Bible Believers' Newsletter 1315
"We focus on the present Truth – what Jesus is doing now. . ."
ISSN 1442-8660Once again it is our privilege to greet you in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Our Main Article is an address by Susan Abulhawa to the Oxford Union Debate. Susan Abulhawa is a Palestinian American writer, human rights activist and animal rights advocate. She is the author of several books, and the founder of a non-governmental organization, Playgrounds for Palestine. The subject of her address is "Palestine - My Palestine." Her subject is timely because Syria has been stolen by Israel so "Greater Israel" is growing which means Ezekiel 38 and 39 are approaching and Russia must soon react. I suggest you read and understand the Full story in the News items.
This Newsletter serves those of like precious faith. Whoever will receive the truth is welcome to feed their soul from the waters of the River of Life. Everything here presented should be confirmed personally in your own Bible.Your brother-in-Christ
Anthony Grigor-Scott
Syria Left Alone by an Abandoning World. Russia's Redline. The End Game is "Greater Israel"?
December 11, 2024 — The overthrow of Bashar al-Assad was long in the making and has nothing to do with a civil war. There has never been a fight of the Syrian people against Assad. But President al-Assad fought against foreign-infiltrated and paid mercenaries, terrorists, including US-created Al Qaeda and IS/ISIS.
The traditional allies like Russia, Iran, and Iraq, suddenly disappeared. Russia made a semblance of fighting alongside the already badly damaged Syrian Air Force—to no avail. Then the Russians left, or rather, became busy evacuating their air bases in Syria. In time, before they would fall into the eager hands of Israel and its allied terrorist bands . . . Full story: globalresearch.ca
Greater Israel is on the March
December 11, 2024 — Syria no longer exists. The Russian news service RT reports that Israel has launched the largest attack on Syria in history with Israeli warplanes hitting more than 250 military targets. Other reports put the number at 300. The Israeli Defense Force reports it has destroyed 80% of Syrian military capability. This is after Syria's fall . . . Israel explains its aggression as self-defense to prevent the weapons from falling into the hands of terrorists. But the terrorists that Israel, Washington, and Turkey employed to overthrow Syria have been turned into "democratic forces that liberated Syria" and whose leader has declared friendship with Israel . . . Greater Israel . . . Full story: paulcraigroberts.org
Eyewitness Syria, the Last 12 Days
December 11, 2024 — The march and overthrow of Aleppo was done by Syrian and many foreign fighters supplied and backed by Turkish intelligence and military. Syrian military communications were jammed using electronic warfare. The invaders used drones for surveiling and attacking Syria forces. The jihadists were trained in the use of drones by NATO-funded Ukrainians. Turkey and other NATO forces supplied the drones and all sorts of other advanced weaponry. They had tanks in addition to machine gun mounted trucks and other vehicles.
The jihadists were carefully prepared by Turkish/US forces. They sent individuals to talk with influential people in the Aleppo community, promising payments of hundreds of dollars and other rewards in exchange for complicity or no opposition. Doctors, engineers and public officials were contacted personally. It is highly likely that military officials were also contacted. When the invasion supported by the Turkish military happened starting November 27, the Syrian defense of Aleppo collapsed.
. . . the Syrian army was exhausted from 13 years of war plus constant attacks from Israeli jets they have been helpless to stop. They, like all Syrian society, have been impoverished by intense sanctions from the West coupled with the theft of essential national resources. The primary wheat growing and oil and gas producing regions have been occupied by US forces and their Kurdish proxies since 2016. As a result, most Syrians only have electricity a few hours per day and have trouble putting food on the table. Before the "dirty war" began in 2011, Syria was self sufficient in food and energy. Syria had no national debt and Syrians enjoyed free health care and education.
The invaders in Aleppo tried to assuage the public that they are not like the "rebels" of old who persecuted and killed Christians and Alawi and enforced sharia law. In Aleppo, they provided free bread for families and quickly set up electronic communications hubs so that everyone might have internet and also so they could broadcast their messages.
