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Bible Believers' Newsletter 1324

"We focus on the present Truth – what Jesus is doing now . . ."
ISSN 1442-8660

Christian greetings in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ; we are pleased you could join us in fellowship around God's unchanging Word.

"Our Belief Structures are Changed" yet "Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, and today, and forever;" we are resting in that. The elite temporarily possess the world "by way of deception" which is the mark of Cain (Genesis 3:1). They fly worldwide in personal jets; yet unbeknownst they are "fugitives and vagabonds with no inheritance in the earth" and cannot take it with them (Genesis 4:14).

Although we live in the present our objectives and destiny is future and eternal "We have also a more sure word of prophecy; to which you do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star arises in your hearts: knowing this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture is a matter of one's own interpretation, for the prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God" (II Peter 1:19-21)

This Newsletter serves those of like precious faith. Whoever will receive the truth is welcome to feed their soul from the waters of the River of Life. Everything here presented should be confirmed personally in your own Bible, and our items of current news read with care.

Your brother-in-Christ
Anthony Grigor-Scott

Israel Killed Her Own People

February 14, 2025 — Israel's former defense minister, Yoav Gallant, admitted that Israeli troops were ordered to invoke the "Hannibal Directive" on 7 October 2023 . . . it is now clear that many hundreds of these Israeli deaths were caused by Israel's Defense Forces (IDF) themselves, not by Hamas.

Investigations by independent journalists and international bodies suggest that at least 'hundreds' of the Israeli deaths were the result of the Hannibal Directive, nullifying the justification for the Israeli Gaza offensive . . . This Hamas attack was well-planned years ahead by Israel's Mossad in combination with the secret services of the UK, MI6, and the US, CIA. Remember, Hamas itself is an original creation by the secret services of Israel, UK, and US. Therefore, Israel was not only aware of the attack to occur on 7 October 2023, they triggered it and knew the time when it was to occur . . . Israeli border guards, were ordered to abandon their duties for about seven hours, beginning in the early morning of 7 October . . . a "False Flag", planted by Israel, a pretext to start the genocidal ethnic cleansing in Gaza for the reasons by President Trump's statement that the US would take over Gaza, rebuild it into a resort strip and that the remaining Gazan citizens—1.6 to 1.8 million should be resettled in Egypt, Jordan and Europe—Trump's words.

What Trump did not say is that the US takeover would effectively give the US (possibly shared with Israel) access to the probably trillions of dollars-worth of gas reserves offshore of Gaza . . . Trump's, hand-in-hand with Netanyahu, announcement of the US taking over Gaza—as in taking over Greenland, Canada and the Panama Canal—is an absurd whitewash of the Zionist-Israeli genocide. Russia sends jets to Iran Full story:

Comment: Paragraph two (above) reveal that Britain (since 1688) and the United States are not free states, and hopelessly in debt.

Is a Grand Bargain between US and Russia in the Works?

February 13, 2025 — Last month Donald Trump suggested that he would end the war in Ukraine as a gift to the Russian people. The terms of that peace, as far as we know from General Kellogg's peace plan are unacceptable to Russia and will certainly be rejected. In a subsequent interview Vladimir Putin suggested that the US and Russia should have friendly relations but that they should discuss bigger issues than the war in Ukraine.

He did not elaborate however, leaving us to try and guess what the big agenda might be. We know that the Kremlin and many other powers including China, India and Iran are keenly interested in redrawing the Eurasian continent's security architecture and also improving global economic, financial and trade relations.

Marco Rubio says it was a "dangerous delusion" to believe "that all mankind was destined to abandon national sovereignty and national identity" to "instead become . . . citizens of the world." Appeasement and what happened in 1935 The True Story. Both the British Empire's and the American postwar versions of the three-block world were essentially unipolar visions of the world order. As explained in today's Newsletter, this is madness, and suicide. The Money Power rules. Putin and Trump spoke on the phone! Full story:

Comment: This is an important read. Marco Rubio is correct, but you will notice the alien controlled Nations Britain and the Empire, the United States, Germany and Russia are under submission and ideologically conquered now.

Rothschild's Gaza Land Grab

Zionist grasp on Trump

February 6, 2025 — It was disappointing enough that President Trump's first meeting with a foreign leader was with Israeli war criminal Bibi Netanyahu. But it got worse. During their joint press conference he shocked the world by announcing that the US wanted to simply take over Gaza and turn it into a "Riviera" for Trump's billionaire friends, some of whom he owes lots of money.

It was Rothschild Inc. bond trader Wilbur Ross who handled Donald Trump's bankruptcy. In exchange for the Rothschild's bailing Trump out, Trump agreed to let his name become a lucrative brand for his bankster creditors. Ross was rewarded by becoming Trump's first Secretary of Commerce. And the Rothschilds picked up the Taj Mahal casino and other Atlantic City properties on the cheap.

As for the indentured Trump, he would be charged with becoming a two-term US President who would preside over a new "Golden Age", were the Annunaki Crown billionaire class would come completely out of the closet and rule over a Novus Ordo Seclorum—a New Secular Order with Satanism as its ethos.

In March 2024 Trump's son-in-law and dual Israeli citizen Jared Kushner said Gaza had "very valuable" potential for its "waterfront property". The idea all along was that Israel would push all Palestinians out of Gaza and simply take it. It's why they wanted Egypt to open the Rafah Gate. But Egypt knew the plan so it refused to do so.

In addition to the Rothschild Riviera plan, there is also the Rothschild energy plan. In 1999 British Gas (BG) discovered a significant gas field in the Gaza Marine fields just 20 miles off Gaza. The Palestinian Authority granted BG a 25-year exploratory concession as a partner, but the Israelis blocked its development.

In 2016 Royal Dutch Shell, whose biggest shareholder is Victor Rothschild, paid BG $52 million for the field. But they would not help the PA develop it either. If the US were to take over Gaza, surely the Rothschild's would commence with its development . . .

