Bible Believers' Newsletter 959
"We focus on the present Truth – what Jesus is doing now. . ."
ISSN 1442-8660Christian greetings in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ; we appreciate your company and fellowship in Christ.
Despite the violent actions of too often alien 'useful idiots' organized and funded by the enemy of God and man, President Donald Trump's inauguration memorable occasion. His sober address offered hope for a return to decency and sanity. His first official actions appear to have been to remove the Department of Labor's ungodly report on lesbians, bisexuals, gays and transgender people in the workplace from the White House Website, followed by the Obama's globalist climate change HOAX and in its place an America First Energy Plan, and an America First (as against a Rothschild-CIA first) Foreign Policy. God bless Syria's President Al Assad, and national leaders such as Slobodan Milosevic, Muammar Gaddafi, Saddam Hussein, the 'road kill' of previous presidents, and have mercy upon millions of their citizens accounted 'collateral damage' of contemporary war criminal US presidents.
In our main article Brother Branham types the end-time events in our apostate Christian dispensation wherein church and state are reuniting for the second crucifixion of the Son of God (Hebrews 6:4-8) as they united after Constantine organized the Judaeo-Roman Universal Church (Revelation 2:18-26) which brought the Dark Ages. This was the antitype of Ahab's Israel after he married the pagan Jezebel, bringing Israel's Dark Age which led Judah to apostasy wherein the priesthood united with pagan Rome for the first crucifixion of the Son of God.
Several Brethren from Africa have asked us to create an app to enable them to download our Newsletters to their mobile phones. They may download any articles from our Church Website to their mobile phone right now; however they must confront the slow speed of poor telecommunication infrastructure and the cost of transmission. A better solution would be to download on computer, print and share our Christian resources in hard copy.
This Newsletter serves those of like precious faith. Whoever will receive the truth is welcome to feed their soul from the waters of the River of Life. Everything here presented should be confirmed personally in your own Bible.
Your brother-in-Christ
Anthony Grigor-Scott
The Great Satan
January 18, 2017 — "The Great Satan" is a derogatory epithet for the United States of America and occasionally also for the government of the United Kingdom—both imperialist states, with a long history of interfering in Iran's internal affairs. Because of its atheistic Communism the Soviet Union was called the "Lesser Satan," and the State of Israel was condemned as the "Little Satan." The 'hidden hand' always supports both sides of the Hegelian dialectic: the election and inauguration of President Donald Trump has brought both thesis and antithesis into the spotlight. The synthesis is revealed in God's Holy Bible.
On one hand we have the Judaeo-American Empire of the 9/11 Neocons whose Talmudic objective is global hegemony sought by the Jews' City of London, the Judaeo-Roman church, and Judaeo-Communism. When Adam took Eve back to himself he forfeited man's dominion over earth, since when Satan has been the god of this evil age. He did not offer actual possession of "the kingdoms of the world" to Jesus Messiah but delegated authority "and their [implied] glory" if He would "prostrate Himself and worship him" (Matthew 4:8-10)—not as God but in obeisance to his superiority as overlord. (See Strong's Concordance 4352).
We know from Daniel 9:27 and Revelation 17:10-18 that the Jews' City of London and the Judaeo-Roman church have entered a covenant that will come into force at the close of the Gentile dispensation when Los Angeles sinks beneath the Pacific. Rome will rule the first stage of Lucifer's one world government when he incarnates the Pope, but abrogate her agreement after the midst of Daniel's Seventieth Week whereupon Jewry will re-communize Russia and 'nuke' both Vatican City State and the United States of America from the face of the earth (Daniel 7:25-27; Revelation 11:1-13; 18:8-20). God has allowed Communism to rise up as His tool to destroy the false church.
On the other hand we have the American nation represented by Donald Trump and nominal Christian nationalists—not globalists—whose objective is to recover America's sovereignty from the alien power and "make America great again." But pulpit delinquency and a second-hand religion has made them apostates, ignorant of "the present Truth—what Jesus is doing now," and impersonating the Word for a day gone by (II Timothy 3:1 – 4:4; II Peter 1:12; I John 1:7; Revelation 3:17-20). They know not that the United States rejected her last opportunity for national repentance on the jubilee of the Laodicean Church Age in 1956/7.
In coordination with mainstream media a 'Purple Revolution' has been engineered supported and financed by the Neocons with intent to disrupt the inauguration and destabilizing the Trump presidency. 'Colour revolutions' are US intelligence operations which consist in covertly supporting as well as infiltrating protest movements with a view to triggering 'regime change' under the banner of a pro-democracy template. The objective of a 'colour revolution' is to manipulate elections, create violence, foment social unrest and use the protest movement to topple existing government. The ultimate foreign policy goal is to instate a compliant pro-US government (or 'puppet regime').
Engineered protest movements are carefully planned. They are intelligence ops. They use non-governmental organizations to recruit protesters. In August 1999, the CIA set up a training program for Serbian NGO OTPOR which subsequently played a key role in the engineered protest movement conducive to the downfall of President Slobodan Milosevic. A few years later, OTPOR established a training and strategizing outfit entitled The Centre for Applied Non Violent Action and Strategies (CANVAS). CANVAS became a consulting outfit specializing in 'Revolution' on contract to the CIA.
[When "the home of the brave and land of the free" apostatised, the United States became a rogue nation and pariah state in Satan's service. When church and state unite she will become the image to the beast (Revelation 13:11-18)].
CANVAS was set up by the CIA as 'an International network of trainers and consultants' in the 'Revolution Business.' Funded by Freedom House, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) as well private corporate foundations. CANVAS constitutes a consulting outfit, advising and training US sponsored opposition groups in more than 40 countries. In this regard, OTPOR played a key role in fomenting the mass uprisings during the Arab Spring in Egypt in 2011. What appeared to be a spontaneous democratization process was a carefully planned intelligence operation.
Several foundations involved in funding colour revolutions internationally are involved in funding the anti-Trump campaign. While CANVAS' mandate is to oversee 'colour revolutions' internationally, it also has links with a number of NGOs currently involved in the anti-Trump campaign including The Occupy Wall Street Movement (OWS). OWS launched by Adbusters was funded via the Tides Foundation which in turn is funded by a number of corporate foundations and charities, including the Ford Foundation, Gates Foundation and the Open Society Institute of George Soros. Ford is known to have historical links to US intelligence ...
Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management estimates that there will be between 800,000 – 900,000 people in DC for the inauguration . . . The Disruptj20.org campaign is calling for the disruption of the inauguration of Donald Trump on January 20, 2017 . . . Full story: globalresearch.ca
Comment: These wandering sons of Cain, "fugitive and vagabond" earthbound 'citizens of this world' are apostates and atheists serving the 'Deep State' within the United States—'useful idiots'; materialists with no inheritance in this world or hope in the world to come.
Does the Deep State have it in for Trump?
January 16, 2017 — First, you gotta hand it to Wall Street. The financial elite were 1,000% behind Hillary. Then, when Donald Trump won the White House, within minutes, they were in his cabinet. During the campaign, not only were they loading Hillary up with millions of dollars in funding, but they also regularly predicted doom if 'The Donald' were to win.
Then, apparently within seconds, in the middle of the night, they saw a great dollar sign in the sky . . . 'By this sign will you conquer' was written upon it. Not since the conversion of Constantine has a turnaround been so abrupt and so complete. In a flash, the analysts at the nation's top Wall Street firm suddenly realised something that had eluded them throughout the long and bitter presidential campaign: Tax cuts and spending increases might not be so bad after all!
The great selloff ended. A buying spree took over . . . pushing up the price of Goldman Sachs stock by 40% and making its CEO, Lloyd Blankfein, the No. 1 beneficiary of the election. (Since the election, the value of his Goldman holdings have increased by $163 million.) Now the Goldman boys are in practically every important office—Mnuchin in the Treasury, Cohn at the National Economic Council, Clayton (a lawyer who has represented Goldman for years) at the SEC, and Bannon and Scaramucci, also from the Goldman litter, ready to do what is asked . . . Henceforth, they will think no more about what is good for Goldman, the Street, and themselves. Now, they are public servants . . . with only the welfare and happiness of others to worry about.
That's what we love about democracy: it has the power to transform people as they rise to the challenges of public office. People we considered lowlife hustlers and two-bit pols are suddenly elevated. Their feet grow to fill Jefferson's boots . . . their heads expand to wear Adams' hat . . . and, well, sometimes they can even wear Taft's pants.
Seriously, what we admire so much about Goldman is that it is honest. We know what the Goldman bunch is up to: It is looking out for No. 1 . . . Italian economist and sociologist Vilfredo . . . Pareto explained that no matter what you call your government, it will be run by a few sharp people—whom he called 'foxes'. They figure out how to get control of the political infrastructure and make it work for them . . . Goldman is one foxy organisation; it wasted no time moving into the DC chicken house.
But what is really surprising is what is going on in the 'security' industry.
Spooks are the foxiest of the foxy . . . and the deepest part of the Deep State. Since the end of the Second World War, they've managed to scare trillions of dollars out of the taxpayers . . . even though the US has not faced a worthy adversary at least since 1989 . . . and even though almost all their 'intelligence' is either trivial or wrong.
From the bungled Bay of Pigs Invasion to the fall of the Soviet Union (which Stansfield Turner, who led the CIA from 1977 to 1981, admitted that the agency 'missed by a mile'), US intelligence services have been out to lunch. More recently, it was the CIA that dutifully fed the neo-cons the phony weapons-of-mass-destruction story they wanted to hear, resulting in a war that has so far cost $7 trillion.
And in the latest brouhaha over Russian interference in the US election, apparently the key 'intelligence' came from watching the Russia Today international television network (on which your editor is interviewed from time to time).
Clownish 'intelligence!' America's spooks may or may not be very good at supplying useful intelligence, but they are definitely good at manipulating the system to stay in their cushy positions of power and money.
Director of National Intelligence James Clapper clearly lied to Congress when he said the NSA wasn't collecting information on US citizens, yet he continues to draw full pay.
