebrews 11:39-40), the Church Age saints can not be resurrected and glorified until the last saint predestinated to the end-time Bride has found her position in the Body and is in speaking condition, ready for the manifestation of the Sons of God.

The fullness of the Word alone can gather Christ's end-time Bride out of the world church system. Since God's Word comes only to a prophet in the first instance, God promised the prophet of Malachi 4:5-6 and Revelation 10:7. His ministry would restore the heart of the children to the faith of their apostolic fathers and disclose the seven thunder mysteries of Revelation 10 which are the revelations contained in the Seven Seals. It is these Divinely revealed 'mystery-truths' that literally turn the heart of the children back to the faith of the Pentecostal saints.

A "thunder" in the Bible signifies the Voice of God (II Samuel 22:14; John 12:29). During the Gentile dispensation God spoke through seven men who were the "angels" or messengers to the Church Ages. In each Age the baptism with the Holy Ghost which is the new birth was received through a clear revelation of the Message of the "angel" to that Age. His Message was the "thunder" or Voice of God and Word of Life to that Age.

When all Seven Church Ages were fulfilled, and as God revealed the Seven Seals through His Prophet, Brother Branham was anointed with the portion of the Spirit with which God had endued each of the seven "angels" until he was anointed with the fullness which is Christ. The Elijah in this day is Jesus Christ. The fullness of the Spirit on the fullness of the Word introduced Christ's second or 'parousia' Coming.

It took the revelation of the Seven Thunders or fullness of the Word to awaken and call the Bride who was slumbering in the denominations out of her, the church, into Him, the Word. Christ is now incarnating Himself into His end-time Bride for the manifestation of the Sons of God and the great uniting of the saints of all Ages.

The manifestation of the Sons of God will produce the "greater works" in the latter rain (John 14:12). From the Fall to the present day, all creation has been groaning and travailing together in pain waiting for the manifestation of the Sons of God and the body change (Romans 8:19-25).

Patiently and diligently obey God's perfect will. "They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like an eagle; they shall run, and not be weary; they shall walk, and not faint" (Isaiah 40:31). Saul was not diligent and he added his own ideas to Gods instructions (Revelation 22:18-19). God did not take his part out of the Book of Life, for the deceased prophet Samuel prophesied, "Tomorrow you'll be here with me in Paradise". So his disobedience brought the plagues of God's judgment, costing him his kingdom and his life, and breaking his fellowship with God .

I Samuel 28:6-18, "When Saul enquired of the Lord, He refused to answer him, either by dreams, or by Urim, or by the prophets, so he instructed his aides to seek a medium of whom he could enquire. They found one at Endor. So Saul disguised himself by wearing ordinary clothing instead of his royal robes, and together with two of his men he went by night to the woman's home: and he said, I need to talk with a certain dead man by your familiar spirit".

"And the woman said, You know that Saul has had all of the mediums and soothsayers executed. Are you trying to entrap me to cause my death"?

"But when Saul solemnly swore that he would not betray her, the woman asked, Whom shall I bring up to you? And he said, Bring me Samuel. And when she saw Samuel, she screamed, and said, You have deceived me! You are Saul"!

"And the king said, Don't be afraid: what do you see? And the woman told Saul, I saw gods coming up out of the earth".

"What does he look like"?

"He is an old man wrapped in a robe. And Saul realized it was Samuel, and he bowed low before him".

"Why have you disturbed me by bringing me back? Samuel asked Saul".

"Because I am in deep trouble; for the Philistines are at war with us, and God has departed from me and won't reply by prophets or dreams: so I have called for you to ask you what to do. But Samuel responded, Why ask of me if the Lord has left you and has become your enemy? God has done precisely as He said He would: He's rent the kingdom from you and given it to your rival, David, because you did not obey His instructions, nor execute His fierce wrath upon the Serpent's seed Amalek. What is more, the entire Israeli army will be routed by the Philistines tomorrow, and you and your sons will be here with me".

The heavenly sanctuary could not be cleansed under the Old Testament because the blood of bulls and goats could not remit sin. Unable to enter the Presence of the Lord, the saints waited in a dimension called Paradise until the real Lamb of God atoned for Adam and his fallen race. Under this condition it was possible to communicate with the departed saints as Saul and the witch of Endor spoke to Samuel. Since the Blood of Christ has separated the saints from sin, one can no longer possible communicate with the departed saints.