No matter what else he does, Trump's subservience to Israel and his indebtedness to that nation's founding Rothschild family will doom not only his Presidency but quite possibly our nation. One thing is certain. It will only strengthen the resolve of the Axis of Resistance. Full story:

Suárez: Palestine Hijacked: How Zionism Forged an Apartheid State

Palestinian Flag

February 12, 2025 — Much has been written in the alternative press over the past year about the Israeli genocide of the Palestinians and its other war crimes in Lebanon, Syria, Iran, etc. This has often been viewed within the historical context of the self-declared (90% Non-Semitic) Zionist Israeli state's founding in 1948 up to the present day. But far less has been said about the Zionist's racial-nationalist-settler-colonialist movement's history of terrorism to seize (majority Semitic) Palestine and kill and drive the Palestinians into exile that goes back for more than a century . . .

When questioned why he supported the Zionist leaders' efforts to drive the Palestinians from their land, (Zionist non-Semitic Jew) Winston Churchill, in 1937, replied, "I do not admit the dog in the manger has the final right to the manger, even though he may have lain there for a very long time".

"Palestine Hijacked" (2022) is a book of deeply documented historical research (686 detailed endnotes) that tears the mask off the narrative that paints Zionism as a benign force. Through assiduous archival research in poorly accessed and newly declassified archives of the Central Intelligence Agency, the British National Archives, the Library of Congress, the Zionist Organization of America, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, etc., Suárez uses original source documents to hoist the well-known Zionist leaders with their own petards, often in their own words, words never meant to see the light of day. (non-Semitic) Chaim Weizmann. Theodore Herzl, David Ben-Gurion, Menachem Begin, Yitzhak Shamir, Moshe Sharett are exposed as liars, and the latter three as ruthless terrorists, with the former three in complete accord with their terror tactics. The same is shown to be true for those Western leaders who supported the terrorist seizure of Palestine by a Zionist racial-nationalist settler movement that had zero legal or moral right to the land, as they still do not . . . Full story:

Unbalanced Chemistry of Trump/Musk MAGA Era. Destroying the Values of American Democracy

February 11, 2025 — The new Trump/Musk regime, which has chosen the MAGA doctrine for itself, is focused on radically changing the American regime, founded after 1945, changed in the 1970s and entered the Neocon- Zionist structure after 2001. However, the team it has established does not have state experience, military wisdom accumulation and diplomacy and negotiation culture.

The Minister of Defense is a news anchor, the Minister of the Navy has never been on a warship in his life and the other ministers are incompetent to a degree that cannot be compared to the merit and experience of previous periods.

In such an environment, Elon Musk has pressed the button to create a radical change in the bureaucracy. The state will shrink and many civil servants will be replaced by artificial intelligence and pro-Trump circles. But who will make the decisions? If decisions like Trump's latest Gaza vision are to be made, the US and the world will have difficult times. Although Trump announced that he will serve lofty goals such as stopping wars in this process, the risk of starting new crises is also very great. In other words, there is a high probability of making many mistakes while doing one right.

Some good things can be said about Trump's executive orders. For example, the closure of the USAID (United States Agency for International Development), the largest instrument of the USA's hybrid warfare capability and the CIA, and the freezing of its national/international funds at the beginning of February 2025 by Trump were a great step for humanity. Elon Musk, described this institution which is also active in Turkey, not as a worm in an apple but as an apple full of worms. It is known that USAID, together with the CIA, Soros foundations and NED (National Endowment for Democracy), carried out color revolutions, coups and regime changes, especially in countries that have an important place in the regions of rimland geopolitics.

However, Trump's announcement on February 4, 2025 of his intention to seize the Gaza Strip by deporting 2 million Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip to Egypt and Jordan and turning the region into a Riviera was an example of illegality and rule-breaking that has not been seen in recent history. It is known that the deportation proposal in question was first made by Netanyahu on behalf of the fundamentalist Israeli government after the attacks of October 7, 2023.

While Trump initiated discussions of imposition and sovereignty over Mexico, Canada, Panama and Greenland/Denmark in the new period, he is also embarking on irrational projects in the Eastern Mediterranean on behalf of Israel under the influence of his son-in-law, the Jewish real estate agent Kushner and Netanyahu. These projects, which are difficult to realize, are no different from the ethnic cleansing . . . A great bureaucratic purge is being carried out in all institutions affiliated with the Trump regime which is formed under loyalty not quality . . . Full story:

Why Does Donald Trump Want to Transform Gaza into a 'US Territory'?

February 8, 2025 — In early February, barely two weeks after his inauguration, President Trump intimated that Gaza would become a US territory, with a view to developing a luxury real estate project with mansions, luxury apartments, hotels and casinos.

How many years would it take to remove the ruble and rebuild? Under Trump's advisory, (Semitic) Palestinians would be relocated and excluded from their homeland.

"I would like Egypt to take people,…You're talking about probably a million and a half people, and we just clean out that whole thing and say: 'You know, it's over.'" [Trump told the king of Jordan]. "I would love for you to take on more, 'cause I am looking at the whole Gaza Strip right now, and it's a mess. It's a real mess" . . .

As outlined by Felicity Arbuthnot with foresight 11 years ago in a December, 30 2013 article: "Israel is set to become a major exporter of gas and some oil, "If All Goes to Plan". Arbuthnot was referring to the ownership of Gaza's maritime natural gas reserves, which belong to the State of Palestine.

At the time of writing, the Netanyahu government is planning to appropriate these maritime gas reserves. What this signifies is that Israel is intent upon annexing Gaza as well as destroying an entire country . . . Full story:

Our Belief Structures are Changed
By Alan Gourley ISBN 0 9588651 3 2

It is not difficult to show that some of the most important ideas promoted in our culture are false; that will be demonstrated.

From Newsletter 1323 we began to see that we are manipulated. Before going further we need think about the goals of the manipulators.