Former acting Director of the CIA Mike Morell claimed Trump was an 'unwitting' Russian agent, whatever that means. CIA Director John Brennan lied about collateral deaths from drone strikes. (He claimed there were none.) And Morell's predecessor, David Petraeus, delivered state secrets to his biographer, with whom he was having an adulterous affair, then lied to the FBI about it. He got nothing more than a slap on the wrist.
Time and again, incompetence and criminality in the 'security' industry are overlooked and forgiven. And still, there are no fewer than 17 intelligence agencies in the US, with thousands of snoops, analysts and informants paid largely out of classified budgets.
At a cost to taxpayers of billions of dollars a year, they spy on us, foreigners, and each other. Why, then, would they pick fights with the new president over clownish 'intelligence' reports?
If we're right . . . and the main goal of the Deep State is to shift power and money from the rest of society to itself . . . what purpose is served by annoying the new commander in chief? We don't know. Mistake? Miscalculation? Something doesn't add up. Full story: bonnerandpartners.com
The Beatification of Barack Obama
January 15, 2017 — Obama is the first President in American history to be at war for every single day of an 8 year presidency. Obama has carried out 10x more drone strikes than Bush ever did. Every Tuesday a military aide presents Obama with a "kill list", and the "decent, gracious" Obama picks a few names off a list . . . and kills them. And their families. And their neighbours . . . After declaring he wanted to build a "nuclear free world", Obama committed to spending $1 TRILLION dollars on rebuilding America's nuclear weapons. Under Obama, the NSA et al. were able to spy on, essentially, the whole world. Obama's administration declared a "war on whistleblowers", enacting new laws and initiating what they call the "Insider Threat Program" . . .
In terms of foreign policy, despite his press-created and non-sensical reputation as a non-interventionist, American Special Forces are currently operating in over 70% of the world's 195 countries . . . Before Obama came into office, Libya was the richest and most developed nation in Africa. It is now a hell-hole . . . Syria, probably the word that will follow Obama out of office as "Iraq" did his predecessor, is a total failure . . . Obama's administration next foreign policy target was Ukraine . . . In Yemen, the poorest country in the ME is being bombed to shreds by the richest . . .
The Middle-East is ablaze from Libya to Afghanistan, and from Yemen to Turkey. Relations with Russia are as precarious as at any time since WWII, thanks to America's efforts to break Russia economically and shatter their global influence. There is no sign that America intends to back-down (see the recent red-scare style hysteria in the American press). Likewise America has positioned itself to have a massive conflict with China in the South China Sea . . . Under Obama's notional leadership the world has moved to the very brink of self-immolation in the name of protecting American hegemony. Domestically America still crumbles. Full story: off-guardian.org
Post Election Soft Coup: 'Fake News,' CIA Intervention, US-NATO Militarization
January 13, 2017 — . . . Russian-Hack-Influenced-the-US-Elections campaign, initiated by the Obama White House and referred to by President elect Donald Trump as a 'witch hunt,' continues to be confounding to much of the American public with some of these concerns:
to what extent has the CIA intervened in the Clinton-Trump post-election results just as it has over the years in the elections of so many [81] other countries; and
whether the unfounded allegations and intervention have created a climate threatening to the Constitutional order of presidential succession. As if those troublesome post-election issues were not enough, the American public has been conveniently distracted by flawed intel 'assessments' (with Obama's personal accusation of Russian President Putin) from the urgency of two impending foreign policy quagmires that Obama is gifting to the Trump Administration.
. . ."one of the largest movement of US troops to Europe since the Cold War" to counter 'Russian aggression' with the quiet arrival of over 4,000 American Special Op and NATO troops including 2,800 tanks and assorted military equipment" . . . to be deployed to Bulgaria, Romania, Poland and Baltic states along the eastern European border with Russia . . . most Americans are unperturbed . . . US air strikes in concert with
rebelinsurgent attacks on Syria utilities (electricity and gas) as well as attacks on and contamination of Damascus water pipelines are all meant to bring a civilian population to its knees . . .
As a cultivated political anxiety in the US anticipates Trump's inauguration, against a well-coordinated effort that continues to fuel a false narrative and public rebellion, there is an undercurrent of expectation that another impending crisis just prior to January 20th might deliver a final knock-out to a Trump presidency . . . Full story:
Comment: 4Chan claims to have fabricated anti-Trump report as a hoax. The enmity of the puerile mind of the physical Serpent's seed ruling over an apostate nation that rejected its last opportunity for national repentance in 1956/7 explains how this happened.
The insanity of Obama's mind spending billions of dollars on a psyop to make an enemy of betrayed Russia in hopes of advancing the Talmudic objective of global hegemony. "A US armoured brigade (3rd Armoured Brigade, 4th Infantry Division) is on the move to Russia's Baltic border. After its equipment began arriving in Europe last week so now have its soldiers. The move is so big it will require 37 trains and over one thousand rail cars to transport from Germany to Poland. A US armoured brigade fields over 400 tracked and over 1300 wheeled vehicles including 80 62-ton Abrams tanks, 140 Bradley armoured fighting vehicles and 400 humvees."
[Proving the Jew Henry Kissinger is correct: "Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy"].
"3rd Armoured will spend nine months in Poland and Lithuania (covering the so-called "Suwalki gap") after which it will be replaced by another heavily armoured unit. Thus from now on nearly four thousands American soldiers will be stationed on Russia doorstep for ever. Overall US has 70,000 troops in Europe. Russia has zero troops in North America. US troops are deploying as part of NATO's "Operation Atlantic Resolve" announced when the new cold war blew up in 2014" (russia-insider.com).
General James "Mad Dog" Mattis, President-elect Donald Trump's nominee for Secretary of Defense, Trump's nominee to head the Central Intelligence Agency, Mike Pompeo, and Rex Tillerson, former Exxon CEO nominated by Trump as secretary of state share the same sick mind [sic] for global war (wsws.org).
Ten Aircraft Carriers aligned in a Row
January 12, 2017 — The charges of Chinese and Russian aggression are fantastic lies. China has not declared the Gulf of Mexico or the seas off the California coasts to be "areas of Chinese national interest," but the killer bitch Hillary in the regime of the Nobel Peace Laureate declared the South China Sea to be "an area of US national interest." This is provocation beyond provocation. No intelligent diplomat would ever make such a ridiculous and provocative claim.
Russia conquered Georgia in response to Georgia's invasion of South Ossetia, but released it and did not reincorporate the former Russian province back into the Russian Federation where it had resided for 300 years. Russia refused the requests for reincorporation from the Donetsk and Luhansk breakaway republics in Ukraine. Russia has not declared the Baltics and Eastern Europe to be areas of Russian national interest, but the US has and has incorporated them into Washington's mercenary army, stationing troops, tanks, and missiles there with which to attack Russia. Russia has not responded in kind.
All of the aggression in the world stems from Washington. This is plain as day. How come so few see the obvious? Who else but Washington has been at war since the Clinton regime began murdering people in nine countries? . . . As it is a known fact that the CIA owns the American and European print and TV media, why would the CIA ignore the liberal-left "progressive" Internet media? . . . Anyone stupid enough to believe the official 9/11 story is not sufficiently intelligent to be qualified to be left-wing or even a sentient being . . . Full story: paulcraigroberts.org
Freedom of Speech in Australia
Late last year the Church made two submissions to the Parliamentary Joint Commission on Human Rights to consider:
- whether the operation of Part IIA of the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Cth) (including sections 18C and 18D) impose unreasonable restrictions on freedom of speech; and
- whether the complaints-handling procedures of the Australian Human Rights Commission should be reformed.
The first of our two submissions is available for viewing and download. Full story: Submission Number 175
Comment: As the Prophet foretold in our main article, "All of them was afraid to say anything. Isn't it just like the same thing today? They were afraid to say something. So we find out, they were just loose, haphazard, drunk carrying on, pleasure mad, and everything else, just as it is today" (Jezebel Religion, p. 13:64-65).
The Delusional War on Warmth
January 18, 2017 — There has been no global warming for nearly 20 years. Right now, the great ice sheets are growing thicker and record snow is blanketing much of the climate change leader—the Northern hemisphere landmass. Solar panels are blinded by snow, and turbines don't turn in the cold still air or have to be shut down because of icing or high winds. Like all green things, wind and solar power often hibernate in winter.
Meanwhile, the un-loved all-weather energy producers (coal, gas and nuclear) are straining at their limits, as families huddle around heaters fearing the first flickers of failure from overloaded power grids. No food is produced from land smothered in snow—farmers fear late frosts and welcome early spring rains and warmth.
For the last million years, Earth has experienced long cycles of ice separated by short warm inter-glacials. Today's warm era is already a mature twelve thousand years old and Earth's climate is fluctuating naturally towards the next glacial cycle in which many animals and plants will perish. Only fools would assist the return of the ice . . .
Full story: carbon-sense.com youtube.com
Modi's Man-Made Calamity: How Many will Die?
January 15, 2017 — At this point, every sane and responsible person in India should be asking: How many tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands, or millions of people in India are going to die from hunger, starvation, malnutrition and disease as a result of Modi's demonetisation?
Reports from the rural and semi-rural areas of India, from towns and villages, already indicate that hunger is widespread because of the nonexistence of cash. This artificial crisis was created on November 8, 2016 when Prime Minister Narendra Modi arbitrarily declared 86% of the nation's currency worthless as legal tender—a draconian diktat taken without any prior discussion with his cabinet, Parliament, or the people.
The so-called demonetisation policy has had devastating effects across all sectors of Indian society, crippling businesses and farmers, causing retail stores and vendors to shut down, increasing unemployment, and forcing ordinary people to lose billions of man-hours . . . waiting in endless queues at banks to exchange unusable currency notes or to withdraw the meagre cash allowed.
