Bible Believers' Newsletter 740
"We focus on the present Truth – what Jesus is doing now. . ."
ISSN 1442-8660Christian greetings in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ; we are delighted to have you join us in fellowship around God's unchanging Word.
This week we will further examine Ezekiel 38 and 39 following which we may rest from our intense study and revisit some of the visions and experiences of the Prophet and particular Brethren leading up to the close of the Laodicean Church Age, the opening of the Seven Seals and Christ's second of 'parousia' Coming to unite with His end-time Bride in the unity of the faith and bring her to maturity dressed in "the true sayings of God" in readiness for the manifestation of the Sons of God and translation to the Wedding Supper in the air.
When you visit our Church Website you have the option of visiting the files or viewing "The Second Coming of Christ." This is not the literal, physical return of the glorified Man from Galilee whose precious feet will not touch this earth before the millennium. This introduces His second or 'parousia' Coming promised throughout the New Testament. To view the presentation on-line, please click the image. This Newsletter serves those of like precious faith. Whoever will receive the truth is welcome to feed their soul from the waters of the River of Life. Everything here presented should be confirmed personally in your own Bible.
Your brother-in-Christ,
Anthony Grigor-Scott
Syria: Atrocities not committed by Government but Armed Gangs Vatican News Service refutes Western Media Reports
June 3, 2012 — According to the Vatican, the Syrian government is not responsible for the atrocities committed against civilians. Quite the opposite, Vatican sources point to the existence of armed gangs and terrorists.
"According to the Syrian National Council which leads the opposition in Houla in the province of Homs, 88 people including civilians and children were killed by the bombing of the regular army. Fides sources report a different version: the regular army hit Houla, where many Salafist militants and terrorists have found refuge, using civilians as human shields. Armed gangs out of control continue to rage and hit innocent civilians. Terrorists have blown up an Alawite's house in the district of southern Rableh near Qusayr, also in the area of Homs.
The explosion caused the death of Youssef Airouti, injuring his wife and his son, but also Hallaq Shibli and his wife Niamat Saadiyet, a Christian couple from Qusayr, who found refuge in Rableh. Meanwhile in Homs the Armenian Apostolic Church and adjoining school in the district of Hamidia were seized and occupied by the rebel Syrian Liberation Army [Free Syrian Army], who use the buildings as housing and hospitals". . . Full story:
Mgr. Philip Tournyol Clos says the key to Syrian Christian and Muslim leaders, who say: "The enemies of Syria have enlisted some of the Muslim Brotherhood in order to destroy the brotherly relations that traditionally existed between Muslims and Christians: Yet, to date, they are not able to: they have provoked a contrary reaction and the two communities are more united than before." The Syrian soldiers in fact, continue to face foreign fighters, mercenaries Libyans, Lebanese militants from the Gulf, Afghans, and Turks. "The Sunni Salafist militants—says the Bishop—continue to commit crimes against civilians, or to recruit fighters with force. The fanatical Sunni extremists are fighting a holy war proudly, especially against the Alawites. When terrorists seek to control the religious identity of a suspect, they ask him to cite the genealogies dating back to Moses. And they ask to recite a prayer that the Alawites removed. The Alawites have no chance to get out alive." Full story:
This incisive report by independent Russian journalist Marat Musin dispels the lies and fabrications of the Western media. Entire pro-government families in Houla were massacred. The terrorists were not pro-government shabbiha militia as conveyed, in chorus, by the mainstream media, they were in large part mercenaries and professional killers operating under the auspices of the self-proclaimed Free Syrian Army . . . Full story:
The US timeline on plans to destroy Syria from 1991 to the present: Full story:
Rebels committed Syria massacres, receive $300-million funds from Qatar. 31 first-hand reports indicate UN bias on Houla Massacre ordered by Western Military Alliance to force regime change in Syria, a Zionist objective.
The Shia, Sunni and Akhirulzaman by Sheikh Imran Hosein
June 9, 2012 — Sheik Imran Hosein's authentic analysis of the situation in Syria reveals it is another Libya. The saddest thing he reports is that since Qaddafi was murdered in the streets, NATO's al-Qaeda allies have brutally murdered all black Africans who had been invited to Libya to organize a genuine Pan African Union.
He also reports that Iran is making an alliance with the Judaeo-Roman Catholic church and of course the hand of Zionism behind the armed insurrection in Syria sponsored by the Wahhabi Jews of the House of Saud and Qatar, and the Dönmeh Jews who rule Turkey. One objective is to see Russia lose her permanent Mediterranean naval bases in the Syrian ports of Tartus and Latakia. Full story:
Fukushima Fallout Real Reason for America's Southeast Asian Projection
June 11, 2012 — Wayne Madsen . . . Asian intelligence sources report another, more ominous, aspect to the decision of Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta to move 60 percent of US naval forces to the Pacific region. . . with the continued high radiation affecting the northern hemisphere as a result of life-threatening radiation continuing to be dispersed into the atmosphere from the meltdown of reactor 4 at the Fukushima Dai'ichi nuclear plant in Japan, the Pentagon wants to preserve most of its military forces and to ensure the protection for American elites who have plans to move to the southern hemisphere, particularly the Southeast Asian region, to escape the effects of the radiation circulating around the northern climes.
Currently under wraps are plans to shift a bulk of the US Air Force to the southern portion of the Asia-Pacific region. . . No less affected by the radiation from Fukushima, Canada has also announced plans to shift a large portion of its naval, air, and ground forces to the Southeast Asia region with Singapore being the "hub" for the Canadian military . . .