While the northern invading army went on to central Syria, a different attacking group worked from the south. First they attacked and took over Deraa on the Jordan border, then Suweida. Then they advanced to Damascus. It seems there were agreements in advance because there was little military defense of the capital of Syria. President Assad relinquished power and departed for Moscow (may God bless this noble man -Ed.).
On Day One (Sunday) after the collapse of Bashar's government, looting and chaos erupted immediately. People were terrified and afraid to go out of their homes. Government other buildings were looted and ransacked. Universities were broken into and computers and lab equipment stolen. The Central Bank of Syria and other institutions was vandalized.
A huge concern now is the ongoing Israeli attacks and bombings. Israel has destroyed nearly all military buildings in Damascus area while Israeli drones are constantly overhead. Queneitra in the far south has been occupied by the Zionist army. Netanyahu and Biden have both taken "credit" for the long dirty war in Syria. Full story: globalresearch.ca
Comment: Who the Hell is in Charge Here? If Trump Submits to Israeli Control Just as Biden Did, We Need a Revolution.
Western-Supported Al Qaeda Invasion Topples Elected Syrian Government
December 10, 2024 — In an ultimate expression of international criminality, Washington and its allies, using al Qaeda and ISIS as proxies, have toppled the elected government in Syria, forcing President al-Assad into exile. This crime represents the antithesis of "freedom and democracy" and instead displays to the world, yet again, that Empire spreads and embraces terror and destruction, death and misery, in all of its "regime change" operations, especially now with the rebranded "leader" of the opposition being none other than Abu Mohammad al-Jolani, leader of HTS, a United Nations-designated terrorist organization. With Turkey's Erdogan proclaiming that he wanted to take Damascus sources indicate that about 80% of the invading terrorists were non-Syrian. With Qatari funding, the US, Israel, Turkey, France and Ukraine led operations. The SAA, hollowed out by 13 years of war and economic devastation, with its allies diverted, offered relatively little resistance, likely a result, too, of a secret deal to save lives.
The West and its agencies will falsely characterize this tragedy in the days and weeks and months to come, but it is what it has always been: an undeclared US/NATO war of aggression against a sovereign state using al Qaeda terrorists as proxies. Full story: globalresearch.ca
Syria: Yet another Sovereign Nation Destroyed in US-NATO Aggression against the World
December 10, 2024 — Since 2011, when NATO effectively invaded the country, Syria wasn't given a day of break. And yes, it was an invasion, because the so-called "Syrian Civil War" is a ridiculous euphemism coined by the mainstream propaganda machine as a cover-up for this terrorist-infested assault. The political West and its vassals and satellite states launched this truly unprovoked war of aggression not against Assad, but the Syrian people.
Back in 2015, Damascus asked for Russia's help and its intervention saved the country from a complete terrorist takeover. By 2019, most of the country was liberated from NATO-backed terrorists, leaving several areas under occupation, including the terrorist-infested Al Tanf, where American occupation forces are still stationed, and Idlib, where Turkey maintained and supported an alliance of various Al Qaeda-affiliated terrorists (CIA - Ed.). Precisely these two areas played a central role in the latest attack on Syria, resulting in the complete takeover. The US-backed, Kurdish-dominated SDF still holds the territory beyond the Euphrates, although it remains to be seen for how long with the expansionist Turkey sending its terrorists to the area. Either way, the actual Syrian Civil War is starting just now and it'll be a disastrous bloodbath.
The mainstream propaganda machine is already preparing some sort of "Syrian Zelensky" as the leader of the "moderate, democratic Syria". The so-called "emir" Ahmed Hussein al-Shar'a, better known by his Al Qaeda nom de guerre Abu Mohammad al-Julani, is a wanted terrorist, the leader of Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS, previously known as Al-Nusra Front), with the United States formally offering $10 million for his whereabouts and capture. And yet, that doesn't prevent CNN from interviewing him, meaning they obviously know where he is, making this "moderate democratic" charade all the most ludicrous. Even more interestingly, he has an extremely lucrative business in Turkey, a major NATO member that somehow "didn't get the memo" they're working with a terrorist. Still, Ankara is more honest about its motivation for working with him.
