Bible Believers' Newsletter 1313
"We focus on the present Truth – what Jesus is doing now . . ."
ISSN 1442-8660We greet and welcome all of our Subscribers and visitors in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you for your fellowship around God's unchanging Word.
The author of our (abridged) Main Article is the late Isaac Newton Vail (1840 - 1912). Brother Vail was a Quaker learned in mathematics, astronomy, Latin and Greek best known for his known for his "Canopy Theory." In 1886 he came to the conclusion that the Earth had once been girdled by a doughnut-like structure of ice crystals which, in keeping with Genesis 1:6-8, he alluded to as the "Firmament".
The theory advanced by Prof. I. N. Vail accounts for the formation of the earth's crust, with its associated minerals, in the fact that it was once surrounded by rings of aqueous vapor, containing much of its present solid matter, which fell as mighty deluges. The last of these rings descended at the time of the Noachian deluge and caused that catastrophe, which is so graphically described by Moses, and which tradition has sung in the ears of every tribe of Adam's race. The formation of these rings was caused by the intense heat, which drove to an immense distance every substance which could be reduced to vapor, and where they formed as annular bands or rings similar to those surrounding the planet Saturn at the present time. After long ages the portion nearest the earth slowly over canopied the heavens, and owing to the lack of centrifugal force began its descent at the poles.
This theory explains certain phenomena better than any other yet advanced by scientists. It accounts for the uplift of mountains; the deposit of coal and other minerals; the glacial age; the retardation of the moon and it alone explains much contained in the first eight chapters of Genesis.
Prof. Vail has published a volume of about 400 pages on this subject, which for clearness of statement and logical conclusions has seldom been equaled by previous writers on scientific subjects. He deals in convincing facts which are destined to overturn many pre-conceived theories in the science of geology.
Jupiter's belts are doubtless aqueous vapor driven from that planet by heat; similar in every respect, probably, to the primitive condition of our globe. This vapor would not all fall at once on the cooling of the earth as the upper portion would continue to revolve for a long period.
All geologists agree that the earth was once in an igneous fluid state, and during that condition all of its waters and whatever else could be vaporized and sublimed by heat, as the less refractory metals and minerals, were driven away from its surface. The foundation of the Annular System was the molten or igneous world. The vaporized water, mineral and metallic elements repelled from it existed as a great vaporized atmosphere that rotated with the earth.
If the earth then rotated once in twenty-four hours, so did the atmosphere. Proctor and some others claim that the earth then rotated in three hours; if so, the atmosphere did the same. No matter how long or how short the period of the earth's rotation, the upper vapors rotated with it. Then, when and how did these vapors and other materials composing the atmosphere return to the earth? Geologists generally have claimed that they fell at the close of the igneous period; but the Annular Theory claims that they did not, and it undertakes to explain the phenomena of the geologic ages and epochs upon this claim.
The most eminent scientists agree that the vapors were driven off at least 200,000 miles from the earth, and many claim a distance of 240,000 miles. All of the carbon in the grand casement of aqueous rocks, the vast oceans of oxygen now contained in the silicates, sulphates, carbonates and oxides of the crust, as well as the nitrogen and hydrogen in numerous compounds enormously swelled its volume. But the Annular Theory will claim but 100,000 miles as the atmosphere and that the earth rotated as now, once in twenty-four hours. At the equator it revolves at the rate of 1,000 miles an hour, at which rate the periphery [Pg 6] of the earth's primitive atmosphere would revolve more than 25,000 miles an hour.
Now it is mathematically certain that a body in our atmosphere revolving at the rate of 17,500 miles an hour could not fall to the earth's surface. By Kepler's "Third Law" we can readily demonstrate not only that these vapors were thrown out into a ring system, but how far beyond the earth they reached, namely: "The squares of the periodic times of revolving satellites are proportioned to the cubes of their mean distances from the primary around which they move."
The vapors nearest the earth did not possess the energy of satellites, consequently they fell to the earth, as the latter's surface cooled, leaving the more distant matter moving independently above it.
When the earth was in a state of fiery fluidity, all of the water it now contains was suspended at a great distance above it. Beside the oceans which now cover three-fourths of the surface of the globe, rocks and coals contain from ten per cent to one half water, all of which was primarily held in suspension. The bosom of the earth is continually absorbing water as is demonstrated by deep mines and other excavations. Dana estimates that even if the crust of the earth is but five miles thick that the oceans would be 400 feet deeper if all of the earth's imbibed waters could be returned to them. But the earth's crust is more likely to be 100 miles thick, and it has been imbibing these waters for millions of years if not millions of ages. This would increase the oceans to about 8000 feet deeper than now. Yet oceans are much deeper today than they were in geologic times.
This great mass of vapor would rotate by centrifugal force at the equator, but there being no such force at the poles it was there kept from falling by heat alone. If the earth had not rotated the vapors would have occupied great heights; but centrifugal force being aided by actual rotation they were driven much farther. These forces necessarily drove the vapors over the equator. If, however, any vapors were left at the poles they must have fallen when the earth cooled down.
At that age rolled the first born ocean around the globe. Clouds formed, rain descended, and winds swept the earth. There was summer and winter, and day and night.
The centripetal force of the rings was gradually retarded by the influence of the moon, and the gravital force was increased until the rings spread over the earth or approached it. When the innermost ring gradually descended toward the earth and came in contact with the air it was checked, and necessarily spread out toward the poles. Gravital force is strongest in the Polar Regions. If the rings of Saturn and Jupiter could increase their motion they would rise to greater heights. If they could become slower they would sink toward the Poles.
Please give careful and prayerful consideration to our Main Article and not from our News Items that (Gk.) 'chronos' "time is no more" and "the mystery of God is finished".
This Newsletter serves those of like precious faith. Whoever will receive the truth is welcome to feed their soul from the waters of the River of Life. Everything here presented should be confirmed personally in your own Bible.Your brother-in-Christ
Anthony Grigor-Scott
Holocau$t Encyclopedia
November 23, 2024 — The most BANNED interview guest Germar Rudolph reveals shocking questions about Holocaust ™ history. If you are looking for a general introduction into the Holocaust ™ read our entry on this over-arching topic which will guide you through this historical labyrinth. It is also available as an audio and a video presentation. If you are looking for information on a specific Holocaust-related topic, use our site's search function—the search field at the top right on every page—in order to pull up entries that deal with this.
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A list of all the sources quoted in this encyclopedia can be found in our Bibliography. All source references in our entries are linked to this page, so if you click on a reference, this page will open up in a separate window, positioned at the source referred to. If a source is accessible online, you will find a link in our bibliography, allowing you to pull up the source itself. Our Encyclopedia is available in hardcover, paperback or text-only eBook for downloading (PDF or ePub), and an eBook with text and audio files for all entries (ePub). If you want to improve a specific entry, write a comment in the field provided beneath each entry. If you want to help us expand our Encyclopedia to cover additional topic, get in touch using our Contact-US form. If you are looking for inspiration to assist, please read our Support Us pages. Our Change Log tracks the changes we have made since the first print edition of our Encyclopedia released in December 2023. To support to continue and expand this educational outreach, please donate on our Support Us page. Full story: holocaustencyclopedia.com also codoh.com
Big Pharma's 'License to Kill'
November 27, 2024 — Over the past 50 years, the leading pharmaceutical companies in the United States have caused the injuries and deaths of millions of Americans. This troubling reality has reached such widespread acknowledgment that iatrogenic harm—injuries and deaths caused by medical treatment and erroneous diagnoses—now ranks as the third leading cause of death. There is growing consensus that our federal health agencies, which are meant to protect public health, have failed to address this crisis in any meaningful way. In fact, these agencies have often undermined efforts to confront the serious flaws in our healthcare system and in fact enable systemic corruption to thrive within the industry. Studies over the years have consistently placed iatrogenic deaths as one of the leading causes of mortality with some analyses labeling it the third leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer . . . a Johns Hopkins study, which estimated that approximately 250,000 Americans die annually due to preventable medical errors . . . an even more alarming estimate comes from the British Medical Journal and places the figure at 400,000 deaths per year . . . Full story: globalresearch.ca
High Court Strips Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation of Legal Immunities & Tax Exemptions in Kenya
November 29, 2024 — The High Court of Kenya has struck a critical blow against the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, suspending a series of highly controversial legal immunities and privileges recently awarded to it in the country . . . largely ignored by the international legacy/mainstream media, the ruling raises important questions about the power and privileges wielded by Gates and other super-wealthy philanthro- capitalists operating in developing countries . . . tax exemptions and protection from legal proceedings . . . are typically reserved for diplomatic or humanitarian entities, not private foundations . . . Full story: globalresearch.ca
Western World Retreats Deeper into Unreality
November 27, 2024 — On November 18, 2024, the US and NATO fired from Ukrainian soil missiles into Russia despite the Russian government's clear announcement that such reckless action would initiate war between the West and Russia. The Western presstitutes reported that Ukraine fired the US and UK supplied missiles, but this is a lie. The Ukrainians are not trained to operate the missile system and do not have the capability to target them. The missiles have to be operated by US/NATO personnel.