At the Atomic Age II Symposium at the University of Chicago, Professor Hiroake Koide of the Research Reactor Institute of Kyoto University displayed a world map showing the "hot zones" for cesium-127 resulting from the Fukushima meltdown. Unsafe zones extend throughout the northern hemisphere from "ground zero" in Fukushima province to deep within the United States' and Canada's prairie state and province food-producing "bread baskets." Koide showed one PowerPoint slide that pointed to a "collapse of life through evacuation." Full story:
Comment: Fukushima radiation now detected in the US food supply. Organic farm in Portland stops producing food after radiation tests. Maggie Gundersen, founder and president of the Burlington, VT-based Fairewinds Associates, a paralegal and expert witness firm specializing in issues of nuclear reliability issues, Jared Margolis, Attorney for the New England Coalition and Environmental Law professor at UVM, and Chris Williams organizer with the Vermont Citizens Awareness Network give a panel presentation for Vermont Students Towards Environmental Protection at the University of Vermont, Billings North Lounge, March 2012.
Pacific Ocean will not dilute dumped radioactive water according to previously-secret 1955 government report. Aljazeera 101 East – Fukushima Fallout (2012). Notice there is no evidence of a 9.2 magnitude earthquake. This will teach Japan not to favour the Palestinians.
Europe at a Crucial Crossroad
June 7, 2012 — Nearly two and a half years ago, I first began warning readers of the "economic terrorism" which Wall Street had unleashed upon Europe—via the fraudulent manipulation of credit default swaps, and equally fraudulent "ratings cuts" from their accomplices, the ratings agencies. At a time when only Greece had begun to experience financial turmoil, I wrote:
. . . It will be even more interesting to see what happens next. If the CDS [credit default swap] spreads now begin to "mysteriously" widen for Spain, Portugal, and perhaps other EU members, this will signal that these financial psychopaths are going to continue to simply nuke one vulnerable economy after another.
In fact this is precisely what we have seen transpire. As this made-in-Wall-Street financial holocaust intensified, roughly one year ago I wrote a four-part series ("Economic Rape of Europe Nearly Complete") where I first explained what had already taken place, and then detailed what was to come.
In Part II of that series, noting how the banking cabal was lusting for the remaining gold reserves of Europe's debtor-governments; I predicted that part of this "rape" of Europe would be to use these fraudulent bond debts as a pretext for confiscating these nations' gold. One week ago, UK's The Telegraph published the article "Europe's Debtors must pawn their Gold for Eurobond Redemption," where it wrote:
. . . Southern Europe's debtor states must pledge their gold reserves and national treasure as collateral under a €2.3 trillion stabilization plan gaining momentum in Germany. . . Full story:
bullionbullscanada.comComment: "Rome has acquired nearly all the supplies of gold. The Jews have the bonds and all the paper. At the right time, the harlot will destroy the present day money system by calling in all the paper, and demanding gold. With no gold, the system falls. The Jews will be trapped and come into the alliance, and the harlot church will take over the whole world" (An Exposition of the Seven Church Ages, p. 314:1).
Prosecutors investigate Vatican Bank Mafia Link
June 10, 2012 — Anti-Mafia prosecutors have asked the secretive Vatican Bank to disclose details of an account held by a priest in connection with a money laundering and fraud investigation, it emerged on Sunday.
The official request was made more than a month ago but so far the Vatican Bank, known as the Institute for Religious Works, has refused to disclose any records of the account held by father Ninni Treppiedi—who is currently suspended from serving as a priest. Investigators want to know more about vast sums of money that are said to have passed through his account to establish if they were money laundering operations by on-the-run Mafia Godfather, Matteo Messina Denaro. . . Full story:
US Ministry of Truth
2011 — This link to the Department of Homeland Security National Operations Center Media Monitoring Capability Desktop Reference Binder (redacted) is your guide to "free" speech. Omnipresent anti-Christian 'Big Brother' is intensely interested in every aspect of YOUR life, lovingly yet firmly ensuring you do not compromise your liberty by expressing thoughts that might be deemed offensive to the order. Your IOI and PII are collated and updated 24/7 for the DHS OPS authority which includes OPS Senior Executive leadership and the SWO.
The MMC watch may provide the name, position, or other information considered to be PII to the NOC over the telephone when approved by the appropriate DHS OPS authority. But that information must not be stored in a database that could be searched by an individual's PII. The PIA allows the MMC to now collect and disseminate PII for certain narrowly tailored categories. . . [Is that understood]? Full story:
Comment: "2.6 Credible Sources for Corroboration" place alien-controlled global media as a first tier source. "A first tier source is one that does not typically need additional corroboration prior to release." This is because their copy is scripted by Washington ahead of events in the tradition of the Pearl Harbour "incident," the 1964 Gulf of Tonkin false flag "non-incident," the 1967 USS Liberty false flag "incident," the 9/11 demolition of WTC and WTC7, and war on the abstract noun "terrorism" in Iraq, Libya, Egypt, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria, Iran, etc., etc., all of which were scripted many years ahead of the ongoing "incidents," like World Wars I, II, and III which were scripted in 1871!
Patriarch of the Temple of the Antichrist: Unity in Lucifer
June 11, 2012 — In the fourth World Congress of religious leaders in Kazakhstan Sergianski Gundiajew Patriarch Cyril, and the Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilus. Speaking at an ecumenical forum Patriarch Kirill stressed the need to preserve the common aspirations of all traditional religions to build the common good and peace in the world. Congress was held in the Palace, "Peace and Reconciliation", which was built in the shape of the Masonic pyramid, where representatives of religion from 40 countries met in the conference room called the "cradle." In the pyramid there is the prayer room where delegates from different religions can pray together. During speeches by Muslims, Jews and Buddhists the pseudo-patriarch Cyril never once mentioned the Name of Jesus Christ. It was common to use the [Masonic] term "Most High". . . Full story: interesting videos
Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development
June 7, 2012 — A 2010 Rockefeller Foundation document "Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development" outlines a scenario which results in the death of 13,000 during the 2012 Olympics followed closely by an earthquake in Indonesia killing 40,000, a tsunami that almost wipes out Nicaragua, and the onset of the West China Famine, caused by a once-in-a-millennium drought linked to climate change . . . "bogus" vaccines will result in mass deaths . . . in 2012 when 'the pandemic the world had been anticipating for years' finally hits, infecting nearly 20 percent of world population and claiming 8 million lives. Due to this pandemic, the Rockefeller Foundation outlines how the public will welcome a more authoritative government and a tighter control across all aspects of life, including Biometric IDs for all citizens. . . Full story:
Comment: This is a propaganda exercise like Report from Iron Mountain on the Possibility and Desirability of Peace, and like it, most of the hypotheses are already being executed. The psychological objective is to cause us to anticipate and accept the scenarios rather that rebel when discover they are a fait accompli.