Namely, the two-faced mini-sultan Erdogan doesn't hide his Neo-Ottoman ambitions. His supporters openly brag about him being the new actual leader of Syria. And indeed, it certainly may seem like it, as his appetites keep growing, supported by Turkish expansionism in the South Caucasus, North Africa, Southeast Europe, and possibly even Central Asia in the foreseeable future . . .
What does all this mean for the Syrian people? Well, certainly nothing good. The terrorists are already looting, pillaging and destroying everything in their path. This includes kidnapping women and attacking civilians, as well as handing out weapons to anyone who'd take them, children included. The "moderate democratic" terrorists are already threatening that the historic Umayyad Mosque will be off limits for Shia Muslims, while Christians are being sent a very clear message as not even Christmas trees are tolerated (which is "civilized" in comparison to what's actually going on in churches and other Christian shrines).
The unfortunate Baghdad also hasn't had a break since the 1980s, all due to US/NATO meddling and aggression. This is now bound to get worse, as the (non-Semitic Jew-ruled - Ed.) political West will continue the strategic offensive against (Semitic - Ed.) Iranian influence in the Middle East. And how does the mainstream propaganda machine call all these events in Syria and the region? "Mostly peaceful democratic revolution." It would certainly make one fall off a chair laughing if the situation wasn't that tragic.
At the same time, legitimate elections in Romania are being annulled due to "Russian interference" as the "far right" political candidate is now isolated due to his heating and Internet access being cut. Not to mention Georgia which is experiencing a sort of mini-Maidan led by an outgoing president who served as the French ambassador to the country she officially "leads".
At the same time, the Neo-Nazi junta is also a "democracy," despite the fact that (non-Semitic Jew-Ed.) Zelensky is now effectively a US NATO "proxy dictator," while Russia is a "dictatorship" despite holding actual elections. All in all, we see that the political West's definitions of "freedom, democracy, human rights and the rule of law" are repulsive lies and misnomers for true tyranny and extremism. Whether it's Wahhabism and other forms of Islamic radicalism, unadulterated Nazism, narco-terrorism, extremely violent criminal groups such as drug cartels, repulsive ideologies (ultra-liberal extremism and moral depravity), etc, NATO is behind it all and stands fully committed to supporting it. The dangers of the extremely malignant influence of the (non-Semitic Jew-ruled) US-led racketeering cartel cannot be overstated, as it's the main contributing factor to global nuclear proliferation.
The people of Syria are now the hostages of this evil empire of lies, serving as the tragic showcase to all of us what the loss of sovereignty can cost an entire nation. Still, while the multipolar world might've lost a battle, the geostrategic counteroffensive against the political West's global aggression is only starting. Entire nations (and perhaps even continents) will now look for ways to keep the invaders at bay, particularly by building closer ties with BRICS and other sovereigntist organizations. Full story: globalresearch.ca
Comment: Bashar al-Assad was an Alawite Muslim tolerant of all religions.
Latest 'Zircon' Test Reaffirms Russian Hypersonic Dominance
December 11, 2024 — On December 3, the Russian military demonstrated the true design of its 3M22 "Zircon" hypersonic missile for the first time. The footage shows the weapon being launched from the 3S14 UKSK vertical launch system (VLS). The launch platform was the Russian Navy's "Admiral Gorshkov;" a frigate that regularly causes panic in NATO headquarters due to its long-range anti-ship and land-attack capabilities.
The first confirmed combat deployment of the "Zircon" occurred in January last year, although it's very likely it was already used in 2022. In combination with high maneuverability, the missile's maximum speed of Mach 9 (approximately 11,000 km/h) makes it effectively impossible to intercept, especially at very low altitudes, giving enemy forces mere seconds to react . . . Full story: globalresearch.ca
Comment: Seven weeks or so after Los Angeles, San Diego Naval base and the Salton Sea have gone to Davey Jones' locker Russian Zircons will be flying over the Pentagon, Washington and the Big Smoke.