The missiles were intercepted by Russian air defense. However, their firing placed the US and NATO at war with Russia. Russia responded by demonstrating a new missile, for which the West has no counterpart or ability to deter, to completely destroy a Ukrainian military production facility. Putin's hope was that the demonstration of the new hypersonic Russian missile would deter further attacks. But it did not. It is ironic that Putin's attempt to limit conflict by confining it to Donbas gave the West the opportunity to greatly widen the war . . . Washington and NATO have made it legal under Russian war doctrine for the West to receive a Russian nuclear attack. As I have previously written, only an insane government in Washington would open the door to nuclear war. It is Putin's patience with the West that is preventing nuclear war . . . Putin is likely to keep his patience with the insanity of the West until Trump is in office and Putin determines whether a mutual defense treaty, denied by the insane Biden regime, is possible with the Trump regime. If not, there is no basis for Putin's hope of avoiding a major war.
. . . Putin has the strongest public support of all leaders on Earth, reelected to office for 25 years with margins that no Western leader can hope for, not even Trump . . . Unless Trump can survive the Deep State, rise to the challenge and make peace the victory to be achieved, the world seems doomed.
Full story: paulcraigroberts.org
Comment: William Branham prophesied, "What's going to happen? There's a Sputnik up there, and what would happen? The nation would surrender of course . . . Before daylight in the morning. Who's going to stop it? Try! . . . the Bible says it'll happen" (58-0108, Handwriting on the Wall, par. 84-96, 168-170).
Nukes & Medium-range Missiles for Ukraine Neo-Nazi Junta, Perfect Recipe for WW3
November 27, 2024 — I came across some disturbing news regarding the NATO-orchestrated Ukrainian conflict. The first was that the world's most vile racketeering cartel's Parliamentary Assembly adopted Resolution 494, which focuses on "future-proofing the alliance and supporting Ukraine until victory." The wording itself screams "global war," but what's in the document (PDF) is actually far worse. Namely, in order to achieve "victory," NATO essentially wants to implement Volodymyr Zelensky's "victory plan ".
Remember, the one that the United States called "totally unfeasible"? Full story: globalresearch.ca
Comment: Why the United States Will Lose a War with Russia
Everything is being Weaponized
November 27, 2024 — Max Igan. Netanyahu has four different names under one Social Security number. This number is restricted from examination as it is 'classified.' That means that he works for one of the secret agencies. Everything is run by the CIA and the WHO. Full story: rumble.com
Israel Agrees to Stop Bombing Lebanon – to Keep Bombing Gaza
November 26, 2024 — Netanyahu, who is wanted by the International Criminal Court for potential war crimes, emphasized that closing the northern front of its war would allow Israel's military to regroup and give the nation an opportunity to focus on other enemies: Iran and Hamas. He also emphasized that Israel would "retain complete military freedom of action," adding that "should Hezbollah violate the agreement or attempt to rearm, we will strike decisively" . . . Reports have surfaced in recent days of the IDF using sniper drones to target and kill civilians. And as the flow of humanitarian aid into Gaza has been slowed by Israel, experts warned of "a strong likelihood of famine" in areas of northern Gaza.
"The going conventional wisdom is that there's no ceasefire deal because Netanyahu doesn't want a hostage deal—he hasn't wanted one because he wants to keep his coalition together, and the far right wants to resettle Gaza," said Mairav Zonszein, a senior analyst with the International Crisis . . . Full story: theintercept.com
A Taste of Palestine
Correspondent Walt King has sent this brief video of Palestine . . . as it was Full story: waltking.substack.com
The Inviolable Connection between the Wars in the ME and Ukraine
November 24, 2024 — Whoever the Deep State is or are . . . Over 90% of the total monetary flow worldwide is under their management because they control the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) . . . Central Bank of all Central Banks . . . domiciled in Holy Switzerland . . . controlled by the Rothschild clan and supports the (non-Semitic - Ed.) Ashkenazi Zionists.
How will President-elect Trump make sure on his promises to be a Peace President, resolving the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East within days of taking office? His Cabinet selections may not be all Jewish, but most of them are strong supporters of the Zionists and by association, Genocide-Netanyahu.
Trump's appointees and his own friendship with Netanyahu do not bode well for Peace in the Middle East. But time will tell.
A few days ago, Donald Trump made a devastating statement for the cult, called Deep State, on how he will prevent WWIII and Nuclear Armageddon, by dismantling the US Deep State, drying up the Washington swamp, and by calling the current Administration a "Third World Dictatorship." See this 3.5-minute video clip Jewish Chabad 1994 plan to 'liquidate' Slavs via Russo- Ukraine war—In a 1994 speech published in Vologda newspaper Slavyanin, Chabad leader Rabbi Schneerson outlined plans for destroying Ukraine and Russia: Chabad leader, Messiah Menachem Mendel Schneerson (1902-1994)
"Slavs, and among them Russians, are the most unbending people in the world. Slavs are unbending as a result of their psychological and intellectual abilities, created by many generations of ancestors. It is impossible to alter these genes. Slavs can be destroyed, but never conquered".
We will divide Slavic nations into small countries with weak connections; we will use our old method: Divide and Conquer pit these countries against each other, and suck them into civil wars for mutual destruction. Ukrainians would think they are fighting against expansionist Russia, struggling for independence.
Ukrainians will become fully subdued by us. The same will be thought by Russians, as though they defend their national interests.
These lands are ancient Jewish Khazaria, that isIsraelthe homeland of non-Semitic Jews. Slavs are temporary guests and subject to eviction. We will build the Great Khazaria—the Jewish state—on these fertile lands the same way as we created Israel, squeezing Palestinians out. Israelis will partially relocate here, and we will drive Slavic cattle out."
(You, Gentile readers are regarded as "human cattle" (Heb.) 'Goyim' (Talmud, Sanhedrin 98b and footnotes - Ed.).
The Khazarian Empire existed for several centuries until Russian Prince Svyatoslav in year 965 took both their City and their White Temple. Ukraine War—Chabad's Strategy for Slavic Genocide. Please read: Ukraine is the Real Jewish National Home, and Texe Marrs Khazars Re-Invade Ukraine, and How Chabad Orchestrated the Current War.
The Vatican is at the top of the pyramid ruling the fourth and final Gentile world empire, above the Black Nobility, Daniel 2:40-49. Revelation 17:16 – 18:19; 19:19 – 20:10; 22:19). Beneath who are their hofjuden, Jesuits such as the Rothschild's, Illuminati, mafia, CFR, etc., Ordinary citizens and subjects are stateless human cattle to be culled with impunity pledged as collateral to the IMF for moneys squandered by plan. I say "stateless" because our nations, like us, have been surrendered and replaced by corporations.
