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Bible Believers' Newsletter 1307

"We focus on the present Truth – what Jesus is doing now. . ."
ISSN 1442-8660

Christian greetings in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ; we are pleased you could join us in fellowship around God's unchanging Word.

"Friends, it's the prayer of faith that saves the sick. Sometimes I've noticed the people . . . there's something in their life, that's just not tallying up right, when they find that out I can tell in the Spirit, the way It moves they want me to pray for them. See? . . . Prayer is the most vital force that God ever put into the hand of mankind. The most effective force that's known to man is prayer. Do you believe that? It is. It's prayer that changes things.

Look at Hezekiah, the prophet went up and said, "Hezekiah, you're not coming off the bed. God said you were going to die right there where you are."

And Hezekiah studied it over, if he just had fifteen years longer . . . Now remember, you've got to give God a cause, a reason. Now, he didn't say, "Just because I can get out there and ride around in a chariot, and show the people I'm a king." No, he wanted to rebuild the altars of God; and a few things had to be done to get the kingdom in order. And he prayed that God would give him fifteen years longer, and he wept bitterly, just wept to God. He said, "God, I beseech You to consider me. I've walked before You with a perfect heart."

How many of us can say tonight that we've walked before Him with a perfect heart?

"I've walked before You, Lord, with a perfect heart. And I ask You to consider me. Now, I want . . ."

And God Almighty, Jehovah, reconsidered that man's case, because he prayed. Think of that. Almighty God, that had pronounced death upon the man, reconsidered His case. My, Great Jehovah, to a mortal, to one of the earth, would reconsider His Word that He'd said to him" (52-0716, Thou Knowest All Things).

Be in prayer for Brethren and Ministers in the circle of this Message, and for me. Our Main Article is "Jacob's Trouble – a Non-Semitic Anti-Semitic Dystopian Broader Abrahamic Alliance." We press into the revelation of God's unchanging Word and history knowing that we have been taught untruths, and as the great men pass we discover their rewards were of this world and expended in this life: for "Light in the evening time has exposed their shame" as noted in our first news item.

Errata: Several spelling mistakes in Newsletter nl1306 have been corrected, and the rapture commenced in 1963, not 1961 (Matthew 25:6; I Thessalonians 4:16a).

This Newsletter serves those of like precious faith. Whoever will receive the truth is welcome to feed their soul from the waters of the River of Life. Everything here presented should be confirmed personally in your own Bible.

Your brother-in-Christ
Anthony Grigor-Scott

Mossad's Pager Op. inside Israel's Penetration of Hezbollah

October 5, 2024 — Israel's elaborate plan to sabotage Hezbollah communications devices to kill or maim thousands of its operatives . . . In the initial sales pitch to Hezbollah two years ago, the new line of Apollo pagers seemed precisely suited. The AR924 pager was bulky but rugged, built to survive battlefield conditions. It boasted a waterproof Taiwanese design and an oversized battery that could operate for months without charging. Best of all, there was no risk that the pagers could ever be tracked by Israel's intelligence services. Hezbollah's leaders were so impressed they bought 5,000 and began handing them out to mid-level fighters and support personnel in February.

None of the users suspected they were wearing a satanically crafted Israeli bomb. And even after thousands of the devices exploded in Lebanon and Syria, few appreciated the pagers' most sinister feature: a two-step de-encryption procedure that ensured most users would be holding the pager with both hands when it detonated . . . The idea for the pager operation originated in 2022, according to the Israeli, Middle Eastern and US officials familiar with the events.

The first part of the plan, booby-trapped walkie-talkies, began being inserted into Lebanon by Mossad nearly a decade ago, in 2015. The mobile two-way radios contained oversized battery packs, a hidden explosive and a transmission system that gave Israel complete access to Hezbollah communications.

For nine years, the Israelis contented themselves with eavesdropping on Hezbollah, the officials said, while reserving the option to turn the walkie-talkies into bombs in a future crisis. Then came a new opportunity and a glitzy new product: a small pager equipped with a powerful explosive. In an irony that would not become clear for many months, Hezbollah would end up indirectly paying the Israelis for the tiny bombs that would kill or wound many of its operatives.

Because Hezbollah leaders were alert to possible sabotage, the pagers could not originate in Israel, the United States or any other Israeli ally. So, in 2023, the group began receiving solicitations for the bulk purchase of Taiwanese-branded Apollo pagers, a well-recognized trademark and product line with a worldwide distribution and no discernible links to Israeli or Jewish interests. The Taiwanese company had no knowledge of the plan, officials said.

The sales pitch came from a marketing official trusted by Hezbollah with links to Apollo. The marketing official, a woman whose identity and nationality officials declined to reveal, was a former Middle East sales representative for the Taiwanese firm who had established her own company and acquired a license to sell a line of pagers that bore the Apollo brand. Sometime in 2023, she offered Hezbollah a deal on one of the products her firm sold: the rugged and reliable AR924.

"She was the one in touch with Hezbollah, and explained to them why the bigger pager with the larger battery was better than the original model," said an Israeli official briefed on details of the operation. One of the main selling points about the AR924 was that it was "possible to charge with a cable. And the batteries were longer lasting," the official said.