Yemeni Houthi Attack US Destroyers & Supply Ships in Gulf of Aden
December 11, 2024 — "Naval, UAV, and the missile forces of the Yemeni Armed Forces carried out a specific military operation targeted three American supply ships after they left the port of Djibouti and had previously practiced their aggression against Yemen. It also targeted two American destroyers in the Gulf of Aden accompanying supply ships. The operation was carried out with a number of missiles and drones and the operation has successfully achieved its objectives." the statement added Houthis also "carried out two military operations targeting military targets in Yaffa and Ashkelon areas in occupied Palestine . . ." Full story: sputnikglobe.com
Does Russia Have an Intelligence Service?
December 9, 2024 — How is it possible that the Russian government never has a clue about imminent events that have adverse consequences for Russia?
Have the fearsome days of the NKVD and KGB convinced Russian liberals like Putin and Lavrov that intelligence services are dangerous and unnecessary in a democracy?
The sudden fall of Syria has completely changed the matrix. The US and Israel have gained tremendously at the expense of Russia and Iran. The Israeli government sees an enormous situational change that has greatly weakened the ability of Iran and Hezbollah to oppose Greater Israel.
The Jerusalem Post reports that Israel Defense Force Operations Command Chief Major General Israel Ziv said the fall of Syria has weakened the Axis of Resistance to Greater Israel and presents a historic opportunity that Washington and President Trump should capitalize on to remove Iran as an obstacle to US and Israeli interest.
The year 2024 ends with the erasure of Palestine and Syria by Washington and Israel. During 2025 the targets will be Lebanon and Iran. And Russia, of course.
The rapidity of Syria's collapse raises the question whether Washington purchased Syria's collapse with payments to generals and officials. The Syrian military had successfully repelled the previous assault with the aid of Russian airpower. But this time the army retreated from its positions and refused to fight, leaving the cities open for enemy opposition. Ekaterina Blinova offers some information here: Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has peacefully transferred power to the opposition in line with the Doha agreement days after the militants launched their advance. sputnikglobe.com.
Comment: Should Russia leave Syria they will move next door to Iran having recently signed an agreement of mutual aid if attacked. Now Iran will be greatly strengthened by Russian weapon and expertise so the clandestine moves by US, Israel and Turkey to steal more of Syria may fail. Full story: paulcraigroberts.org
Search our old files and you will see the USA and NATO behind this coup.
WEF Treaty Introducing 'Age of Death' Laws in West
December 10, 2024 — The WEF has reportedly instructed world governments to dismantle age of consent laws while introducing something even more sinister: "Age of Death" laws. Individuals will no longer have the right to live beyond a government-mandated age— say 70 years old—without state approval. If you're deemed unworthy by a death panel, it's straight to the "suicide pod" for you. Full story: rumble.com
Comment: That old Rothschild goat Sir Klaus Schwab, born 30 March 1938, Ravensburg, Germany is already 86 years of age.
Palestine - My Palestine
Susan Abulhawa addressing the Oxford Union Debate © 2024 all rights reserved
November 28, 2024 — What this superb Lady, Susan Abulhawa, says to the Oxford Union elitists is way beyond extraordinary. She stuns the black-suited crowd of Oxford Zionists or Zionist supporters with her historic knowledge, her frankness, demolishing the Zionist objective of killing all Palestinians to appropriate this fertile and productive Holy Land of olive trees, land of Palestine, with unforgettable and indomitable Palestinian culture, of Palestinian homes built by Palestinian hands, and bricks–sweat–built forever PALESTINIAN.
Susan describes what she witnessed during her two visits in Gaza earlier this year: carpet bombing of schools, hospitals, children and women–of blown off children's heads, legs, arms, and feet; of famine-driven children and their mothers, women, lured to explosive-laden food cans, poisoned water.