This is the kingdom claimed by Jewish supremacists, who imagine the kingdom of God is built by sexual reproduction within their tribes who are "men" (i.e. human beings) while non-Jews or Goyim are not men but "human cattle" (Yebamoth 61a; Baba Mezia 114b). Like Cain Jews trace their lineage to Abraham and Adam through the woman. Hence Jesus said, "You are of your father the Devil, and the lusts of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks according to his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies".
The modern design derives from the flag designed in 1891 by David Wolfsohn who succeeded Theodor Herzl. It was first displayed at the first Zionist Conference in Basel, Switzerland in 1897, conducted by Herzl, and was confirmed as the Jewish flag by the eighteenth Congress in 1933. The State of Israel was created by the UN in 1948, and on November 14 adopted the occult symbol of the six-pointed star (of Ashteroth or Astarte) which now adorns the Knesset (or parliament) and flies on their flag. The blue and white are derived from the Hebrew tallit or prayer shawl. Their national emblem, the Menorah, is modeled on that which appears on the Arch of Titus in Rome. They signify the Nile and the Euphrates which the so-called Jews regard as "Greater Israel".
Talmudic Jews impersonate Israelites and regard non-Jews as insects or human cattle culled with impunity whose possessions belong to their "master race." Contrary to Moses, they claim the boundaries of a 'greater' Israel from the Nile to the River Euphrates, embracing most of Egypt's arable land, all of Jordan, Lebanon and Kuwait, parts of Turkey, much of Saudi Arabia, Syria and Iraq. God commanded Moses and Israel whom so-called Jews impersonate, "You shall not covet . . . anything belonging to your neighbour" (Exodus 20:17; Deuteronomy 2:5, 9). "Covetousness is idolatry" (Colossians 3:5; Zechariah 13:2), the besetting sin of this people (Exodus 32:1-4). "Willing to justify himself, (the rich young ruler) asked who is my neighbour" (Luke 10:29)? These racist supremacist impersonators consider only fellow Jews as neighbours; whereas Jesus Messiah stated, every man with whom we live or chance to meet, irrespective of his race or religion is your neighbour. Jews regard the Jewish people as their own Messiah, and according to the Talmud and The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion , they will one day rule the world from Jerusalem. Brother Branham said, "I believe one of these days when the united confederation of church goes together and the new pope is brought out of the United States and put over there according to prophecy, then they'll form an image like unto the beast" (54-1219E, Acts of the Holy Spirit, par. 87). For the times of the Gentiles" extend to the consummation (Daniel 9:27).
Israel's first Prime Minister, non-Semitic atheist David ben Gurion (Grün) who knew the plans of the Illuminati said, "With the exception of the (Judaeo-Communist) USSR as a federal Eurasian State (which God has raised to destroy the Judaeo-Roman church and her (once) Protestant US image, all other continents will become united in a world alliance (under the beast and International Jews of the City of London), at whose disposal will be an international police force, the United States (Revelation 13:11-18). All armies will be abolished and there will be no more wars. In Jerusalem, the United Nations (a truly United Nations) will build a shrine of the prophets to serve the federated union of all continents; this will be the seat of the supreme court of Mankind, to settle all controversies among the federated continents, as prophesied by Isaiah" (Look Magazine, January 16, 1962). Jewry will erect this third temple after the earthquake of Zechariah 14:4-5 demolishes the Dome of the Rock. At its dedication in the midst of Daniel's Seventieth Week "that man of sin will be revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshipped; so that he as God sits in the temple (according to Isaiah 14:14; Ezekiel 28:2), showing himself that he is God" (II Thessalonians 2:1-12). This describes Rome's "prince," pharaoh, or pope when incarnate by Satan as prophesied by Isaiah, Daniel, Ezekiel, Jesus Christ and Paul.
NATO Confirms that the Ukraine 'War Started in 2014'
November 24, 2024 — NATO STARTED THE WAR IN 2014, following the US sponsored 2014 Coup d'Etat. On September 7, 2023, NATO's Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg in a presentation to the European Parliament, formally acknowledged that: "the war didn't start in February last year [2022]. It started in 2014." In a twisted irony, in his presentation to the European Parliament, Stoltenberg portrays "the purpose" of the Ukraine war, which has resulted in more than 300,000 casualties as a means "to prevent war" . . . Ironically the head of State of this neo-Nazi government–hand-picked by US Intel–is of Russian-Jewish descent.
(Pornographic film actor) Zelensky is Jewish. He supports the Nazi Azov Battalion, the two Nazi parties, which have committed countless atrocities against the Jewish community in Ukraine. And now this Jewish-Russian proxy president wants to "ban everything Russian," including the Russian language (his mother tongue) . . . He is a proxy controlled by US intelligence. Prior to entering into politics, he did not speak Ukrainian.
NATO Says "War Started in 2014." "Fake Pretext" to Wage War against Russia? To Invoke Article 5 of Atlantic Treaty? . . . "sabotage of Nord Stream was an US Act of War against both Germany and the European Union. And Germany's Chancellor was fully aware that an act of sabotage against Nord Stream had been envisaged by the US, to the detriment of more than 400 million Europeans . . . The Atlantic Alliance has no legitimacy. It is a criminal entity which must be repealed.
US-NATO is responsible for extensive crimes committed against the People of Ukraine. What is required is a Worldwide campaign at all levels of society, with a view to eventually dismantling the Atlantic Alliance, while promoting an immediate cease fire and meaningful peace negotiations in solidarity with the people of Ukraine . . . From a historical standpoint the US and its Allies have been threatening Russia for more than 106 years starting during World War I with the deployment of US and Allied Forces against Soviet Russia on January 12, 1918, (two months following the November 7, 1917 revolution allegedly in support of Russia's Imperial Army).
The 1918 US-UK Allied invasion of Russia is a landmark in Russian History, often mistakenly portrayed as being part of a Civil War. It lasted for more than two years involving the deployment of more than 200,000 troops of which 11,000 were from the US, 59,000 from the UK. Japan which was an Ally of Britain and America during World War I dispatched 70,000 troops . . . until 2014, NATO allies were reducing defense budgets. Since 2014, all allies across Europe and Canada have significantly increased their defense spending. And we have modernized our command structure, we have more exercises, we have established new military domains like cyber. So in totality, this is a huge transformation of NATO that started in 2014. Full story: globalresearch.ca
Comment: Jewry hase been fighting against Russia from their homeland, Khazaria, for over 1,000 years. In AD740 Khazaria (i.e. the Ukraine) was converted to Talmudic rabbinism from Babylon. Non-Semitic Jews from Mongolia conquered China, Burma, India, parts of Russia, and Turkey, Romania, Poland, Iraq, etc., Today these non-Semitic Jews rule Semitic Palestine. In 1688 they conquered England and today they rule the USA, Canada, Australia and the British Commonwealth.
The Firmament
Genesis 1:6-8, "God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so. And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day".
Job, Isaiah and Jeremiah drew their meaning from Genesis 1 and 2. The Great Deep is Genesis 1:2, 4, 5, 7, 18; 7:11-12; Job 38; Proverbs 8:27-28; Psalm 104:6, 32—it is not the seas. "And darkness was upon the face of the Deep"—so it was formless in its two modes of invisibility and indivisibleness, an undistinguishable wasteness. There was no light whereby one could see, and a want of discernment between objects without which one is uninformed—even if light were present. Then comes the Word, and morning breaks. Light is the first separation. It is divided from the darkness, which shows that it had existed before and in the 'tohuw'—"without form and void." And God calls the light day whilst the former state He calls night. It is His Own naming, and we must take it as our guide in the interpretation of Words. It is not any duration, but the phenomenon, the appearing itself that is first called day. Then the term is used for a period, to denote the whole event, or the whole first cycle of events, with two antithetical parts. "And the evening and the morning were the first day".