If the pagan elitists do not want our present culture to continue (and we see a busy undermining of proven values and the economy, to bring about social and economic disintegration) then it must be because they see present culture becoming dangerous to them. Clearly our own leaders do not understand the purpose of this human and betrayal, it is the 'internationalists' who are the ones who know what they are about and who mislead our leaders and institutions.

They achieve this by first instilling misleading beliefs in the education system. That is followed by the establishment of an administrative centre whose purpose is to first enlist, and then control national governments. Today that administrative centre is the United Nations organization.


The reason behind the changing of our belief system was introduced last week because people still think beliefs are personal or academic; and we do not see beliefs as threatening.

It is very difficult to gain a realistic impression of something of which we have no direct knowledge. It may help if we consider any ancient or modern culture and realize that the lifestyle and limitations of that culture grew from the seed which is or was their beliefs.

Some ancient cultures had a science and information now unknown, but still failed. Things we now know make it possible for a vast population to enjoy a standard of living the equal of, or in many ways better than that previously enjoyed only by the elite, yet this culture is now being undermined.

The consequences of manipulation are so critical that whether you or I, or any member of our families, still live at the end of this century may well depend on how many people learn to understand the importance of beliefs.

As pointed out German National-Socialism is only cosmetically different from communist socialism. (Rothschild funded Marx to update his scheme to International Socialism, or Communism, and Professor Baron Karl Von Ritter to produce devise National Socialism: bringing thesis in conflict with antithesis to produce synthesis—Jewish One World Government (Matthew 4:8-8). They may fight to the death over who is to be boss but their foundation beliefs and end goals are the same. It is the IDEA on which the culture is formed that dictates the form of the culture.

If a new idea is basic to the meaning of life then different cultures will begin by adapting to it in individual ways. Each will look different to begin, but as they work toward completely logical social response, the cultures will converge toward the point where all behaviour would be in complete logical accord with their revised beliefs. This is because all intelligence is based on logic; 1 + 1 = 2 everywhere.

If a healthy community gets its sums wrong then what its people build falls down. But a community basing its reasonings on false ideas will fail regardless because, although 1 + 1 = 2, if the basic information is wrong then the result will be wrong (perhaps more so) if the reasoning is correct.

Our once reasonably healthy society is now failing because its true science is being directed more and more by false fundamentals. Like sheep we are driven by beliefs designed for us by a super ego stagnant in its own crude fixations for thousands of years. And as Brother Branham foretold, "the world is falling apart again" as it did in the Days of Noah.

What We Believe Matters.

Our educators are more and more teaching the idea that there is no social truth. They teach little children that it does not matter what they believe, that, in fact, what the individual desires to believe is sacred and does not have to conform to any concept of right or wrong. The idiot nature of this reasoning is easy to demonstrate; it is logically imbecile for anyone to say, 'There is no truth, believe me.' How can you believe he is telling the truth when he says there is no truth? People who peddle this philosophy do not live by it, they cannot, not outside of an asylum.

Whether you have money in the bank is a matter of fact, not belief; where you live is a matter of fact, not belief; if there is a car coming when you step off the footpath that is a matter of fact, not belief. People are physical objects; life forms exist in the same physical dimension as all known existence. If you jump from a high window you will suffer the consequences of the fall and, by the same token, if you do things that damage others emotionally, they will be hurt.

Death Trap! The consequences of irrational belief.

In our democracies today, thousands march and chant their simplistic slogans. They follow an emotional lead trusting in the easy logic that atomic bombs are deadly and that no human cause justifies their use in a war that may not only end all wars, but also may end all mankind.

Unfortunately the question is not that simple; the pick-pocket bumps roughly to distract the victim from the light touch at the pocket. It may be wise to ask ourselves why more secretive and deadly weapons are so seldom mentioned.

The protesters fail themselves by not asking themselves this question: 'Given that I surrender my nationality and my defenses and join the socialist One World Government Empire, what then is the value of my life?'

Has any community ever survived because it was defenceless?

We do not need to look far to realize that human life has no value to the socialist in power other than the ability of that life to provide some useful service for the elite. The Prime Minister of Grenada allowed Cuban communists to establish a base on the island and when they were established they had him shot. We note that he was not just killed as a human but was given the insult of pulverization by bullets until unrecognizable.


It's quite simple. When people who live in free democracies support socialism they really believe socialism to be genuinely for the benefit of people. You can see how rebellious they could become when they find they have been duped, tricked and used. Obviously these people must be terminated as soon as their usefulness ends.

Let us consider a few relevant facts about our situation:

Fact 1. The present population of the world is divided amongst nations. Historically each nation has had advantage from increasing population; advantage of power, defence, wealth and prestige. Until the age of technology, almost all production above workforce essentials was converted to wealth for the ruling class. Only since the advent of technology has the workforce been able to produce luxuries for the general population.

Technology has made possible such massive surplus of wealth that almost the entire production now serves the pleasures of the general population and only a small part is useful to the elite. Defence now depends on technology and a large wealthy population, but that is true only so long as the world is divided between competing nations. Given One World Government there is no need for defence, and, with automation for production of goods, also no need for large populations.

Today there is increasing unemployment, growing automation and a short working day. Many workers make little effort, in fact some are counter-productive and about 50% of people occupy non-productive or make-work situations.

Fact 2. Population is now consuming natural resources at a frightening rate. This endangers some resources and is creating pollution problems.

Fact 3. Given present population and technology, a world governing elite could be threatened by dissident or terrorist groups. Nuclear bombs are not the most dangerous weapons a modern dissident group could use.

The elite rationale is simple: by eliminating national governments the need for the greater part of world population is also eliminated. This solves all the above problems and much of the world can then be returned to nature.


Frightening? Given that the great bulk of production now goes to weapons and to serve the population itself, the One World Government will have no more use for massive world population than Adam and Eve would have for a million milking goats.

The Australian situation is not unique. Why are the elite so concerned about damage to the environment? Why are they so concerned to give aborigines separate living space? Why are they allowing dissidents to delay of major developments? One reason is to help destroy our economic viability, but they have our economy on its knees so perhaps an equally important reason is to save the remains of the ancient environment for when they return Australia to its original status in their pagan concept—a nature reserve. Is there a use for the unwanted nuisance of millions of potentially dangerous people?