As it turned out, the actual production of the devices was outsourced and the marketing official had no knowledge of the operation and was unaware that the pagers were physically assembled in Israel under Mossad oversight, officials said. Mossad's pagers, each weighing less than three ounces included a unique feature: a battery pack that concealed a tiny amount of a powerful explosive, according to the officials familiar with the plot.

Also invisible was Mossad's remote access to the devices. An electronic signal from the intelligence service could trigger the explosion of thousands of the devices at once. But, to ensure maximum damage, the blast could also be triggered by a special two-step procedure required for viewing secure messages that had been encrypted.

"You had to push two buttons to read the message," an official said. In practice, that meant using both hands.

In the ensuing explosion, the users would almost certainly "wound both their hands," the official said, and thus "would be incapable to fight."

Most top elected officials in Israel were unaware of the capability until Sept. 12. That's the day Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu summoned his intelligence advisers for a meeting to discuss potential action against Hezbollah, Israeli officials said.

In Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, meanwhile, the debate over the Hezbollah campaign expanded to include another profoundly consequential target: Nasrallah himself.

Mossad had known of the leader's whereabouts in Lebanon for years and tracked his movements closely, officials said. Yet the Israelis held their fire, certain that an assassination would lead to all-out war with the militia group and perhaps with Iran as well. American diplomats had been pressing Nasrallah to agree to a separate cease-fire with Israel, without links to the fighting in Gaza, hoping for a deal that could lead to the withdrawal of Hezbollah fighters from the southern Lebanese bases that threatened Israeli citizens in communities near the border.

Senior Israeli officials said they voiced support for the cease-fire proposal, but Nasrallah withheld his consent, insisting on a cease-fire for Gaza first, US and Middle Eastern officials said. Some senior political and military officials in Israel remained deeply uncertain about targeting Nasrallah, fearing the fallout in the region.

On Sept. 17, even as the debate in Israel's highest national security circles about whether to strike the Hezbollah leader raged on, thousands of Apollo-branded pagers rang or vibrated at once, all across Lebanon and Syria. A short sentence in Arabic appeared on the screen: "You received an encrypted message," it said.

Hezbollah operatives dutifully followed the instructions for checking coded messages, pressing two buttons. In houses and shops, in cars and on sidewalks, explosions ripped apart hands and blew away fingers. Less than a minute later, thousands of other pagers exploded by remote command, regardless of whether the user ever touched his device.

The following day, on Sept. 18, hundreds of walkie-talkies blew up in the same way, killing and maiming users and bystanders.

It was the first of a series of blows aimed at the heart of one of Israel's most ardent foes. As Hezbollah reeled, Israel struck again, pounding the group's headquarters, arsenals and logistics centers with 2,000-pound bombs.

The largest series of airstrikes occurred on Sept. 27, 10 days after the pagers exploded. The attack, targeting a deeply buried command center in Beirut, was ordered by Netanyahu as he traveled to New York for a United Nations speech in which he declared, speaking to Hezbollah, "enough is enough."

"We will not accept a terror army perched on our northern border, able to perpetrate another Oct. 7-style massacre," Netanyahu said in the speech.

The next day, Sept. 28, Hezbollah confirmed what most of the world already knew: Nasrallah, the group's fiery leader and sworn enemy of Israel, was dead . . .
Full story:

Comment: God assigned Lebanon to Israel but it was never conquered (Joshua 13:2-6; Judges 3:1-3). It was under the Phoenicians in Solomon's time and subsequently (I Kings 5:2-6; Ezra 3:7). The prophesied imminent defeat of Israel (Isaiah 13:6-16; Joel 2:1 - 3:2; Zechariah 14:1-5; Revelation 16:19) will hasten the exodus of non-Semitic anti-Semitic self-styled Israeli Jews forever departing the Holy Land with their ungodly "way of Deception." This will see the repatriation of Semitic Israelites and restoration of other Semitic peoples in one Israel incorporating Lebanon.

If Tehran is turned 'into a Parking Lot' Israel will soon Follow

October 10, 2024 — Americans are under the illusion that the United States will prevail in a war with Iran. But it's not true . . . Iran has been preparing for a war with the US for over two decades . . . They have developed a missile technology that far exceeds anything . . . in the Pentagon's arsenal and they are fully prepared to conduct a protracted asymmetrical war that will trigger a cataclysmic disruption of critical supply lines followed by the thundering crash of global markets . . . If the US attacks Iran, Washington is going to suffer a withering knockout blow that will end its dominance in the region and perhaps the world.

The top brass in the Pentagon know this as do many in the Intelligence community. (Listen to General Andrew Macgregor They know that a war with Iran is a bridge too far and a fast-track to the dustbin of history . . . make no mistake, US generals and military leaders do not want this war, and that is why Israel's attack on Iran has been delayed . . . the United States cannot win a conventional war with Iran and, if it tries to do so, it's going to see its military bases, airfields and a sizable number of its servicemen vanish in a pillar of black smoke. Check out this blurb from Scott Ritter who explains what lies ahead:

Let's remember that when Trump was president, the Iranians shot down a Global Hawk Drone worth over $100 million dollars. . . . which enraged Trump. And, he said we need to strike the air-defense sites that took down the Global Hawk. The Pentagon told him that if 'we do this' you are going to set into motion a cycle of escalation that will end with Iran destroying every single one of our (military) bases (in the region) and there's nothing we can do to stop them . . . as well as shutting down the Strait of Hormuz and disrupting global oil supplies triggering a collapse of the global economy. And you are going to order us to invade Iran. But we can't do that right now . . . It would take us months or years to assemble the forces needed to take the action you are talking about, and, even then, there is no guarantee of victory. "Are you sure you want to do this Mr. President"? And Trump said "No".

. . . Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have already been briefed on this reality. Donald Trump is already familiar with it. We cannot defeat Iran in a conventional fight. And here's the game changer: The IRGC came out with a press release saying . . . "The Islamic faith allows things to change over time if a threat emerges against the Islamic Republic. And, if this threat does manifest itself, Iran will reconsider its stance on nuclear weapons . . . (The Muslims have principles, Adolf Hitler banned production of nuclear arms because they are barbaric. The USA is a rogue state killing its way to Jewry's desired One World Government from their homeland Khazaria—the Ukraine. Rome will rule the World as the Bible plainly states - Ed.).

Look how close Iran put their country to US basesThis is a game changer. The days of the United States intimidating Iran are over, passed, finished. And the same with Israel; Israel can be wiped out tomorrow. Iran is prepared to fire 2,000 missiles at Israel in the span of a few hours. These missiles would destroy the entire infrastructure of Israel including every power plant, every water purification plant, everything that deals with modern civilized society will be eliminated because it can't be defended and Israel has nothing to fall back upon. They will literally be bombed back to the Stone Age, and that's without using nuclear weapons. Scott Ritter and Judge Napolitano:

This is why Brother Branham prophesied, "(God) sent a persecution here and a persecution there, and I've run the Jews and drove them as hard as I could. And they've drove back in. Many Jews in the United States (which they won't escape from) has already received the Holy Ghost (as Christians). But I've got all of the hundred and forty-four thousand standing there (in Israel) that's going to receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost" (54-0103M, Questions & Answers #1, par. 234-235).

Here's an excerpt from an article that shows just how vulnerable US bases in the region really are Does it sound like the authors are advising US powerbrokers to "get outta Dodge pronto" to avoid an unprecedented catastrophe? Does it sound like US bases and personnel are over-exposed and likely to be obliterated by Iran's state-of-the-art ballistic missiles? Does it sound like Bibi's vengeful retaliation could cost American lives and compromise American interests?

In closing his roadmap to Tehran's victory, McKenzie bitterly laments, "It is hard to escape the conclusion that our current basing structure is poorly postured for the most likely fight that will emerge." The Empire "will not be able to maintain these bases in a full-throated conflict, because they will be rendered unusable by sustained Iranian attack." Imperial overreach in West Asia has now fallen victim to "the simple tyranny of geography" . . . As Russian military strategist Igor Korotchenko once observed, "This Anglo-Saxon breed understands nothing but force." Collapsing Empire: Iran Throws Down Gauntlet.

Iranian parliament is reportedly drafting a bill to create an official military alliance between all parties of the resistance axis which includes Iran, Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Hezbollah, and Hamas. (See The bill mentions the creation of a joint operation room and a unified military infrastructure, as well as joint military exercises and an obligation to send military and humanitarian aid in case of any act of aggression by the US or Israel against any one of the parties – Tasnim. Full story:

Comment: US sea power is in weakness, according to the Sailing Plan "The President of the People's Republic of China has ordered his forces to be ready for war by 2027." The naval power that claims to dominate the oceans and seas since 1945 has accepted its rival taking the initiative to choose the time of war. Laying her knitting aside US Navy Commander Admiral Lisa Franchetti "If we accept that some of the ships in the port at their home bases will be made ready for combat in a short time, we can accept that the readiness level will be around 50% with the highest optimism. The document very interestingly refers to the asymmetric naval successes of the fleetless Ukraine and the bare foot Houthi fighters in the Red and Black Seas, implying that the weakness of the navy will be offset by unmanned vehicles and robotic systems. This fleet is not even sufficient for their own needs . . . It is clear that these numbers will be extremely insufficient in a two-front war with China and Russia on the Atlantic/European and Asia/Pacific fronts.

The US is unprepared for a major power conflict which is developing. If a conflict with China were to break out tomorrow, the American Navy would have very little chance of winning because it is not ready (

North Korea Enhancing Strategic Arsenal, First Nuclear-powered Submarine

October 10, 2024 — There aren't many countries in the world that have been subjected to as much ridicule as North Korea . . . yet, in reality, Pyongyang is ahead of the entire political West (the United States included) in critical technologies such as hypersonic weapons . . . unlike the US, North Korea actually fields these missiles . . . Only . . . the US, UK, France, Russia, China and India [operate nuclear subs]. Australia is in the process of acquiring them from Washington DC [undelivered the Millennium, stupidity. Be neutral and friend with our largest market] . . . The gruesome war crimes and atrocities committed by the US military during the Korean War [deaths of up 30 percent of the North Korean Population] are ingrained in the memory of millions of Koreans . . . Full story:

Comment: The long-pervasive belief in American military supremacy is a myth; a mirage; a fallacious narrative fashioned from fables and Hollywood films. The US military has not won a war since WW2. They have mercilessly bombed the life out of many smaller, weaker countries, killed millions of people, and yet never once achieved strategic victory. Not since WW2 have they faced anything even faintly approximating high-intensity warfare. Indeed, never at any time in history has the US military fought against a great power adversary at the height of its strength. And now, here in 2024, the US military has never been in a more weakened state relative to any of its potential great power adversaries—namely, Russia, China, and Iran . . . An epoch of great changes is upon us – Will Schryver @imetatronink.

