Bible Believers' Newsletter 1306
"We focus on the present Truth – what Jesus is doing now. . ."
ISSN 1442-8660
Christian greetings in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ to Subscribers and Readers who study our weekly Church Newsletter with their own Bible and factual history to show themselves approved of God. But don't stop there, share your understanding with acquaintances, and visit the Spiritual resources on our Church Website.
We must each prove all things and concentrate on what Peter called "the present Truth" . . . what Jesus is doing now to ensure we are in communion with and pleasing to our Lord. Consider non-Semitic modern Israel squatting in the Promised Land—imposters minus Covenant, history and right of title. Strangers blinded by tradition and the Talmud, whose true homeland is pagan Khazaria (the Ukraine)—they know only genocide and escalation. Soon Israel's God will send an earthquake with "the sign of the Son of Man" (Matthew 24:30; Revelation 1:7). It will demolish es Sakhra and Al Aqsa and "their ill-gotten gains will be divided among the Muslims who take over the City; the houses will be rifled and the women raped, causing a mass exodus of non-Semitic anti-Semitic self styled Jews" (Zechariah 14:1-4). Thereafter true blood Israelites of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob will return from 3,000 years exile in Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt and the Peninsula under Jew-ruled Britain, France and US to the Land of their Covenant.
Christendom is ending; the last Church Age apostatized in 1963 and after 61 years the denominations "knoweth it not"! (Gk.) 'chronos' "time is no more" (Revelation 10:6). When the Gentile dispensation ends Jesus will take His Children Home and return to Israel unseen in W_O_R_D form through the lips of Moses and Elijah (Matthew 17:11; 24:31). Neither Moses nor Elijah died but "as it is appointed unto men once to die and after this the judgment" (Hebrews 9:27) they will die in Jerusalem "at the hands of their friends." After three and a half days they will resurrect and rise in the glorious Cloud that led Israel to Canaan (Revelation 11:3-12). Israel's 144,000 elect will be martyred as they swore before Pilate, the high priests and all Israel: "His blood be on us and on our children" as it has been to this day (Matthew 27:25; John 11:49-52).
Hebrews 11:3 explains, "By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found because God had translated him, for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God." Enoch did not and will not die as he types Christ's end-time Bride whose 'third pull' in the "manifestation of the Sons of God" will please Him to translate us (Romans 8:16-21).
This editorial is lengthy and requires careful reading for sound understanding as it exposes Jewish lies contrary God's to truth. We admonish the elect "one in a million" in the circle of William Branham's Message to "prove all things at the mouth of two or three witnesses" (Matthew 18:18; II Corinthians 13:1). As he said, "Like the Dutchman, you take me for what I mean and not what I say, really" (65-0424, One in a Million, par. 22). Visit the hyperlinks in the main Articles, because we have receives some important revelations.
A Jewish fellow gave me a book by Hennecke Kardel, Son of German scientist Rudolf Kardel, "Adolf Hitler—Founder of Israel: Israel in War with Jews," republished many times. Completing Army Academy he served as an infantryman in the German army in Russia and the Balkans. In 1979 this intrepid soldier was sued by Germany which confiscated his possessions. Fearlessly pushing matters forward He was acquitted without recompense in 1982. I believe his objective was to show how Hitler founded Israel through the Haavara or Transfer Agreement on a wise and solid basis by encouraging Jews to transfer their wealth to Palestine in the form of productive capital essential to establishing the new state on a sound economy. Adolf Eichmann contributed by enabling the emigration of qualified, able-bodied Jews. Kardel foresaw War between seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and the seed of the Serpent—Cain, Amalek, Edomites and Khazars. "For fear of the Jews" 90% of whom are non-Semitic, and anti-Semitic, the Ten Tribes of the dissolved Northern Kingdom remain in Semitic Iraq, Semitic Iran, Semitic Syria, Semitic Lebanon, the Semitic Palestinians, Yemanites and Arabs of the African Peninsula, Semites from Ethiopia, Egypt, Libya and Turkey. Ezekiel 38 and 39 reveal Russia will assist their return to Jerusalem built by the Jebusites of Cain's race, and to return to Jerusalem rebuilt by Medo-Persia. Soon they will return to Jerusalem following a mass exodus of non-Semitic self-styled Jews who have built the modern Israel state.
This Newsletter serves those of like precious faith. Whoever will receive the truth is welcome to feed their soul from the waters of the River of Life. Everything here presented should be confirmed personally in your own Bible.Your brother-in-Christ
Anthony Grigor-Scott
China's 75th Anniversary – of Peaceful Success
October 2, 2024 — China lifted 800 million people out of poverty, food self-sufficient, and a major supplier of nutrition and food grains to the rest of the world. China is a power house for electronics supplies to the world, without which technological advances of the west would limp far behind.
Despite non-stop threats and aggressions from the west, China is today the economic center of the world, providing hope for other developing countries of Africa and the Global South . . . China . . . initiated the New Silk Road—the Belt and Road—connecting countries in peace . . . in cooperation with Russia . . . creating the BRICS–association of Global South countries . . . Full story:
Massive Iranian Missile Strike 'Completely Destroys' Israeli F-35 Base Nevatim: Stealth Fighters Destroyed
October 1, 2024 — Footage from Israel has confirmed the impact of dozens of ballistic missiles which Israel's air defence network failed to shoot down, with targets impacted including the headquarters of the intelligence agency Mossad, located in Tel Aviv which was leveled by the attack. Labeled "True Promise 2," the operation follows a year of escalating tensions between Tehran and Tel Aviv, and represents a long awaited retaliatory attack after an Israeli strike on Tehran on July 31.
Reports have indicated that the bulk of Nevatim Air Base's F-35s—over 20 fighters—were destroyed in the attack, with the stealth fighters representing one of the most high value targets in Israel. The facility has been widely referred to as Israel's "most important air base" due to the importance of the F-35 in the country's fleet . . . Israel will only begin to receive the newly ordered fighters from 2028. Full story:
Biden would not back Israeli Strike on Iran's Nuclear Sites
October 2, 2024 — The escalation between two of the Middle East's strongest militaries—while war continues to rage in Gaza and Lebanon—has stoked fears of an even broader conflict in the region. "The idea of Iran and Israel going after each other under the auspices of the United States will burn everyone in the Middle East and beyond," said Al Jazeera's senior political analyst Marwan Bishara. Full story:
Comment: Like Adolf Hitler, Iran has not developed Nuclear weapons which are BARBARIC. Iran generates electricity by nuclear-powered turbines.
Israel's Limited, Localized' Invasion of Lebanon Sparking Regional War
October 1 2024 — Iran fired rockets into Tel Aviv in response to Israel's attacks on Lebanon. . . . After nearly a year of unrelenting attacks in Gaza, Israel further escalated and expanded its war by invading Lebanon late Monday. Iran responded the following evening by launching ballistic missiles into Tel Aviv, stoking fears that the region is on the precipice of an even broader war.