We have to face reality. The intelligent observer no longer argues about what is happening but about what it means. The pagan elite have shown, over and over, that they have no respect for human life. They worship nature and may even see us as a form of sacrifice to their gods.

The lives of millions are at stake. It is NOT unrealistic to suggest that a few years after World Government is established you and I and every Australian not pure-blood tribal aboriginal, will be quietly exterminated by use of a chemical or biological agent. It must be worth our while to put aside prejudices and preferences because what we are enticed to believe is most certainly fatal.

How could population be reduced? The most convenient way is by use of a biological weapon (like the deadly mRNA shot). There is no means by which we could know if AIDS was artificially contrived by genetic engineering once the media is totally controlled. We do not know very much about it except that at first it was passed off as related to homosexuals. NOTE: Now the evidence has become massive that AIDS was deliberately created and deliberately spread.

When AIDS first became common news I wrote a 'Letter to the Editor' pointing out that with a two year incubation period every promiscuous person could be infected before the first symptom was known and that people should be warned. The letter was unpublished. Why are people not warned of dangers posed by biological weapons?

We now know that the danger to all sections of the community is grave and the possibility of it being a genetic weapon increases. The incubation period is now expected to be as long as 15 years and the chance of control by medical means virtually nil.

This disease only became a potential disaster because our culture was seduced into promiscuity and sexual deviance (by government policy, transsexuals, imaginary genders and promotion in the media. Why have the normal means of disease control been withheld?

Control of social belief is directed through education so we can expect to find heavy elitist influence in universities. Compulsory education permeates every segment of society and, as Antonio Gramsci (Marxist theoretician) argues, there is no need for violence. By taking over universities, publishing-houses, churches and trade unions, socialists can work their way into every position of influence and propaganda in the community. By simple subversion it is possible to control and then take over the democratic nations. But please understand, that would not be possible unless beliefs prepared the way. Unless there exists a philosophic base there is no way of establishing a radical philosophy.

We must keep in mind that the only way the elite can achieve total control of world population is through world government. Nations and populations have to be tricked (or forced) into disarming and giving themselves over to a central authority.

"If you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly, you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival." Churchill 1939.


To produce a social philosophy that would deceive the thinkers and educators, the elite had to produce a new philosophic base.

We see that the social views now being promoted among us are NOT views that originate with those who promote them, and are NOT views that result from common community pressures. The elitist families plant the ideas they want to grow just as the family gardener plants seed in his garden. Ideas are planted in the soil of the academic mind. They are watered, fertilized, sprayed for control of those pests that might do them harm, and generally nurtured and nourished so as to produce the required fruit. To the elite the mind of the misinformed common man is just a soil for fruitful production.

Acceptance of that simple reality can (within human limits) give us mastery of our fate. We need not remain tools in the service of a degenerate master.

If we DO NOT take advantage of our opportunities to understand life and the world we live in then we are no better than the Pol Pot, the SS of National Socialism or the members of any terrorist group. We have no right to charge others with war crimes while we remain equally irresponsible in our choice of beliefs.

They Re-built their Old Religion.

The elite had the seemingly impossible task of changing the way man thinks about himself, life and origins. But this goal was achieved within one hundred years by control of education and by instilling belief in 'the theory of creation by chance evolution.' (And Rockefeller's global franchise on education).

Industrial democracy had its foundation in the competitive justice of Christian revelation. It accepted that life was created by intelligence and that we all have a responsibility for our actions and the human future.

The new materialist religion is the old paganism dressed in modern clothes. It is made credible by promotion of the theory that life was created by chance.

The two religions are completely opposed and incompatible.

If life was created by intelligence then it has purpose; it is not confined to the life and death of the individual animal body.

Jesus ChristIf life is a physical mechanism that came into being by chance then it has no purpose or meaning; it is separate to each animal body and will end when the body dies. Each such life has no meaning beyond its own physical limits and desires; it has no responsibility for a future in which it will not exist. To this concept of life 'social truth' and 'social evil' have no meaning because life has no meaning. Christianity demands personal responsibility. As part of a larger life we are involved with the future of life as a whole. There is a distinct separation between behaviour that is good for life and behaviour that is bad for life.

The elite needed to promote a religion that would change people's attitude to life and force us to return to a selfish shallow outlook that involved itself mostly with the present. They needed to install a religion that restrained the citizen to materialism and physical satisfactions. In short they needed to return the common people to mental ignorance and the despair of futility.

But to return the plebs to pagan beliefs they had to have an explanation for our creation that would support pagan attitudes and values. An explanation that had an appearance of science and looked convincing, i.e. An outer worship, effective but imperfect . . .

Having long since infiltrated Christian religion and made it a mockery of the Christian Revelation (which religion could not properly explain) meant that the new substitute did not need to be either very attractive or very sound. Large numbers of people would accept almost anything to escape the oppressive yoke represented by paganized Christianity.

(God was never in organized religion; all religion is of the Devil. God is in His Word and Christians walk in the Light He is revealing NOW (II Peter 1:12; I John 1:7). Belief structures are changed like Talmudic denominations, nominal Christian Churches impersonate the Word for a day gone by. The Judaeo-Roman Catholic church organized at the Hegelian dialectic of the First Nicaea Council in AD325, 300 years after Calvary and the death of the early apostles and prophets (including Peter who never visited Rome). Talmudic Jews whose objective was to destroy Christian faith voted for the heretic Athanasius (Revelation 2:14-15) the polytheistic trinity of Babylon and false water baptism in three Titles became its founding dogma.

When the Northern Kingdom of Israel adopted the Babylonian Trinity God sent Shalmanesser V and Sargon II to dissolve and transport Israel to newly conquered North Africa where they live today, and pagans were transported to Israel and intermarried as Samaritans. When the Southern Kingdom of Judah adopted the Babylonian trinity, God razed their Temple and sent them captive into Babylon).