Periodically the Roman Catholic church will announce that the virgin Mary or one of their saints has appeared and communicated with someone, as they claim she met and spoke with two young girls at Fatima, in Portugal, in 1913. This is either a Satanic fraud by the church, or it was Satan impersonating Mary. We know this was not Mary because she is born-again and under the blood so there is no way anyone can communicate with her or any other saint. Those who pray to Mary and other saints as intercessors are pagans praying in vain to the dead (Ecclesiastes 9:5).

In another fraud the Mormon church claims that an angel named Moroni met their founder Joseph Smith and gave him the book of Mormon engraved on golden tablets. If this story is true Moroni was a sinner and no Christian, for they say he lived after Jesus Christ, and if he were under the Blood he could not have communicated with any mortal being.

So instead of seeking the mind of God, Saul was trying to communicate with the dead, a practice forbidden by God. Saul was not lost but God took his life in battle because he had brought reproach on His Word and had not repented. Even under the New Testament, God will not allow His elect to bring reproach on the Word.

I Corinthians 11:26-33, "As often as you eat this bread, and drink this cup at the Lord's Supper you are rehearsing the Message of Christ's identification with you in His death, and signifying your identification with His resurrection in your newness of life." The bread symbolises His body which is the spoken Word of God made flesh to die for you, while the wine signifies the Holy Spirit that lived in Him without measure and was the Life of Christ.

When Jesus died the Life that left His side was the Holy Spirit that makes up the true Church. We are the blood of Jesus Christ by the baptism with the Holy Ghost because the life is in the blood. When we partake of the bread and wine they become a part of us and signify our union in Spirit and in Word. When Ezekiel ate the scroll on which was the Word of God, God was showing that a prophet is one with his prophecy (Ezekiel 2-3). Likewise when the end-time Bride of Jesus Christ eat the unsealed Book we signify our oneness with the Word or Christian identity (Revelation 10:8-11).

"Whosoever shall eat this bread, and drink this cup of the Lord, unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. Let a man examine himself carefully before eating the bread, and drinking from the cup. For he who eats and drinks unworthily, eats and drinks damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord's Body." The Lord's Body is the saints, the true Church. So if you feel one of the Brethren has done you a wrong, or maybe you have wronged a brother, a sister, or the Assembly, those matters must be confessed and made right before you take the Lord's Supper, which is why we "Tarry one for another").

"Because some have not discerned the Body of the Lord, to keep it holy by placing these things under the Blood, many are weak and sickly, and many have died.   But if you have carefully examined yourselves before eating you will not be judged" (Matthew 7:1-2; I Corinthians 2:15).

God's Word never changes. Saul disobeyed God by saving the life of Agag, king of the Amalekites who were Serpent's seed, accursed and dedicated to destruction by God, and by preserving the best of their livestock to sacrifice to God when He had also laid the ban on them. Saul's unbelief in the Word of God brought a reproach.

Sin is unbelief in the revealed Word of God, and it is a terrible thing. As Christians we are to excise sin from our life.   Sin brings eternal separation.   Those who are born-again are united with Christ in Whom there is no sin.  If we don't cleanse ourselves from all evil, God will separate us from sin by taking our mortal life to preserve the Body "without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that it should be holy and without blemish".

If Christians don't obey God's Word, and every one, God will take us off the earth.

Paul thanked God He had enriched the Corinthians in every thing. He had granted them a clear understanding of the faith, inspired them to speak the truth, empowered them with every Spiritual gift necessary to vindicate the Word, and sealed them to the day of their redemption so they should be presented blameless at the Bema judgment seat to receive their reward.

That established, Paul proceeded to expose and attack sin in their midst. He condemned women who cut their hair and tried to minister God's Word. He condemned them for their disorderly conduct at the Lord's Supper and in the exercise of the gifts of the Spirit, for their confusion over certain doctrines such as the resurrection, for abusing the sanctity of marriage, divorce and re-marriage, and in the matter of one saint found to be living in an incestuous relationship with his father's wife.

Here is another example confirming that God will take the life of a saint who brings reproach upon the Word and fails to repent. Paul ordered the Church to call a meeting and, "cast the Brother out from the fellowship and into Satan's hands for chastisement, and if he doesn't repent, for the destruction of the flesh (i.e. death), that the soul may be saved for the first resurrection."

Oftimes people desire to know the will of God but since they have never been instructed in how to make enquiry, or how to recognize God's will when It is given, they miss It and stumble along in sin or superstitions.   Under the Old Testament, God had provided three means whereby men could seek and He could reveal His will. His principal mouthpiece was a prophet. Secondly, He communicated through spiritual dreams, and thirdly, through the Urim (lights or stones kept in the high priest's breastplate) and Thummim (perfections or truth).