Israel's Year of Killing, Maiming, Starving & Terrorizing Gaza

October 7 2024 — Israel's Year of Killing, Maiming, Starving, and Terrorizing the People of Gaza: taking stock of the human toll of one year of destruction in the densely packed Gaza Strip.

Statistics can't tell the story of civilian suffering in Gaza. Physical pain defies easy quantification. Emotional trauma is far more than a number on a psychological distress scale. Still, numbers can be enlightening—and damning. The Intercept has assembled a short primer and accompanying infographics to offer a glimpse of what a year of relentless Israeli attacks—and US military support for Israel—has meant to the people of Gaza . . . "They hit us with two or three barrels of explosives and brought the Mosque buildings down," Mohammad Abu Daqqa, a relative of the family, told CNN . . . More than 2 million other Palestinian civilians have been killed, wounded, or displaced as a result . . . 66% of all buildings destroyed.

Late last month, Israel announced it had reached a deal with the US for an $8.7 billion aid package to support its ongoing military efforts. In August, the Biden administration approved five major arms sales to Israel, including 50 F-15 fighter aircraft, tank ammunition, tactical vehicles, air-to-air missiles, and 50,000 mortar rounds, among other equipment totaling more than $20 billion. While technically "sales," the cost of these weapons is mostly paid by the United States since Israel uses much of the military aid Congress approves to buy US-made weapons . . . Compared with other urban areas attacked in the past 100 years, the Gaza Strip is far more densely populated—easily besting Dresden, Germany, in 1945; Quàng Tri in South Vietnam in 1968; and Mariupol, Ukraine in 2022. "When explosive weapons are used in densely populated areas, the vast majority of victims are civilians and the effects are felt for decades to come," said CIVIC's Chappell. "Palestinian civilians in Gaza have now endured a year of constant bombardment and unimaginable loss. The Israeli military has left nowhere safe for civilians in Gaza" . . . Full story:

Comment: 77 groups—representing tens of thousands of lawyers, civil society leaders, and activists from six continents—filed an amicus brief in a lawsuit that Palestinian human rights organizations, residents of Gaza, and US citizens with family members impacted by Israel's ongoing assault brought against the Biden administration

What is actually going on in North Carolina?

October 11, 2024 — Devastation of Cyclone Helene; FEMA has shut down all of the relief operations that were going on, helicopters and crews doing nothing. FEMA were a disaster in Cyclone Katrina and Puerto Rico, concentrating on idealogical political matters like the hoax of climate change (sic) they were set up to fail. Must we have fifteen minute cities? The Media is not holding government accountable. Full story:

Comment: The director of the UN World Food Program in September of last year: dire warnings about a coming global famine, planned depopulation.

So it's curious to me that, at the very time the globalists are warning about food shortages and famine, their mouthpieces at the World Bank, the UN, and within the administrations of the US and its allies (notice China and Russia are nowhere to be found in these preposterous anti-food policies), are talking about converting over to a new and unproven form of "sustainable" farming that's focused more on reducing methane than it is on producing the highest yields of food . . . signing onto this pledge to transform their farm policies are the US, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Chile, Czech Republic, Ecuador, Germany, Panama, Peru and Spain (

US Navy at Scene of Nord Stream blasts

October 9, 2024 — Prior to the explosions that destroyed the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines in the Baltic Sea, US Navy ships were present at the location, according to a local harbormaster quoted in the Danish newspaper Politiken.

The Nord Stream 2 pipelines, a major infrastructure project aimed at delivering natural gas from Russia to Europe, were targeted in an act of sabotage in September 2022, with Moscow pointing fingers at the West or Ukraine. In August, The Wall Street Journal reported that Ukrainian businessmen had funded the attack on the project, although Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky had ordered to halt the attack at the CIA's request.

Russia, however, insisted that the reports shared by WSJ were a mere tactic to divert attention from the actual perpetrators, saying its findings were improbable. Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov affirmed that Russian Intelligence is certain that major states were involved in the sabotage . . . John Anker Nielsen, the harbormaster of the Danish port of Christianso, which lies near Bornholm . . . opted to publish information on the September 2022 events . . . he initiated a rescue mission in the region four or five days before the Nord Stream blasts after noticing ships with their transponders turned off and presuming an emergency. However, once Danish rescuers neared the site, they discovered that the warships in issue were US Navy ships . . . the Naval Command then instructed Nielsen and his colleagues to turn back. Full story:

Assange's 1st Public Statement after Release: 'Pled Guilty to Journalism'

October 1, 2024 — WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange made his first public remarks since he was released from prison in June. "I am not free because the system worked. I am free today because I pled guilty to journalism," Assange told the Legal Affairs and Human Rights Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, France. Assange was released in June this year after spending 5 years in British prison. Full story:

Is the Troubled Macron Government Risking War with Russia?