To provide a creation base for full development of paganism they promoted 'evolution'. Freud provided the bridge between creative evolution and human behaviour. 'Socialism', provided an idealistic social incentive. Each a total misrepresentation of reality but quite logical if related to an evolution base.

Evolution eliminates the idea of good and evil. The only good is the pleasure that one may obtain from a short and futile existence. The only reason for being kind to others is self defence; it is OK to rob or to hurt in any kind of way so long as this is not exposed—exposure leads to retaliation. Laws are to benefit the clever that do not get caught, and to punish the foolish that do get caught. In evolution, honesty is stupid and dangerous, and truth is just what you want it to be. The 'Situation Ethics' now being taught in our schools teach that morals are a personal decision, there is no social truth—NO EVIL, and new 'Human Rights' laws discriminate against human rights.

If we allow the formation of a socialist 'One World Government', those gaining the power of life or death over us will feel no moral responsibility.

The common name of modern pagan religion is 'Humanism' and while humanist literature denies inherent brutishness and presents itself in an image of rational, caring behaviour, the behaviour it inspires is not in keeping with its literature. They perform their confidence trick by promoting the remains of Christian morality to trick people into thinking nothing really bad is happening.

The effects of paganism are very visible in the world today. Any depravity or deformed outlook now seems right and proper to educators and opinion makers as they carelessly pave the way for convenient disposal of population.

The elite may pretend otherwise, but the beliefs they promote provide no logical support for truthfulness. Nor do they provide support for a conscience that would prevent the use of a biological weapon to clear a continent such as Australia of human life if this was necessary to remove a possible environmental or physical threat to a nature-worshiping pagan elite.

That the terminated will include socialists will not concern the elite; socialism is only a trap for fools. Socialism has no base in human nature and is not, and was never intended to be, a solution to any human problem.

Egocentric 'people leaders' are proud to become Fabian Socialists (and members of like organizations) in the belief that they have been honoured by entry to the inner circle of social engineers. If they stopped to think they might realize that an organization of power and secrecy will have many levels and the one that deals directly with the general public is the outer circle. This level is as disposable as the people they mislead.

Truth, justice and mercy cannot be admitted to a system were good is a personal choice. Nor is there place for fools and traitors once the deceit has achieved its end.

Simple people trust leaders but thinking people look to logic as the safe way to understand world events.

Read the newspapers and we see people constantly complaining about stupid government and stupid bureaucracy. But what those people do is not stupid to them. Their behaviour is a logical result of their beliefs. Can we not see that the social beliefs taught through professional education have been carefully and deliberately designed to create social havoc. Our culture is being aborted. So long as we believe government stupidity is innocent our efforts are futile.

Point of Debate.

Confusion is common, but natural logic is naturally absolute. Protest will not alter reality, nor will wishful or confused thinking. The person who trusts in human nature does not understand human nature and, in an elitist world, makes a pointless sacrifice. The elitist will not respect you for a kind gesture if it means betraying his belief in survival of the fittest (the Law of Rational Response prevails).

There is little to be gained by debate of opposed social philosophies when both are based in good logic on different creation beliefs. There is only one level at which debate can be decisive—CREATION BELIEF.

To Make Best Use of Our Lives We Need to Know the TRUTH.

What we are conditioned to believe is irrelevant to fact thus it is deadly to life. Why should any clever person waste time with social problems if the evidence supports evolution? If evolution IS true then the smart thing is to grab what one can from life. For proof that this is increasingly the attitude of people conditioned to believe in evolution, look at our world. But if evolution is NOT true then those living in that belief totally waste their lives.

Evolution is the official educated belief but we still learn elements of Christian morality. Confused beliefs and attitudes aid manipulation.

The stakes are high. Those who create and promote artificially contrived religion do it to gain possession of the world.

The reported murder of about one third of the people of Kampuchea, Cambodia, by their socialist brothers was only possible because people trusted in passive ignorance. The Kampuchean people suffer progressive and deliberate genocide—by beliefs.

The Aztecs used to conduct wars, not for territory or trade or control, but for amusement and to see which State had the best and bravest army. The remains of the defeated army were taken by the victors for sacrifice.

The attitude of the ultimate leaders has not changed. They play nations like chess pieces; individuals under their control they see only as animals (Bereshith 25a; Kiddushin 66c; Soferim 15, Rule 10).

But do not believe me, consider the importance of this and put your own intelligence to work. Consider the evidence, and the rationality of world events when seen in this context. Give fair value to all evidence because your life depends on seeing what is true, not what you prefer. Ask yourself: who pays and who benefits?

We tend to imagine that we cannot lose knowledge; that we cannot lose understanding of our culture. But the very base of social structure, the family, the result of 6,000 years of hard won human experience, has, in the last ten years been unceremoniously dumped. The family today is already legally irrelevant. Who says it can't be done?

To add to the above there are, in various parts of the world, ruins and signs of past civilizations, and the descendants of those cultures today know nothing of their past meaning.

Today the tricks of manipulation work as predicted. To reduce our ability to think logically we are conditioned to believe in opposites; we then accept conflicting political policies without murmur. Words are used in reverse meaning and the fearful effectiveness of information control is such that no army is needed to direct people to the will of the masters. Once blindfolded to the truth we have to trust those who lead us—we obey willingly.

In the long human struggle for living standards women and children escaped factory and mine. Now people clamour for work fulfillment in the name of Women's Liberation and actually believe that economic slavery is liberation—because they are told it is so!

Our social problems; our deforming education; our growing crime and corruption of government, are no chance plague. That evolution theory can (without reference to religion) be so easily demonstrated as scientific hog-wash, proves deliberate mis-education.

If the patriot is executed he knows his crime was that he did something. If the majority is terminated will they know their crime was that they did nothing?


The evidence of manipulation is so conclusive we have to consider that our leading institutions—politics, education, religion—are caught up in a master plan based on The Law of Rational Response.