Night was the darkness on the face of the waters. Light was the Day that followed God's brooding Spirit and commanding Word. The point of commencement was when darkness began on the face of the waters. The first day is the model for all the rest. There is certainly no determined time here, unless we assume a fixed duration, as now measured by the Sun. All is indefinite except for the fact of the great separation accomplished with its two contrasted states and one completed period, to which the name Evening, Morning, Day, are respectively given. This anti-solar day was marked by no sun rising or sun setting, or any astronomical measurement, and without any computed duration it had an evening and a morning of its own, and is justly called a day. What this evening and morning were is for the reader to discover in the account itself. In a similar manner they all had an evening and a morning, however strange it might seem, without a shining sun. Each has a new appearing; but as this is somewhat different from the creative stage, there is a command for the same essential announcement. And there was an evening, and there was a morning, a second day,—third day,—fourth day, and so on.
The three last creative days, the three great combining's: 1. the heavenly luminaries and the earth generally; 2. the heavenly luminaries and water and air; 3. the heavenly luminaries and the earth-soil as a pre-conditioning of individual formations. Or the three Parallelisms of the three first creative days.
1st day, Genesis 1:1-5 "Let there be light".
2nd day, the waters under and above the Firmament.
3rd day, the liberated earth-soil, and the plants upon it.
4th day, the heavenly luminaries, Sun, Moon and Stars.
Adam and Eve, Enoch and Cain never saw the sun or the moon, and Noah did not see them until after the Flood one thousand years later (Genesis 1:14-18).
5th day, the fishes in the seas and the birds of the heavens.
6th day, the land animals, and over them man.
"And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so. And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day".
The aim of all of the creative days, especially the three last, the antitype of the vegetable creation at the end of the third day; which antitype is man, the likeness of God, and the sabbath in which God rests from His Work. The Lord's work was speaking creation.
This account of the world's creation evidently forms an ascending line, a series of generations whose highest point and utmost limit is reached in man. The six days' work arrange themselves in orderly contrast.
1. The element of light and the dark shadow-casting masses, or the concrete darkness which we must not confound with the evening and the morning.
2. The gaseous form of the aether, especially of the atmosphere, and the fluid form of the earth-sphere;
3. The opposition between the water and the firm land. Note, the waters of verse 2 are a different thing from the waters of verse 6 and 9 since it still encloses the light and the matter of the earth. Moreover "the waters" of verse 6 is not yet properly water; since it still encloses the earth material. The first mention of elementary water in the proper sense, is at verse 9. The limit or aim of creation—man—the sabbath of God.
We understand that before the Great Flood earth was clothed is a vapour Canopy somewhat like Jupiter or Saturn that caused perpetual fair weather. There were no seasons and man lived for almost a full day in God's time. When this Canopy fell as the Deluge, the physical condition of the earth changed, and man's environment was greatly modified.
"Day" is not a measure of time, the evenings and mornings are not the passage of time, they mark the boundaries of periodical work or evolution and contain the idea of cyclicity, rounded periodicy, or self-completed time, without any of the accidents that belong to the outward measures, solar or planetary epochs, be they longer or shorter.
Genesis 1:1, "In the beginning God created the antitheses of heaven and the earth," (symbol of all religion).
The three first creative days saw the great divisions by means of light, heat, and chemical affinity: three living contrasts: light and darkness (or dark spherical material); the aetherial waters (or vapour) and the earthly waters (or fluid precipitate); the water proper and the land. This conditioned earth to bring forth vegetable life as the three last creative days prepared earth for the appearing of man.
"And the earth was without form and void" (Heb.) 'tohuw va bohuw.' The word is applied to a desolate city like Bozra in Edom, to a desert in which the waters evaporate and disappear, Job 6:18, to a wilderness in which there is no way (Job 12:24; Psalm 107:40), or to the earth and heavens returning back to ruin as prophesied in Jeremiah 4:23-25, "I beheld the earth, and, it was without form, and void; (Heb.) 'tohuw va bohuw' and the heavens, and they had no light. I beheld the mountains and they were trembling, and all the hills were moving swiftly. I looked, and there was no man, and all the birds of the heavens had fled". Isaiah 24:1-23 prophesied this repetition at the manifestation of the Sixth Seal (Revelation 6:12-17) and the Seventh Trump (Revelation 11:12-15) announcing the close of the Gentile dispensation prior to Daniel's Seventieth Week and the Millennium).
Genesis 1:2-8, "And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the Deep. And the Spirit of God brooded upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the beauty of the light that it was "fair and good:" and God made a division between the luminous and the dark element. And God called light the source of Day, and the darkness He called the source of Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day".
Earth's formation accounts for many strange facts in nature, mythology and the Mosaic account of creation. A great similarity exists between the early legends and the advent of man. The narrative in Genesis is neither mythical nor allegorical but a statement of events as they appeared to those who witnessed them; the reason why the Mosaic account is not better understood now is because we of today are ignorant of the strange physical conditions of the heavens and earth that presented themselves to primitive man, but which passed away in accordance with the laws of world evolution. The theory of a watery Canopy or ring-like vapor formation surrounding the earth makes the Genesis account perfectly clear, and this theory finds confirmation in the lore of all ancient races and the "fossil thought" of widely distributed tribes. The Deluge was undoubtedly real. Water fell from heaven in unprecedented quantities and the source of so great a quantity of super-aerial waters has forever passed away. The first rainbow appeared after the deluge; there will never be another deluge (Genesis 8:20-22; 9:8-17).
Before the Flood a vapor Canopy surrounded the earth causing a perpetual summer; there was no rain, no sun, no moon, no rainbow, no storms or winds; no seasons, and man lived close to one thousand years. This Canopy like those that now envelop Jupiter and Saturn lingered in the skies over antediluvian man—a source of primeval rains, snows and hails competent to produce all the floods, and all Glacial Epochs earth ever saw. The last Deluge changed earth's physique greatly modified our environment and deepened the oceans. Geologists generally have maintained that this great world-fund of waters fell back to the earth immediately after it cooled down. The watery vapors driven out from the world furnace were eventually made to revolve about as a Saturn-like ring system. Rings cannot fall directly to the earth any more than its moon, so long as they have a revolving movement but must linger as great cloud belts or bands such as we see today in the firmament of the planet Jupiter. Each installment brought down from the lofty skies an addition to the ocean; and with a vast amount of other tellurio-cosmic matter, made large additions to earth's strata.
In the gradual and progressive decline of rings, Canopies must result, and "Deluges" must result from the gradual collapse of Canopies. Rings must decline, of course, into the equatorial atmosphere of a planet. The centrifugal motion of the rotating earth, with its resisting atmosphere, would resist the downward movement of such vapors, which would seek to fall toward the point or points of least resistance. Everyone will concede that the poles of the planet are such points. Hence it must be admitted that ring vapors must float from the equatorial to the polar heavens, and owing to the excessive slowness of the fall of all revolving matter, a Canopy must become a cloud satellite to its primary world, and it is my care to prove that the infant race of men saw such a canopy of watery vapors move from the equator to the poles, while it revolved about the earth, and finally saw it break from its celestial fastenings and desolate the planet.
The Deluge must be treated from the standpoint of geological causes; and as one of the grand stepping stones leading from one age to another—out of one world-condition to another. Had the Flood of Noah been of such stupendous magnitude and severity as some of those which marked grand world-revolutions of geologic time, such as buried in one vast graveyard the Tertiary dead, we would to-day have seen the result in the immortal impress of a dying world-stage on the pages of time. In this instance it has not left so much of a rock record as it has a record preserved in the fossil beds of thought. The Deluge was a weak and expiring effort of old conditions. Decrepit causes in world evolution were ending their long career. This of course predicates that the last of earth rings, as geologic agents in world-making, had so far descended as to make a universal world-roof over this planet.
Such a vapor roof would be, as anyone can see, a universal watery heaven instead of a starry heaven. It forces us to concede that the skies of antediluvian man were preparing for an inevitable world baptism, a desolating flood-plunge in medial latitudes, and vast snow-avalanches in polar lands. I think we can say with the utmost confidence and sincerity that such a preparation may have been made right in the line of old and decrepit world-causes. This is all we need for the present, and premising this flood cause and source, no man can limit its capacity as an earth desolator.