She describes how Palestinian death is the driving force behind this diabolical torture and death machine, called Zionist-Israel. Yet, Susan Abulhawa ends her remarks to the Oxford Union Debate on an unexpected positive note, looking forward into a restored and rehabilitated Palestine: "Someday, your impunity and arrogance will end. Palestine will be free; she will be restored to her multi-religious, multi-ethnic pluralistic glory; we will restore and expand the trains that run from Cairo to Gaza to Jerusalem, Haifa, Tripoli, Beirut, Damascus, Amman, Kuwait, Sanaa, and so on; we will put an end to the Zionist American war machine of domination, expansion, extraction, pollution, and looting . . . and you will either leave, or you will finally learn to live with others as equals."
"I will not take questions until I'm finished speaking; so please refrain from interrupting me.
Addressing the challenge of what to do about the indigenous inhabitants of the land Chaim Weizman, a (non-Semitic) Russian Jew, said to the World Zionist Congress in 1921 that Palestinians were akin to "the rocks of Judea, obstacles that had to be cleared on a difficult path."
David Gruen, a (non-Semitic) Polish Jew, who changed his name to David Ben Gurion to sound relevant to the region, said. "We must expel Arabs and take their places"
There are thousands of such conversations among the early Zionists who plotted and implemented the violent colonization of Palestine and the annihilation of her native people.
But they were only partially successful, murdering or ethnically cleansing 80% of Palestinians, which meant that 20% of us remained, an enduring obstacle to their colonial fantasies, which became the subject of their obsessions in the decades that followed, especially after conquering what remained of Palestine in 1967.
Zionists lamented our presence and they debated publicly in all circles—political, academic, social, cultural circles—regarding what do with us; what to do about the Palestinian birthrate, about our babies, which they dub a demographic threat.
Benny Morris, who was originally meant to be here, once expressed regret that Ben Gurion "did not finish the job" of getting rid of us all, which would have obviated what they refer to as the "Arab problem."
(Non-Semitic) Benjamin Netanyahu, a Polish Jew whose real name is Benjamin Mileikowsky, once bemoaned a missed opportunity during the 1989 Tiananmen Square uprising to expel large swaths of the Palestinian population "while world attention was focused on China."
Some of their articulated solutions to the nuisance of our existence include a "break their bones" policy in the 80s and 90s, ordered by (non-Semitic) Yitzhak Rubitzov, Ukrainian Jew who changed his name to Yitzhak Rabin (for the same reasons).
That horrific policy that crippled generations of Palestinians did not succeed in making us leave. And frustrated by Palestinian resilience, a new discourse arose, especially after a massive natural gas field was discovered off the coast of Northern Gaza worth trillions of dollars.
This new discourse is echoed in the words of Colonel Efraim Eitan, who said in 2004, "we have to kill them all."
Aaron Sofer, an Israeli so-called intellectual and political advisor, insisted in 2018 that "we have to kill and kill and kill. All day, every day."
When I was in Gaza, I saw a little boy no more than 9 years whose hands and part of his face, had been blown off from a booby trapped can of food that soldiers had left behind for Gaza's starving children. I later learned that they had also left poisoned food for people in Shujaiyya, and in the 1980s and 90s, Israeli soldiers had left booby trapped toys in southern Lebanon that exploded when excited children picked them up.
The harm they do is diabolical, and yet, they expect you to believe they are the victims. Invoking Europe's holocaust and screaming antisemitism, they expect you to suspend fundamental human reason to believe that the daily sniping of children with so called "kill shots" and the bombing of entire neighborhoods that bury families alive and wipe out whole bloodlines is self-defense.
They want you to believe that a man who had not eaten a thing in over 72 hours, who kept fighting even when all he had was one functioning arm, that this man was motivated by some innate savagery and irrational hatred or jealousy of Jews, rather than the indomitable yearning to see his people free in their own homeland.