October 10, 2024 — “Paris is preparing for a world war "the pro-war French president has already come up with alarming plans which could clearly lead to a war between NATO and Russia." Thousands of French soldiers will be deployed to Romania in May and train for a major war. France is reportedly even sending "Mirage 2000-5" fighter jets to the Neo-Nazi junta . . . Full story:

Jacob's Trouble – a Non-Semitic Anti-Semitic Dystopian Broader Abrahamic Alliance

A minister wrote: Thank you for the comprehensive Newsletter on Brother Branham's visit to Germany with respect to "The Hoax of the Twentieth Century." The Lord conceals His secrets but when a vision begins to unfold the actors require their lines. Our wise Brother writes:

In Genesis 22:1-2, God tried Abraham by asking him to sacrifice his son, Isaac. This command was a surprise because He had promised to establish a great nation through Isaac. Knowing God was able Abraham obeyed in trust and the Lord provided a substitute, and He is our Substitute.

In I Samuel 16:1-2, having rejected Saul as king, God sent His prophet Samuel to anoint a son of Jesse. He began with the big strong brothers, rejecting one after the other. Finally David came, a little ruddy fellow, stooped shoulders perhaps, with a little sheep coat around him, Samuel ran and poured the oil on him. "This is God's choice".

In Daniel 12:8-9, the prophet received many end time visions; they were often veiled and sealed for a later time. God did not disclose their full import but those mysteries are opening for us today.

In Luke 24:15-16, after His resurrection Jesus walked on the road to Emmaus with two disciples. God withheld their recognition of Jesus' until He had them established in the faith (Luke 24:31).

Joshua 9:14-15, "The men of Israel did not ask THUS SAITH THE LORD and Joshua made peace with (the Serpent seed cities of Gibeon, Chephirah, Beeroth, and Kirjath–jearim) by an alliance contrary to Deuteronomy 7:1-3 and the princes of the congregation swore to let them live." The Gibeonites true identity was hidden until it was too late and Cain's people remained in the Promised Land. Obedience is better than sacrifice: God does not change His mind on His Word. During the captivity Esau/Edom squatted in the lands of Simeon, Benjamin and Judah. After four years Judah's high priest John Hyrcanus I forcibly assimilated these "Jews" who would sacrifice Messiah. Four years from now the Judaeo-Roman false church will forcibly assimilate everyone, Jew or Gentile on pain of death (Matthew 27:25; Revelation 13:15-18; 15:1-4).

Malachi 4:5, 6b, Brother Branham, the fourth Elijah was at Cairo, Egypt waiting to fly to Jerusalem. Brother Lewi Pethrus from Stockholm had sent a quantity of Hebrew New Testaments to Israel and the people were reading. They said, "Well, if this be the Messiah, let us see him do the sign of a prophet (Hebrews 4:12), and we'll believe him".

The Holy Ghost said, "Don't go now." He thought, "I was imagining. My ticket's bought; I'm on my road. They're out there to meet me, the whole group, schools and so forth".

He walked a little farther, and the Spirit said, "Don't go. Don't you go." He changed his ticket to Athens, Greece, to Mars Hill. "The Holy Spirit's waiting; the hour hasn't come just yet (for Israel's fifth Elijah and Moses). It isn't just right. . . . "They are the servants of God; and the Gentile never was considered a servant. We are sons and daughters, not servants" (57-0925, Q&A on Hebrews, par. 61-67, 69).

Brother Branham spoke in the vernacular, seldom distinguishing blood Israelites from their enemies; in the Divine providence Israelites are impersonated by the East European Khazars and Edomite Jews whose lies and the power of usury rules the world. He seldom mentions the millions of Christian Germans and Russians brutally exterminated by Jewish imposters. God left these revelations for His end-time Bride to separate the wise from the foolish virgin by discernment.

Blind Bartimaeus thought: "If He is that Messiah, He's a Prophet." You can imagine him on his knees, shivering, and saying, "Oh, Jehovah, I've longed to see Him all my life. If that's Messiah passing by, let me touch Him, Lord. I can't get to Him. Oh, can my faith reach Him? Oh, let me touch Him, Lord."

About that time, Jesus stopped, and said, "Bring him here." He couldn't have heard him; he was too distant, all that howling mob, but his faith stopped Him. And look where He was going: to Jerusalem with the sins of the world. But the faith of one blind beggar (Amen) stopped Him. And the faith of one person here tonight will bring Him from glory down here to do the same thing (61-0414, Be not Afraid it is I, par. 58).

The Lord withheld factual history on this sensitive issue ('holocaust') from His prophet Brother Branham to serve His predestined purpose under the Sixth Trumpet of World War II. Burdened as he was with many schedules like Noah preparing the way for his household to escape impending judgment. God hid Naamah's Serpent seed lineage from Noah's consciousness. The Lord knew Noah would never have taken her to wife were he not so intensely distracted with the responsibilities of the vessel, the birds and animals, seeds and provisions. Only after they were ship shape and safely at sea did Noah realize, too late, that the Lord God was destroying all life on earth to eradicate the seed of Cain. Too late, but Noah made a means whereby he would sire no children by her.