We must now take a backward glance at some of the monumental witnesses left in the grand march of time. I want to note now something very like a vapor canopy has left its waymarks all up and down the flood of the "Ages." A vapor roof arching the heavens, as all will admit, must make coincident world-conditions; and it necessarily follows that in the collapse of such a world-regulator, those conditions would be brought to an end, and other conditions made to succeed them. Those world-conditions changed, as the oceanic waters changed their conditions. The very general changes in ocean life;—changes in the ocean fauna in all parts of the world on the same geologic horizon, are all the evidence we need to show that the character of the ocean's waters was universally changed, again and again.
The index finger of Time points to the Earth's Ring System, and the inevitable fall of Canopy-waters: thus the Noachian flood-source appears on the rational horizon. Canopy-waters lingering much later than Achaean time come immediately to the witness stand. This reciprocal relationship of Canopy to ocean-life and world-condition is of supreme importance. If we should critically examine every age; note the old life forms that have died, and the new conditions and life of the ancient seas, we would see each and every age characterized by augmented waters. If we could detect ten thousand such changes, the canopy of supra-aerial waters would simply testify ten thousand times to their competency as flood makers.
That periods of tropic growth and abounding animal life have ended in excessive cold is a fact so fully established. Then, too, some of those warm periods have so suddenly closed, that summer is actually found in the icy grasp of inveterate winter. It would seem that nature had done all it could do to block the old path, and turn the thinker's eyes toward canopy evolution. Here the lingering canopy assumes stalwart pretensions.
The same vapor world-roof which made a tropic earth from pole to pole swarming with living forms, before the Canopy fell, changed those conditions as it fell, and we have an opportunity to estimate its suddenness and efficiency. A Canopy of primitive vapors, as before stated, must fall largely in polar lands, and fall there as immeasurable reaches of snow; and such a fall must have sent the chill of winter and death into the very midst of summer life. It is very plain that if supra-aerial vapors could make a hot-house world, those same vapors in their final collapse must have buried all but the medial latitudes in a snowy grave, and we have the most overtowering testimony that some of those tropic periods ended in the stern rigors of winter.
Immediately prior to one of the great ice periods the wooly rhinoceros and hairy mammoth, and their congeners, luxuriated in pastures at least semi-tropic, under the Arctic Circle. To-day they are entombed in ice and frozen earth on the very spot they lived. When we recall the fact that we can place no limit to Canopy snows, we can readily understand why these huge quadrupeds are sealed away in the eternal glacier. Glaciers are formed of snows, and the icy piles that contain their dead must have been at one time measureless snow-falls which filled the valleys and over-topped the mountains.
The mammoth has been found in many places in the frozen world in such condition as to leave no doubt that it was suddenly overtaken on its forage ground, and buried in unknown depths of snow on the spot. They certainly floundered to their death in a snowy grave. That the snows that buried these huge animals fell suddenly on a world of pastures,—as all-involving avalanches, should no longer remain in the realm of scientific controversy.
Mammoths have been repeatedly found in the ice and frozen soil of Siberia and Alaska, with the food in their stomachs undigested, the flesh preserved and devoured by bears and wolves as they gnawed it from its frozen matrix. Their fat has been rendered and used in lamps. The very pupil of the eye has been preserved and the blood vesicles unaltered. Suddenness is the eloquent epitaph inscribed all over the polar graveyard . . .
It is idle to attempt to shun the plain demands of falling avalanches in the production of such work as this. Such snow-falls never came from the clouds in the atmosphere, and hence we must look for their source beyond the atmosphere, in the realm of exterior snows. For this reason, if for no other, we must conclude that the original source of all such snow-falls was the immeasurable energy expended in the molten earth, whose grand effort was to form innumerable sublimations and send them to the skies. Once there, mechanical and physical necessity forced them into a ring system which in turn detained them to fall successively in the fullness of time. We must not lose sight of the fact that it requires a great expenditure of heat-force to make snow and ice. Close to my home in Pasadena is an artificial ice factory, which uses two 40-horse power engines, driven by steam produced by the consumption of a vast amount of fuel oil. According to the current theory of the cause of glaciations, the earth is taken away from the influence of the sun's heat, to get it covered with snow and ice. Dr. Croll and his coadjutors make the furnace do more work by diminishing its fires. The question is simply this: How could the earth's molten furnace form the ocean of aqueous vapors and send them to the skies without forming a limitless amount of snow and ice to return sometime to the earth? So long as physical law holds the helm of order in the scheme of nature, it must get its snows first, and then grow cold. This compels us to fall back to the fires of the igneous earth for a competent source of energy—to the earth's annular system and its canopy, revolving in regions of inveterate cold. This conceded, the geologist will find a clear field with many a stumbling block removed.
With this much light on the subject the Gibraltar of "existing causes" falls, and we must conclude that the glacial epochs and the snow-falls that suddenly terminated the career of the mammoth in Arctic lands, came from a source that does not now exist. Then the source of all those terrific deluges has passed away; and we approach the problem of the Noachian flood under a panoply of canopy witnesses, feeling that the ancient source of primitive floods "broken up" forever, lingered in the heavens and did not cease to exist until it gave the human family a visual demonstration of its competency to drown the world.
From this rock of philosophic reasoning we can look back on the geologic past and know for a certainty that the continuity of causes fails to explain at a most vital stage, and that dying energies, set in routine at the very birth of the planet, have left their way-marks as geologic guide-posts through time. We know why the throne of implacable winter has been reared again and again on the ruins of summer life. We see vapor canopies as nature's first refrigerators and the molten earth as the source of energy to place the world again and again in cold storage. The Canopy is forever on the witness stand to give a philosophic rendering to the glacier puzzle. Anchored to the skies as a protecting roof, it gave the world its life and its bloom and plunging down from its celestial fastenings; it gave it its winding-sheet of snow. Vast remnants of the world-glaciers still hold in their grasp the polar lands and their mighty dead. The ice fields and their spectral hosts tell the ceaseless tale of a living world crushed under a falling canopy.
Bear in mind that we are examining the possibilities of conditions in modern geologic times. We have brought the fire-formed watery "heaven from Achaean to Glacial times, and we will carry it farther on our way to the home and time of antediluvian man. As we pass from glacial into inter- and post-glacial times we meet with Dana's raging waters, "floods vast beyond conception".
An ice-bound earth, the very snow and ice that brought on the rigors of implacable winter still present, and yet so warm that the ice-king is hurried from his throne. Glaciers are melted down into raging floods. This is the picture of the close of the last great ice age.
Genesis 7:11-12, "In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened. And the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights". First I call attention to the fact that if the "windows of heaven" were opened at the time of the flood, then they were closed after the flood, and we have the most unimpeachable evidence of a closed up heaven unwittingly expressed; which presents a vapor canopy with a concealed sun. Let us not forget this.
In the second place I want to call attention to the fact of a closed up heaven opened at the time of an exceptional downpour of water, and that is the way the rain comes from the true heavens, as the world gets it to-day? So far as visual demonstration goes, the rain and tempest clouds shut up the firmament and how did it ever happen that the heavenly windows were opened at the time of a forty days' rain? If this does not point the thinker to a strikingly different order of things in the birth-time of human history, I would like toknow what the world's jury is going to make of it. Centuries after the flood men remembered that the heaven was opened then, and told their children the fact, and the man of to-day cannot fail to see a new heaven beyond.
Thirdly, I call attention to the fact that the relationship of an open heaven to a forty days' rain is an absolute and supreme denial of the possibility of such a rain coming from the clouds of our atmosphere, as rains come to-day, and hence the inevitable conclusion that the deluge downpour came from a source of waters above and beyond the atmosphere, in consequence of opening windows. But we have no such sources or fountains of water now; hence that source disappeared either at the time of the Flood, or sometime since, and it will be interesting to know when. Now the keystone and master-link of testimony in this case is the statement that "in the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the third month, on the fourteenth day of the month, the same day, all the fountains (or sources of the flood-waters) of the Great Deep were broken up" (destroyed).