Ezekiel Chapter 38 and 39 – Part II
Let us quickly review our study from Ezekiel 33 which commences the second and principal part of this Book and concerns faith in Jesus Messiah through whom God's mercies toward an election from the blood descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and the restoration of the Kingdom to Israel will be realized. As we shall see, chapters 33 to 39, and right up to 48 pertain almost exclusively to Daniel's Seventieth Week.
Ezekiel's commission as a spiritual watchman to the house of Israel (Ezekiel 3:17-21) is renewed in chapter 33 where he is called upon to convey God's warnings as He reveals them to His prophet. The Lord vindicates Ezekiel before the captives and lays down repentance as the necessary preliminary to happier times for the people; the alternative was death. From chapters 33 – 37 Ezekiel is admonished of his duty to reveal to Israel its sin and hypocrisy, reprove the ministry, prophesy the destruction of Edom, and exhort Israel regarding its future hope in the unity of faith and brotherhood—very much a pattern for Brother Branham's ministry.
The "shepherds" were the entire body of officials responsible for the spiritual and political leadership of the people. In Ezekiel 34 the Lord reproves and promises removal of the false shepherds as preparatory to the raising up of Messiah, the Good Shepherd (Ezekiel 34:29-31) who will serve His people and not personal interests (Jeremiah 23:1; Zechariah 11:17). King David is His type (Ezekiel 34:23-24; John 10:16) as suggested in II Samuel 5:2 and Psalm 78:70-72, restoring the kingdom to Israel with millennium blessings. (See Newsletter 733, "Ezekiel 33 – 34").
Ezekiel 35 states that those who exulted over Israel's humiliation shall themselves be an irrecoverable "prey." As already noted in Ezekiel 25:12-14, Mount Seir, Esau/Edom or Idumea (Genesis 36:9) is singled out as seriously pre-eminent in its bitterness against God's people and made to represent all of their enemies everywhere and in all ages, both the natural and spiritual Serpent's seed (Genesis 3:15; 12:3). So in Isaiah 34:5 and 63:1-4 we see that Edom, the region of the greatest enmity towards God's people is metaphorically the ideal scene of the final judgments of all God's foes.
Ezekiel 35:10-15 states that the Lord God will make Himself known among Israel—all 144,000 elect Israelites—after He has judged Edom (Ezekiel 35:11). Brother Branham revealed that Christ will make Himself known to Israel after the midst of Daniel's Seventieth Week when Rome has broken her covenant with the self-styled Jewish banksters (Daniel 9:27; 11:44-45 – 12:1; An Exposition of the Seven Church Ages, p. 40:2). Verses 14-15, "Thus saith the Lord God; when the whole earth rejoices, I will make Edom desolate".
Revelation 11:18-19, "The Gentiles were angry; [having sold their birthright they are hereinafter regarded as Edomites and like Esau find no place of repentance (Hebrews 12:16-17)], and Your wrath is come, and the time that the dead should be judged, and that you should reward your servants the prophets and saints, and those who fear Your Name, small and great; and should destroy those who are destroying the earth. And God's temple in heaven was opened, and the Ark of His Covenant [the symbol of God's favour toward and Presence with Israel] was seen in His sanctuary [by the 144,000 by vision or revelation]. . ."
At this time Rome and her allies will send troops to force trinitarianism, her mark of the beast, and destroy all the God-fearing, Word-abiding Israelites (Revelation 13:15-18), and you can bet your last jar of Vegemite the lick spittle politicians will have Australian troops at the heels of Sir Henry Kissinger's US "Military men [who] are dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy." But the Lord will repulse the enemy. "In that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all who burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth are gathered together against it. In that day, says the Lord, I will smite every horse with astonishment, and his rider with madness: and I will open My eyes upon the house of Judah, and will smite every horse of the people with blindness. . . in that day I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem. And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the Spirit of grace and of supplications" (Zechariah 12 – 13; Daniel 11:44-45 – 12:1). Thus will the Lord sanctify Himself in the sight of Israel.
"The whole earth" signifies God's elect of all Ages, here the Old Testament saints: "a great voice of much people in heaven, shout Alleluia; salvation and glory and honour and power to the Lord our God . . . Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to Him: for the marriage of the Lamb has come to pass, and His wife has made herself ready" (Revelation 19:1-21). In this proleptic vision Christ's Bride of all Ages and the glorified 144,000 Israelites declare: "Rejoice over her, heaven, and you holy apostles and prophets; for God has avenged you on her" (Revelation 18:20; Jeremiah 51:48; Isaiah 49:13; Revelation 12:12; 17:6; 18:24). And in Revelation 14:1-5 and 15:1-4, 144,000 elect Israelites will rejoice when the Israel nation is born-again in one day. Then the foes of God and His people, physical or spiritual Serpent's Seed personified as Edom, shall be desolate. Circumstances will be completely reversed, and Israel that now for a time mourns shall then rejoice, and forever. Edom that now rejoices over fallen Israel shall then, when elsewhere all is joy, mourn, and forever (Isaiah 65:17-19).
Revelation 19 speaks of Israel's belated recognition of the sign of Christ's second or 'parousia' Coming manifest over a bifurcated Mount of Olives; Vatican City State has been bombed from the face of the earth and heaven opens," meaning the Lord reveals a vision signifying the Word, Husband and Wife, coming in judgment upon the beast and the false prophet and all who have received the mark of the beast and worshipped His image, to cast them into the lake of Fire.