Today the 144,000 elect Israelites are one Trumpet ahead of martyrdom and four horns of the altar of incense closer to entering the Holy of holies in the glorious new birth and glorification of the nation. Satan and even his children hidden in modern Jewry needed Palestine! The 'holocaust' propaganda was the game changer for Satan and his children. And for God and His elect, the prophet's knowledge of the history and make up of East European Jews as Khazars were never at risk of elimination, given the complete absence of gas chambers in every German camp. The 144,000 elect Israelites will recognize their perfidious enemy when their revelation comes, and nothing will hinder the fulfillment of prophecies whose end is to glorify God alone. As the born-again 144,000 elect Israelites are martyred they will "Sing the song of Moses the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying, Great and marvelous are Your works, Lord God Almighty; just and true are Thy ways, You King of Nations. Who shall not reverence You, O Lord, and glorify Your Name? For You alone are holy: for all nations shall come and worship before You; for Your judgments are made manifest".

The fulfillment of prophecies in which Satan and his wicked children are directly involved in bringing Scripture to pass are hid from them. However, "we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory: which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory" (I Corinthians 2:7-8).

Question to God's Prophet: "Brother Branham, did you prophesy that there'd be a million Negroes killed or did you just announce that there would be this happening?"

Answer: "Now, see, I've always asked you to be careful what you're listening to. See? There's so much of it that it's just the human aide. But always if there is something that goes forth, It will speak it, "It's THUS SAITH THE LORD," even to visions or anything" (63-0721, He Cares. Do You Care? par. 6-7).

"The visions on the platform, in the audience, you are doing that yourself; it isn't God, it's you. See? God doesn't produce that vision; you do it yourself by your faith in a Divine gift." (Brother Branham is referring to the infallible Messianic sign by which the disciples and others recognized that Jesus was the Messiah. Hebrews 4:12, "For the Word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart" (for instance Matthew 9:18-26, John 1:45-51; 4:5-30, 39-42 and Acts 5:1-11).

This Gift enabled Jesus and his Prophet to discern the thoughts and intents of an individual's heart. Hereby Brother Branham's ministry revealed Jesus Christ, the Son of man (Luke 17:28-30).

Jesus spoke of Brother Branham in Luke 17:28-30 when He prophesied, "Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; but the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed" . . . and it was.
Body of Christ
From the birth of Messiah's Bride, the Church, on the Day of Pentecost to the close of the Seventh Church Age, Jesus occupied the office Son of God as Mediator, interceding for the believers' ignorance of the fullness of the Word so long as the Bible was sealed. He honoured their faith in the Word delivered by the angel to their Church Age and Baptized them into their place in His Body, the Church. In March 1963, the last or Laodicea Church Age ended in apostasy (Revelation 3:15-20; I Corinthians 13:10-13): Christ's mediation was fulfilled; the Mercy Seat is now the Judgment Seat where Christ is Judge as Son of man. When the elders advertized for a Kinsman Redeemer no one throughout history was worthy to open the Book and loose it's Seals: the people wept (Revelation 4 - 5). Then one of the elders told John "Don't weep: behold, the Lion that is of the Tribe of Judah, the Root of David prevailed to open the Book and its Seven Seals. Christ came forth as a bleeding bloody Lamb and took the Book from the right hand of Him that sat upon the Throne". Was that elder the fourth Elijah, the angel or Messenger of Revelation 1:1 and 10:7 who introduced Christ's unseen second or (Gk.) 'parousia' Coming as John the Baptist had introduced His (Gk.) physical first Coming (Matthew 3)? Brother Branham, a sinner saved by grace, veiled and revealed Christ the Son of man by healing the sick, raising the dead, prophesying and discerning the thoughts and intents of peoples' hearts.

When we read Brother Branham's Message "The Feast of the Trumpets" (64-0719M, par. 157-175) and "The Fifth Seal," (63-0322, par. 286) reporting on his visit to Auschwitz Concentration Camp you will notice the Holy Spirit did not confirm his commentary "THUS SAITH THE LORD" as he was reciting the propaganda of a deceived guide. That never happened. The indoctrinated Khazar guide was peddling deception like the Talmudic Edomites of Esau's Cainite lineage who confronted Jesus in John 8: "We are Abraham's seed." True, but they were not in Jacob's lineage and are excluded from God's Covenant and His promise to Abraham. Jesus said, "You are of your father the Devil, and the lusts of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the Truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks the lie he speaks of his own race and nature; for he is a liar, and the father of lying" (See Matthew 23:15-36).

Newsletter 1304 quotes statistics, history and medical data from the most authoritative Jewish sources stating that 90% of Jewry are non-Semitic and excluded from the Mosaic Covenant. Furthermore, all rabbis and Jews (so-called) living without the Land of the Covenant are without the Covenant. Their one path to receive God's Promise to Abraham is Spiritual birth in Jesus Messiah and becoming written epistles of "the present Truth" . . . what Jesus is doing NOW (II Peter 1:12; Acts 2:38-39).

In modern times, the hysteria whipped up around the concepts of "anti-Semitism" and "the Holocaust" ™ (so-called), caused frightened and guilt-laden Gentiles—even nominal Christians—to halt almost all critical inquiry into the thesis that Judaism is synonymous with the Old Testament. To view the thesis with skepticism is another thought-crime, another exercise in heinous "anti-Semitism" that would of course, inevitably lead to another "Holocaust" ™.