It is not difficult to fool the human community provided you know the correct strings to pull and keep people preoccupied with trivia. The one great fear of the elite, during a time of social reconstruction, is that somehow common man will discover what is happening. Should that happen, then, overnight, manipulation would become impossible.

They have reason to fear! Already a few people know their secret and all we need is to discover some way of spreading the information among people who are conditioned to subconscious, unthinking rejection of all distressing challenge. If we can cause people to stop and think, look and learn, then the dangers confronting the human race can end.

The evidence we need is available; the challenge to each of us is the challenge to understand it and use it. The outcome, for each family, is a matter of life or death.

Up to now the elite have been able to keep secret the manipulative power inherent in rational response and basic belief. But when we appreciate that intelligence is rational then we can work out that the way a community behaves will depend on beliefs. If our beliefs are wrong they will lead us astray, and the more sincerely we believe the more surely we will be misled.

Once we know the theory of mass population manipulated the entire mess becomes understandable. Understanding may not be easy but is certainly possible.

Is It Treason?

Our parliament is NOT now trying to govern us in a way which will make us more prosperous and happy, it is introducing laws and programs to break down our culture, our prosperity, and our social unity. Leaders do this because they already accept the beliefs and promises which make it seem justified.

The introduction into education of American humanist-designed material (at our expense) is not by accident causing great division between parent and child; it is not by accident causing a great swing away from proven values to novelty; it did not by accident encourage the drug culture to develop.

Over-taxation and the destruction of the economic viability of industry is not a matter of government mistake or stupidity, it is planned. (The leaders of all major political parties, Socialists, Despots, Communists and what-have-you, are all working for One World government because each is controlled by the same entity).

To try to explain simple fact to the political machine (as so many hopefully try) is like telling a killer that if he shoots you it will cause you grievous harm; he knows that very well. The difference between the mafia and the political machine is that the mafia is honest about crime whereas the political machine lives on lies.

Educators use scientifically designed 'social engineering' and Douglas Swan, NSW Director General of Education (1981), was reported as saying that the 'school is becoming a social engineering institution'. He said flatly that people would have to get used to the idea. No 'ifs' or 'buts'; no explanation—the people are scorned.

The denial of democratic right to information and choice is part of the proof of dictatorial manipulation. The electronics industry makes referendum and ballot an easy and practical means of public reference. But democracy is not wanted. The people were not offered choice on the imposition of a multi-cultural society, uranium mining, or the destruction of our constitutional rights. The very last thing our present politicians want for people is democratic choice.

Ask yourself why our constitutional rights are being withdrawn. What other reason than that they are in the way of progress to a full dictatorship?

Ask yourself why 'human rights' laws are being enacted to suit socialist requirements as per United Nations recipes. Remember: the UN is controlled overwhelmingly by communist and dictatorial regimes.

If our leaders were sincere in support of democracy they would explain themselves; if our media were not controlled by 'One World' elitists we would be told the truth; if our religious leaders were not accepting the concepts of humanism they would enlighten us.

Ask yourself why we are now taxed to half our export earnings on behalf of the international bankers. Why are the stupid divisive elements of racism and sexism introduced disguised as anti-racism and anti-sexism? Christian Religion Has Been Penetrated by Pagan Religion.

We are SO trusting. Many innocents do not believe that Christian Religion has been taken over by pagan humanism, but when that point was being made to readers of the original papers, the Humanist Society was distributing their November 1983 Humanist Viewpoint and Alex Carey, (Professor?) in an article Whither Humanism, makes this comment on a well publicized stand by Catholic bishops in the USA:

"There could not, I think, be more persuasive evidence of the extent to which humanist values have displaced distinctively religious values, even in a church where almost all the traditional rituals and transcendental beliefs still retain their official place" . . . [He means humanist values have displaced Christian values; humanists like to pretend their beliefs are not religious. A.G.]

"But developments such as 'The Challenge to Peace' compel us to confront a question of singular importance for humanists and humanism: what can it profit us to expend our energies attacking all conceptions of a Christian god and a Christian religion in a period when every year sees further shifts by one or other congregations toward employing the word 'God' as little more than a reverent symbol under which to sanctify a set of ever more humanist values? In short how should we respond if the present trend continues and nominally Christian congregations increasingly define their God as a humanist (or even as The Humanist), his will as a Humanist Will."

In the same publication (in a book review by Keith Rex) appears comment on a debate between Christian and humanist:

". . . this confrontation of the mighty forces struggling for the domination of the world . . ."

It is very important that everyone (particularly Christians) understands that the havoc created in our world is a result of a titanic rearrangement for total control of humanity and ownership of the earth. Obviously, to find that mainstream Christian religion is now leading the humanist (anti-Christ) charge, comes as just as much a surprise to ignorant and unworldly humanists as to trusting Christians.

If you still think that we are not in a period of manipulation from one belief structure to another, consider this item attributed to Politician Bill Hayden (Former Minister of Foreign Affairs) also found in 'Humanist Viewpoints':

"I am a Christian socialist who happens to be an atheist."

Or a churchman on a recent 'evolution-investigating' ABC program, stating that he saw no conflict between Christian belief and evolution.

The churchman is saying that he sees no conflict between Christianity and paganism; Bill Hayden that he is a Christian anti-Christian.
You cannot get much more mixed up than that.

An example of the sickness overtaking our intelligence is a clipping from a reader in Tasmania; a letter published in the Hobart Mercury (1/11/83.)

Removal of Books

"I feel that the public should be made aware that there is more to the removal of books from the Winnaleah School Library than generally realized, and I quote from the so-called literature recommended for non-sexist teachers and their pupils.