But the worst-hit are the poor, the day-labourers, and the rural and semi-rural working class who make up around two-thirds of India's population—over 650 million people . . . these people have no bank accounts or credit cards . . . more than 300 million people have no government-approved ID . . . needed to convert their hard-earned cash into approved denominations . . . worst-hit are the people who helped vote Modi into power . . . Full story: countercurrents.org
New Palestinian Embassy opened in the Vatican
January 15, 2017 — A Palestinian embassy has been officially opened in the Vatican. The Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas also had an audience with Pope Francis, with discussions on how peace can be achieved. Abbas said he hopes the example of the Vatican is followed by others . . . The opening of a Palestinian embassy in the Vatican comes ahead of new peace efforts, with France hosting fresh talks on Sunday among delegates from some 70 countries and organisations in Paris. Abbas says he will attend but the Israeli PM has refused, reportedly calling the event "futile". Full story: euronews.com
Comment: It is later than you think or dare imagine. This historic moment is a precursor to the close of the Christian dispensation, the utter defeat of the Israeli faux state and its abandonment by many faux Jews, enabling the prophesied return of the children Jacob and the restoration of the pre-1967 borders according to UN Resolution 181 signed by Israel in bad faith on November 29, 1947 (Isaiah 13:6-16; Daniel 11:39; Joel 2:12; Zechariah 14:2; Revelation 16:19).
THUS SAITH THE LORD – Prophecies for this Day
You remember, brothers, if I say these things to be nasty, I need to be at the altar. I'm telling you, it's THUS SAITH THE LORD! If God hasn't vindicated I've told you the Truth, around the nation, around the world, then tell me where the mistake was. I'm telling you the Truth! Get back to God, quickly! Get out of these systems, 'cause the Bible says, in the Book of Revelation, that "the Roman Catholic hierarchy was a whore, and she was a mother of harlots" (what is that? Churches, systems) [Revelation 17:5-6].
And where did the Methodist Church, where'd the Lutheran Church, come from? Where'd the Methodist, Baptist, where did all organizations come from? God never did organize a church. Catholic Church said they began back there, when "Jesus organized the church." I want the page in history, or the page in the Bible. There never was an organization for three hundred and six years. After the death of the last apostle, then they formed the [First] Nicene Council and made an organization. And when Luther came out . . . he was a great man of God, but as soon as he left, that little group of people went over and formed another organization. Then the Holy Spirit went out upon John Wesley, he never organized anything, but after he left then they organized. Then the Holy Ghost come in with Pentecostals, and they went out from the Methodist. And what happened? Then they organized.
But there'll be a one-man system come forth with the power and the anointing of Elijah, to fulfil this prophecy. Hallelujah! He will shake it. And, remember, he prophesied to them, and prophesied, and told them all the things, and God worked with him. But his final Message was attacked on the White House. When John came, his final Message was attacked on the White House of that day. Elijah's final Message, when he walked down that road that morning after being in the Presence of God out there, walked down that road with old hairs all over him, his bald head shining, the whiskers blowing, them little old eyes was gleaming with the glory of God. That stick in his hand, and his feet just as steady as they could be. What's he doing? Walking right down from Samaria into the presence of the White House, and saying, "THUS SAITH THE LORD!" Fearing nothing. The churches had turned him down; the people had turned him down, so now he's giving his final attack, upon the White House.
Then what happened after that? Listen! After that attack, his voice became quiet, nobody heard him no more. God called him off the scene, said, "Elijah, you've done made your Message known to all of Israel, they know it. Now come up here in the wilderness, get away from them, separate yourself 'cause I'm going to do something. I'm going to show them what it is to turn My Message down." What set in? War, famine, starvation.
THUS SAITH THE HOLY SPIRIT, "Watch what's coming! Watch what's going to follow! There was a famine, there will be a famine!" Oh, maybe not for bread, but for hearing the Word of God and His Truth. All the churches will socialize and go right on into it just the same, just like they've already been swallowed up with it.
What did Elijah do? He found a hidden spring, way up in the mountain where he got some Water of Life, Divine revelations from God as he set up there under the power of God. The revelations being a little hidden spring, while the rest of them was famishing. And God bless His servants (them ravens), they brought him something to eat while he was isolated from the people. And they were down there famishing for a revival and all going on, "Don't hear no more of his revivals at . . . Where is that old crank that goes around blasting our organizations? Where's he at now?" They didn't know. He pulled hisself with God, out into a isolated place where they didn't hear his voice. Then they begin to see.
When God sends forth a Message and tells the people, and they don't receive it, then He withdraws His servant and sends His plagues: famine, death (spiritually speaking, physically also). You watch for a depression, brother. You think you've seen something, you just wait after while. You haven't seen nothing. You think you are dying for a good spiritual revival; you wait till after a bit. You just wait, long and cry to hear the Word of God. The Bible said so! "There'll be a famine in the last days," said the prophet, "and not for bread and water alone, but for hearing the true Word of God" (Amos 8:11). And that voice will be quiet, in the wilderness somewhere, hid away.
He ordained the ravens, His servants. Bless them birds, His servants that kept the voice of Elijah alive during the time of his isolation from the church. The ravens brought him flesh and bread at morning, and flesh and bread in the evening, and he drank from the little fountain while the rest of them down there were doing without any spiritual food and water.
Then one day, after sin had took its toll, and God has brought His people to their knees . . . Jezebel took everything, she wiped it all up, and she will do it again! That's THUS SAITH GOD'S HOLY BIBLE, "She will do it again." She's right on the throne now, behind the figurehead; twisting it any way she wants to, nobody's going to stop her. Certainly, nobody's going to stop her now, because what they couldn't get in the religious circles they cut it all into politics, and there they done it. Uh-huh, that's exactly what they done. Which, the political will be a boycott just exactly back to the Mark of the Beast, as sure as I'm standing here. See? And the Bible said it (Revelation 13:14-18).
I know we're getting late, I'll hurry. I got to get this last word in, if the Lord will let me.
Watch! Elijah stayed up there until God moved him. He had no revivals. He preached not against it or nothing. He just stood up there with God alone, out in the wilderness, 'cause he was a wilderness man. He was raised in the wilderness. So was John raised in the wilderness (Luke 1:80).
He went out in the wilderness alone with God, took away from the church after he gave his Message. And the church turned it down, turned it down. And finally the organizations wouldn't do nothing, so he just had to move out. God called him off the scene, took him on out in the wilderness, said, "Come on out here, they won't listen anymore. Come on, then I'm going to throw My judgment upon them." Oh, yes, he will be here one of these days, you watch.
Then after the days of his prophecy, what happened? The church languished, the great terror of Jezebel, she took them all in herself, gobbles them all up. Took them in herself, and built groves and everything else.
But, one day, God called him out again! Here he come out. Listen close now, and don't get angry with me. I'm saying THUS SAITH THE LORD! When he come out, what did God do? He sent him to a widow woman. She once had a man power over her head, but it took death to set her free so she could believe the prophet's Word. You notice that? She had a husband that guided her this way and that way, in one of the schools down there. But during this great drought, he had been gobbled up, death had took him. She was no more hooked in any organization, so she was ready now to hear the Word of the Lord. A woman, meaning the Church; a widow, that her husband (organization) had died, [a type of today's spiritually dead world church system], and she was just barely think she's a-living herself. And God said, "Go down to her now, she will hear you, I've commanded her."
Oh, we think sometimes, you little group there that's so faithful and do everything you can to have a meeting, to try to show to the people that your heart's right and you want them to get right, you think you're having a hard time. But, remember, God's got His eye on you! You love Him, I know you love Him, you wouldn't set here, you wouldn't attend any such a thing. God's got His eye on you. Yes!
And when he did, her husband had died, her organization died, so now she's ready to hear the prophet's Word. So when the prophet come to the gate and asked her for a little water, she went to get it. Then he said, "Bring me a morsel of meal."
And she turned and said, "As the Lord lives, I don't have nothing but just enough."
Now, it looked like that he was sent to take what little she had, but it was vice versa. When she was willing to give what she had to support of the Word, God fed her. And if you're willing to give what Spirit you do have, what Spirit that God's give you to support of the Word, then God will keep you alive. Hallelujah! O glory to God! Do you see it, church? Don't think I'm beside myself, I'm not. But what you have got, what little you do believe in God, what faith you have got, place it on the Word, not on organization! Put it in God's Word, He will keep you alive.
She was ready then, 'cause she couldn't before, 'cause they wouldn't let her. But now she's ready. Will she receive it? God sent a prophet her way. Will she receive his Word? Will she receive this prophet? Yes, she did. And he told her, said, "Now, what little life you have got, place it in here, bring it to me first." And what happened? When the rest of the world was languishing and dying in hunger, her and her children and her household all eat three good meals a day, divine revelation on the Word. I hope you see it, friend.
What went on? He stayed there until the famine was over, living with this woman (this Church) that received him and believed his Word. And he kept her alive (kept the Church alive) by the Word of the Lord, because he said "THUS SAITH THE LORD." (Jezebel Religion, March 19, 1961, p. 20:94-113; Isaiah 53:1; Amos 8:11; Romans 8:25-32; II Thessalonians 2:1-3; Revelation 2:21-23; 13:8-18; 14:9-13; 17; 18; 19:20; 20:10). And if you have THUS SAITH THE LORD He will keep you alive and change you in the atoms (I Corinthians 15:52).
Union among the Churches
"And so there'll be a unionize amongst the churches, and they'll unite themselves together, form up the head of the confederation of churches, which they've already got a big UN building and every denomination is in it. And you'll either have to belong to some of those denominations or be ousted. And that's the time where we have to show our colours and be sure that we know, not a guess work, but know THUS SAITH THE LORD where you're standing (Romans 8:19). The little church has always been in the minority; it's a little bitty group that . . . a little thread, like a red string that wipes through the Bible, but it's the Church always. And we want to remember it" (The Patmos Vision, December 4, 1960, p. 79:57; Revelation 13:11-18).
Destruction of the Berlin Wall marks the Revival of the Old Roman Empire
"There has been a Roman revival. Do you know what happens? If they give the Eastern part of Berlin back, that puts communism out. That puts the Roman Empire just exactly into the circle it was in the times of Jesus Christ. Certainly it does. Perfectly" (End-time Seed Sign, March 19, 1962; Daniel 2:40-45; 7:7-8, 19-26; Revelation 13:1-8; 17:12-18).
(This prophecy was made in 1962, six months after the "Wall" was constructed between East and West Berlin. In 1989 George Bush I of the USA had an audience with the Pope, followed three weeks later by Michael Gorbachev of the USSR. The peaceful revolution of October/November saw the overthrow of Soviet rule in the East and on December 9th, Chancellor Helmut Kohl in a televised address from the Brandenburg Gate, thanked the Pope for his role in the reunion of Germany).