Did you notice that God upheld "THUS SAITH THE LORD?" Gas chambers and a 'holocaust' of six million Jews is a bold lie! The Lord may have inspired His Prophet to safeguard his German host, perhaps his own security and the safety of genuine Semitic Israelites of Jacob's line resident in Germany where it is a crime to deny the third "Holocaust" ™ of the 20th century. The Talmud (Gittin 57b) states that Vespasian killed 4 billion Jews in the city of Bethar and that Hadrian slaughtered 1.2 million Jews in Alexandria. Gittin 58a claims the Romans wrapped 64 million Jewish children in scrolls and burned them alive. However ancient demography indicates there were not 64 million Jews in the entire world at that time, much less 64 million Jewish children, or four billion Jews.

The rationale for censorship of certain "offensive" passages, or even the phase-out of "obsolete" versions of the New Testament, such as the Douai-Rheims and King James, is the temporal chauvinist appeal to the phantasmagoria that is due to the so-called "Holocaust" ™, we have now entered a revolutionary new age, where we are duty-bound to scrutinize every traditional Western thought and action of the past 2,000 years in light of whether or not these thoughts or actions may have contributed to making the "Holocaust" ™ possible, and therefore "THUS SAITH THE LORD".

Germany is Our ProblemThe "struggle for survival" against "the Nazi menace" became transformed into a struggle for the attainment of Zionist aims, and to this end the legend of the "extermination of the Jews" was invented in London, New York and Washington, and culminated in (the Jew) Roosevelt's setting up the War Refugee Board (WRB). This was formed in January 1944 and included Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau (nominal author of the notorious Morgenthau plan for the post-war despoliation of Germany), Hull and Secretary of War Stimson; but it was dominated by (the Jew) Morgenthau. (The Morgenthau Plan was the insane genocidal plan against German civilians; a proposal to weaken Germany following World War II by deindustrialization. This included the removal or destruction of all industrial plants and equipment in the Ruhr).

"In order for the reader to completely grasp the nature of this development, and its import in terms of our subject, we should go beyond noting the obvious fact that the WRB was to serve, to a great extent, as simply an instrument of the World Jewish Congress and other Zionist organizations. The Communist apparatus was also one of the directors involved, for the person to whom Morgenthau had delegated all of the Treasury's powers in the areas relevant to the WRB was (the Jew) Harry Dexter White (Weit), later exposed as a Soviet agent" (Butz).

In 1944 the WRB issued a booklet "German Extermination Camps: Auschwitz and Birkenau." This report constituted the formal birth of the 'official' thesis of exterminations via gas chamber at Auschwitz. In it all of the essentials and many of the details of the later Auschwitz hoax are found. The Nuremberg charges grew out of the WRB report" (Butz).

Reich Lief and Rehabilitation Administration was set up—clearly an organization with post-war objectives. When the war ended the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA) set up Displaced Persons camps. In 1946, British General Sir Frederick Morgan, nominal head of UNRRA operations in Germany, at a press conference in Frankfurt, charged that an organized Jewish group was sponsoring an exodus of Jews from Poland into the US zone of Germany. "They certainly do not look like a persecuted people. I believe they have got a plan, a positive plan, to get out of Europe." They had plenty of money, to a great extent occupation Reich Marks, printed by the Russians. (Butz remarks: "It may be recalled by the reader that one of the most spectacular acts of the Soviet agent Harry Dexter White, whom we encountered . . . as the boss of the Treasury's international operations, was his transmission to the Russians of the plates of the US occupation currency").

A demand was made for General Morgan's dismissal. This was not immediately effected, but he was fired in August, I946; and this was because he had exposed a state of affairs that was being concealed from the world. "The Jews, mainly Polish, were pouring into Western Germany from the East and passing through the UNRRA operated camps. In these camps many of them received military instruction, for the invasion of Palestine, from uniformed non-commissioned officers of the British and US armies. Although it was the case that almost none wanted to go to Palestine but to the US, every means of forcing immigration to Palestine was employed. Summing up his association with UNRRA, General Morgan wrote in his memoirs (Peace and War, 1961): 'To serve such an outfit is beyond description'." (Butz).

In Paris, two other American members of the Committee, Dr. Macdonald of the State Department, and Ambassador Phillips, interviewed Guy de Rothschild, the son of Baron Edmund, who informed them that he had escaped to London during the war and there joined General de Gaulle's government in exile. They learnt that the younger members of the Rothschild family, on both sides of the Channel, were all Zionists now. In Vienna, Mr. Crum had a revealing conversation with General Mark Clark, who carried out the pro-Communist-Zionist policy laid down by General 'Ike' Eisenhower:

"General Clark emphasized to us that the American policy (in Central and Eastern Europe.—Ed.) was to keep the borders open at all costs. (We want to give the Jews trying to get out of Poland a chance to save their lives). This policy originated by General Eisenhower, and strongly backed by President Truman, was carried out with great difficulties, I gathered, because of transportation troubles, absence of adequate food supplies, and opposition from British sources" ("Behind the Silken Curtain," p. 107-108; Jensen, The Palestine Plot p. 25-26).