From the "Combat Sexism Kit" book 1 for teachers: ". . .the marriage law is the most damnable outrage upon women that was ever conceived." From the same kit—Book 2 for students, the story is told of the breast-people and the breast-less ones—the only difference being that the breast—people gave birth. And I quote: ". . . one day the breast-less ones noticed that the breast-people were getting strong and skillful . . . The difference and the progress of the breast-people, so startled and frightened the breast-less ones . . . So the breast-less ones committed the first crime—they took possession of the lives of the breast-people and their little ones, robbed them of all they created and produced, took away their freedom and made them slaves. Their crime was known as "marriage" . . . With no excuse for their behaviour, the males invented a lie to justify their crime . . . When resistance continued, the males wrote their lies in books, and these books were The Bible, the Koran and the texts of Hinduism. To be assured of power, what was written became law and those who broke the law were punished so the right of the males to enslave the females became legal and from then on the males were men and the females women."

This rubbish is being fed to your children through the feminist movement which has infiltrated our education system. It certainly explains why those of feminist persuasion and their union chief are upset at having their actions exposed, and why those of the same persuasion in the "Hierarchy" of the Education Department are trying to keep it "hush-hush". (Mrs. Allison Carins. Winnaleah).

It is difficult to imagine even a small group of people being so silly and ignorant as to give any credit to this rubbish and yet these people are school teachers. How could they justify (in their own minds) subscribing to this abortion of common sense unless they believe in evolution and see truth as irrelevant so long as they get what they want?

Even if we could assume that by evolution both sexes would be physically equal the writer makes nonsense of that faint hope of rationality by saying: ". . . one day the breast-less ones noticed that breast people were getting strong and skillful . . ." so on the one hand she is saying that chance evolution did not in fact make the sexes equal in strength and skill, on the other that the males stopped them from becoming strong and skillful. I wonder what the writer thinks caused the difference of build between male and female of other species?

It is both obvious and scientific that the sexes are not equal; they are designed to complement each other for their mutual benefit and efficiency. From The Weekend Australian (26/11/1983), article:

Are men and women really that different?

"Major new research into the brain has now established that there is a definite physical difference:"

Male and female have different bodies, different minds, and different abilities. The ones inferior are those who think the difference makes them inferior.

Were Parliament honest there would be some form of psychological test to weed the mentally disturbed out of the education system. It must devastate parents to know that when they send their children to school they may be putting them into the hands of irrational fanatics and sex deviants for social engineering experimentation. For detail read Assault on Childhood.

Increasing prosperity and the ability to give everyone education, has brought not improvement but disaster. Why? Simply because modern technology has been used, NOT to educate but to manipulate.

Time's Up!

Let us hope we will awaken before we reach the point of no return. Each year our minds and bodies are more taken over by false teachings and drugs; each year our chance of recovery is less. If we cannot bring ourselves to make a stand now, how will we do so next year when we are more drugged and brainwashed?

A man needs work more to support a wife and family now than in the middle ages. Do you believe that automation and computerization has made us LESS efficient? Do you believe that normal intelligent people WANT (or that anyone will benefit from) 'liberation' to a lifetime of economically forced, useless, make-work occupation? Do you see rationality in degrading the family?

That our lives and the lives of families and friends are at stake can be said unemotionally and without dramatization. Australian population has no value to a socialist 'One World' government. DON'T LET A NEW DARK AGE BEGIN—SPREAD THE WORD


At first I thought social information should be directed to women. Women seemed more likely to be concerned about the future security of their children and, as managers of the household business, less inclined to waste time in the hotels. They seemed more aware of social events and able to give more time to the problem.

When handing out leaflets preference was given to women, so it was disconcerting to find that about 90% of replies came from men.

Ladies, why?

We saw a small but revealing incident in the attack against the human partnership. It is part of the elitist program of miseducation being run by 'shemen' (shemen = females who deny femininity = Radical/Political Feminists). These people have now infiltrated the Women's Liberation movement which they use as a disguise.

The construction of lies is so fantastic that most people, when faced with evidence of the rubbish being promoted, simply fail to believe it is serious or that people are being taken in by it. But miss-education, plus the power of media imagery, and snide inference repeated over long periods, amount to very influential brainwashing.

The Hand that Rocks the Cradle Rules the World.

That is not just romantic folklore, it is scientifically sound. It has long been known that the early years of a human life are the most important in forming character and attitude, and these are the years in which mothers traditionally, and by nature, have a predominant say.

The shemen (tormented by self doubt and manipulated by men who want world domination) attack the trust and natural respect essential to the human partnership and so necessary to the maintenance of civilized living.

There have always been rogue men and rogue women, and ordinary men and women have worked together to defend woman against rape. But the rape of men (through violation of their self esteem as partner-defenders of the sacred trust of the male/female partnership) is more rare. Humanity has not built up protection or even awareness of, this form of rape.

The more humane man is therefore vulnerable to accusation of misusing woman; charges that amount to a betrayal of trust. And the shemen puppets have great advantage in this attack on family unity because they hide behind the respect men have for women. The shemen hide behind the skirts of the feminine woman.

Women, if you do not want the security and the survival of your children in the hands of inhuman manipulators, then you have to stand by men being attacked by rogue females just as men have traditionally come to the aid of women when attacked by rogue males.

The clear aims of the socialist movement include getting women (back 100 years) into the workforce where they cannot look after the children, and getting children into the care of the state for brainwashing into self-destructive, anti-social philosophy.

Dr. Jay Belsky, Professor of Human Development at Penn State University, USA, after ten years research into the effects of 'child care centres' says that babies left at such places for 20 or more hours a week, have measurably greater behaviour problems and emotional insecurity ten years later.

Be not fooled by new-speak and double-think. Women's Lib. (in radical hands) is being used to trick women and children to the slavery of office, factory and mine. While shemen beguile with talk of freedom, the manipulators use the economic whip to drive women away from their children and into the workforce. Men, displaced from their natural role become, in the process, despondent and servile.

The family unit has been under attack for many years. To abort an advancing civilization, manipulators had to undermine the influence of the hand that rocks the cradle. The attack against men, mounted through the shemen in disguise of Women's Liberation, is mainly to put men on the defensive and prevent them seeing that the real attack is aimed to destroy the influence of women over children.