The Israeli military has tried repeatedly to minimize the perceived scope of its attacks . . . against Hezbollah. Such semantics are also in play in the US, where President Joe Biden publicly called for a ceasefire, while reporting suggests the White House privately condoned Israel's expansion of its war into Lebanon . . . Over the weekend, Israel bombed Lebanon, Gaza, the West Bank, Yemen and Syria within a 24-hour span . . . The US has continued to supply Israel with weapons to carry out its attacks, including an $8.7 billion military aid package appropriated from congressional funds.
"It does seem that the US has accepted Israel's objectives as their own . . . Israel's objectives are not clear," she said. "What does it mean to end Hamas? What does it mean to end Hezbollah? . . . Full story:
Comment: A coordinated missile Strike has completely destroyed Israel's F-35 Base Nevatim "among other key targets" . . . the attack was in response to Israel's assassinations of Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh and Hezbollah's chairman Hasan Nasrallah. "According to a statement released by Iran's Revolutionary Guards, the attack was aimed at "three military bases" in the Tel Aviv area: Labeled "True Promise 2" represents a long awaited retaliatory attack after an Israeli strike on Tehran on July 31.
Iran was previously reported to have agreed not to retaliate if Israel deescalated hostilities, with Israel's invasion and intensive bombardment of Lebanon and assassination of the leadership of the Iranian aligned militia group Hezbollah having been seen to have broken this agreement." (Military Watch Magazine).
Iran's Operation 'True Promise 2'. 'Let Israel Do the Dirty Work for Us'
October 2, 2024 — US and Israel have an integrated air defense system, which was set up in early 2009, shortly after the Israel invasion of Gaza under "Operation Cast Lead": "The X-band radar air defense system set up by the US in Israel in 2009 would "integrate Israel's missile defenses with the US global missile detection network . . . this means that Washington calls the shots . . . NATO is committed to its de facto Ally: Israel. NATO is complicit in the genocide directed against Palestinians.
Moreover, NATO has casually dismissed (despite ample evidence) that the October 7, 2023 operation was a false flag: "First, Israeli Defence Minister Gallant briefed us on the horrific terrorist attacks by Hamas against Israel. And of Israel's Response . . . War against Iran has been on the drawing board of the Pentagon since the 1990s . . . Full story: and
Iran Fires a Warning Shot across Israel's Bow
October 2, 2024 — Aside from Israeli military bases, Iran also landed a direct hit on an Israeli gas platform off the coast of Gaza. The "US- based energy company Chevron …operates the Tamar platform, which is roughly 13 miles off the coast of the Gaza Strip." Palestinian officials have disputed Israel's right to sell the gas as the field occupies an area within Palestinian territorial waters . . . US, UK, and EU are backing the genocides (of Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh and Hezbollah's chairman Hasan Nasrallah) because they lost their bid with proxy Ukraine to regain the oil, gas, and lithium of the Donbas and Crimea.
A number of analysts are predicting that Israel will use a nuclear weapon on Iran . . . Putin—who reportedly spoke with Netanyahu on Tuesday—is not going to allow it . . . according to Israeli officials, Nasrallah is a hero who sacrificed his life for unarmed civilians (in Gaza) who couldn't defend themselves . . . "Greater love hath no man . . ."? Full story:
Comment: Jew-ruled spostate 'Christian' USA (Revelation 3:17-20) arms and funds non-Semitic self-styled Jews to slaughter 51,000 Semitic Palestinians without reproach. "God put 'enmity' between Cain" i.e. Amalek and the race of the first and the last Adam's race. Iran is a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, while Israel is not, and Israel’s nuclear arsenal is a serious threat to Iran.
Israel attacks Lebanon: Hezbollah Leader's Killing raises War Fears
September 28, 2024 — Interview with Lebanese Nicholas Noe, Editor, Voice of Hezbollah; Editor-in Chief, and Director, Beirut Exchange Foundation; Stephen Zunes Professor of Politics University of San Francisco, Foundation Chair Middle Eastern Studies USF, Writer Truthout; and Gideon Levy, Columnist Haaretz Newspaper, Author 'The Punishment of Gaza, Journalist Full story:
Was there really a Holocaust
by Dr. E. R. Fields©all rights reservedThe Holocaust has become the greatest instrument of sympathy which any nation has ever been able to use to gain support for wars, expansion and foreign-aid: this has made Israel the world's sixth strongest military power. The gravest threat to all this wealth and influence is the growing doubt over the question of whether or not a real holocaust of 6 million Jews actually took place.
Numbers of Victims Don't Add Up
The World Almanac for 1947 states that back in 1939 the world Jewish population was 15,688,259. The Almanac's figures were supplied by the American Jewish Committee. Next the Jewish-owned New York Times of February 22, 1948 stated the world Jewish population for that year amounted "to from 15,600,000 to 18,700,000 in addition to the 600,000 to 700,000 living in Palestine." How could the Jewish population increase so rapidly over the war years if they had lost 6,000,000 people? (Please read the full text of The Hoax of the Twentieth Century).
What about Real Holocausts?
Why doesn't the Jew-controlled press, TV and film industry give massive media attention to real victims and to proven holocausts of Gentiles in recent history?
The Soviet-Bolshevik Holocaust of Christians:
Russian Kulak Farmers (1928-1930)—15 million exterminated. Ukrainian Farmers (1930-1933)—7 Million exterminated. Russian Political Prisoners (1919-1949)—12 million exterminated. Total peoples murdered by Lenin and Stalin—34 million. But there were more: several hundred thousand Russians—a staggering number—took up arms against the Soviet Union in the years following the German invasion in June 1941. They were betrayed by the Allies at Yalta and murdered by the Judaeo-Communist Soviet. When Western archives were at last available to historians, two remarkable books quickly appeared: The Last Secret, 1974, by Nicholas Bethell, and Victims of Yalta, 1977, by Nikolai Tolstoy, the fate of 2 million Soviet citizens who had been under German control during World War II and at its end fallen into the hands of the Western Allies and murdered the moment they reached Soviet soil. 1915, Armenian extermination by the Turks—1.5 million, 1975, and the Cambodian exterminationby America—2.5 million;
It was a hard life by the pool in German camps before Lt. General Eisenhower and Anglo-American bombing. Life changed after Eisenhower and the bombing: "Is the Holocaust a Hoax?" You have a Right to Know the Truth.
Scanned images of the text of the cover story published in the September 1989 issue of Saturday Night describes Eisenhower's barbarism. Behind the scenes the same group, always working under another name and in a different occupation has managed every one of these real genocides as well as recent and ongoing holocausts in Palestine, Iraq and elsewhere. The Hidden Hand has deleted videos and web pages or allowed them to expire as historians and journalists grow old. Photo illustrates Other Losses by James Bacque who truthfully tells how Eisenhower murdered thousands of German prisoners of war AFTER the surrender. Many of those starving soldiers and piles of dead bodies you have seen in atrocity photos were NOT Jews, they were Germans.