What we are not told is that the Plenipotentiary for the Constitutionally Special Status of Berlin (A Body of Public Law, Provisional Seat Königsweg 1 W-1000, Berlin-Zehlendorf 1), "forced, approved and called up for essential service by the Western Powers, had on November 15, 1987, in the Reichstag already announced the exact date the Wall would fall in 1989." As treasonous President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who allowed 2,403 servicemen to be slaughtered at Pearl Harbor to initiate America's entry into WWII said: "In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way".
There'll come a Persecution
Now you see why my voice is going to be stopped pretty soon, somebody's going to know! Yes! Why? Revelation 2:20, she called herself a "prophetess." You just watch the wave of sin happen now. You watch . . . go plumb to the core. You watch modernistic, watch ungodly things happen in the churches. "And finally there'll come a persecution," the Bible says so, THUS SAITH THE LORD! Certainly, there will be.
Then what's going to happen? Just like it did then, so will it be now. She was the power behind it; she was the one who controlled it. Read . . . I believe it's . . . about the 17th or 18th chapter [of I Kings], along in there, you'll find what Jezebel did: how she took Ahab, and he couldn't say nothing about it because it was his wife. Look what the nation was built upon then, a backslidden Israelite with a pagan wife behind him who was a worshiper of Baalim. And what did she do? She finally made everything so modernistic, and so nice, and the people had it so easy, until the whole church fell for it, preachers and all. Didn't Elijah say, "Lord, I'm the only one's left"? And as it was then, it parallels today.
All of them was afraid to say anything. Isn't it just like the same thing today? They were afraid to say something. So we find out, they were just loose, haphazard, drunk carrying on, pleasure mad, and everything else, just as it is today. Jezebel twisting those Scriptures. What did she . . . or them laws, as Jezebel will twist. Remember, Jezebel, she calls herself a "prophetess," to subdue the people, and she says that she is "the only voice of God on the earth." She will make the carnal mind believe that as sure as the world (Revelation 2:20-24).
"There'll come a worship of a woman, in the United States, and that'll be Mary. I seen it, thirty . . . 1931. Seven things happened. I got it right on paper here, with me, wrote it in 1931. How that I said "This President, Franklin D. Roosevelt, he will cause all the world, help do it, send the world to war." Hadn't come to war yet, during times of depression. I said, "Another thing . . . " And my mother, a square-back Democrat, if she didn't look at me hard when I said that. I said, "I don't care if there's a Republican or if he was a Socialist or whatever he is, this is THUS SAITH THE LORD. And I said, "Doing this, they're permitting women to vote. And when they do that, they done one of the greatest disgraces this nation ever done." And I said, "Someday they'll pay for it." And they did at this last election. That's what elected him, women.
And you precious coloured people in the South, how you voted! You say, "You have no business saying that in the pulpit." Oh, yes, I have, it's the Word of God! And the stain of Abraham Lincoln, the one that freed you, laying yonder in that museum on a woman's dress, and you sell your birthright. Shame on you.
And you people, for politics, because you're just a good Democrat, voted for something like that and sold your birthrights of Americanism and Christianity, to give it over to the prostitute that run us in this nation, what made us what we was. See how she's been creeping in? Real easy, until now she's on the throne. Sure! The White House throne.
Watch! Already . . . Did you see the other day about the Catholic schools and Protestant schools? Support the Catholic school but not the Protestant school. Oh, brother! You watch for a wave of stuff coming forth now. Notice, and as they did it, look what taken place. All this sin heaping in. Got to a place and got the nation in that kind of a staggering place.
A few years ago, when they had . . . the Pentecostals first broke out; it saved the nation a few years ago when [Roman Catholic] Al Smith was going to run. America knowed better then. But Pentecost got so worldly it went right on in and sold their rights as a Christian, to politics, and its politics ahead of the Bible. Oh, my!
Now, just a minute, and watch just how this comes out. Now, we find out what they did and the things they did, we see it paralleling here just exactly, sin on every hand. Jezebel come in, she bewitched all the people. And notice, finally, she begin to build big shrines to Baalim. Is that right? And the Baalim priests flocked from everywhere to get into that place, and begin to contaminate the land with Baalim worship.
Look how they've done, look how they've weeded in. Just the things they done, look where they're at today. Look at Catholicism swallowing up, swallowing up, swallowing up; marrying into, breaking this, just exactly what Daniel said they'd do. Iron and clay wouldn't mix, but mingling their seeds one with another, breaking. Every Protestant girl marries a Catholic boy has to raise her children Catholic. All like that, marrying, intermingling like that until it's come to a place till the whole United States is all wormed over" (Jezebel Religion, March 19, 1961, p. 13:63-72; Daniel 2:40-45; II Timothy 4:2-4; Revelation 13; 17:11-18).
In the original sin the first Eve committed adultery with the Devil-incarnate Serpent, a giant man-like creature. She bore Satan's vicarious son Cain who was physical Serpent's seed, accursed of God and absent the Book of Life which is the first Adam's genealogy (Genesis 3:15). Jesus Christ is the last Adam and "near KINSMAN" to the first Adam and his race; He is not the last Cain and cannot redeem those in his bloodline.
Adam called his wife "Eve, because she was the mother of all living" (Genesis 3:20) but Adam was not the father of all living. The Judaeo-Roman Catholic church claims to be the second Eve and mother of all spiritual living and that salvation is in her alone. However, she and her children are spiritual Serpent's seed, bastard born of adultery against Christ the Word, because her words are not "God's Spirit and eternal Life" (John 6:63) but pagan Babylonian creed and dogma.
Quick Message will shake all Nations
I know it's hard. It's just like if a doctor gave you medicine, and you refused to take it, then don't blame the doctor if you die. This is like medicine. What about these people that always claim to my being a woman hater. You see, you just watch the way the women act and I'll show you where the church is. The women's morals are a Laodicea, in the world, physically naked, miserable, blind, and don't know it.
The people, the women of the world, and the church is in the same stage. Watch the natural type the spiritual right through each time.
Now, someday at the judgment bar . . . I know it's not popular to say it, and if a man is not ordained to say it, you better not say it because you're impersonating, and then you'll get in trouble sure enough.
Now, notice, I actually, look like at times, held a woman's mouth open and poured the medicine in her mouth, and then hold my hands over her mouth, and she will spit it out every time. What if a doctor did that to a patient, then, the patient died because they refused to swallow it, the medicine. At the judgment bar, when all these things like cutting hair and wearing shorts . . .
I'm only building. The hour is close at hand when you're going to see something happen, when something is going to take place with all this background here, has only been laying a foundation for a short, quick message that will shake the whole nations.
Why, I've been picking on women: it's just been laying up here, for something you could hit around the head with it. Even trying to tell them what's right. I hold my hand down like this is to where their mouth is; they spit it out. Then, who can blame the doctor?
How are you going to say at the day of the judgment, when the very voices that's cried out against it, will play the record right back in the face of the people? Then, how are they going to get away from it?
Spit it out between your fingers. Pour some more down and kind of shake their head, walk back, and go back—won't do it. Yet, you come back again and pour it in again. Then who is to blame? Not the doctor; not the medicine, but the attitude of the person. It's exactly.
It'll be a horrible day one of these days when this sinful adulterous generation stands before Almighty God.
As I see my years creeping up, my shoulders stooping, and I know . . . thirty years here in this platform, yes, thirty-three years here on the field; that's a long life. That's thirty-three years of service. Only one regret I have, that I didn't have a hundred and thirty-three years of it. For this will be the last opportunity I'll ever have, while here mortal to preach the Gospel. God help me to stand true as true can be to that Word, say just as He said.
What made that Methodist woman; how could you ever get it to her? Here she is in that Laodicean Church Age.
Now, we'll take the Pentecostal woman. She wouldn't wear shorts, make-up, or cut her hair, but she looks back down at the Methodist: "Say, look at that woman do so and so." Say, the woman doesn't wear shorts but she said . . . and herself with bobbed hair. The higher you rise in God, the more sinful the whole thing looks.
Then sometimes in prayer you can imagine when the Holy Spirit takes you up into a sphere then the whole thing looks chaos. Then when you come back down, you seem like you're—to the people, you're a rascal, that you're nothing but an old sarcastic . . . You're a fool, because you stand as an old crank and always rebuking the people, but if you ever climb into those spheres one time, when you can be in the Presence of God—not through emotion, but through genuine Holy Spirit lifting up—the whole thing is written "Ichabod." The glory of the Lord has departed from the whole denominational outfit. That's right. There's none of them that's right.
Some day yonder at the judgment bar . . . God will judge them someday. That's THUS SAITH THE LORD. It hasn't been a bunch of foolishness or some crazy old man all worked up. It isn't, because it's the Word of the Lord" (And Knoweth it Not, August 15, 1965, p. 12:6-14:3, 24:2).
Race Riots in Los Angeles
I don't think the Holy Spirit is agreeing with Martin Luther King at all on that. It's got the people all worked up in a bunch of ballyhoo, you see. Just like Hitler did over in Germany, led them right into a death trap, them precious Germans; and they laid by the billions, or millions, piled up there on top of one another. That's exactly the same thing, and remember I'm on tape, you'll see that maybe after I'm gone.
That's exactly what's going to happen. Them precious people will die down there like flies. Starts a revolutionary, both white and coloured will fight again and die like flies. And what have you got when it's all over?—a bunch of dead people" (The Third Exodus, June 30, 1963, p. 24:1-2).
"Look at California. Look at the riots. Look at 19 people being killed, racial. Didn't I tell you here not long ago, that that Martin Luther King would lead his people to a massacre? How many remembers that? It isn't them coloured people, its them leaders stirring them up. It isn't integration, segregation, and whatever you want to call it! It's the Devil! That's right. Not only to the white, coloured—it's all of them. It's the Devil! The mental faculties and reasons of man is broke down. There's no hopes. It's beyond hope. The whole thing is a putrified sore" (And Knoweth it Not, August 15, 1965, p. 37:3).