Fourthly, I want to call attention to the query which this peculiar combination presses for an answer, to-wit: Why was the flood source or fountains of the great waters "broken up" at the very time the heavens were opened, if that source was not on high, and essentially connected with a prior closed up heaven?
Here we have a quaternion of witnesses fresh from the fossil beds of thought which assert that the human family, long after its birth in the Eden time of the world under a life-prolonging vapor heaven, saw some of earth's primeval fire-formed waters still lingering on high, shutting up the true heaven from view; saw heaven open and fall, and thus close the antediluvian order of nature by an immeasurable down-rushing flood; the very event which had been imminent and pending from the very day the "heavens were placed in the midst of the waters." We now understand why there was an Eden in which man lived naked. We now see why there was an ephemeral heaven close to the earth; why such a thought comes down from every quarter of the globe; why all peoples had a "sun regent" a world-master, that poses everywhere as a shade and controller of light, a foe of the sun.
We are not yet ready to pass away from the "Great Deep" (or Canopy) which has been, and is to-day, a stupendous misconception the world over, by all those who do not minimize it as a mere triviality. Recognized as the Celestial Ocean, which has been the supreme agent in the building of world strata, all through geologic time, it becomes one of the grandest waymarks of the ages, and when intelligently prospected it will prove to be the key of keys in unlocking a world of mysteries, and correcting a multitude of scientific conclusions which clog the wheel of progress today.
It was no less a scholar than the immortal Sir Henry Rawlinson who showed how persistently the "Deep" was an element in the ancient thought of Western Asia, as revealed by the tabletory records, and he has said without the least reservation: "This Deep was not the ocean, but some other deep." Now, what "other deep" could any race or people know anything about, save that great source or fountain of waters which was "broken up" when the "heavens were opened" with a world baptism? There was a Deep which all humanity saw at every point, and which the race had every opportunity to know was the one grand source of all waters. There was the Deep on which the ancient Hebrews saw the Spirit, or movement of the Elohim on the waters, and which said to every race and tongue, "Let there be light—and there was light."
This upper Deep was a bottomless deep and the only bottomless deep or abyss of waters that could exist; and it explains the most puzzling fact that all ancient peoples, even those who lived far from the sea, as the Egyptians, Hindus, Persians, and Babylonians, show by their persistent allusion to the same, to be most familiar with great waters, and waves and floods. One would think that all races were once ocean mariners. The ancient Greeks called this world-investing deep Okeanos and said it was the "source of all fountains and streams of water".
If there be any possible uncertainty about the "great Deep" of Genesis being the upper ocean, all doubts may be dispelled by the recognition of certain collateral testimony. First, primitive man must have placed the source of all descending mists, fogs and waters, in the heavens, because he saw them come from that region. Secondly, we all have learned that celestial water sources are a prominent oriental thought. We read of "Copious fountains opened from above." We read of heavenly spirits or dragons vomiting floods of water. We read of "Deep calleth unto deep" (Psalm 42:7; William Branham's 54-0624 and 56-0416) "Praise Him ye heavens and ye waters above the heavens." We are told that the celestial horse Pegasus was born near the "fountains of the ocean." The fountain Hyppocrene was produced by this celestial steed. We all know that Neptune was originally a god associated with Jove, the thunderer, his younger brother, and the thought is prominent that Jove the sky-god drove him out of heaven and gave him the government of the terrestrial waters. What waters did he rule over before he was expelled from the skies? In fact, his expulsion from above can only mean that humanity knew that the god of the terrestrial deep was once the god of the celestial deep, and this thought must be equated with the "fountains of the Great Deep broken up."
The one salient fact is that no possible earthly deep could present a feature that could in any way have suggested the idea of a fountain or source of waters. The thought had its origin in the fall of heavenly waters, and no amount of straining and twisting of facts can shake this conclusion. These considerations, leading as they certainly do to the establishment of Rawlinson's "some other deep," in the depths of the terrestrial skies, it is about time that antiquarians had ceased to call the "Abyss" of the tablets our ocean. The one leading idea inseparable from the word abyss is that of a fund of waters without a solid basis or bounds. Will someone show how there could be bottomless or landless waters on the earth? Failing in this will he explain how the heavenly deep could have a bottom or land to bound it?
The Hebrew name for the Great Deep is Tehom, and all Hebraists know that Tehom is the Tihamat of the Chaldean tongue. Now, what is most remarkable, this Chaldean name of the Abyss is found in the Maya tongue in Yucatan, and Dr. Le Plongeon, an indefatigable student in ancient Central American thought, says the word there is Tihamatti, and means "There waters without land," and it requires no straining to make Tihamatti the bottomless abyss or landless waters on high seen by every nation, kindred and tongue, and known everywhere to be a landless fund of waters.
The Chaldean Tihamat or Tiamat gives us most valuable aid in the solution of the Tehom or Great Deep problem, for the Chaldees tell us plainly that Tihamat was the dragon of the Abyss or spirit of the waters, which produced the Chaldean flood. Now it is also a well known fact that in ancient Chaldean thought this water dragon was a mortal foe of the sun, and this puts it in the solar heavens, and the Canopy bounds into view, for it is the easiest thing to prove that any sun-foe is a vapor foe, and we find that militant spirit everywhere in ancient thought. Bel, the sun-god of Western Asia, in the last great conflict, killed Tihamat, the flood-producing dragon, and vaulted victoriously into power. This can be nothing more nor less than the "breaking up of the Deep" Tehom-Tihamat. The legend goes on to state that the "Sun-god cut Tihamat in twain," which was of course the visible parting of the Canopy which let the sun have the victory.
The one all-important lesson we learn from this comparison of the Hebrew Tehom and Chaldean Tihamat—one the Deep and the other the personified Deep—is the fact that as the great battle between Bel and Tihamat took place as a solari-vapor contest, the battle-field was in the heavens. As we are thus compelled to put Tihamat, the Chaldean Deep, in the heavens, so are we compelled to put Tehom, the Hebrew Deep there also.
Here also we have additional testimony that the dragon and serpent wherever found in ancient thought was the water-spirit of the Canopy. Here I want to call the student's attention to some of Max Müller's remarks on the great conflict between the light powers of the heavens and the world-dragon, or flood-producing serpent of the Vedic books and it is indeed curious to find how the light spirit overcomes the darkening power in order to send rain upon the earth. Waitiami whose name occurs but once in the Rig Veda, is represented in India as one of the many divine powers ruling the Armament, and destroying darkness, and sending rain, or as the poets of the Veda are fond of expressing it, "rescuing the cows and slaying the demons that carried them off." These cows always move along the firmament, some dark, some bright colored . . . they drop from their udders a fertilizing milk upon the parched and thirsty earth, but sometimes the poets say they are carried off by robbers and kept in dark caves near the uttermost ends of the sky. Then the earth is without rain . . . Till at last the rock is cleft asunder and the demons are destroyed, and the cows brought back to their pastures. This is one of the oldest myths, or sayings among the Aryans. It appears again in the mythology of Italy, in Greece, in Germany . . .
We have but to look carefully into the world conditions that environed the survivors of the flood, to be convinced that a sun-concealing Canopy had passed away. That a water heaven had fallen, and hence that the "breaking up of all the fountains of the Great Deep" had actually taken place. Here this grandest of old time memorials assumes a matchless value to the antiquarian, and we may well gather up the scattered fragments of the mighty skeleton, and add a new chapter to the world's history. If we fail to do so, our children will accomplish the necessary work after we lay it aside, and marvel at our delay.