Don't argue with me, read the book and follow our links. General George Patton wrote in 1945 that Eisenhower was using "practically Gestapo methods" in torturing and killing German POWs. In August 1944 Dwight D. Eisenhower and Henry Morgenthau Jr. came up with the Morgenthau Plan to inflict collective punishment upon the German people following the end of the Second World War. This was, basically, a plan to starve millions of Germans, mostly civilians, to death. Although the plan was officially cancelled, it was in fact implemented. Between 1945 and 1953 it is estimated that from 9 to 15 million ethnic Germans were killed, mainly civilians. (He ordered Patrice Lamumba assassinated in the early 1960s).
(Also read, Wilhelm Höttl and the Elusive 'Six Million' Mark Weber, Director, Institute for Historical Review. Six Million Jews: June 11, 1900 – Feb. 17, 1945).
In this news The Evening Independent of St. Petersburg, Florida (which has a large Jewish population) the Allies boasted of MURDERING 1,000,000 German POWs in 21 days.
The untold story of Eisenhower's Rhine Meadows Death Camps: a deliberate policy of exterminating surrendered German forces by the Allies in post war Germany (Rheinwiesenlager). Full documentary, plus additional background information, and a memorial for the victims. This German language film has been translated into English, re-edited, narrated, and published by Justice4Germans:
Part 1 'Rheinwiesenlager' German language documentary translated into English, with additional information and interviews (50 mins).
Part 2 Deanna Spingola reads a chapter from her book dealing with the subject of these camps and provides additional background information regarding the perpetrators and their policies (30 minutes).
Part 3 A Memorial March for the victims of these camps held in Remagen, Germany in 2011, also translated and narrated in English (10 mins). The theme song in the opening segment is "Recurrence" by J. Belenger and that is included with his permission. Germany did not eliminate Jews: British and Americans slaughtered Germans and Jewry hold us all to ransom. That is the Hoax of the 20th Century. Full story:, and Zimunism. You must watch the video: "By Way of Deception Thou Shalt do War".
Eisenhower: America's Murderous Handiwork
An American Jew named Theodore Newman Kaufman devised a plan for the extermination of all Germans through forced sterilization. He published his evil aspiration to annihilate the German people in a book called "Germany Must Perish!" This Jewish "Final Solution" to Germans is praised by Jewish-owned publications in America. Why is Germany so assiduously attacked by the Serpent from behind the fount of captive nations like Britain and the Empire of the City of London, the USA and its alien Washington D.C., or states trapped in the net of Judaeo-Communism which the Chief Rabbi of the United States Stephen S. Wise called "Judaism" (The American Bulletin, May 15, 1935)? Germany gave birth to the great Martin Luther whose ministry released the whole Christian world from imprisonment in Judaeo-Roman Catholic creed and superstition, this "enmity" appears to be a text book example of Genesis 3:15.
The Morgenthau Plan for Germany presented to (Jewish) President Roosevelt by his (Jewish) Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau is like Jewry's UN partition of Israel in 1946. General George Patton wrote in his diary that the idea was presented to Morgenthau by Dwight D. Eisenhower during a visit to Patton's camp in France a few weeks after D-Day. Jewish US Treasury official Harry Dexter White, a Soviet agent in Morgenthau's Treasury Department designed our post-war genocide of the Germans based on a book written in 1941 by Theodore N. Kaufman entitled 'Germany Must Perish!
In actual fact, the Allies (or colonies of the City of London) were responsible for the genuine holocausts and atrocities in World War II. Obviously, only ONE MAN could order such a breach of international law—"that terrible Swedish Jew" the Supreme Commander of Allied Forces: the Jehovah Witness Eisenhower gave unqualified approval to such monstrous schemes as the Morganthau Plan, which, had it been carried out completely, would have resulted in the deaths of roughly 40 million Germans and the swift Bolshevization of Europe. He insisted too on the notorious Operation Keelhaul, designed by Jewish traitors Churchill and Roosevelt to prevent the "repatriation" of Russian, Ukrainian, and other peoples who had escaped Stalin's hell on earth behind the retreating German armies. Up to five million people were herded into trucks and railway boxcars and shipped eastward to certain death or worse. Operation Keelhaul was FDR and Eisenhower's magnificent gift to Stalin and to his grim, satanocratic gulag empire; it was a culmination of friendship, infidelity, and accord; and it was a deed that for its sheer infamy is unmatched in the history of the United States and its armed forces. These three men were powerfully influenced by the Jews' Talmudic Society of Jesus, or Jesuits. (Nicolai Tolstoy and Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn have written about these atrocities. Also see The Soviet-Bolshevik Holocaust of Christians). Now you can understand why General Patton was murdered, a man far more likely to have become POTUS than Eisenhower.
"Other Losses" is a 1989 book by Canadian writer James Bacque, which makes the claim that US General Dwight D. Eisenhower intentionally caused the deaths by starvation and exposure of around a million German prisoners of war held in Western internment camps after the Second World War. Other Losses charges that hundreds of thousands of German prisoners that had fled the Eastern front were designated as "Disarmed Enemy Forces" in order to avoid recognition under the Geneva Convention (1929), for the purpose of carrying out their deaths through disease or slow starvation. Other Losses cites documents in the US National Archives and interviews with people who stated they witnessed the events. The book claims that a "method of genocide" was present in the banning of Red Cross inspectors, the returning of food aid, soldier ration policy, and policy regarding shelter building.
Stephen Ambrose, a historian enlisted by the Eisenhower Center for American Studies in 1990 in efforts to preserve Eisenhower's legacy and counteract criticisms of his presidency, and seven other American historians examined the book soon after its publication and concluded that it was inaccurate and psuedo-history. Other historians, including the former senior historian of the United States Army Center of Military History, Colonel Ernest F. Fisher, who was involved in the 1945 investigations into the allegations of misconduct by US troops in Germany and who wrote the book's foreword, argue that the claims are accurate.
The title of Other Losses derives from a column of figures in weekly US Army reports that Bacque states actually reflects a body count of German prisoners that died of slow starvation or diseases. The book states that Colonel Phillip Lauben, chief of German Affairs Branch at SHAEF (Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force), confirmed that "other losses" meant deaths and escapes, with escapes being a minor part. This is supported by a US Army document lodged in the US National Archives which "plainly states" that the "other losses" category of prisoners was for deaths and escapes (Other Losses, p. 2). Bacque dismisses claims from his opponents that "other losses" meant transfers or discharges, as these are accounted for in other columns in the same tables. Furthermore, there is no separate column in which deaths were recorded.
The book refers to the Army Chief Historians report that was published in 1947; in the 20 pages dealing with the capture, transfer and discharge of prisoners, the report makes no mention of releasing prisoners without formal discharge. Furthermore, Bacque cites Army orders from General Eisenhower himself (Disbandment Directive No. 1) stating that every prisoner leaving captivity had to have discharge papers (Other Losses, p. 230).