This will be "the day of vengeance of our God to comfort all that mourn [the atonement (Zechariah 12:10 – 13:9)]. To put on the head of those who mourn in Zion a beautiful ornament and the oil of joy instead of the ashes of mourning, a garment which excites praise and admiration [for the divine goodness which has been manifested to them] instead of [sack cloth and] the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called oaks of righteousness planted by the Lord to glorify Himself" (Isaiah 61:2-3; 60:21). "For the Lord has a day of vengeance, a year of recompense for the cause of Zion" (Isaiah 34:8). But as there is no true grace without justice, Israel must make recompense in martyrdom and fulfill Matthew 27:25 (Revelation 14:12 – 14:5:4). The millennium follows (Isaiah 65:16-25; Ezekiel 34:23-28).
Ezekiel 35:15, "As you [Edom] rejoiced at the inheritance of the house of Israel because it was desolate, so will I deal with you: you shall become desolate, Mount Seir, and all Edom. So they shall know that I am the Lord." Only the elect of God shall inherit, and "although it does not yet appear what we shall be, we know that when He shall appear, we shall be like Him; for we shall see Him as He is" (I John 3:2).
Ezekiel 36 continues the prophet's theme of Israel's prospective revival and the essential distinction between Israel and Edom typing the apostasy of all of our (once) Christian nations with heathendom—including YOUR nation Mister—whichever it is, because God concludes them all in unbelief (Romans 11:32; Galatians 3:22). That knocks British Israel/Christian Identity out for a duck! In verses 1-15 we discover the essential distinction between Israel and Edom and all other nations is Israel's Covenant relationship to God ensuring restoration after chastisement so that the heathen's hopes of dispossessing Israel of the land of the Covenant must fail and they themselves be made desolate. This is why I foresee a mass exodus of the impersonators at the start of Daniel's Seventieth Week when "Jerusalem is invaded and the overcome, the houses looted, their wives and daughters raped, and the spoils calmly divided in the midst of the city" (Zechariah 14:1-2). The reason for Israel's chastisement was their incorrigible wickedness, and the necessity for God to vindicate the cause of His holiness on them in the severity of His displeasure (verses 16-21). Thus the Lord determines to "sanctify His great Name. . . in Israel before the heathen" by gathering the Israelites into their own land then largely vacated by the Serpent's seed, justifying them by grace through faith, sanctifying their mortal spirits, and ultimately regenerating their souls by the baptism with the Holy Spirit (verse 22-33). Hereby the heathen will be impressed with the power and goodness of God manifested so palpably towards the restored people (Ezekiel 36:34-38). Then Israel will regard the Lord as the Holy One, and acknowledge the holiness and justice of His judgments (Revelation 15:1-4).
Ezekiel 37 explains the outworking of the prophecies of the chapters reviewed above. The dry bones are a metaphor for the twelve tribes descended from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, who will be gathered back to the land of the Covenant in the first half of Daniel's Seventieth Week. Brother Branham identified the vision of dry bones with Israel's Spiritual revival "in the third day . . . as the [Bride's] latter rain and [Israel's] former rain upon the earth" (Hosea 6:1-3; Joel 2:22-23). Following the earthquake at the manifestation of the Sixth Seal the twelve tribes will be gathered from the four winds and brought back to the land of the Covenant where the Lord will restore the brotherhood between Israel and Judah (Matthew 24:31), and bring them under the headship of Jesus Messiah. Hereby He will put His Spirit within them through the ministry of the prophets of Zechariah 4 and Revelation 11 which will "reinstruct" the temple for the millennium. This sanctuary will be His Presence within 144,000 elect Israelites, not a building. "And the nations will know that I the Lord do sanctify Israel, when My Sanctuary is in the midst of them forevermore" (Ezekiel 37:27-28; 39:29; Revelation 7:4-8).
Daniel 9:26-27, "After sixty-two weeks [or 434 prophetic years] Messiah will be cut off, His earthly kingdom anticipated by the Israelites unrealized at this time: and the people of General Titus will destroy the city and the sanctuary which will be overwhelmed as with a flood, and to the very end of the war [against God that commenced with Israel's murder of Messiah] desolations are decreed on Jerusalem. [Josephus recognized this in the title of his book, "The Wars of the Jews or the History of the Destruction of Jerusalem," and these natural wars are the plagues of the Seven Trumpets]. Rome's [then Devil-incarnate] pope will ratify the prophesied covenant with the international Jews for one week of seven prophetic years: and in the midst of the week he will outlaw the sacrifice and the oblation [they will reestablish as in Ezra 3:1-6 following the destruction of the Dome of the Rock], and in order to force the abomination of his trinitarian mark of the beast he will make Jerusalem desolate unto the consummation of life which is determined and will be poured upon the desolate [metaphorical Edomites]" (Luke 21:24; Revelation 19:19-21; 20:10).
Daniel prophesied two thousand years of war between Imperial and Judaeo-Papal Rome and Israelites, and between Israelites and the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, commencing with their rejection of Messiah in Matthew 23 and His murder in Matthew 27. Ezekiel 38-39, Daniel 7-12, Zechariah 12-14 and Revelation 6-19 mention three principal battles in this war during Daniel's Seventieth Week, the "hot stage" of the present World War III between political Zion and political Islam and "the King of the North" at the outset. With Russia's US victory, the Judaeo-Roman false church in federation with all religions will halt hostilities by decree and restore peace, confirming the authority of "the god of this age" then incarnate in Rome's pope (Matthew 4:8-9; John 12:31; II Corinthians 4:4; I John 5:19; Revelation 13:4, 8). He will be acclaimed inaugural president of one world government and in covenant with the Jewish banksters of the 'City of London' Rome will refinance the US dollar with gold backing and revive the world economy. Once monetary, fiscal and economic problems are resolved in the midst of the Week she will abrogate her covenant, usurp the dedication of the third temple and force her religion on pain of death. Initially her troops will be repulsed in the siege of Jerusalem, but once they are born-again she will martyr the 144,000 Israelites and the "saved" who refuse to serve her and her once Protestant US image, or receive her trinitarian dogma. International Jewry will turn upon the revived Holy (sic) Roman Empire cum banking rival, and support Judaeo-Communist Russia, and exercising their "Samson Option" bomb Vatican City State and the United States from the face of the earth which will lead to the battle of Armageddon and the consummation of life.