Chronology of the Most Recent Riots in the USA
(August 11-17,'65 Watts, Los Angeles 34 dead, 883 inj. 3,775 arrested $US50M July 12-17 '67 Newark, New Jersey 26 dead $US10M July 23-28 '67 Detroit 43 dead, 2,000+inj. 7,000 arrested $US162M July 13-14 '77 New York City 1 dead $US90M May 18-20 '80 Liberty City, Miami 18 dead, 400+ inj. 1100 arrested $US104M December 28-30 '82 Overtown, Miami 2 dead, 25+ inj. 30 arrested April 29-5/2'92 Los Angeles, 59 dead 7,000 arrested $US755MAssessment of Deaths, injuries and property not yet completed for San Francisco, Las Vegas, Minneapolis, Kansas City, Baton Rouge, Atlanta, Cleveland, New York, and Hartford).
1956—America's Last Chance
"Now, let me bring something else. I haven't got it written here, but on magnetic tape (and this is taped, too), in 1956 in Chicago, Illinois, standing at the Lane Tech High School (they were there), I said, "This year is going to be the changing of America." I've just come from overseas, don't know why I came. Came back, cancelled my meetings in Africa and around, came back.
Billy Graham, something mysterious, he cancelled his. Tommy Osborn canceled his. And we all crossing the United States, in meetings. I said, "America will either receive or reject Christ this year." Then, I said, "When they elected, in Indiana, a twenty-two-year-old boy to be judge," the Spirit of the Lord came on me and I said, "They will finally have a President that'll be one of these crew-cut, play-boy beatnik-type Presidents, a lady's man." Now, those are predictions years ago. See where we're at? It's later than we think.
So, I think of these Messages on these Seven Church Ages are timely. Let's be in prayer and study. Now, if you disagree and say, "I think Brother Branham is wrong," you've got a right to do that; but before we do it, before you do, let's search what the Lord has said with the Scriptures. See if . . . And then the prophecies, what was given that would come to pass, and look to see where they come to pass or not.
Now, it's on tape and so forth. You know it was spoken years ago, and here it is now coming to pass. Mussolini went down to Ethiopia, didn't he? Those poor coloured people down there with scythes, blades, and sticks to fight with; and them with modern machinery, he just slaughtered them down, came back crowing about it; but he met his doom. That's correct.
And . . . the Germans built the Maginot Line, and the American took a hard beating there, but finally, overcome. Exactly right. You veteran brethren know that, at the D-day and so forth, and when they went in. Now, and you find out then that women given the right to vote, and they elected a President that they should not have elected. See? That's that fall" (Hybrid Religion, November 13, 1960, p. 7:3-8:2).
"My voice is going around to many nations. It's a hybrid, this America has become condemned. And what did she do, according to the vision? She elected the wrong person. I don't know how long it will take it to run out, but it will be someday. THUS SAITH THE LORD! It will.
She's on her downward move right now. She will never come back again. She's gone. That's right. She's been gone since 1956 when she condemned and turned away God from the great revival hours" (Hybrid Religion, November 13, 1960, p. 30:6-31:2).
America is the Prostitute of the Nations
"This America is the prostitute of the nations. That's exactly what she is, and she's going to be worse than ever now. She's coming to her end! The Bible speaks of her doom, tells how she's going to be. America: lowdown, rotten, filthy, no good. That's exactly right; she's been a great nation. She's carried the Gospel Message. What makes her the way she is? Because she's turned down the Gospel Message, and rejected the Truth. She's horrible. She's got it coming, don't worry. I seen it in the vision as THUS SAITH THE LORD! It's coming. She's going to pay for her sins.
Back when America was America, she was a great nation. The greatest the world's ever known since Israel, was America, but she sure has polluted herself now. She's rejected the Message. She's took nothing but just . . . Now she's got herself . . . You can see where she's at now. Everybody knows that, in the last election shows where her spiritual standing is. Uh-huh. She doesn't know" (Revelation, Chapter Four, January 8, 1961, p. 661:87-88; Revelation 3:17).
Invasion of the USA
"There's a sputnik up there. And what would happen? The nation would surrender, of course, that's the only decent thing the government could do.
Then what happens? Wave after wave, of ship loads of soldiers; wave after wave, of airplanes; would land in this nation. The women would be ravished in the streets. What would you do, it belongs to them! Kicked out of your home: they'll take it over.
What will happen to you young girls and you young man and all of you at that time? Sin has to be paid for! No matter what nation it is, or who it is, it does it. Individually, or a nation, it's going to be paid for! And a bunch of brutal, ungodly, whisker-jawed, communistic soldiers would grab your wives and ravish them, your young girls. And you would stand and like it, there's nothing you can do about it.
What causes that? Because you have listened to such stuff as these television programs on rock-and-roll and sin, and some cold formal preacher not able to interpret the supernatural. The handwriting is on the wall! That's right! And we are weighed in the balance, and found wanting.
When could that take place? Before daylight in the morning. Who is going to stop it? Try it. The Bible says it will happen [Israel is a type of the United States (Isaiah 13:6-16; Zechariah 14:2)]. But let me tell you, that will never touch the Church of the living God, we'll be gone by that time!
So, friend, listen. If that thing is so close, and we see the handwriting on the wall, there is nothing can stop this thing from happening. America has been preached to, the supernatural has been done, and continually they wade right over the top of it" (Handwriting on the Wall, March 9, 1957, p. 11:84-91).
Atomic Destruction
"Now, 1914, the world went to a war, and they have never been at peace since—constantly swinging in, swinging in, swinging in, and they're doing the very same thing yet. And what was they doing, "Holding!" O God, have mercy! Holding that great thing that I saw in the vision (the whole thing become to destruction), holding the atomic, holding the wars that they don't destroy themselves until the thing comes to destroy it; until Israel returns back and gets herself together, and then the Message will go to Israel and she will be sealed with that seal of the Holy Ghost. See, after the Gentiles is called out; the people for His Name's sake will be called out, which in this age right here they're called [Acts 15:14-16]. Then Israel only receives a three-year-and-six-month's Message.
Daniel said so, said they'll be, there would, "There was . . . seven years prophesied to them, yet left for salvation for the Jews." He said, "Messiah, the Prince, which is Christ, will come and prophesy in the midst of that seventy years . . . or seven years, He will be cut off." Jesus preached three and one half years and was cut off, and the daily sacrifice was taken away which Daniel said. All right.
And then there was a space given then for the Gentiles, and they come down to this age. Then there's three and a half years left yet for the Jews. If we get over in Revelation 11, we'll pick up exactly at the end (the Church don't appear till the 19th chapter of Revelation), but the end of that, Elijah and Moses returns again and preach to the Jews. Two man anointed with that Spirit . . . So they kill them and they lay them in the street called Sodom where our Lord was crucified, "Jerusalem." And after three days, why, the life (Spirit of Life) came into them and they went up, raised up. And then about a third of the earth was blowed to pieces at that time. They done miracles and signs with the Jews.
Now here's that Jews that they're coming to preach to. The world could not blow one another up or kill one another, or destruction come, until those Jews come back down on that place; here sets the Bible saying so, he saw the four Angels. And watch what they got to receive; they've got to receive the Holy Ghost just like they did . . ." (Ten Virgins, December 11, 1960, p. 445:111-114; Revelation 7:1-4; 11:1-14).
"Now, we realize that that wasn't John, 'cause it wasn't the dreadful Day of the Lord, (was it?), and neither did He burn the earth. So it must've meant a preview, or a future coming of Elijah. Is that right? Cause He said, "I'll send Elijah, and I'm going to burn the whole earth, and I'm going to just clean it off, and you'll walk out upon their ashes." That's the Millennium, we know that. After the atomic bomb shall blow it to pieces, then the earth will straighten up. And there'll be a great day here on the earth, and the Church will reign with Jesus on the earth for a thousand years. Is that right? "But before that great and dreadful Day of the Lord, when it's going to be blowed up, I'll send to you Elijah the prophet." Is that right? So it did not mean John the Baptist in that state, because the dreadful Day of the Lord wasn't then, it was two thousand years off. Is that right?" (Laodicean Church Age, December 12, 1960, p. 508:75; Malachi 4:1-4; Matthew 3:12).
The Vision of 1933
"In 1933 when the Lord, when we was having meetings over here where that Church of Christ is standing now, the old Masonic home, the vision of the Lord came to me up here and predicted that, "Germany would rise up and have put that Maginot Line there." Many of you remember it. "And how they'd be all fortified in there, and the Americans would take a great beating right there at that line. And also said what would take place, and about Roosevelt and them things, how he would run and make that fourth term." Perfectly, just exactly the way it come to pass. "And also said that cars would keep getting more like an egg, until the last days they'd be just in the shape of an egg."
And I said, "It will come to pass that those cars will not be run by a steering wheel, it'll be something another run. It's them cars they're bringing out right now, remote control, for safety. That's correct. You won't be able to enter into a city then, a twenty-mile zone, you can just go twenty mile. You can't hit another car, because it's remote control. See, it's going like that right now.
And I said, "Remember, in that day, before the end time comes, before the end time come, that a woman . . . Now, you all keep this wrote down. There'll be a great powerful woman raise up, either be President, or dictator, or some great powerful woman in this United States. And she will sink under the influence of women. Now, you remember, that's THUS SAITH THE LORD" (Why We are not a Denomination, September 27, 1958. p. 29:136; Early in 1992 The Sydney Morning Herald published an article describing computer-controlled freeways proposed for Los Angeles on which cars would be remotely controlled and driven independently of the occupants. Now, in 2017 driverless articulated trucks are on the roads in Germany and the USA and the major car manufacturers are testing these vehicles on public roads and highways).
"I'd like to read you a prophecy that was given. I got on [tape], and by the way, Mr. Mercier and many of them are going to take some of these old prophecies, and dig them out and revise them a little or bring them up to date, and put them in papers. I'd like to read some things that I'd like for you to . . . This one first. I'd like to read something to you, 1932, listen to this.
"As I was on my way, as I was getting ready to go on my way to church this morning, it came to pass that I fell into a vision. Our services are being held on Meigs Avenue at the old orphans' home, where Charlie Kurn lives in part of the building." He lives just across the street, now. "And it come to pass that while I was in this vision, I saw some dreadful things take place. I speak this in the Name of the Lord."