Dr. Benjamin Spock was used to establish a fashion to undermine parent guidance. His 'let them do as they like' philosophy did not gain world influence because of proven advantage; it was given prominence because it coincided with humanist plans for a promotion to break parental discipline and family unity. These people knew that if the hand that rocked the cradle could be enticed to give up its authority, then the security of male/female roles would be reduced and would produce a generation of men and women less aware, less defensive of, their time-proven roles of trust and respect.

(Note: Dr. Spock, like so many other unnaturally successful social innovators, now admits he was wrong. He may have been unaware he was being used but unfortunately being sorry does not undo the harm.)

The break-up of the family became possible because of the success of the 'Spock' trick in weakening the bond of the male/female partnership. The next step (the personal freedom hoax) tricked men and women into suspicion, disloyalty, betrayal. Promiscuity (as personal freedom) is promoted as the greatest discovery since Eve, but does anyone think that promiscuity is something new? Does anyone think that (throughout history) it failed as a social concept for lack of trying?

The latest attack in the blood-drenched war against the family introduces hard-core porn and malevolent depravity, to children—children whose self-esteem and emotional security have already been damaged. The 'snuff' video industry promotes depravities the normal person never imagines.

Men have enslaved women, shout the shemen. Men breed women smaller and weaker and have bound them into a slave contract of marriage and subservience!

Many men are devastated by these accusations and, driven by guilt feelings, try to make amends by supporting Women's Liberation. Women are confused and equally misled. But think about it honestly and logically; do baby boys really FORCE their mothers to raise them as brave fighters ready to lay down their lives to protect the family territory? Do baby boys really FORCE mothers to raise them strong so that they can do the heavy work and the dangerous jobs? Do baby boys force mothers to raise the girls frail and sensitive so they may be dominated?

Or could it be that women have traditionally chosen the biggest, strongest and most successful men as mates and bound them to marriage as a means of protecting their children and securing their own future? Could it be that women have deliberately raised their sons to be brave, strong and protective, so as to provide the needs of motherhood for themselves and their daughters?

Fortunately many men and women still have sufficient common sense and rationality to be able to see that the future of humanity depends on a secure male/female relationship. Many more men and women, when it is brought to their notice, will be capable of seeing through the intellectual quackery of the shemen and their masters. Men have not enslaved women, and women have not enslaved men. It is the elitists who mislead and enslave both men and women.

The fact is that there is no relationship more beautiful than the trusting mutual dependence of the natural human partnership, and a great part of the bitterness and vitriol generated by shemen comes from a subconscious shame of having thrown away the opportunity to share in such a relationship.

It Seems Incredible.

Difficult though it is to accept that the attitudes and ambitions of an entire civilization can be manipulated, let us not forget it has taken humanity thousands of years of painful experience to learn that the secure family and responsible moral behaviour is the only foundation for a strong nation, security and contentment. But it has taken a mere three generations of conditioning to erase the memory of these lessons and has allowed, just in the last few years, laws to be set in place that make the family legally irrelevant.

You cannot now advertise (except in a very specialized context) for a married person; to do so is classed as discriminating against people living together outside of marriage and THAT discrimination is illegal.

That is what you should think of as incredible. Forty years ago 90% of the population would have risen in rebellion; they would have dragged the entire parliament out into the street had it brought in a law that discriminated against the family and stripped it of honour.

Why! Because at that time people still had some inkling that the security of the nation and their personal contentment depended on the security of the family. They still appreciated that many generations had tried repeatedly the ancient dead-end trail of harlotry (now called 'the new enlightenment').

Do you still say we cannot be programmed to lose our cultural heritage?

Women, it's your future also! H E L P !

Satanic Orgies.

The web of paganism has stealthily enmeshed our society and especially the education system. Communism now dominates the humanities in our universities and socialists do not hide the fact that they promote anarchism, pedophilia, homosexuality, promiscuous sex education, and all manner of deviant anti-social behaviour.

But what is the end purpose? Naturally it is aimed at the destruction of our Christian culture and genocide of our people, but are there sub-plots?

A report from New York (Sunday Telegraph 15/7/'84):

"For four hours cult leader Richard Kasso, 17, repeatedly stabbed the youth as his accomplice, James Troiano, 18, held the victim.

"They forced the youth to cry out his love for Satan.

"Then, while Lauwer was still alive, Kasso gouged his eyes out.

"There was absolutely no remorse, says district attorney William Keahon."

Recent information that actual killings now provide the ultimate thrills in pornographic lusts for the 'snuff' video mass audience, gives the last clue necessary to put that puzzle together. Let us consider three points:

    1. Educators call it personal development but getting mixed groups of children together and having them feel each other, and tell of their feelings, is not human development in any meaning of what is human. Especially so when this instruction is taken in association with training in the belief that there is no moral right or wrong and that people should experiment with all forms of sex.
    Conclusion: what is actually being taught is childhood acceptance of harlotry without shame.
    2. The encouragement to drug taking and the availability of various forms of drugs in the school yard. This again must be taken in association with the teaching of no moral right or wrong and the encouragement to experiment.
    Conclusion: kids are being enticed to accept mind-distorting drugs as a social necessity.
    3. Death education: of growing importance in Australia and 'big' in the USA.

Conclusion: paves the way for acceptance of ritual murder.

What does this add up to? It adds up to novice training for satanic orgies and human sacrifice. The forces of the left plan more than just the eventual extermination of Christianity and a large part of world population. In their vile nature they plan the ultimate degradation—they are driven to exalt in the final insult of having the children of Christians wallow in satanic orgies and dedicate their faith to satanic rites and rituals before the 'Final Solution'. Think about that! nl1324.htm

Pass it on . . . please send this article to someone you know
Brother Grigor-Scott is a non-denominational minister who has ministered full- time since 1981, primarily to other ministers and their congregations overseas. He pastors Bible Believers' tiny congregation, and is available to teach in your church.

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