Ezekiel 33-39 is not an historical record but a series of prophecies, not in strict chronological order, and even as we read chapter 39 many of the events foretold in the previous chapters, such as the restoration of the Israelites to the land of the Covenant are yet to be fulfilled.
In Ezekiel 9 the Angel of the Lord placed a mark on elect Israelites ahead of the Roman Legions. Historians inform us these Christians escaped to Pella in the Jordan valley before Titus marched on Jerusalem (Matthew 24:15-21). In Revelation 8:5 the Messenger of Mercy becomes the Angel of Judgment as He did in Ezekiel 10:2, and He will seal 144,000 elect Israelites before the armies of Rome and her allies can take the city and martyr these Christians (Revelation 7:3-8).
Brother Branham does not explicitly expound Ezekiel 38 and 39 so we must cross-reference these Scriptures to parallel passages in Isaiah, Daniel, Zephaniah, Zechariah, Joel, Revelation, etc. This is what he has said on Ezekiel 38 and 39:
Ezekiel 38:12: "Dead Sea and all these things they're putting out the materials that's there, the Jews real rich, then that same thing will pollute their camp again. Yeah. They'll come right down, the cities of the world. Russia will come down, say, "We just got to have that stuff. That's uranium and everything down there; we got to go get it." And as they go down, then will be the battle of Armageddon. That'll be when God will stand like He did in the valley for the children of Israel and fight again. But that'll take place until the Gentile dispensation will be finished. And when that time is finished, she's cut off" (COD, p. 77:111; Isaiah 60:5; Joel 3:1-2, UNSCOP [UN docs. A/C.I/P.V.46-57 May 6-13, 1947]).
"The Dead Sea holds more riches than all the rest of the world put together" (COD, p. 294:530).
"And we find out that in the Dead Sea there's more chemicals, enough to buy the world over" (Daniel, p. 122:158).
Cunningham Craig of the Canadian Geological Survey discovered the chemical and mineral wealth of the Dead Sea in the 1920's, which is the real reason why Rothschild (who obtained title) and his Zionist stooges wanted to make Palestine into a Jewish State. In 1976 president F. D. Roosevelt's son-in-law Colonel Curtis B. Dall wrote: "The United Nations must take into consideration that the Zionists consist almost entirely of Eastern European Yiddish-speaking Jews of Khazar origin, or emigrants who have gone to live in other countries where they have never become loyal citizens."
"The Zionists claim that there is a 'Jew Race' or 'Jew Nation,' which is seeking to 'reconquer its former homeland' and to 'repatriate' this 'Jew Race' or 'Jew Nation' to the 'homeland' of its origin. The Zionists are spending tens of millions of dollars to force the acceptance of this historic and ethnic untruth upon an audience throughout the world which does not suspect that the Zionists could possibly be guilty of the great fraud in which they are engaged. There is not, and never has been a 'Jew Race' or 'Jew Nation.' There is not, and never has been, at any time in history, a 'race' which can be in any way—historically or racially associated with the Zionists."
"The claim of the Eastern European, Yiddish-speaking Jews of Pagan-Khazar origin to an historic or ethnic association either with Palestine or the Jews who lived there is one of the world's greatest frauds."
"The five trillion dollar ($5,000,000,000,000) chemical and mineral wealth of the Dead Sea is the real reason why the Zionists wish to make Palestine into a Jew State. (This is Benjamin H. Freedman's emphasis. All other emphasis is mine. CBD)."
"Little notice, if any, has been taken of what is the underlying cause of the present situation in Palestine. It is incorrectly supposed that the existing situation results from the question whether the Arab or Jewish community is to be preponderate numerically in the country. The real reason is rarely mentioned, even in private, and is not entirely appreciated in Palestine itself. This reason calls for more careful consideration than any other fact in connection with the entire Palestine problem."
"The possession of this five thousand billion dollar wealth of the Dead Sea is the only reason why the Eastern European, Yiddish speaking Jews of Pagan Khazar origin wish to re-establish the former Jew state in Palestine. . . If it were not for the Dead Sea, the sinister Zionist High Command would be quite content to allow the two hundred thousand remaining Eastern European Yiddish-speaking Jews of Khazar origin to be distributed throughout the world amongst the democratic countries where ten million of their co-religionists are already living in security and safety with civil rights equal to those of other citizens guaranteed by Constitutional provision. . . The well-veiled objective of the Zionists backed by the Rothschild financial interests was to acquire valid title to the Dead Sea and its vast, inexhaustible deposits of potash and other minerals, estimated by experts to be worth several thousand billions of dollars. Hence, any country owning title to the Dead Sea, with its vast mineral reserves would, in time, become the wealthiest country in the world. This is the secret concealed behind the 'Potash Curtain' (FDR's son-in-law Col. Curtis B. Dall, Israel's Five Trillion Dollar Secret, p. 9-10).
Ezekiel 38-39: Will the prophecy of Ezekiel 38 and 39 be fulfilled before the rapture?
"I think not. I think the next thing we look for is the rapture of the church. And then that's when Gog and Magog comes down is the Russian armies who comes in after" (COD, p. 199:Q47).
Will Ezekiel 38 and 39 come to pass before the rapture?