Other Losses states that Eisenhower sought to sidestep the requirements of the Geneva Convention through the designation of these prisoners as Disarmed Enemy Forces (DEF), specifically stating that "in March, as Germany was being cracked . . . a message was being signed and initialed by Eisenhower proposing a startling departure from the Geneva Convention (GC)—the creation of a new class of prisoners who would not be fed by the Army after the surrender of Germany" (Other Losses, p. 25–26, 29–30).
The book states that, against the orders of his superiors, Eisenhower took 2 million additional prisoners after Germany's surrender that fell under the DEF designation (Other Losses, p. 58). According to the book, a million of those who died had fled the Eastern front and most likely ended up in Rheinwiesenlager prisoner transit camps run by the United States and French forces where many such prisoners died of disease or starvation under the cover of the DEF designation.
The book cites orders from Eisenhower which stipulated that the Germans would be solely responsible for feeding and maintaining the DEFs, however, he then prevented any aid from reaching them (Other Losses, p. 27).
Other Losses contends that nearly one million German prisoners died while being held by the United States and French forces at the end of World War II. Specifically, it states: "The victims undoubtedly number over 800,000, almost certainly over 900,000 and quite likely over a million. Their deaths were knowingly caused by army officers who had sufficient resources to keep the prisoners alive" (Other Losses, p. 2).
Other Losses contains an analysis of a medical record that it states supports the conclusion of a prisoner death rate of 30% (p. 187) Bacque also referred to a 1950 report from the German Red Cross which stated that 1.5 million former German POWs were still officially listed as missing, fate unknown.
The book comments that approximately 15% of the deaths in the US camps were from starvation or dehydration and that most deaths were caused by dysentery, pneumonia, or septicemia, as a result of the unsanitary conditions and lack of medicine (p. 164). Further, it states that officers from the US Army Medical Corps reported death rates far higher than they had ever seen before (p. 64).
The book states that Eisenhower's staff were complicit in the scheme, (p. 62) and that in order to carry out such a scheme, Eisenhower kept these prisoners in camps far longer than was necessary (p. 145). It states that, by the end of 1945, only 40% of prisoners had been released (p. 165). Other Losses further characterizes the 22-volume German Maschke Commission report investigating the deaths of German prisoners as written by "client-academics" as part of a "cover-up" of the supposed deaths (p. 150; 155-156).
Other Losses states that the US dismantled the German welfare agencies, including the German Red Cross, then dismissed the Swiss Government from its role as Protecting Power. No agencies were allowed to visit the camps or provide any assistance to the prisoners (p. 69). Including delegates from ICRC (International Committee of the Red Cross), which was a violation of the Geneva Convention (p. 30). It further states that the only notable protest against this was from William Lyon Mackenzie King, Prime Minister of Canada (p. 71).
Bacque comments that the press was also prevented from visiting the camps, and therefore was unable to report on the state of the camps and the condition of the prisoners.
The book states that many of the US camps consisted of open fields surrounded by barbed wire, with no shelter or toilet facilities. In these camps prisoners were forced to sleep on the ground in the open, though it claims the US Army had plenty of surplus shelter supplies which could have been issued (p. 162). No supplies such as blankets were supplied to the prisoners, even though these were in good supply at various locations such as the depot at Naples. In a letter, General Everett Hughes stated that there were "more stocks than we can ever use; stretch as far as eye can see (p. 32)."
The book quotes Dr. Konrad Adenauer (later Chancellor of Germany) stating that "The German prisoners have been penned up for weeks without any protection from the weather, without drinking water, without medical care. They are being held in a manner contrary to all humanitarian principles and flagrantly contrary to the Hague and Geneva Conventions (p. 185)".
Both J. P. Pradervand (ICRC French Delegation) and Henry Dunning (American Red Cross) sent letters to the State Department condemning the poor treatment of the German prisoners (p. 95). Colonel Philip Lauben stated that "The Vosges was just one big death camp (p. 108).
According to Other Losses, the US Army employed a number of methods to reduce the number of prisoners officially on hand. One method was to accuse the Russians of taking far more prisoners than they reported (p. 103). Another was the "midnight shift", whereby the opening balance of a given week was less than the closing balance of the previous week (p. 56).
The book describes that a "Missing Million" prisoners exist in the difference in totals between two US army reports (the last of the daily reports and the first of the weekly reports) issued on June 2, 1945 (p. 52-3). As a consequence of this, according to Quartermaster's reports the number of rations issued to the camps was reduced by 900,000 (p. 55).
"Other Losses" states that after visiting many of the camps in August 1945, Major General Robert M. Littlejohn (Quartermaster of the ETO) concluded that the US Army was reporting 3.7 million prisoners while it actually possessed 5.2 million, thereby corroborating the conclusions made in a report three months earlier from Lieutenant General John C. H. Lee (in charge of logistics for the ETO), which he had sent to SHAEF headquarters (p. 61). Other Losses states that Littlejohn subsequently wrote in a report to Washington that because requisitions for supplies were based on these faulty numbers, 1.5 million prisoners were getting no food (p.166).
Other Losses states that, three years later, in 1948 the ICRC formally requested documents confirming the total number of prisoners in the US Zone and was eventually told that 3.5 million were there, which omitted approximately 1.7 million from the actual number of 5,224,000 (p. 154; [A June 1945 SHAEF document reproduced in Other Losses lists a total of 7.6 million prisoners, with 5.2 million of those in US column].
Other Losses explicates the 1944–1949 German food crisis to support claims for a high mortality rate (p. 53-76).
Other Losses concludes that the 1945 food crisis in Europe was contrived by Allied forces by the use of restrictive food import policy, including restrictions on Red Cross food deliveries, and other means (p. 59-50, 215). It states that Eisenhower purposefully starved German prisoners given that "[t]here was a lot more wheat available in the combined areas of western Germany, France, Britain, Canada and the USA than there had been in the same year in 1939" (p. 24-25, 208). Other Losses states that, in May 1945, the ICRC had 100,000 tons of food in storage warehouses in Switzerland (p. 75) According to the book, when they tried to send trainloads of this food into the US Zone; the US Army sent the trains back, saying their own warehouses were full. Other Losses states that this prompted Max Huber, head of the ICRC, to send a strong letter of protest to the State Department, in which he described the difficulties placed by SHAEF in the way of the ICRC efforts to provide aid. He said, "Our responsibility for the proper use of relief supplies placed in our care is incompatible with a restriction to the fulfillment of orders which render us powerless to furnish relief which we ourselves judge necessary" (p. 76).
US Army warehouses had 13.5 million Red Cross food parcels taken from the ICRC, which were never distributed (p. 109). The book also states that German civilians were prevented from bringing food to the camps (p. 60), and that Red Cross food parcels were confiscated by SHAEF, and the War Department banned them from being given to the men in the camps (p. 63). The book states that Bacque found no evidence of a drastic food shortage in the US Army —
- "We had so much food we didn't know what to do with it." — Colonel Henry Settle, 106th division.