Occupied Palestine: From BDS to ODS. The Project of a One Democratic State (ODS)
It's clear to me that we're not here to debate whether Israel is an apartheid or genocidal state. This debate is ultimately about the worth of Palestinian lives; about the worth of our schools, research centers, books, art, and dreams; about the worth of the homes we worked all our lives to build and which contain the memories of generations; about the worth of our humanity and our agency; the worth of bodies and ambitions.
Because if the roles were reversed—if Palestinians had spent the last eight decades stealing Jewish homes, expelling, oppressing, imprisoning, poisoning, torturing, raping and killing them;
if Palestinians had killed an estimated 300,000 Jews in one year, targeted their journalists, their thinkers, their healthcare workers, their athletes, their artists, bombed every Israeli hospital, university, library, museum, cultural center, synagogue, and simultaneously set up an observation platform where people came watch their slaughter as if a tourist attraction;
if Palestinians had corralled them by the hundreds of thousands into flimsy tents, bombed them in so called safe zones, burned them alive, cut off their food, water, and medicine;
if Palestinians made Jewish children wander barefoot with empty pots; made them gather the flesh of their parents into plastic bags; made them bury their siblings, cousins and friends; made them sneak out from their tents in the middle of the night to sleep on their parents' graves; made them pray for death just to join their families and not be alone in this terrible world anymore, and terrorized them so utterly that their children lose their hair, lose their memory, lose their minds, and made those as young as 4 and 5 year old were die of heart attacks;
if we mercilessly forced their NICU babies to die, alone in hospital beds, crying until they could cry no more, died and decomposed in the same spot;
if Palestinians used wheat flour aid trucks to lure starving Jews, then opened fire on them when they gathered to collect a day's bread; if Palestinians finally allowed a food delivery into a shelter with hungry Jews, then set fire to the entire shelter and aid truck before anyone could taste the food;
if a Palestinian sniper bragged about blowing out 42 Jewish kneecaps in one day as one Israeli soldier did in 2019; if a Palestinian admitted to CNN that he ran over hundreds of Jews with his tank, their squished flesh lingering in the tank treads;
if Palestinians were systematically raping Jewish doctors, patients, and other captives with hot metal rods, jagged and electrified sticks, and fire extinguishers, sometimes raping to death, as happened with Dr. Adnan alBursh and others;
if Jewish women were forced to give birth in filth, get C-sections or leg amputations without anesthesia; if we destroyed their children then decorated our tanks with their toys; if we killed or displaced their women then posed with their lingerie . . .
if the world were watching the live streamed systematic annihilation of Jews in real time, there would be no debating whether that constituted terrorism or genocide.
And yet two Palestinians—myself and Mohammad el-Kurd—showed up here to do just that, enduring the indignity of debating those who think our only life choices should be to leave our homeland, submit to their supremacy, or die politely and quietly.
But you would be wrong to think that I came to convince you of anything. The house resolution, though well-meaning and appreciated, is of little consequence in the midst of this holocaust of our time.
I came in the spirit of Malcolm X and Jimmy Baldwin, both of whom stood here and in Cambridge before I was born, facing finely dressed well-spoken monsters who harbored the same supremacist ideologies as Zionism—these notions of entitlement and privilege, of being divinely favored, blessed, or chosen.
I'm here for the sake of history, to speak to generations not yet born and for the chronicles of this extraordinary time where the carpet bombing of defenseless indigenous societies is legitimized.
I'm here for my grandmothers, both of whom died as penniless refugees while foreign Jews lived in their stolen homes.
And I also came to speak directly to Zionists here and everywhere.
We let you into our homes when your own countries tried to murder you and everyone else turned you away. We fed, clothed, gave you shelter, and we shared the bounty of our land with you, and when the time was ripe, you kicked us out of our own homes and homeland, then you killed and robbed and burned and looted our lives.
You carved out our hearts because it is clear you do not know how to live in the world without dominating others.