"Now if you will notice, Ezekiel 38 and 39 deals with Gog and Magog, which is Russia, the north country. Now, I do not say that this is correct, but to my way of teaching it, that, it comes to pass after the rapture, after the church is taken up. And God deals with Gog and Magog when they come down before Israel there. And I think that will come to pass after the rapture. Now, that doesn't make it so. See? But that's just my way of teaching it. I suppose that's what they wanted to know, what my idea was" (COD, p. 615:Q143).
Ezekiel 39:17-20: "Now, we say He's raised from the dead. I didn't say it; the Word here said it. They said, "He raised from the dead." He says "He's the same yesterday, today, and forever." You believe that? He promised these things to happen in the last day that the same Son of man will be made manifest."
"Now, remember, that was not Jesus talking to Abraham there that could discern the thoughts in Sarah's mind behind him. That was not Jesus; He had not yet been born. But it was a Man in human flesh, that Abraham called, "Elohim, the great Almighty," [Genesis 18] showing. . . And Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Sodom," now watch close, "in the days of Sodom, so will it be at the Coming of the Son of man, when the Son of man is being revealed" [Luke 17:28-30]. Not no more as a church [with PART-Word and the Son of God as Mediator for ignorance of the fullness] (See?), not no more; the Bride's called. See? "In that day the Son of man will be revealed." What? To join the Church to the Head, unite the marriage of the Bride." [Uniting us with the fullness of the Word, which is Christ in the office of Son of man—King of kings and Judge—(John 5:27) through the revelation of the Seven Seals; His mediation for the ignorance of the Church Age saints in the fullness of the Word being fulfilled at the close of Laodicea (I Corinthians 13:10; Ephesians 4:13)].
"The Bridegroom call [Matthew 25:6, which is the "shout" of I Thessalonians 4:16; Revelation 10:1-7] will come right through this, when the Son of man will come down and come in human flesh to unite the two together. The Church has to be the Word; He is the Word, and the two unites together, and to do that it'll take the manifestation of the revealing of the Son of man. Not a clergyman. I don't know, I. . . Do you see what I mean [Hebrews 13:8; 4:12]"?
"See, it's Son of man, Jesus Christ, will come down in human flesh among us, [veiled behind the sin-born flesh of the seventh angel, William Branham, as He was veiled behind the created Man in Genesis 18, and the virgin-born Man in the Gospels] and will make His Word so real that it'll unite the Church and Him as one, the Bride, and then she'll go Home to the wedding supper [Matthew 25:10]. Amen. She's already united (See?); we go to the wedding supper, not to the marriage. "Fill your flesh . . . self, of all the flesh of mighty men, 'cause the marriage of the Lamb has come [to pass" (Isaiah 18:6; 34:6-7; Ezekiel 39: 4, 17-20; Revelation 19:17-18)]. But the rapture is going to the wedding supper [Revelation 19:9]. When the Word here unites with the person, and they two become one, and then what does it do then? It manifests the Son of man again, not the church theologians, the Son of man. The Word and the Church becomes one. Whatever the Son of man done, He was the Word, the Church does the same thing [John 14:12; Romans 8:19, the 'third pull']" (Proving His Word, p. 44:236).
In numerous other quotes Brother Branham speaks of Gog and Magog, which is Communist Russia, "the king of the North".
Daniel 11:40: "Now, Daniel is given this assurance, that at the end of the Gentile dispensations . . . tomorrow read the 11th chapter. You can see how the king of the north is coming down (which is nothing else but Russia), coming down to press against it like a whirlwind. And the great battle of Armageddon will be fought right there near the gates of Jerusalem. Notice, oh, I love this.
". . . and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that's been found written in that book. . ." (the Lamb's Book of Life).
"Michael, the great prince, shall stand up for" (what?) "for thy people." All right.
"And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake" (When? When these times take place), ". . . and some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contemptment" (Beginning and Ending of the Gentile Dispensation, p. 11:100-101; Daniel 12:1-2; Jeremiah 25:30-33).
Revelation 17:4: "Now, the seven heads are the seven mountains on which the city sets. And this woman is a city, we know. "And the woman was arrayed in purple . . ."
". . . The beast was scarlet, but the woman was arrayed in purple. Now, have I not warned you the other day, there's three curtains? I don't know how long I'll live, but remember this. As I've told you many years ago, "Watch Russia." . . . There's three curtains; remember this. There is the iron curtain. There is the bamboo curtain (Red China and so). And there's a purple curtain; you watch that curtain; that's the deceiver. So much. . ." (The Pergamean Church Age, p. 261: 179-262; Matthew 24:24).
Revelation 3:14-22: "Now, the church life is at the end, the normal church, the church . . . carnal, the Esau church, she's come to her end. What she doing? Heading up in the federation of churches, which will finally join with Romanism Catholicism to fight Communism. Pope John is calling for all the churches to come back, and they will. And they'll unite themselves together; just exactly THUS SAITH THE LORD" (Hearing, Recognizing, Acting on the Word of God, p. 29:215; II Thessalonians 2:3-12; II Timothy 4:3-4; Revelation 13:14; 17:5).
Revelation 17:5: "Don't worry about Russia. Russia's a small pebble on the beach. Don't you worry about communism; you watch Romanism, when it's uniting with the churches. There's nothing written in the Scripture about communism ruling the world. And I go by the Word, regardless of what anything else goes; It's the Word that I believe."
"It's Romanism that takes the world, and Romanism is the mother of organization. There never was an organization till Rome, and every one of them come out of it, and the Bible said so. She was the mother of harlots" (The Greatest Battle ever Fought, p. 56:6 – 57:1; Daniel 2; 7-9; 11-12; Revelation 13:14).
Hosea 6:3: "When the Spirit falls and there becomes a move amongst the people, them denominations will swing together just as certain as I'm standing in the pulpit. And the Church of God will be ousted, and they'll make it such a racket until they'll confederate it and put a boycott on anybody that don't belong to them. Rome will rule the world for just a hour. She'll rule for a little piece. Not Communism, Romanism will rule the world with the cooperation of Protestantism in a denominational form of church, which God has rejected. That's as close as I know the Word of God" (The Spoken Word is the Original Seed, p. 127:5; Joel 2:23; Matthew 5:45; Hebrews 6:4-8).