I have shown many times in the Rainbow how the sun was universally kept in the background. Who has not read of the heaven as a "chamber" or "secret recess" of the sun? Who has not met with the world-wide thought of a condition that was illusory and unreal? And who in all his reading has ever met with a particle of evidence that lends probability that true sky scenes were known in the cradle time of humanity? Who does not know that the rainbow, unheard of in earliest times, comes upon the view in a later time of the world's history? Iris, the bow of the Greeks and Romans, figures only in the pantheon of Jove, the thunderer, who came into power as the true sky came into power. Iris, among both these races, was the messenger of Juno, the consort of Jove, and as is well known, this was after two vapor heavens, Uranus and Kronos, had passed away. Whether we examine the Vedas, the Avesta, or the Bible, we find one universal deposition, that the rainbow was unknown in the earliest historic times, which, of course, means that the sun came into power at a later period. With these thoughts before us we cannot be surprised to learn that Iris was the grandchild of Okeanos, the celestial ocean. Neither can we marvel that the rainbow of the Bible came upon the scene after the windows of heaven were opened and the flood-fountains broken up. Even the classic Jove made the bow a sign of a new order between the earth and skies.
According to the biblical flood narrative, the bow was painted on the cloud as the token or sign of a New Covenant between heaven and earth, and this can mean nothing whatever if it does not present a new heaven to human eyes. What was that New Covenant but a new order of the scheme of nature? The God of nature informs the human family that the "waters shall never more become a flood." This is all the proof we need that a New Order had supervened, for the old order was such that a flood was not only possible but imminent; and any one can see that so long as the bow can appear on the cloud there can be no sun-concealing Canopy. Hence the appearance of this "Token" in the skies after the heavens had opened, and the fountains of the Deep broken up forever, is most strikingly significant Canopy testimony. Then taken in connection with the fact that such a deluge as this could not by any possibility come from any atmospheric source within the purview of man,—we are left without the shadow of a doubt that the peculiar presentation of the flood narrative, as found in Genesis, proves that man, sometime, we know not when, away back during the childhood of the race, saw a watery heaven pass away; saw a Canopy as a universal world-possessor and controller; saw some of the last remnants of the Earth's Annular System occupying the heaven as a sun-concealer; and if this is not sufficient to invite some of our first-class scientists and physicists to take uncompromising hands from the throat of truth struggling to the light, nothing else can, for, "This is the Token of the Covenant which I make between Me and you, and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual generations —I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a Token of a Covenant between Me and the earth. And it shall come to pass, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the bow shall be seen in the cloud. And I will remember My Covenant, which is between Me and you and every living creature of all flesh; and the waters shall no more become a flood to destroy all flesh" (Genesis 9:12-17).
Here we have unmistakably the worldwide proclamation of the post-diluvian heaven. It would have been utterly out of place at any other time than at the close of a Canopy period, when humanity hailed with delight the dawn of a new order. Man saw the momentous change, as the manifestation of the Deity; of El the Mighty, Who dwelt in the shining expanse and Who was now to begin His New Order from the true and most high heaven, the eternal and infinite seat of the Eternal and Infinite.
It is most significant, then, that at the very time of this stupendous world-stride from a lower to a higher plane, the Voice of Jehovah was heard from His seat in the highest heaven: "And the Lord (Jehovah) said in His heart, I will not again curse the ground any more for man's sake, for the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth; neither will I again smite any more every living thing as I have done. While the earth remaineth seed-time and harvest and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease" (Genesis 8:21, 22). The mind cannot contemplate this passage without feeling that we are in the very midst of a wondrous world-transition, that we have a new heaven and a new earth in view. We hear the Deity when dwelling in a shining expanse of flood impending vapors, say: "I do bring a flood upon the earth." Again as God manifested in the true and everlasting heaven, He makes an everlasting covenant with man. He says: "There shall be no more floods." To-day we hear that same announcement, just as the immediate survivors of the flood heard it, it may have been ten thousand years ago. The tones of the Infinite's voice fall forever on the mental ear, and the bow from the same celestial seat in the new-born cloud takes up the same eternal acclaim, and assures all men that the time of "Deluges" has passed forever away. The geologist tells the tale of the "ages" as he hears it proclaimed from the fossil beds, wrapped in the shadows of an unmeasured and immeasurable past. It is a true tale of the true relationship between the earth and the overmastering skies.
But the geologist cannot close the narrative. The closing scene is not altogether traced on pages of stone. Immortal thought asserts its claim from fossil beds as enduring as rock. The pick and hammer have their field, but not the field. Canopy world evolution calls order out of a world of chaos. I have shown how the flood-source, as a vapor roof, before the Deep was broken up at the time of the Deluge, made a tropic earth repeatedly in the "ages" and terminated the same by "deluges vast beyond conception;" made snow falls, at least in polar lands, sudden and incalculably vast. We now see how such a vapor heaven passed away in a reputed cataclysm in which man was as much a victim as the megatheria of geologic time. Here fossil thought takes the witness stand and declares: "So long as the earth remains, seed-time and harvest shall recur in order of time. Summ.er and winter shall follow each other in their perpetual course, and day and night shall alternate without end." We cannot press this fundamental testimony of a world-change too strongly. It presents a feature never understood until the true plan of world-making by the rise and progressive decline of fire mists born in molten planets, became an outgrowth of the inevitable recoil of philosophic thought from the wall stretched across the investigator's path, and against which the empiricism and dogmatism of old school thought has led them.
Are we to suppose that the human race needed to be told after the fall of a vapor heaven that seed-time and harvest should thenceforth alternate forever, if they had been alternating during uncounted centuries? The thought is unsatisfying. It is out of harmony with a hidden sun. It is out of harmony with a tropic clime that came as an inevitable result of a subordinate sun. It is out of harmony with a rainless and winterless age, another unavoidable consequence of solar regency. Winter and summer, cold and heat, seed-time and harvest, utterly refuse to be associated in a world with an aqueous covering that shuts off the cold of space, and harbors the planet's interior native heat. Eden is but an echo from the antediluvian world. Eternal summer, eternal harvest, with all that such a condition implies, were prominent features in the environment of antediluvian man; and the radical and sweeping change caused by the "opening of heaven's windows," called forth the announcement that a new order should immediately start on its endless career . . .
We have certainly learned that an overmastering, ephemeral vapor Canopy was in antediluvian times anchored on high. We have learned beyond a doubt that a Canopy was an all-luminous expanse; where then was there a chance for the alternation of day and night? When we look into the ancient annals of the birth-time of history we find this all shining sun almost everywhere. There is the Greek, Pasiphae, (a queen of Crete) whose very name means the "shining whole" (the whole heaven made a vast sun). Now Pasiphae was a daughter of Helios, and therefore a sun-regent. She dwelt in the traditional Labyrinth of the Greeks, and even this word seems to be a "falling" something. Let us make it a falling heaven and we will then understand why her name was "All shine." In Egypt, Osiris, the sun, once shone from all parts of the sky. Typhon, the great Egyptian dragon, whose name makes it a concealer, hid Osiris in a celestial grave, and afterward tore his body to pieces and scattered the fragments all over the world. Osiris thus became an "all shiner" too. He was a sun that hindered the alternation of day and night.
Going back to ancient Japan we find the all shining sun, Amaterasu, whose name means the "Brilliant All" or the "shining whole," was a daughter of the sun and must be equated with the Greek Pasiphae, for according to the oldest annals of Japan she was set up on high, an inviolable glory whose work it was to guard the weavers of the veil or garment of the gods. She was made a regent of the sun, and her power fell when the Japanese heaven passed away and Ninigi, the true sun, vaulted to power. I have found this "All shine" among many peoples. I cannot follow it longer. Suffice it to add here: such a sun necessarily hindered the true alternation of day and night as we see it. As I have before shown, the antediluvian sun shone from the vast luminous expanse and it necessarily shone all around the world, save the reign of a milder glow thrown back from the underworld, the land of the dead, and because it was thrown back from the Death-world it was called the "shadow of death". Among the Greeks it was called the "Cap of Hades" This leads afar. The scene is simply reduced to this: An all shining heaven was antediluvian man's sun and moon. The Deluge came. The all shiner disappeared as the heaven opened, and the rainbow and a New Covenant came as immortal witnesses to the great world transition. An age whose day and night were a varying glow, as the earth rotated, became an eternity of day and night, as we see them now, hence the announcement of the change as a part of the everlasting Covenant. The alternation of day and night is thus an inseparable feature of the new, as eternal day was a feature of the old order.