"The President which now is, President Franklin D. Roosevelt," now remember, this is twenty-eight years ago, "will cause the whole world to go to war; and the new dictator of Italy, Mussolini, shall make his first invasion toward Ethiopia, and he will take Ethiopia; but that'll be his last. He shall come to his end."
"We will be in the war with Germany. Watch Russia! Now, that's . . . Communism, Nazism, and Fascism. Watch Russia! But that is not the main one to watch."
"It shall also . . . has been an evil thing done in this country, they have permitted women to vote. This is a woman's nation, and she will pollute this nation as Eve did Eden." Now you see why I'm hammering the way I do. I've got THUS SAITH THE LORD. "In her voting she will elect the wrong person."
"The Americans will take a great beating at a place that Germany will build, which will be a great wall built of concrete," the Maginot Line, eleven years before it was ever built, "but finally they will be victors."
"Then when these women help elect the wrong person, then I saw a great woman rise up in the United States, well-dressed and beautiful, but cruel in heart. She will either guide or lead this nation to ruination." Now, I've got in parenthesis (perhaps the Catholic Church)."
"Also, science will progress, especially in the mechanical world. Automobiles will continue to get like egg-shape. Finally they will build one that won't need a steering wheel." They've got it now. "It will be controlled by some other power."
"Then I saw the United States as one smoldering, burnt-over place. It will be near the end." Then I've got in parenthesis "(I predict that this will take place . . .)." Now remember, that's what the Lord showed. "(But I predict this will take place before 1977)." Upon this prediction, I base, because of the onrushing slaught that's coming now, how fast that it was moving, how long it'll take till this nation meets its place.
Now, look what happened now. President Franklin D. Roosevelt took America to England's tea party. That's right. Germany never picked on us; we picked on them. Throwed the whole world into a war; to cause a World War. The Germans built the Maginot Line, which there . . . any veteran here knows what she took there at the Maginot Line.
Women, given the right to vote, elected President-elect Kennedy, the woman's vote. The wrong man, which will finally be to full control of the Catholic Church in the United States; then the bomb comes to explode her. There's seven things predicted, and five of them have already happened. So, you can judge yourself how far away we are. We're near the end. If those five things happened, these other two things are bound to happen. It's just got to happen.
I do not think that Mr. Kennedy will have much effect now, because he will make a wonderful president in order to bring in the others to get a scene set just like they have in England, like they did in Mexico, like they did everywhere else like that. And the American people, so unstable, not spiritually; they're smart, but too smart for their own good. Intelligence swings backward sometimes and backfires. So they . . . I'm preaching on that this morning, in a little bit.
So we find out we're right on the verge. The reason I said this, that's the reason I pressed that the other day so hard the way I did, but it was that that did it. That's right. Women's vote that put . . .
Did you notice the rallies on the television? Nixon to be pretty near all man. All of them wanted to kiss Kennedy, the women, jumping straddle the cars and everything like that, jumping up and down" (End-Time Seed Sign, March 19, 1960, p. 5:1-6:7).
The Laodicean Age
"The Laodicean Age began around the turn of the Twentieth Century, perhaps 1906. How long will it last? As a servant of God who has had multitudes of visions, of which NONE has ever failed, let me predict (I did not say prophesy, but predict) that this age will end around 1977. If you will pardon a personal note here, I base this prediction on seven major continuous visions that came to me one Sunday morning in June, 1933. The Lord Jesus spoke to me and said that the coming of the Lord was drawing nigh, but that before He came, seven major events would transpire. I wrote them all down and that morning I gave forth the revelation of the Lord. The first vision was that Mussolini would invade Ethiopia and that nation would "fall at his steps". That vision surely did cause some repercussions, and some were very angry when I said it and would not believe it. But it happened that way. He just walked in there with his modern arms and took over. The natives didn't have a chance. But the vision also said that Mussolini would come to a horrible end with his own people turning on him. That came to pass just exactly as it was said.
The next vision foretold that an Austrian by the name of Adolph Hitler would rise up as dictator over Germany, and that he would draw the world into war. It showed the Siegfried line and how our troops would have a terrible time to overcome it. Then it showed that Hitler would come to a mysterious end.
The third vision was in the realm of world politics for it showed me that there would be three great ISMS, Fascism, Nazism, Communism, but that the first two would be swallowed up into the third. The voice admonished, "WATCH RUSSIA, WATCH RUSSIA. Keep your eye on the King of the North."
The fourth vision showed the great advances in science that would come after the Second World War. It was headed up in the vision of a plastic bubble-topped car that was running down beautiful highways under remote control so that people appeared seated in this car without a steering wheel and they were playing some sort of a game to amuse themselves.
The fifth vision had to do with the moral problem of our age, centering mostly around women. God showed me that women began to be out of their place with the granting of the vote. Then they cut off their hair, which signified that they were no longer under the authority of a man but insisted on either equal rights, or in most cases, more than equal rights. She adopted men's clothing and went into a state of undress, until the last picture I saw was a woman naked except for a little fig leaf type apron. With this vision I saw the terrible perversion and moral plight of the whole world.
Then in the sixth vision there arose up in America a most beautiful, but cruel woman. She held the people in her complete power. I believed that this was the rise of the Roman Catholic Church, though I knew it could possibly be a vision of some woman rising in great power in America due to a popular vote by women.
The last and seventh vision was wherein I heard a most terrible explosion. As I turned to look I saw nothing but debris, craters, and smoke all over the land of America.
Based on these seven visions, along with the rapid changes which have swept the world in the last fifty years, I PREDICT (I do not prophesy) that these visions will have all come to pass by 1977. And though many may feel that this is an irresponsible statement in view of the fact that Jesus said that 'no man knoweth the day nor the hour.' I still maintain this prediction after thirty years because, Jesus did NOT say no man could know the year, month or week in which His coming was to be completed. So I repeat, I sincerely believe and maintain as a private student of the Word, along with divine inspiration that 1977 ought to terminate the world systems and usher in the millennium.
Now let me say this. Can anyone prove any of those visions wrong? Were they not all fulfilled? Yes, each one has been fulfilled, or is in the process right now. Mussolini invaded Ethiopia successfully, then fell and lost it all. Hitler started a war he could not finish and died mysteriously. Communism took over both the other two ISMS. The plastic bubble car has been built and is awaiting only a better network of roads. Women are all but naked, and are even now wearing topless bathing suits. And just the other day I saw in a magazine the very dress that I saw in my vision (if you can call it a dress). It was a plastic transparent type of cloth with three darkened spots that covered both breasts in a small area, and then there was a dark place like a small apron below. The Catholic Church is on the rise. We have had one Catholic president and will no doubt have another. What is left? Nothing except Hebrews 12:26. "Whose voice then shook the earth: but now He hath promised, saying, Yet once more I shake not the earth only, but also heaven." Once more God will shake the earth and with it shake everything loose that can be shaken. Then He will renovate it. Just last March, 1964, that Good Friday earthquake of Alaska shook the whole world though it did not unbalance it. But God was warning by a world tremor what He will soon do on a greater scale. He is going to blast and rock this sin-cursed world, my brother, my sister, and there is only one place that can stand that shock, and that is in the fold of the Lord Jesus. And I would beseech you while God's mercy is still available to you, that you give your whole life, unreservedly to Jesus Christ, who as the faithful Shepherd will save you and care for you and present you faultless in glory with exceeding great joy" (An Exposition of the Seven Church Ages, p. 321:2 – 322:4).
The Last Sign to the Gentile Church
"THUS SAITH THE SPIRIT OF GOD that's on me, this is the last sign to the Gentile Church before the Rapture. THUS SAITH THE WORD OF GOD! THUS SAITH THE HOLY SPIRIT that speaks, that knows the secret of the heart. THUS SAITH THE LORD, you are receiving your last call. Call me fanatic if you wish to, and blaspheme the Holy Ghost. Come now if you're not ready to meet Him in the Rapture. I challenge, I ask, I persuade, I beg, come now"! (Wasn't so from the Beginning, April 11, 1961; Luke 17:30; Genesis 18; Hebrews 4:12).
No Judging of Prophets
"There's a difference between prophecy and a prophet. Prophecy goes from one to another, but a prophet is born from the cradle a prophet. They have THUS SAITH THE LORD! No judging of them. You don't see them before Isaiah, or Jeremiah, any of them prophets, because they had THUS SAITH THE LORD! But a spirit of prophecy amongst the people; you have to watch that, 'cause Satan will slip in there. See? Now, but it must be judged" (Questions and Answers on the Holy Ghost, December 19, 1959, p. 440:129; Numbers 12:6; Deuteronomy 13:1-5; 18:15-22; Jeremiah 1:5; Romans 11:29; I Corinthians 14:26-33).
Satan hates 'THUS SAITH THE LORD' because it exposes Him
"Do you notice how horrible it is for Satan when he thinks he's going to be exposed? Watch in one of the servic;, watch the action of the people. You watch that on my meeting. Just before Satan's going to be exposed over a certain person, you can see their face changing. You see, they don't know what to think. All at once, the Holy Spirit coming down and exposes that Devil. Oh! He hates that kind of a meeting. That's the reason we've had such a battle, because the Word of God exposes the Devil. See, it tells what he is.
Like you say, "This woman setting here," under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, say, "her name is Miss Jones. She come from So-and-so." What does that do? It picks up her spirit, brings it up to a place.
"How do you know me? That man doesn't know me, so it must be some spirit. What kind of a spirit is it?"
"It's the Spirit of God."
"How? What's the matter with me?"
"You have tuberculosis, cancer," whatever it is, "but THUS SAITH THE LORD. . ." "Oh!" Oh, how Satan hates that! Because it exposes him.
Now, the carnal mind looks on, says, "Mind reading, mental telepathy." They don't know. It's foolish to them.
But to those who know what it is, oh, what a blessing! What is it? A revelation. A revelation of who? Of the man on the pulpit? Of Jesus Christ in this last church age! Revealing Himself like He promised that He would do. It's a Revelation" (The Revelation of Jesus Christ, December 4, 1960, p. 26:121-129; Malachi 4:5-6; Matthew 17:11; Luke 17:30; Hebrews 4:12; Genesis 18; Revelation 10:7).