- "We are not in any desperate need of extra food." — Lt Colonel Bailey, SHAEF.
- "There is in this Theater a substantial excess of subsistence . . . over 3,000,000 rations a day less than those requisitioned were issued." — General Robert Littlejohn, Quartermaster of the ETO (p. 104).
Eisenhower Historian, James Bacque's book, "Other Losses," which reveals the shocking Allied treatment of German prisoners of war, allies who were of course under the direct instructions of the Jew, Eisenhower, then Supreme Commander of Allied forces, features shocking revelations from a former Lieutenant in the 101st Airborne Division. This Lieutenant, who would rise to the post of Senior Historian, United States Army and would retire as Colonel Ernest F. Fisher PhD, wrote the following in his foreword to Bacque's book,
"Starting in April 1945, the United States Army and the French Army casually annihilated about one million men, most of them in American camps . . . Eisenhower's hatred, passed through the lens of a compliant military bureaucracy, and produced the horror of death camps unequalled by anything in American military history . . . an enormous war crime."
It would later be revealed that more than nine million Germans, both soldiers and civilians, had died as a result of the policies of starvation and expulsion adopted by the allied forces in the first five years following the end of the Second World War. These would include the deaths of prisoners on the road and those in allied prison camps, where food parcels were barred and children were enslaved.
One can only assume that Eisenhower was following the edicts of his beloved Jewish Talmud which is the highest religious and ethical guide for observant Jews. In this book, which to the Jews far surpasses the bible, and alongside the Zohar and the Kabalah, it is repeatedly stated that non-Jews are inherently bad and Jews good, and furthermore, that the best among the non-Jews deserve to be killed.
Unlike the Bible and Koran, which are widely available to all, it is very difficult to obtain a copy of the most holy Jewish book, the Talmud, anywhere. Maybe this is because within the Talmud, it is expressly stated that it is forbidden to teach the Talmud to a non-Jew. The penalty for someone who does so is revealed in Sanhedrin 58a – Hagigah, in which it is stated, "Such a person deserves death."
The Hoax of the Twentieth Century
by Prof. Arthur Butz©all rights reserved
In his Message "The Feast of the Trumpets," Brother Branham said, "I've been out there at the old places where they burnt their bodies, and cremated, used their ashes to fertilize the ground, Jewish children, and women, and everything. Then they try to deny it; take them right out and show them where it was done. (This is the untruthful propaganda of trained guides).
It's been a bitter persecution against Israel, because it's been the time calling him now back to the Atonement. He is still under the atonement of a natural lamb. The real Lamb of God is the Atonement, and he has rejected It, and the Blood has been upon him ever since. Notice, making ready the people! How perfect then the Seventh Trumpet and the Seventh Seal is, perfectly together, the persecution of theJewsIsraelites.
Note, in Revelation the 9th chapter and the 13th verse, now notice real close, under the Sixth Trumpet. Revelations 9:13, under the Sixth Trumpet, note, there was two hundred thousand thousand horsemen that had been bound in the river of Euphrates, was turned loose under the Sixth Trumpet. Now there's not two hundred thousand horsemen in the world; but there was two hundred thousand horsemen. Notice it. I want you to jot it down, so you can read it.
They wasn't natural horses. They breathed fire, and they had breastplates of jasper, and they had tails. And the end of the tail looked like a serpent, a snake's head on the end of it, stinging. See? It was spiritual horses, spiritual devils, chargers, that had been bound in Euphrates all these years, supernatural devils. What was it? The old Roman Empire being revived; the persecution of the Jews. They had been bound for nearly two thousand years, at the river Euphrates, can't cross to the promise; a religious sect that was trying to get to the other side. Euphrates, you know, come through Eden. But they were bound there, two hundred thousand devils of persecution.
And notice what happens under that Sixth Trumpet. They were turned loose on the Jews; the persecution of the Jews. Supernatural devils, nearly two thousand years, then loosed by Stalin, Hitler, upon the Jews. You say, "Well, that isn't Roman." It's the same spirit. They done the same things they did to the Christians, in the old pagan Roman days. Now watch the natural Israel, and the spiritual Church now, as we separate it here. Turned loose on the Jews.
You remember, under the Sixth Seal, how every one of those martyrs, are calling according to the Word of God, receive robes. It was given to them by the grace, because they're blinded that they can't see their Gospel, that this people might be called out of the Gentiles for the Bride. They were given robes, the Bible says here, under that Trumpet. Them Jews, who absolutely is against Christ and everything; the reason they are, is because the Bible said they are blinded. And they were blinded for your sake. And the just God knows that they would receive It, but they were made blind for your sake. The Bible said so.
There is that Roman empire, bound there by (what?) the ecclesiastical powers. Which, Rome, pagan Rome become papal Rome, and was bound there in its traditions of Christian. What part of Christian, and superstitions it had of Rome putting together all these; worship of women, and all these other kind of stuff, and Christmas days, and holidays, and holy days, and things. It's been bound with that tradition that it cannot let loose, because it's against Christian principles. Still the same ungodly, pagan spirit! And that spirit caught into the nations of the world, according to the prophecies of Ezekiel and the rest of the them.
And they were loosed upon the Jew, who knowed nothing of the Spirit. There is your mysteries that's hid under that Seal there. See? Notice it. We went through it. And I'll show you this Trumpet here, this last Trumpet, what takes place. There they are. These Trumpets are let loose on the Jews, (don't you see?) not on the Gentiles. The Gentile, when them Seals was opened, is sealed away; time is ended; the Church is called.
You remember the vision the other day? (64-0705, The Masterpiece, par. 136-197). Remember the preview of it? How many remembers, Sunday 'fore last? How there it was exactly, come by. We seen it, exactly, seen that dirty, filthy thing come up, called the church, vulgarities to the extreme. And that little Bride, of every nation, each one of them dressed like their nation they come from, just perfectly walking before the Lord.
You notice, there'll be a time, sometime, when they'll say, "Well, I thought the Church was to go before the persecution. I thought there was a Rapture." "It's already passed and you knew it not." That's what He said about John one time, you know.
Said, "How, why say the scribes, that Elias must first come?" (Matthew 17:11-12).
He said, "He's already come." And even the disciples didn't know it. "They done to him what they listed."
The Rapture will be the same way . . . (It commenced in 1963 - Ed.) He promised to do that. He didn't promise to show Elias like that, but He promised to take the Bride like that. "In a hour that you think not," just a change, in a moment of a twinkling of an eye, be caught away. Then you're left, then that's the time! (I Corinthians 15:52).