The "Urim and Thummim" were a certain Divinely-given means by which God imparted, through the high priest, direction and counsel to Israel when these were needed. They were apparently objects distinct from the breastplate; something added after all of the twelve stones had been set in it, and kept in the bag of the breastplate. They were not used for consulting Jehovah after the days of Abiathar the high priest in the days of king David, as they were probably lost when Nebuchadnezzar destroyed the temple since they were never seen after the return from captivity.

When a matter was brought to Jehovah before the Urim Thummim, the enquirer asked his question or presented his prophecy or dream before Aaron's breastplate that was hung on a post in the temple.   If the stones on the breastplate illuminated the Urim and Thummim with a Supernatural Light like a rainbow then that was God's absolute for all twelve tribes. However if that Urim Thummim did not make the supernatural light, they could not receive it, because no matter how convincing it seemed, it was not the will of God.

Satan impersonates everything God does. He has his false prophets and mediums: even the fortuneteller's crystal ball is an impersonation of the Urim and Thummim. Today, God's Urim Thummim is His Bible.  Any dream or prophecy or interpretation that does not co-ordinate the Light from Genesis to Revelation is not of God.

Paul told the Church at Corinth, "When you meet together, some will sing, another will teach doctrine, or disclose special knowledge in an unknown tongue, or interpret what has been said in an unknown tongue, but everything that is done must be useful and edifying to all" (I Corinthians 14:26).

Whatever the dream, vision, prophecy or interpretation, if it does not compare with God's Word it is the wrong revelation. We have thousands of denominations today preaching as many revelations, and not one of them matches God's Word.

God still has prophets; we have the gifts of prophecy, tongues and interpretation, and He still gives visions and spiritual dreams.   But His Absolute is the Urim and Thummmim of His unchanging Word. Any revelation that doesn't flash the same Illumination from Genesis to Revelation is false.

God's will is His Word. Not what It says: what It means. Our objective is not to learn but to understand. This requires us to familiarise ourselves with the limitations of certain languages into which It has been translated, otherwise we can never know Its meaning. For instance, where our English Bibles speak of the Coming of the Lord, they neglect to distinguish His physical 'erchomai' Comings as a virgin-born babe and a glorified Man from His second or 'parousia' Coming in WORD form through the Voice of the prophet of Malachi 4:5-6 and Revelation 10:7. This reckless translation has left 99.9 percent of Christendom shipwrecked, anticipating the wrong Coming while rejecting His Presence.

Most church-goers read the "letter," but without the "Spirit," they believe for the Coming of the Lord without faith or understanding; and since they are not familiar with the fact that our one English word has replaced two Greek words with entirely different meanings, are looking for the wrong Coming. Although it is foretold in all of the Gospels and epistles, because God's Word has not been taught clearly or in any depth few can conceive how the revelation of the Seven Seals in 1963 brought Christ back to earth in WORD form (I Corinthians 13:10).

We must place God's Word in Its predestinated season. In the Bible trees are often used to symbolise people. Jesus said you can tell a tree by the fruit it bears. So can we determine who is a Christian by whether they are believing or teaching the Word for the present hour. Sadly most church-goers have no conception that the Gentile dispensation was actually divided into nine distinct dispensations with each predestinated to manifest a different part of God's Word. Therefore, unless our lives are manifesting the Light Jesus is shining for our day, we are not, and can not come under the blood or be born-again (I John 1:7).

People believe that if they love God, attend church, pay tithes, read their Bibles and live a good life, they are Christians and heaven-bound, whereas nothing could be farther from the truth. The portion of Word preached by the Lutherans, Presbyterians and Anglicans in their day can not baptize one into Christ today.   That part of the Body was made-up by 1750. Neither can the measure of faith preached by the Methodists and Baptists, baptise one into Christ today. That part of the Body was completed in 1906. And the Message of the Pentecostals can not produce a new birth today. That part of the Body was made-up before the Seven Seals were revealed in 1963.   Only when we recognize our day and its Message, and see that part of the Word living through us can we be born-again.

God's Word must come through the vindicated Messenger of the hour.   Amos 3:7, "God will do nothing without first revealing His secret to His servants the prophets." Yet few church-goers are aware that God promised and has sent seven Messengers through the Gentile dispensation with Spiritual Food in due season.   Our Messenger is the eighth -- Jesus Christ -- in the office of Son of Man.

These godly church-goers can not be born-again, and will not be in the first resurrection, because they did not recognize their day and its Message. They have the letter without the Spirit and have missed the will of God.