The Prophets acted as God
"They was brought before the priests, they wasn't ashamed, because they had directly THUS SAITH THE LORD! If you notice, the prophet in one sense of the Word in the Old Testament, when he said THUS SAITH THE LORD, now, watch him, he goes right into the phrase of taking the place of God. You notice, when he placed out before him THUS SAITH THE LORD, he fell right into God, and he acted as God, then he gave his Message, which was God speaking through him, "THUS SAITH THE LORD!"
I think of the prophets of old when they come with that Message and it embarrassed the kings, and it made the people feel uncomfortable—the priest even. They would feel uncomfortable, because they were supposed to be leaders, religious man; and when they—the Word came forth in that manner it exposed them, and they felt embarrassed or ashamed" (Ashamed, July 11, 1965, p. 18:127-129).
Hold on to What I say to be the Truth
"I know that there's a few people in the world holds on to what I say to be the Truth. To stand here and say, "THUS SAITH THE LORD, I'm going to Arizona, there I'll meet seven Angels in a cluster," well, there's a group of man standing there to see it happen.
The other night, saying it, "Los Angeles would fall into the ocean." But when you have met God, and the God who doesn't fail, the God who does exactly what He said He would do, He's always done it; you're not ashamed of it then. You don't have to walk back and be embarrassed about it; you can tell the whole world. If a man meets God, talks to Him, and the reality of God becomes his in his heart, he's not ashamed of it" (Ashamed, July 11, 1965, p. 25:176).
Let's Consult the Prophet
"What can be done? What is to be done? Let's consult the prophet, the Bible, where we cannot add to or take from it. If we do, God takes us from the Book of Life.
The Bible said in Malachi 4 what would happen today, Revelation 10, how the Seven Seals would be open and reveal all these mysteries that's been hid through these reformers. He said how it would be done. It's in the Bible, THUS SAITH THE LORD. God has completely, perfectly identified that and a-vindicated it to be the Truth by signs, wonders in the heavens and the skies, and everything else for thirty-three years.
You think they'll listen to it? No, they're dead. They've put their hand into something that's killed the whole thing. No, it won't, it won't never no more" (Trying to do God a Service without the Will of God, July 18, 1965, p. 25:147-147b).
It'll Repeat Again in the Last Days
"Jannes and Jambres walked out before Moses, and publicly before the people, and performed every miracle that Moses could do. They will deceive the very elected if it's possible. Is that right? Performed the same thing that Moses did. You get it? Now remember, it's THUS SAITH THE SCRIPTURE that it'll repeat again in the last days. What was the difference between Moses and Jambres?
Moses said, "Let blood come in the water!"
And these false prophets said, "Sure, we put blood in the water too." And it happened.
So Moses said, "Let there come fleas!" What was he getting it? Straight from God! See? And what did he do? He said, "Well sure, we can bring fleas too." And they did it. Any miracle that Moses could do, they could do too! Remember, keep that in mind, we're coming to it after while. They can do anything the rest of them can do, but they can't stay with the Word! They can't stay with the Word.
Now notice. They did it! But Moses the true sent prophet from God, commissioned by God, he never fussed with them, said, "Here, you can't do that! You can't . . ." He just let them alone, just let them go on. They're organizational prophets, but go ahead. Moses just went right on, listened to God. Whatever God said, "Now, you do this," Moses went and done it. He done a new thing. When they did, each one of them had a sensation or something; here they come. They did it too, just exactly like Moses did.
Now notice! These fellows appeared . . . Oh, you people, don't you miss this! These impostors, impersonators, appeared after the true one had went first! They come to impersonate. See, they have to! The Devil cannot create anything; he just is a perverter of the original. And what is sin? Its righteousness perverted. What is adultery? The right act perverted. What is a lie? Is the truth misrepresented. A perversion. Look at Hananiah, a perversion of the original Word. Look at Balaam, a perversion of the original Word. Look at Zedekiah, the perversion of the original Word. And the Bible said that these guys would come out after the—to pervert the original Word, vindicated and proved to be the Truth!
"Do the work of an evangelist (in that corner yonder); make full proof of your ministry, for the time will come when they'll not endure sound doctrine, but after their own lust shall heap for themselves teachers, having itching ears." They'd go ahead and do anything you want to; and it's all right, "We got the same signs and wonders." "And shall be turned from the Truth and be brought into fables"—dogmas!
Oh, the awareness of the Holy Spirit, the awe that strikes a man's soul when he stops to think how real and plain it's right before us. Dig up that cornerstone out here and read a piece of paper that's put in there thirty-three years ago. See what He said over yonder on—on Seventh Street that morning when this cornerstone was laid. Now, watch it. Watch down here on the river when the Angel of the Lord came down in a form of a Pillar of Fire, hundreds of the churches, or peoples of the church, standing around on the bank, what He said; see if it's come to pass. See what's happened. It's so hard. I know it looks hard, brethren out there, but it's . . . The Bible said . . . Jesus said Himself it would deceive the very elected if it was possible. No way around it, they'll never be able to see it. If it was possible, the very elected would be deceived by it. Notice, these fellows appeared after God's true anointed was sent, by His true prophet Moses. And when Moses would do anything, they would impersonate it.
Now, brother, sister, this is my own church. I got a right to preach what I want to as long as it's out of God's Word. And I ain't condemning you people, but let's just search that for the time and the hour that we're now living!
Greetings to Brother Ruddell, to Junior Jackson and them out here, our brother churches, I forgot them a while ago. I think they're hooked in this morning too because of no—no room in the church.
Just think of it now, just for a minute. They did the same miracles that Moses did. Moses brought fleas, they impersonated and brought fleas. See God said, "The day you eat thereof, that day you die."
Satan come around and said, "Surely, you'll not die; you'll just be wiser. You'll have a better organization, a better . . . You know. You know, everything would be better for you, have more Light." See, just a perversion! And remember, THUS SAITH THE LORD, according to II Timothy 3:8, that in the last days that this Jannes and Jambres would be on the earth. Now, I want you to notice there's two of them. See? Impersonators. ["As it was in the days of Lot"].
Now, we're going to get back to Sodom after while and three's, find them three Angels that came down and see the impersonation and so forth. See? See which is right and wrong. See, see?
Notice! They did the same miracles. But notice, they impersonated after the true Word had been anointed by the true one that God had sent—followed secondarily. I wonder if we could think for a minute. Taking the people by the hand not long ago, about twenty years ago, and a sign showed. Boy, there was more signs all over . . . ? . . . And everybody, one's got it in his right hand; one's got it in his left hand; the other one smells it. See? All kinds of. . . And I wonder . . . God won't let me tell you at this time what was really the truth, but one day you're going to find out. That was just to make their folly manifested. That wasn't right at the beginning. I'll tell you one day if the Lord permits.
Notice, they did the same miracles, but they didn't . . . notice they didn't do it till after the original Word went forth first. That's the way Satan done in the Garden of Eden; that's the way he done all the time. Who prophesied first? Moses. Who come on the scene first, Moses or Balaam? Moses. Who come on the scene first, Jeremiah or Hananiah? You see what I mean?
Notice! They copied. Carnal impersonators, sincere, thinking they were doing God a service as David did (last week), but carnal impersonations. I'm just waiting a minute. I want you to think between these places. If I don't say it, surely the Holy Spirit will reveal it to—especially to the Elected.
Pharaoh's denomination says, "We have man that can do that same thing." And they did it. See? Why did Pharaoh do this? Why did God permit it? Why would God send a true, anointed prophet down there to perform a sign before Pharaoh, and then let a denominational copy come around and copy it before the people? Why would He let an impersonator rise up to do it and do the same thing exactly the genuine Spirit of God done? See, the Scripture must be fulfilled.
Notice! He did this so that He would harden the heart of Pharaoh and the Egyptians. To prove that Moses wasn't the only one that had the Word, they could do everything just the same as Moses could do. And why did God let this thing happen in the last days? So the same thing as the lying spirit said to Zedekiah. "How we going to get Ahab out there to make these things come to pass?" How is He going to get these people trusting in their churches to get out here to let this thing come to pass that He predicted that—in this Laodicean Church age? "Because thou saith thou art rich and have need of nothing." "I set as a queen—have need of nothing. . ."
"Knowest thou not that you're miserable, wretched, blind? And I counsel to come buy of Me," He said, "oil and gold." Why did He do it? Why did He let this impersonation rise up in this last days when these things are coming to pass by the true Word of God, and let impersonators come up and do the same thing and deny the true Word of God? He did it, for Moses—and Pharaoh did it against Moses and those—Jannes and Jambres did it against Moses. . . And the Bible said that it'll repeat again in the last days. Here we are! Now, if that ain't Scripture fulfilled, where is it at?
Did Moses fuss at them and say, "Here, here, you can't do that. I'm the only one's been ordained to do that. Here, you stop that right now!" He just let them go, let them go on. Remember, the Bible said, "As their folly was made manifest, so will these in the last day be made manifest," when the Bride is raptured and taken into the sky.
Notice! Moses, the true, manifested Word, never said nothing, just let it go. But He did that so He could harden the heart of Pharaoh, deceive Pharaoh. He did that very same thing so He could deceive Ahab. And that one little guy standing there by himself, little Micaiah, telling them THUS SAITH THE LORD. Here stood another one, anointed, "Thus saith the Lord," and contrary one to another.
We stand today with THUS SAITH THE LORD that the water baptism in the last days is to be in the Name of Jesus Christ, and another man stand and perform miracles and a trinitarian! Show me the word trinity in the Bible! Show me where there's three gods! Show me where there's such things as that! It's not in the Word of God. There's no such a thing as anybody ever baptized in the name of Father, Son, Holy Ghost, using those titles. All these things, "Oh, it's all right, sisters, that's all right, just go have long—your short hair. That's all right, you don't have to do this, that, or the other. Oh, that's nonsense, some old fogey." But the Bible said, and He promised in the last days He would send the Spirit of Elijah, and would call the people, the children of God, back to the original faith like it was in the beginning of the Word. That Word was confirmed the Son of man in the last days, the same as it was at Sodom—yesterday, today, and forever. He promised to do it. It's God's promise; it's THUS SAITH THE LORD.