You have crossed all lines and nurtured the most vile of human impulses, but the world is finally glimpsing the terror we have endured at your hands for so long, and they are seeing the reality of who you are, who you've always been. They watch in utter astonishment the sadism, the glee, the joy, and pleasure with which you conduct, watch, and cheer the daily details of breaking our bodies, our minds, our future, our past.
But no matter what happens from here, no matter what fairytales you tell yourself and tell the world, you will never truly belong to that land. You will never understand the sacredness of the olive trees, which you've been cutting down and burning for decades just to spite us and to break our hearts a little more. No one native to that land would dare do such a thing to the olives.
No one who belongs to that region would ever bomb or destroy such ancient heritage as Baalbak or Bittir, or destroy ancient cemeteries as you destroy ours, like the Anglican cemetery in Jerusalem or the resting place of ancient Muslim scholars and warriors in Maamanillah.
Those who come from that land do not desecrate the dead; that's why my family for centuries were the caretakers of the Jewish cemetery in the Mount of Olives, as labors of faith and care for what we know is part of our ancestry and story.
Your ancestors will always be buried in your actual homelands of Poland, Ukraine, and elsewhere around the world from whence you came. The mythos and folklore of the land will always be alien to you.
You will never be literate in the sartorial language of the thobes (a single garment worn to cover the body) we wear, that sprang from the land through our foremothers over centuries—every motif, design, and pattern speaking to the secrets of local lore, flora, birds, rivers, and wildlife.
What your reale state agents call in their high-priced listings "old Arab home" will always hold in their stones the stories and memories of our ancestors who built them. The ancient photos and paintings of the land will never contain you.
You will never know how it feels to be loved and supported by those who have nothing to gain from you, and in fact, everything to lose. You will never know the feeling of masses all over the world pouring into the streets and stadiums to chant and sing for your freedom; and it is not because you are Jewish, as you try to make the world believe, but because you are depraved violent colonizers who think your Jewishness entitles you to the home my grandfather and his brothers built with their own hands on lands that had been in our family for centuries. It is because Zionism is a blight onto Judaism and indeed onto humanity.
You can change your names to sound more relevant to the region and you can pretend falafel and hummus and zaatar are your ancient cuisines, but in the recesses of your being, you will always feel the sting of this epic forgery and theft, that's why even the drawings of our children pasted hung on walls at the UN or in a hospital ward send your leaders and lawyers into hysteric meltdowns.
You will not erase us, no matter how many of us you kill and kill and kill, all day every day. We are not the rocks Chaim Weizmann thought you could clear from the land. We are its very soil. We are her rivers and her trees and her stories, because all of that was nurtured by our bodies and our lives over millennia of continuous, uninterrupted habitation of that patch of earth between the Jordan and Mediterranean waters, from our Canaanite, our Hebrew, our Philistine, and our Phoenician ancestors, to every conqueror or pilgrim who came and went, who married or raped, loved, enslaved, converted between religions, settled or prayed in our land, leaving pieces of themselves in our bodies and our heritage. The fabled, tumultuous stories of that land are quite literally in our DNA. You cannot kill or propagandize that away, no matter what death technology you use or what Hollywood and corporate media arsenals you deploy.
Someday, your impunity and arrogance will end. Palestine will be free; she will be restored to her multi-religious, multi-ethnic pluralistic glory; we will restore and expand the trains that run from Cairo to Gaza to Jerusalem, Haifa, Tripoli, Beirut, Damascus, Amman, Kuwait, Sanaa, and so on; we will put an end to the Zionist American war machine of domination, expansion, extraction, pollution, and looting . . . and you will either leave, or you will finally learn to live with others as equals globalresearch.ca. nl1315.htm
Pass it on . . . please send this article to someone you know
Brother Grigor-Scott is a non-denominational minister who has ministered full- time since 1981, primarily to other ministers and their congregations overseas. He pastors Bible Believers' tiny congregation, and is available to teach in your church.
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