Two thousand years, this spirit through the Roman people, the Roman church, could not move. But that same spirit coming up, first, down there into Mussolini in Rome, the dictator. . . Seven things He showed me, in '33, would come to pass. Five of them has already passed. Doctor Lee Vayle is writing a book on it there now. See? Five things, perfectly, and just two more things to happen. Said, "It'd happen just before the Coming." Here we are right at the end now, and look like that sixth thing is moving right up. See? Perfectly, exactly, even the wars and how they would happen, exactly on the dot, and not one time did it miss.
[The Sixth vision manifest after the Good Friday Earthquake when Rome confirms the Covenant of Daniel 9:27 with Jewry to refinance the US dollar with gold backing and take absolute authority over the World Council of Churches and all religions as Brother Branham explained in "An exposition of the Seven Church Ages" p. 321:2; 322:2; 376:1). "This World Council of Churches (which was established by the Jewish Rockefellers who are Rothschild by marriage) is the IMAGE ERECTED TO THE BEAST" (Revelation 13:11-18) where church and state are reunited.
"This ecumenical move will end up with Rome at the head even though the people did not envision it that way. This is so because in Revelation 17:3-6 it states that the whore, Mystery Babylon is seated on the beast. She is controlling the last, or fourth empire. This Roman Church is doing that. With the world church system under her Rome will be controlling, and this image (church system) will be obedient to Rome because Rome controls the gold of the world. Thus all the people have to belong to the world church system or be at the mercy of the elements for they cannot buy or sell without the mark of the beast in the hand or head. This mark in the head means that they will have to take the doctrine of the world church system which is trinitarianism, etc., and the mark in the hand which means to do the will of the world church. With this great power the church systems will persecute the true Bride. This image will try to keep the Bride from preaching and teaching, etc. Her ministers will be forbidden to give comfort and truth to the people who need it. But before the antichrist (in person) takes over this complete world system of churches the true church will be taken away from this world to be with the Lord. God will catch away His Bride for the great Marriage Supper of the Lamb" (Revelation 13:15-18)].
Listen, folks, we ought to take inventory every hour. You don't know where we're standing. Real close!
Now, now he loosed, upon, under that Sixth Seal, these two hundred thousand spiritual demons, started in Rome, Germany, Hitler. And notice over in the Bible, where they received power as kings, but wasn't crowned. A dictator is not a crowned king; just receive power as a king.
Oh, the Spirit of God just moving through me now, you know, just saying something [Communist F.D. Roosevelt – Ed.] I don't know how to say it, nor what to say, and maybe I better not.
Notice, two hundred thousand demons turned loose upon those Jews, when they burned them, they crucified them. They put bubbles in their veins. They killed them, till they had no more gas to kill them with. And they shot them, till they had no more bullets to shoot with. And they done everything they could do. They cremated their bodies, and everything; and hung on fences, children and all, innocent people. Because they were Jews, they were done that way. But God said He give each one of them a robe, undeserving as they was; but His grace to blind them so that we could see" (64-0719M, The Feast of the Trumpets, par. 157-175; also, a second witness: 63-0322, The Fifth Seal, par. 286).
For forty-three years we have been seeking that "one elect in a million" Message believers, encouraging those in the circle of the Message to "prove all things at the mouth of two or three witnesses" (Matthew 18:18; II Corinthians 13:1). The Prophet commanded us NOT to take the words God's Bible and His Messengers LITERALLY for much concists of types and shadows, or it requires interpretation of another vindicated prophet like Brother Branham to expound the "two hundred million horsemen." As he said, "Like the Dutchman, you take me for what I mean and not what I say, really" (65-0424, One in a Million, par. 22).
Just last week a precious minister anchored firmly in the revelation of the Prophet's Message wrote:
"You will be wasting your time and effort trying to convince foolish virgins within the Message circle to prove all things by the witness of two or more Scriptures and factual history away from Jewish propagandas such as the "holocaust," especially even that Brother Branham said he was in Germany to see for himself. They don't know how powerful Jewish propaganda can be.
Many can't tell the difference between a Jew (or Israeli) and an Israelite. They hate revisionist history in support of Scriptures and scholars or authors who unravel factual history falsified by the "enemy," forgetting that "those who control the past control the present, and plan the future." They don't understand why Jews hate their lies being exposed and will kill you for trying to expose their schemes.
They love the Jews, and even pray they win the war in the Middle East! Also, many are taught that foolish virgins are in the denominations not in the Message circle, not understanding that Brother Branham then was referring to the foolish virgins of the Laodicean Church Age who remained in the denominations; hardly any are there today, they are in the circle of the Message for every age has both wise and foolish virgins.
They also don't believe in physical serpent seed since the Flood let alone understand that prominent tribe(s) in Cain's race impersonating blood Israelites are the Money Power controlling the world economy and commerce today "as it was in the days of Noah." They don't understand how some entire nations today are Cain's irredeemable bloodline.
The separation between the wise and foolish virgins continues until one is separated to the Wedding Supper of the Lamb and the other to the imminent tribulation.I have been teaching these truths for years although I was quiet over four years in which the Executive Council of Australian Jewry had us on trial before the Federal Court. Our judge was found to be incompetent! I have only experienced difficulty with one (1) Church whose pastor was overridden by a Church officer—a classic "Branhamite"—memorializing the letter of the Prophet's Message without the Spirit (II Corinthians 3:6). Brother Branham visited Auschwitz or Bergen Belsen in May, 1955. He was probably directed by a guide as shown in this short video before the experiment on Zyklon B. The Prophet did not mention the camps until after Adolf Eichmann was kidnapped in 1960, unlawfully transported to Israel, tried and murdered in 1961. There was no talk of any holocaust in the press or on TV until the Eichmann Trial in 1961.
Only then was it announced that Jews had been gassed in all camps. (Old newsreels attest to this, see "David Cole at Auschwitz"). American doctors made forensic examinations and all had died of disease, mainly typhus, or starvation, cold, etc. Not one corpse had been gassed. The story was then changed to state that all mass exterminations by gassing took place at five concentration camps in Soviet occupied Poland. However, the Communists refused to allow neutral experts into the camps to examine the claim so poor defeated Germans had no opportunity to defend themselves against such a monstrous charge of exterminating 6 million Jews! No gas chamber was ever located! Cyanide gas compounds that would have been affixed to the walls for centuries have never been discovered. From the end of the 1940s and throughout the 1950s not a single claim of any holocaust appeared in the press or on TV. Piles of corpses have been shown repeatedly since the war to falsely condemn Germany, but NOT one corpse was RED in color (Fig. 10.9.2: Textbook of Maritime Medicine). Tens of thousands, mostly civilians, had been killed by Anglo-American bombing and strafing at war's end when Dresden was razed.
As a schoolboy, I vividly recall the sudden unparalelled profusion of propaganda in the Jewish monopoly of print, radio, television and glossy promotional magazines yet bright red lividity on the dorsal side of the corpse was not evident. The Jews Edward Bernays and his nephew Sigmund Freud would have been proud. Bernays was the founder of the modern manipulative science called Public relations, for the use of an elitist sympathetic, educated class of people who would be making a living out of public manipulation.