Notice! They did the same thing, just as Moses did, until God got enough of it. Now remember, it's THUS SAITH THE LORD, it'll come to pass in this day. Now, search over the world; take every cult, take every clan, take every man, take every church. . . I charge you in Christ's Name to do this, you preachers. I charge you to read the newspapers or take consideration anywhere you want to go, and see if it isn't on the earth right now. Then Matthew 24:24 is exactly right. False anointed ones will rise in the last days and will be false prophets, and shall deceive many. Watch it in the types now as it comes now. See? Shall deceive many. Prophets plural, christs, anointed, plural. Many different ones. One's a Methodist, anointed Baptists, and the Pentecostal, and so forth. See? But there's one genuine Christ Spirit, and that's the Word made flesh as He promised to do it" (The Anointed Ones at the End Time, July 25, 1965, p. 30:136-156).
World is going Insane
"Look at all the televisions and things getting these fictitious things in order. It'll come a time, I predict, that people will be completely, totally insane, the world will be. The Bible speaks of such hideous sights as they show in movies today of some prehistoric creature, that's lived in the earth for so many thousands and millions of years, hatch and come forth to some . . . That's just a minor thing, to what's going to happen. When hell is opened and the Devil comes out with all of his mysterious things, of locust with hair like women, and teeth like lions. Why, the world will be completely, totally insane. It's not but just about one degree from it now" (God's Provided Place of Worship, April 4, 1965, p. 24:191; Revelation 9:1-11).
You'll find out One of these Days
"So this bishop walked up and said, "You'll never have fellowship no more!" and smacked him in the face; said, "You know that I'm a vindicated man. My church made me the head of it, this thing. The popular vote of God's people made me this. My organization made me this. And God gave us this land, and He intends for it to belong to us! And I have THUS SAITH THE LORD." He smacked him and said, "Which way did the Spirit of God go when it left me?"
Micaiah said, "You'll find out one of these days when California's beneath the sea out yonder," a lot of these things. See? "You'll see which a-way it went when you're setting in the inner prisons" (The Anointed Ones at the End Time, July 25, 1965, p. 21:93-94).
Los Angeles will go beneath the Ocean
"Church member, if your church isn't like that can measure up to God's qualification of His Word, get out of it, and get into Christ. That's solemn warning. We don't know what time. And you don't know what time that this city one day is going to be laying out here in the bottom of this ocean!
"O Capernaum," said Jesus, "Thou who exalted into Heaven will be brought down into hell. For if the mighty works had been done in Sodom and Gomorrah, it would have been standing till this day." And Sodom and Gomorrah lays at the bottom of the Dead Sea, and Capernaum is in the bottom of the sea.
Thou city, who claims to be the city of the Angels, who has exalted yourself into Heaven and sent all the dirty, filthy things of fashions and things, till even the foreign countries come here to pick up our filth and send it away, with your fine churches and steeples, and so forth the way you do, remember, one day you will be laying in the bottom of this sea! Your great honeycomb under you right now. The wrath of God is belching right beneath you. How much longer He will hold this sandbar hanging over that, when that ocean out yonder a mile deep will slide in there plumb back to the Salton Sea. It will be worse than the last day of Pompeii. Repent, Los Angeles! Repent, the rest of you, and turn to God! The hour of His wrath is upon the earth. Flee while there is time to flee and come into Christ. Let us pray.
Dear God, when in my spirit is shaking, my heart is dropping teardrops of warning, grant, O God, that man and women will not think of what I've said as a joke, and the church people will not think of it as something that was prejudice or against them. May they see, Lord, it's in love. Thou barest me record, Almighty God, that up and down this coast I went, year after year, proclaiming Your Word. Bear me record, O God, if it would happen tonight, I've told the Truth. Thou knowest this vision of the Bride is the Truth. I've took Your Name by it, Lord, and said it was THUS SAITH THE LORD, and I feel that I'm conscious, Lord, of what I'm doing.
So I pray Thee, Lord, in Jesus' Name, let people shake themselves tonight and flee from the wrath that is to come, for Ichabod is wrote over the doors and over the nation. A black check mark is come across it, the Spirit of God is grieved away from it, and they're weighed in the balance and found wanting. The feast of King Nebuchadnezzar has repeated again with drunken parties and half-dressed women calling themselves Christians. O God of Heaven, have mercy upon a sinful world and a sinful people, Lord, as we are tonight. God, I'm trying to stand in the breach and ask for divine mercy that You will speak into this crowd tonight and call Your Bride to attention, Lord, to march not by the sign of any creed, but by the sound of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Grant it, O God. Let it be known this night, that Thou art God, and Thy Word is Truth. While solemnly in the face of this people, we call them to attention of Thy Word. In the Name of Jesus Christ, I pray for them, Lord.
They have seen You beyond any shadow of a doubt move across the crowds and tell them what is in their heart. And Thou knowest, Lord that right now what is going on. Thou knowest that to be Truth, O God. And I pray Thee in Jesus' Name, let the Holy Spirit intercede again, Lord, and pull from this audience, Lord, those who are written in the Lamb's Book of Life. Grant it, O God, I pray it with all my heart.
These people, naturally, Lord, would give me the last penny they had to support the Message. They would do anything that they could, but, O God, when it comes to coping with it and coming into it, I pray, God, that this will be the night that You will reward them and pour down Your Holy Spirit upon this convention. And may there not be a frolic, or jumping around; but a weeping, and a crying, and a repenting, holding on to the horns of the altar while we see judgment roaring beneath us tonight! Grant it, God. I pray as sincerely as I know how, in the Name of Jesus Christ.
My brother, sister, I don't know what more to say. If I have found grace in your sight, by the Power of God, if you believe me to be His prophet. This is the first time in public I've ever said that, but I feel a strange warning of some sort. I'm not prone to this, you know I'm not. I don't act like this. I hesitated to speak that Message and say those things. I run sideways and everything else to keep from doing it, but it has been said, and it will stand at the day of the judgment as a witness that I've told the Truth. That is THUS SAITH THE LORD GOD. O Pentecost, run for your life! Flee to the horns of the altar and cry out before it is too late, for the hour will come when you can cry and it will do no good, for Esau sought to find the place of his birthright, and couldn't find it. I commit you, O California, O Convention of the Full Gospel Business Man, who I love, who I've left and strung to with all my heart, I commit you to Jesus Christ tonight. Flee to Him! Don't let the Devil ever cool you off from this. Stay right with it until you are every one filled with the Holy Ghost insomuch that it will make you come to this Word, that will make you women straighten up, that will make you man straighten up. If you say you've got the Holy Ghost and won't cope with the Word, it is another spirit in you. God's Spirit is on His Word. The Messianic, the anointed Word. The Bride must be a "Messiah-ette," the anointed Word.
Let us stand to our feet, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. If you never hear my voice again. . . If God willing, I'm sailing to Africa in a few hours; I may never return. I don't know. But I tell you with all my heart, I've told you the Truth. I haven't shunned to declare to you everything that God has told me to say, and I've said it in the Name of the Lord.
It is a solemn moment. I don't know how to express it. I've tried to leave the pulpit three or four times, and I can't do it. This is a solemn hour. Don't you never forget it! This is a time that maybe God may be making His last call. I don't . . . He will make His last call someday. When? I don't know. But I'm telling you, according to that vision, it looks like that that Bride is about finished! Look at the nominal churches coming in. When the sleeping virgin come for oil, she failed to get it. The Bride went in. The Rapture went up. While they went to buy oil, the Bridegroom come. Are you asleep? Wake up, quickly come to yourself, and let us pray, each one, like we were dying at this minute, in the Name of the Lord. Let's each one pray in your own way.
God Almighty, have mercy upon us, Lord. Have mercy on me. Have mercy upon us all. What good does it do, no matter what we do, if we fail in these things. I stand and ask for mercy. O God, before this great city sinks beneath the sea and judgments of God sweep this coast, I pray, God, that You will call Your Bride. I commit them to You now, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen" (Choosing a Bride, April 29, 1965, p. 35:3-38:1).
"I remember just my last message in California, where I thought I'd never go back again, when I predicted Los Angeles will go beneath the ocean. And, THUS SAITH THE LORD, it will! She's done; she's washed; she's finished. What hour? I don't know when. But it will be sunk right after that the earthquakes begin to jerk and bound.
You remember, many of you men standing right there, that rock that day when that Angel came down there and that Light and Fire falling from the Heaven around the rock when we was standing there, rocks flinging out of the mountain, and falling across there. And she blasted three times, hard. I said, "Judgment will strike the West Coast." Two days after that, Alaska almost sunk.
Remember, that same God that said that, said Los Angeles is doomed. And she's finished. I don't know when, I can't tell you.
I didn't know I said that. But this brother here, I believe it was. . . No, one of the Mosleys, I believe, had me out on the street out there. I don't know what it was till I looked back. And I looked back in the Scripture, and Jesus said, "Capernaum, Capernaum, how oft . . . You that's exalted yourself (rather) up into Heaven shall be brought down into hell, for if the mighty works had been done in you that'd been done in Sodom, it would've stood today." And about a hundred and fifty years from there—Sodom had already in the earth, then Capernaum is in the water too today.
And that same Spirit of God that said all these things and done all these things, it said there, "O city, Capernaum, who called yourself by the name of the angels, Los Angeles. How you've exalted yourself into Heaven!" The very root and seat of Satan. See? "You've exalted yourself."
Preachers, it's a graveyard for them. Good men go there and die like rats. What havoc!
"You that call yourself by the name of the angels, if the mighty works had been done in Sodom that'd been done in you, it'd stood today. But your hour's come." You watch and see. If it ain't, I'm a false prophet. See? There she is; she's laying there" (The Rapture, December 4, 1965, p. 39:191-197; Isaiah 24; Zechariah 14:1-9; Matthew 27:50-53; Revelation 6:12-17; 11:14-18; 16:15-18; 18:21-23).nl959.htm
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Brother Grigor-Scott is a non-denominational minister who has ministered full-time since 1981, primarily to other ministers and their congregations overseas. He pastors Bible Believers' tiny congregation, and is available to teach in your church.
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