Revelation 14:20: "Now, the Bible predicts that in the last days that He will trap Catholicism, Romanism, and all those things, and communism, and all of them together in the valleys of Megiddo there, until there will be such a slaughter amongst them, until the blood will flow to a horse's bridle . . .
But thanks be to the heavenly Father, I don't think we'll be here. By His grace, we won't. We'll be in glory then. See? That will be right after the two prophets has prophesied the battle of Armageddon. That's when these Gentile nations gets so wicked, just keep on, and the confederation of churches, and all this come together, and God will take the Church, the Elect Church home out of every one. . .
Now, that bridle's bit there will come out from the sleeping virgins and all them back in that day. And Communism, when they're all meet there, and God said He'd plead with them like He did in the days gone by, you know, there in that valley. And that's where it'll ride to the bridle bits of the horse" (Thy House, #61-0808; Isaiah 66:16; Ezekiel 22; Joel 3:2).
Ezekiel 38: "Now, now, therefore we find out that it's communism that's gathered together. God said Gog and Magog there will gather together (sure) to bring about the battle. That's exactly true, 'cause it's going to bring these forces together. It has to come; the Bible said it would" (The Restoration of the Bride Tree, p. 53:4; Daniel 11:40-43; Revelation 16:12-16).
Daniel 11:40-45: ". . . this great nation is going to strike a war that's going to blow it to bits. . . the Lord showed me a vision of the great powerful woman, in '33, 1933, it's on paper. Of how that Roosevelt would cause . . . He helped cause the world to go to war. How that Mussolini would make his first invasion to Ethiopia, and he would take it, but he'd come to a disgraceful end. And how that then the three isms (Nazism, Fascism, and Communism) would all wind up in Communism. And how many in here remembers me just keep having you stand, and say it over like that, "Watch Russia. Watch Russia, the king of the north. Watch Russia, king of the north. Watch Russia, king of the north"? How many has heard me just say this, wave that over, over? The old-timers (You see?), back in the early part of the church. Just stand there and wave it over and over, "Watch Russia, the king of the north. See, what he would do, for all those isms will heap up into Russia" (The Laodicean Church Age, p. 501:43-44).
Brother Branham explained in The Feast of the Trumpets, "two hundred thousand horsemen that had been bound in the river of Euphrates was turned loose under the Sixth Trumpet [World War II to the present day] . . . They wasn't natural horses. They breathed fire, and they had breastplates of jasper, and they had tails, and the end of the tail looked like a serpent, a snake's head on the end of it, stinging. See? It was spiritual horses, spiritual devils, chargers, that had been bound in Euphrates all these years, supernatural devils. . . The old Roman Empire being revived, the persecution of the Jews. And they'd been bound for nearly two thousand years at the river Euphrates, can't cross to the promise, a religious sect that was trying to get to the other side. Euphrates, you know, come through Eden. But they were bound there, two hundred thousand devils of persecution."
Brother Branham spoke in the vernacular so we should understand the "religious sect trying to cross to the promise, trying to get to the other side" were not "Jews" but Israelites living in the Muslim lands of the ancient Assyrian empire. And they will not return to the land of the Covenant until the first half of Daniel's Seventieth Week (Psalm 17:7; Isaiah 6:10-13; 11:11-16; 13:14; 27:13; 49:17; 65:9-10; Jeremiah 3:12, 18; 16:15; 23:3, 8; 31:8; Ezekiel 28:24-31; 36:24; 37:14, 21-22; 39:27-28; Micah 5:3; Zechariah 10:9-12; Matthew 24:29-31). Like the demons of the old Roman Empire (and the preceding three Gentile world empires) they were bound there by the ecclesiastical powers of papal Rome in its traditions and superstitions which had also bound the Church prior to the revelation of the Seven Seals.
"And that spirit caught into the nations of the world, according to the prophecies of Ezekiel [9] and the rest of them . . . that same spirit coming up first, down there into Mussolini in Rome . . . Germany, Hitler. And notice over in the Bible . . . they received power as kings but wasn't crowned. A dictator is not a crowned king; just received power as a king."
"Now the ecclesiastical realm has been opened from the natural revival of the old pagan Rome, went forth on those Jews, which has always been their enemy (the lion with teeth and everything, that stomped down and broke out the people, Rome), always been God's enemy [Daniel 7; Luke 21:24; Revelation 11:2]. And it was turned loose in the same spirit by the dictators of the world, because the religious system was still holding; now it's been loosed. . . In the cunningness, as He said, he'd come in like flatteries [Daniel 11]. And what has he done? He's bringing the Protestant ecumenical the World Council of Churches, the spirit of antichrist, upon both of them, bringing them to the slaughter, just like they did the other [Israel] in an hour to call the Bride. How? Loosed in the ecclesiastical church spirit. Loosed upon what? Not upon the denominations, upon the Bride. But here you'd get it; the Bride will not go through that time. The Bible says not. The church will, but not the Bride. Can't you see? Ministers, can't you see that, brethren"?
"What does that thing stand for? Why, you have to surrender all your evangelical teachings and things. How can two walk together less they be agreed? They can't. Jesus said they can't [Amos 3:3]. And how can a church of Methodists and Baptists walk together? How can the Church of Christ walk with the Presbyterians? How can the Catholic walk with the Protestants? How can Protestant walk with Protestant? But the Bride can walk with the Word, which is Christ; it must be in agreement, not the ecclesiastical system, but the Word. You have to agree with the Word to walk with the Word. Jesus said so; that makes it right."
"Notice, while that group is riding, making themselves ready to stomp out everything that won't agree with them [Revelation 13:15-18], there's another group being made ready after while: Revelations 19. The next time the Church is heard, She comes also, not upon exactly horses, but the Bible said He was on a white horse, and the host of heaven was following Him upon white horses. That right"?