"The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our government.
We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is the logical result of the way in which our democratic (sic) society is organized . . ."We have demonstrated that that the Jew Adolf Eichmann saved the lives of many thousands of Jews so-called, and was probably unjustly murdered by self-styled Jews for the purpose of propaganda and love of money. Foolish Germany is still paying Israel and "survivers" of the third 20th century holocaust or extermination in World Wars I, II or the extermination in Jewish Communist Russia between the Wars of Jews Thus the Jewish Russian or Polish "survivors" were never incarcerated. Now we see the corruption of our internationalist Zionist leaders of the United States, Britain, European, Commonwealth, Asian and Communist nations whose objecive is One World Government.
In very general terms, what was going on with respect to the Jews of Europe during the life of the Nazi regime? Before the war, the German Government had used all means to encourage the emigration of Jews from Germany, and most German Jews had left Germany before the outbreak of the war. The persistent problems in connection with this emigration program were first, economic dislocations entailed in moving the Jews and, second, the difficulty in arranging other countries to take them. By the summer of 1941 Germany was at war with Russia and huge numbers of Jews, i.e., the greater part of European Jews were in the German sphere of influence. However the war had also, temporarily, opened up vast new territories for the Germans and, consequently, a program of Jewish resettlement got under way in the autumn of 1941. Through the course of the war, as long as Germany controlled any significant amount of eastern territory, European Jews were being resettled in the East. There were also a certain number of young, adult Jews conscripted for labor. The RSHA (Reich Security Main Office) was responsible for carrying out most aspects of this Jewish policy. Within the Gestapo there was an office, "B4," which was designated the "religions and cults division—Jewish religion subdivision," headed by one Karl Adolf Eichmann, whose highest attained rank had been Lieutenant Colonel or Colonel. Eichmann did the routine chores associated with the Jewish emigration and resettlement policies of the German Government; most of his time was spent arranging with the various Jewish Councils to draw up transport lists of Jews, and arranging transportation for the deportees.
There is no evidence that Eichmann ever participated in formulating policy and, since he was not involved in concentration camp administration, he could not have been directly involved in whatever it was that happened in those camps. It is, therefore, quite ridiculous that it was possible to get so many people excited about the case of a person such as Eichmann, who had performed completely routine functions in Nazi Germany. Those functions were carried out in accordance with specific orders transmitted by his superiors. His Jerusalem testimony was given "after consulting Reitlinger and Poliakov, (producing) seventeen multicolored charts, which contributed little to a better understanding of the bureaucratic machinery of the Third Reich." I see no point in viewing the Eichmann affair as anything but a publicity stunt on the part of a state accustomed to disregarding the constraints that other states feel bound to respect. A short discussion of the Eichmann case, and of Eichmann's Jerusalem testimony, is provided in Chapter 6 . . . It will be recalled that Adolf Eichmann was illegally abducted from Buenos Aires in May 1960 by Israeli agents, who sent him to Israel to become the victim of a "trial" that was to break all records for illegality, because the state conducting the trial had not even existed at the time of the alleged crimes. The illegal courtroom proceedings opened in Jerusalem on April 11, 1961, the Jewish court pronounced the death sentence on December 15, 1961, and the murder was carried out on May 31, 1962.
In order to understand Eichmann's defense strategy, consider his situation prior to the trial as a lawyer would have seen it. It was basically a political situation involving an Israeli determination to stage a show trial. In capturing Eichmann Israel had spat on Argentine sovereignty and, from a lawyer's point of view the only hope of securing a favorable verdict (a prison sentence to be later commuted) depended upon world opinion developing so as to encourage Israel to temper its arrogance somewhat with a magnanimous gesture. However the possibility of such an outcome depended upon presenting a defense whose fundamental acceptance by the Jerusalem court would have been within the realm of political possibility. Thus, just as with the Nuremberg defendants, Eichmann's only possible defense under the circumstances was to deny personal responsibility.
Eichmann conceded the existence of an extermination program, and the first edition of Reitlinger's book was accepted by both sides as approximately descriptive of what had happened. Eichmann's fundamental defense, thus, was that he had merely organized the transports of Jews, in obedience to orders that could not be disobeyed. In one respect, his defense was partially successful, for his (accurate) picture of himself as a mere "cog in a machine" has been more or less universally accepted by those who have studied and written about this trial (e.g. Hannah Arendt's book). Actually, Eichmann inflated himself a bit beyond "cog" status, for a secondary feature of his testimony is that he claimed that he, Eichmann, had done whatever a person as lowly as he could do in order to sabotage the extermination program, and his interpretations of the meanings of many of the documents used in the trial were obviously strained in this respect. A good example was Eichmann's commentary on two particular documents. The first document was a complaint by the commander of the Lodz resettlement camp, dated September 24, 1941, complaining of overcrowding at the camp due to tremendous transports of Jews that were pouring in—"And now they face me with a fait accompli, as it were, that I have to absorb 20,000 Jews into the ghetto within the shortest possible period of time, but further that I have to absorb 5,000 gypsies." The letter is addressed to the local head of government. The second document is a letter by that local head, dated October 9, 1941, passing on the complaint to Berlin, and adding that Eichmann had acted like a "horse dealer" in sending the Jewish transport to Lodz for, contrary to Eichmann's claim, the transport had not been approved. Eichmann's Jerusalem testimony in regard to these documents was that there were only two places he could have shipped the Jews to, the East (where he was supposed to send them, he said) or Lodz. However, according to him, there were exterminations in the East at that time, but none at Lodz. Being in strong disapproval of the exterminations, and doing everything that his low office permitted to thwart them, he shipped the Jews to Lodz despite the inadequate preparations there.
This feature of Eichmann's defense strategy is also illustrated by his testimony regarding the "trucks for Hungarian Jews" proposals of 1944. He naturally attempted to represent efforts on the German side to conclude the deal as being due in no small measure to the force of his initiative, motivated, again, by Eichmann's desire to save Jews.
It is worth mentioning that the major thrust of the prosecution's crossexamination of Eichmann did not treat wartime events directly. The prosecution's chief effort was to hold Eichmann, in court, to whatever he was supposed to have said to Israeli interrogators during his year of imprisonment prior to the trial, and also to what he was supposed to have said to one Sassen in Argentina in 1957. According to Eichmann's testimony, he encountered Sassen, an ex-SS man, in Buenos Aires in 1955. At this time Eichmann was, except within tiny circles, a very much forgotten man. The Eichmann-Sassen relationship eventually led to a project to write a book on the persecutions of the Jews during the war. The book, to be completed and promoted by Sassen, was to be based on tape recorded question-and-answer sessions with Eichmann, but according to Eichmann's testimony the original form of these sessions could not be retained . . . This group of war crimes trials, of which the Auschwitz trial was the most prominent, was held for political reasons in the aftermath of the hysterical publicity surrounding the capture of Adolf Eichmann.