But the student asks again: "As God called the light day and the darkness he called night," what are we to do with this "Night?" I answer, It was "old night," and not the new. Old Night was the daughter of Chaos, and was the mother of the Parcae (Roman female personifications of destiny), Discord, Death, Illusion, shadows and darkness that appeared on the face of the canopy, as the dark bands seen to-day on the canopies of the planets Jupiter and Saturn. I cannot conceive of a brilliant canopy that had not dark and light bands and belts in striking contrast. Old Night simply expressed the vast concealment.
This is another feature the annular student must admit. When the sun was concealed it practically went into primeval darkness, for it was unseen, so far as the rendering of that disappearance has ever been made, into other tongues. Homeric and Hesiodic sun-setting is very far from being our sunset. I cannot find that Homer's Sun went down when it disappeared. It went "heis hypo gaian" and who is there can render that a "going down into the underworld" and be satisfied with his translation? The Sun went in under the concealing cloud. In the paucity of terms, the ancients had often times to use generic names. Thus the Greeks as well as other peoples used the term "earth" for all this side of the Canopy; and the Canopy itself was in their view a part of the earth. Just as we now speak of the telluric atmosphere as a part of the world. All that came within the constant purview of man was of the earth, earthy; and all outside of this earthly boundary was space, and under, or in the cloud-world. To give the thought in primitive terms, everything there concealed was simply in under the earth, (heis hypo gaian) in Greek thought.
Thus, too, the Egyptian Sun, Osiris, "went among the Amienti when it "set," and I can nowhere find the intimation that when Osiris disappeared, he went down, but rather up into concealment. The Egyptologists of course tell us that Osiris was the "Judge of the Amenti in the underworld." At the same time they all knew that he was at all times a supernal ruler, and that it was the ever joyous prospect of the dying Sun worshiper to become one with Osiris on high and among the Amenti.
Hence it is plain that the underworld, of which so much is falsely predicated in Egyptian lore, was not down but up. In the equatorial regions, the constant thinning of the Canopy made the sun a frequent visitor from the hidden realm; but in the temperate zones in the early life of the race it was almost always hidden, or set. Now almost the whole of Egypt was outside of the actual equatorial earth, and its people had to look to the southern skies for Osiris. Memphis Gizeh and the Pyramids are about 30 degrees from the equator. It so happens, too, that the ancient literature of the Lower Nile region is strikingly profuse in its allusions to the Southern Amenti, or "hidden ones;" and modern scholars are sorely puzzled to know why the Sun of the South was among the Amenti. So conspicuously is this feature in the old annals that some scholars actually call the Underworld the South. The whole difficulty banishes when it is conceded that the Sun Osiris set in or under the Canopy cloud, and thus became the Judge of the spirit-world, because men saw him assume control of it. Men could not philosophically make him a Judge of any place which they could not see and concerning which they were utterly ignorant.
In applying this test to the Hebrew "Sun set," we can but arrive at the same happy conclusion that like the other races the Lemites of the Jordan in early times never saw the Sun set save as it went in under the cloud, and into concealment. I am well aware that our translators tell us the "Sun went down," but I believe this expression is always brought from the word bo, the meaning of which is to "go in" and to make it "go down" is a downright mismanagement as I see it. When the canopy passed from power these primitive terms had been fixed in human thought, and they have continued to express what they were not at first intended for. I submit that the translators of old thought have no right to add as interpreters of these eloquent witnesses, until they shall have become Canopy students, and can see how Old Night was simply utter concealment, and could not mean actual darkness . . .
It is fortunate for the Canopy theory that the prehistoric echoes all support it. Why have we not found a witness in the flood narrative in Genesis that can be made to antagonize the thought? Where shall we find in the oldest annals a free sun, a true sky, a permanent heaven? The ideas of the olden time reflect the unreal and deceptive. So prominent was the world of "Illusion" that in the early Vedic thought men said the universe belonged to Maya, or Illusion Falsehood. The ephemeral or false heaven was the origin of the thought. The serpent of the waters had made an Eden-world, a life of ease. Long life and voluptuous enjoyment were promises the Canopy held out to the race. It was promise made by the Serpent of the waters; but it was a promise not fulfilled and men were deceived, and the Serpent, at first a beneficent power in all lands, became the agent of evil, a "liar and the father of lies" (John 8:44). In Egypt it first commanded the utmost regard of his worshipers, but eventually it lost favor as in all other lands, and the sun-god of almost every people took its place, and the concealing and deceiving spirit was banished from the skies for all time. We cannot fail to find this perpetual fall of the water spirit from power in such old-time mere mortals as the following:
The first wind ever mentioned in Genesis is said to have come immediately after the flood for we read "And God remembered Noah, and every living thing, and all the cattle that were with him in the ark, and God made a wind to pass over the earth, and the waters were assuaged" (Genesis 8:1.). A wind at the close of the rain takes its place as a feature in the everlasting Covenant. A wind that is profoundly significant because it is incidentally a link in the great chain of Canopy testimony. The time of its occurrence is most fortunate for the solidarity of the claims here exploited . . . When the floods came and the heavens were opened the sun shone down upon the earth's surface as it had not done for many a century. On that day a new heaven came into view, and the winds were born; born, let me say, of a new heaven, and let us remember that new Deity names came into use as the new heaven came. So that when we turn to Greece and Rome and find the one chief and eternal Deity of those peoples as the thundering and storm-sending Jove, who came into power after two heavens passed away, we will have to admit that the Greek and Latin wind or wind-god also became an associate of the Greek and Latin thunderer; for as we have already seen, he was a god of the true sky—of the starry heaven. We need not look very far into the pantheons of these peoples before we find their wind-god, Boreas, and learn the most significant fact that he was the son of Astraeiis, a star deity and again we could go far afield. When the heavens opened the sun's energy began to operate directly upon one-half the world's surface. Of course the amount of that energy is beyond all human conception. It started the upward movement of heated air at the equator, and as an inevitable result this brought lateral currents from the poles, and eventuated in the establishment of a universal movement of atmospheric currents upon which all true rains, typhoons, tornadoes, cyclones, and every existing form of tempest, snow and hail depend. The earth turned on its axis and thus the trades were produced and with them the counter-trades. This system of air currents and their resultant rain sons change and day and night continue to alternate. They are inevitable associates and will never disappear until the sun burns out, or by some fortuity the earth becomes invested with sun concealing vapors again; in which case the planet would fall back again into antediluvian conditions, and if those vapors were dense enough they would make an Edenic Canopy, and repeat the old order.
In the beginning of the great expenditure of sun force, before the vast atmosphere could adopt an orderly movement such as obtains today, the first winds must have been exceedingly violent, for it must be remembered that the unheated half of the atmosphere was an immeasurable resistance to the immeasurable force resident in the other half, and the two hemispheres were pitched for conflict, and we cannot marvel that the sacred penman relates that the first wind we hear of was strong enough to overcome the flood, and "assuage its waters." Why was this wind an exceptional one? Why was its history transmitted through uncountable centuries, as tradition from father to son, as the wind of the Deluge? Because it was a new birth, one of the many new features of a new covenant, and as such it had to come after the forty days' rain. It was man's first wind, unless away back in the hoariest human antiquity—in inter-Canopic times—the infant race may have passed through a prior like experience. It was man, nursed in the lanp of geologic possibilities now forever ended, started on a new career in a new environment. (Further study) nl1313.htm
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Brother Grigor-Scott is a non-denominational minister who has ministered full- time since 1981, primarily to other ministers and their congregations overseas. He pastors Bible Believers' tiny congregation, and is available to teach in your church.
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