"While this group down here has got two thousand bound at the river Euphrates, and has been bound for two thousand years, also that [Judaeo-Roman] church has bound the Holy Ghost for nearly two thousand years, under martyrdom back there and under the Church Ages. It's been bound, not at the river Euphrates, but at the door of creeds and dogmas, that the Holy Spirit can't work in the church because of manmade systems. But She's going to be liberated [by Malachi 4:5-6; Matthew 17:11; 25:6; Revelation 10:7; 18:4]; She's coming back. That's what the Bible said. And those two meet one another on the battlegrounds: Lucifer and Michael again, like in the beginning [Revelation 12:7-12]."
"The same Gospel, the same Christ, that lived in flesh back yonder at the beginning on the eastern people, shall live again in the western people at the end time. "It shall be Light in the evening time." All Scriptures is given by inspiration and cannot be broken. The big fifty days has passed over; the Pentecostal feast has passed over. Seven sabbaths, until the Trumpets, a type of the Seventh Church Age. [We are living in the holy convocation of the antitype of the fiftieth day of the Pentecostal Feast. The antitype of the Feast of Trumpets will be the ministry of the 'Moses' and 'Elijah' to Israel after which they will be martyred and the 144,000 elect Israelites will belatedly recognize Christ's second or 'parousia' Coming in one day and mourn their atonement prior to their martyrdom (Isaiah 66:8; Zechariah 12:10 – 13:9)]".
"Under the Sixth Trumpet the Pentecostals reject the Bible, not only the Pentecostals, all the rest. The church world rejects Christ, and He's put on the outside [in 1963, Revelation 3:17-22]. And in the same Seal, when it was opened, they showed Jesus on the outside of the church trying to get back in; at the same time the Trumpet sounds for the Jews, and the Jews [Israelites] recognize the Atonement" (The Feast of Trumpets, p. 21 – 31).
Because of Judah's entrenched apostasy the Lord God raised up Nebuchadnezzar as His servant to exile the Judeans for a lifetime, destroy Jerusalem and raze His Temple that was already abandoned by the Shekinah of His Presence. After six hundred years it returned veiled behind the Holy of Holies of virgin-born flesh, but despised and rejected, it departed once more, leaving the Jews' house desolate and declaring, "You will not see Me again till you say, blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord".
The captivity initiated the times of the Gentile dominion over Jerusalem and Judea that will continue to the consummation of Life so the Kingdom will not be restored to Israel until the millennium (Isaiah 9:7; Acts 1:6). To suppose the modern Israel state is peopled and governed by Israelites is scripturally and historically unsound. Babylon was the first of four Gentile world empires that will rule throughout this time, the last is Rome which achieved global hegemony under the Caesars. By the Pergamean Church Age (312-606) Rome was much depleted as a nation and "wounded to death, but her deadly wound was healed" when state and church united at the First Nicaean Council in 325 and the Babylonian religion officially joined the rump of the apostate First Church of Rome that was founded by Junius and Andronicus in about AD36. Satan now had access to the Name of Christ and was enthroned as God in worship. With federal aid the churches fell heir to beautiful buildings lined with altars of white marble and images of the gods which they renamed after departed saints. The pagan Roman Empire came back to life and power as the "Holy Roman Empire" and her religious empire would keep her on top of the world governing from the inside where she would not appear to do so from without.
As God had raised up Nebuchadnezzar to destroy His apostate Temple and chastise the Judeans, He has raised up Judaeo-Communism to destroy the Judaeo-Roman false church of Vatican City State and her (once) Protestant image, the United States of America. Brother Branham said, "America . . . its a million miles from being a Christian country. I don't even pray for it. How can I pray for it, and it won't repent under the mighty powers of God demonstrated before it, and denying, and closing the doors to it, and walking away? I commit it to God. And she's going further away, and now she's going to sink. Just watch what happens.
America rejected her last opportunity for national repentance in 1956/7, which was the jubilee of the Laodicean Church Age. Her leaders have betrayed the people into the hands of aliens devoted to establishing Lucifer's totalitarian one world government. Her people have abandoned the Absolute of God's unchanging Word for the easy path of humanistic populism and reason while aliens gutted her productive economy, squandered her wealth, mortgaged her to usury, slaughtered and maimed her youth in their wars of aggression and poisoned their minds in cesspools of immorality. The nation is accursed of God with nothing to offer the world but DEATH at the hands of her callous, blooded military. She will kill, but she will never win another war except perhaps the ongoing terrorism against her own citizens.
The end of the Gentile dispensation will be marked by unprecedented natural catastrophes in the heavens and on earth. Los Angeles and a 1,500 x 300-400 mile segment of earth's crust will sink beneath the Pacific along with Florida, the US dollar, global economy, and 25% GDP contributed by California to the US economy. Tidal waves will sweep coastlands and islands and the Pacific ring of fire will erupt. The Mount of Olives will cleave in two, demolishing the Dome of the Rock and igniting the "hot stage" of the present World War III. The Lord will "put hooks in the jaws [of the Russian military] and drive them on" with the Muslim nations of Iran, Ethiopia, Somalia and the Sudan, Libya, and nations from the Caucasus among their allies (Ezekiel 38:1-6).
The Jews' City of London has provoked this attack. I believe Israel will be defeated, and that a permanent mass exodus of non-Semitic, anti-Semitic self-styled Jews will make way for the return of true blood descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Israel from their Muslim hosts where they will no longer be welcome. The invasion will not be restricted to Israel; Brother Branham said Russia will invade and occupy mainland United States, where their troops will rape the women, loot stores and homes (Job 4:8). nl740.htm
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Brother Grigor-Scott is a non-denominational minister who has ministered full-time since 1981, primarily to other ministers and their congregations overseas. He pastors Bible Believers' tiny congregation, and is available to teach in your church.
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