In determining precedents for the war crimes trials, only the witchcraft trials of Europe's younger days offer satisfactory comparisons . . . he did complain, early in his trial testimony, that he had suffered rather rough treatment during the few days immediately after his capture, particularly when his captors forced him to sign a declaration that he had come to Israel voluntarily (and which the prosecution had the audacity to put into evidence at the trial). However the extreme secrecy that surrounded Eichmann's imprisonment in Israel allows the possibility that he was tortured in some sense, but that he had tactical or other reasons for not charging torture in his testimony.
We are now very close to the end of our study. The thesis of this book has been proved conclusively. The Jews of Europe were not exterminated and there was no German attempt to exterminate them. The Germans resettled a certain number and these people were ultimately resettled again in accordance with Allied programs. Although various statistical details are missing from our analysis, it is possible to reconstruct quantitative aspects of the problem to a satisfactory degree.
The Jews of Europe suffered during the war by being deported to the East, by having had much of their property confiscated and, more importantly, by suffering cruelly in the circumstances surrounding Germany's defeat. They may even have lost a million dead. Everybody in Europe suffered during the war, especially the people of central and eastern Europe. The people who suffered most were the losers, the Germans (and Austrians), who lost 10 million dead due to military casualties.
Allied bombings, the Russian terror at the end of the war, Russian and French labor conscriptions of POW's after the war, Polish and other expulsions from their homelands, under the most brutal conditions, and the vengeful occupation policies of 1945-1948.
The "gas chambers" were wartime propaganda fantasies completely comparable to the garbage that was shoveled out by Lord Bryce and associates in World War I. The factual basis for these ridiculous charges was nailed with perfect accuracy by Heinrich Himmler, in an interview with a representative of the World Jewish Congress just a few weeks before the end of the war:"in order to put a stop to the epidemics, we were forced to burn the bodies of incalculable numbers of people who had been destroyed by disease. We were therefore forced to build crematoria, and on this account they are knotting a noose for us."
It is most unfortunate that Himmler was a "suicide" while in British captivity because, had he been a defendant at the IMT (International Military Tribunal), his situation would have been such that he would have told the true story (being fully informed and not in a position to shift responsibility to somebody else) and books such as the present book would not be necessary because the major material could be read in the IMT trial transcript. But then, you see, it was not within the bounds of political possibility that Himmler lived to talk at the IMT. That Himmler's assessment of the gas chamber accusations is the accurate one should be perfectly obvious to anybody who spends any time with this subject, as we have seen especially in Chapter 4. In particular, Hilberg and Reitlinger should have been able to see this before completing even fractions of their thick books, which are monumental foolishness . . .The International Red Cross (IRC) delegate in the second visit in the spring of 1945 was George Dunant, who described Theresienstadt "as an experiment by certain leaders of the Reich, who were apparently less hostile to the Jews than those responsible for the racial policy of the German Government." Because since Dunant was guided around Theresienstadt by Adolf Eichmann, he must have known that Theresienstadt was an operation of Himmler's SS. Dunant, moreover, was evidently in close contact with Jewish representatives. For example early in 1945 he went to Bratislava, partly at the urging of Saly Mayer, in order to supply hiding Jews with funds. (Index: Eichmann trial: p. 29, 30, 49, 119, 249, 341; Eichmann, Karl Adolf: p. 28, 29, 60, 117, 124, 138, 148, 161, 162, 201, 210, 212, 213, 214, 215, 219, 220, 221, 230, 247, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 258, 264, 286, 295, 401, 406, 437. Propaganda: p. 124).
With only a few exceptions, the US OSS (Office of Strategic Services) was not staffed by military people but by persons recruited from private life. Thus it included many political types, ranging from Communists to émigré monarchists. On account of their organization, the Communists were naturally a significant force in the OSS, irrespective of their numbers.
The US OSS was deeply involved with propaganda. The US OWI (Office of War Information), the most prominent US wartime propaganda agency, had been the propaganda division of the "Office of the Coordinator of Information" (Donovan) when it split off from the OSS in 1942, and the remainder of Donovan's organization was renamed the OSS. Despite this separation, the OSS remained active in the propaganda field, and when the Anglo-American PWB (Psychological Warfare Branch) was set up in Eisenhower's headquarters, it drew its American personnel from both the OWI and the OSS.
Another propaganda operation of the OSS, one which employed a large number of "progressive writers," was the US MO (Morale Operations) Branch. The mission of MO was "black propaganda," i.e. MO specialized in manufacturing propaganda presented in such a way that it would appear to have come from within the ranks of the enemy. MO thus distributed forged newspapers and military orders among enemy personnel, operated clandestine transmitters that purported to be broadcasting from within enemy territory, and started rumors in the Axis and Axis occupied countries. Its staff included "liberals and communists alike, all dedicated to the idealist interpretation of the fight against fascism."
A particularly relevant facet of the OSS operations was that they had enlisted the cooperation of the Jewish Agency in Palestine (which was really the unofficial Israeli government of the time). The Jewish Agency, on account of extensive and elaborate contacts with Jews in Europe, especially in the Balkans, was able to undertake many important missions for the OSS. Thus the channels to Jews in Hungary, Slovakia, and beyond were open.
Finally, it is of interest that the US OSS was very significant on the prosecution staff at the IMT trial, especially in the early stages.
The point to be made in this discussion of the US WRB report is certainly not that it was invented in the OSS or the WRB. I do not know the identity of the authors and do not believe that the question is of great significance. The main point is that two "internationals," the Communist and the Zionist, played important roles in the intelligence, propaganda and refugee assistance programs of the US (War Refugee Board). The WRB, effectively taking its orders from (Jewish Communist spy) Harry Dexter White, Henry Morgenthau Jr., the World Jewish Congress and other Zionists, and the OSS, with its staff of Communists and its Jewish Agency allies, show that the situation was perfectly suitable for the manufacture of a Jewish extermination propaganda lie, built about Auschwitz, which, as a precaution, contained enough real facts to suggest to the unreflective that the allegations were true.
The interior of the Auschwitz camp was not, by any exercise of the imagination, isolated from the Allies. The world's most efficient intelligence organization, the Communist Party, could transmit any information desired to any destination whatever, and the situation was such that the ubiquitous Zionist International was in a position to manufacture and transmit whatever items seemed appropriate for the occasion. Even if the contents of the WRB report were entirely true, an escape by inmates would not have been at all necessary to get the "facts" into the hands of the Allies. Note that we are told that the entire contents of the WRB report are due to three independent escapes by remarkably informed inmates. In view of what we know about the channels of communication that existed, this is silly in the extreme (p. 134-136). Full text: The Hoax of the 20th Century. nl1306.htm
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Brother Grigor-Scott is a non-denominational minister who has ministered full- time since 1981, primarily to other ministers and their congregations overseas. He pastors Bible Believers' tiny congregation, and is available to teach in your church.
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