Jesus told the church-goers of His day, "You are not listening to God because you refuse to believe Me -- the One God sent to you with His Message.   Search the Scriptures; you believe they give you eternal Life: and it is they which testify of Me! Yet you won't come to Me so I can give you this eternal Life" (John 5:38-40). So God's will can only be known by a clear understanding of the Word for the hour in which you live.

If you are uncertain of something, don't do it. In that way you will not do anything that is wrong. Be sure before you act, for we walk by faith.   Faith is not blind, faith is Absolute. Faith knows because it is the mind of God in you and it can never fail. Just walk in all the Light you have seen, and be ready to take the next step when He reveals further Light.

When Jesus came the first time the most renowned scholars and theologians failed to see Who He was, because, as the Prophet said, "they knew no more about God than a rabbit knows about snowshoes". They called Jesus a devil. Beelzebub, the chief of the devils.

Often fortunetellers and spiritualists know more about Spiritual things than do the professed Christians. Brother Branham recalls several instances wherein, sight unseen, they've called to him telling of his calling, whereas ministers boycotted his meetings, and spoke ill of the Holy Spirit when He did the same works in him that He did in Jesus Christ (Matthew 12:32). The same phenomenon touched Jesus.

The demons in Legion cried out, "Jesus, You Son of the most high God? I adjure You by God, that You torment me not." The demons recognised Him to be the Son of God, while theologically educated seminary preachers called Him Beelzebub. Even today demons are more often right than preachers because if a minister recognizes and identifies with the Word for the hour he will, as ever, be put out of his denomination. On the other hand, if he sees and is ashamed of the revelation, his name will be removed from the Book of Life.

Jesus said that in the last days these two spirits would be so close, Satan would almost deceive the very elect if it were possible -- not in denominational ranks which have only a form of godliness -- but within the circle of the Message itself. Jesus said so (Matthew 24:24; II Timothy 3:1-13).

God's will is His Word. Just let go of anything which is doubtful, and take hold of God's Word. You don't have to work up anointings or religious sensations. Neither do you need to fall down on your knees, beat the floor and demand,   "Lord, give me the Holy Ghost. Lord, give me the Holy Ghost."   That will do you no good. That's not the way He comes. You must take Him at His Word, recognize your day and its Message, and die to anything contrary so that part of the Word can live His Life in the temple of your being.

When I was coming to the Lord in HongKong I had a good friend in the late Sister Glady's Donnithorne, or 'Auntie Donnie' as she was known.   As a young bride she went to China with her husband who was a missionary in the days of steam-sailers. She admonished me, "First seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these (material) things will be added unto you". This was good advice, and it is THUS SAITH THE LORD.

We must make understanding and obedience to God's Word our first priority. Then He who feeds the sparrow, raises the beauty of the lily above muddy waters, clothes the field and feeds the cattle on a thousand hills will supply all of your needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

A non-Christian has published a book, 'Conversations with God,' in which he asked, 'What do we need'? concluding, 'We really need nothing nature has not already supplied'.   The NWO boys and girls plan to reduce the non-elite back to a subsistence level to tend the vast empty continents divested of people. My point in mentioning this comment is to say that material possessions are a responsibility that can become a burden. Now don't give your money away, manage it wisely as a good steward. Don't let money manage you: too many belongings are an unnecessary hindrance to a productive Christian life.

Jesus admonishes us to "seek the Kingdom of God" without preconditions, without trying to feel some sensation, emotion or any other add-on. Just seek the kingdom by faith and your faith will be accounted for righteousness. Once you enter the kingdom, or are born-again, "all these other things will be added to you". But you will no longer desire many of those things that formerly were so important.

"Let me from this day be wholly Thine.   Lord, I come with a broken heart and a contrite spirit.   I love You. And You know I love You; and I want to forget all this foolishness of these forty day fasts and other carnal works of the flesh and religious spirits. Just draw me nearer, nearer, precious Lord to the Cross where You died, and there let me nail my worldly senses and desires that I may arise in the liberty of Your Own Life".

The purpose of fasting is to bring your body and mortal spirit subject to the Word, or to consecrate for a particular duty like prayer for the sick. Long fasts are misguided and an invitation to Satan to work his mischief. Fast one, or at the very most three days if God tells you. Don't fast publicly "like the hypocrites, who try to appear wan and dishevelled so people will feel sorry for them. For truly, that is the only reward they will receive."

A fast in the body is a feast with the Lord. So when you fast, you shouldn't feel hungry, and after your fast you'll be full of joy.   "For they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength." nl235.htm

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Brother Anthony Grigor-Scott is a non-denominational minister. He has ministered full-time since 1981, primarily to other ministers and their congregations in various countries. He pastors Bible Believers' tiny congregation, and is available to minister in your church.
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