"We took some trouble to investigate this underground movement through Austria. One stream was coming from Poland across Czechoslovakia and then through the Russian zone into Vienna . . . A transit camp had been established for these migrants in the Rothschild Hospital in the American zone of Vienna (Israel is a Rothschild project).

"The Minister of the Interior (in the Austrian Government) bluntly told us that the American practice of according special accommodation and rations to unemployed eastern Jews in their zone of Austria while hard-working Austrians starved, was causing bitter resentment and anti-Semitism" (Ibid, p. 100).

". . . Dr. Flaiszer singled out for particular recognition the work of Colonel Bernstein, who had been Financial Adviser to General Eisenhower, and was Director of the Finance Division of the Allied Military Government Administration, and who was attached to the US Treasury from 1933, onwards".

"November 13, 1946: Four Arab and two British Police constables were killed by Jewish terrorists when a police trolley was blown up".

"November 18, 1946: One English captain and four soldiers were killed and six injured in one day of terrorism. The Captain was killed by a land mine explosion near Ras El-Ain; the other casualties resulted when Jewish terrorists blew up a police truck between Tel Aviv and Sarona" ("The Black Paper on the Jewish Agency;" see Jensen, The 'Palestine' Plot.pdf p. 115-116).

But General Morgan was completely vindicated by a House of Commons Select Committee Report (H. M. Stationery Office, No. 190, Nov. 5, 1946) which said that "very large numbers of Jews, almost amounting to a second exodus, have been migrating from Eastern Europe to the American zones in Germany and Austria with the intention, in the majority of cases, of finally making their way to Palestine. It is clear that it is a highly organized movement, with ample funds and great influence behind it, but the Sub-Committee was unable to obtain any evidence who are the real instigators." A second corroboration came in the Report of a War Investigating Committee sent to Europe by the US Senate; this said that heavy migration of Jews from Eastern Europe into the American Zone of Germany was "part of a carefully organized plan financed by special groups in the United States."

Butz makes sufficient comment on this: "Palestine was not invaded by six million dead Jews, or, indeed, by any dead Jews".

(This supports the authorities mentioned above, confirming that the vast majority of "Jews" in modern Israel are non-Semitic Cainite Khazars or apostate Japhethites. There is simply no evidence that all Jews are all Semitic. Quite the contrary, as the Zionist invaders proved, and Golda Meir notoriously reiterated, Israel is and must remain a European country.
Israel is a transit to the USA and Canada as New Zealand is a transit to Australia. Modern Israel's leaders are predominantly non- Semitic citizens of the world and soldiers of fortune).

There is, however, something further in all this. Any government powerful enough to engage in war, whether by offense or by defense, necessarily treats its own nationals as troops. Hitler, or whoever, must have known that large numbers of Germans would be killed if he went to war.
The number of Germans 'exterminated' in World War II (and I) certainly exceeded the number of Jews allegedly 'exterminated'; and this applies to other major combatants.

Similarly, the references to an organized exodus of Jews to Palestine raises the question, who organized the exodus, and directed it to its destination? There are reports that large numbers of Jews believed they were going to America (whither previous exoduses had been directed—mainly to New York, and for political reasons), and others were simply bewildered and under orders. Various reports indicate that the conditions under which the 1946 exodus took place were appalling, particularly the (illegal) sea transport to Palestine. They were sent there, after military training, to make war on the Arabs—and later, on the British. What distinguishes this from the German conquest of Czechoslovakia? In this respect, then, their organizer—their government—was anti-Semitic. And the Arabs are Semitic. This brings us back to Douglas's central thesis: that centralization of power over initiative as opposed to individual freedom is a persistent and conscious policy (

Behind the Old Testament mask we find the Babylonian Talmud, Edomite and Khazar Jews, Calvary and Imperial Rome. Behind the New Testament mask we find Judaeo-Roman Catholicism, later Fascism, International Socialism (Communism), National Socialism (Zionism and Hitler's National Socialism). In 2014 Khazar-dominated USA recovered the homeland of Khazaria and is intent on re-conquering Russia which they lost when the USSR failed and democracy replaced Judaeo-Communism. The Judaeo-Roman Catholic church seeks to overwrite the unscriptural Eastern Orthodoxy trinity with its own unscriptural trinity.

The United States want World War III to take place in Europe but President Putin will preempt matters along with Iran and the Muslim nations of North Africa and the Middle East that have accommodated the Children of Jacob for 3,000 years (Ezekiel 38-39). After Los Angeles sinks beneath the Pacific Mr. Putin will take World War III to the US where it belongs. He will invade and conquer the United States. The earthquake will produce the mother of global depressions, plus famine. The Judaeo-Roman Universal church will howl "Communism! President Putin wants to install Jewry's One World Government, which is ludicrous, but the people will take the bait and the UN Jewish criminal organization will proclaim the Pope of Rome President of world government. Russia will recover and NATO will abandon Judaeo-Roman Catholicism and the US, and side with Russia which will burn Vatican City State with nuclear fire as Jesus Christ prophesied in Revelation 17 and 18.

Although the effect of the atomic bomb took even the Americans by surprise, three days later, on the August 9, they dropped a second bomb on the city of Nagasaki. The atomic bomb that exploded at 12:00 noon over this city had an explosive power of 22,000 tons of TNT, almost double the one dropped on Hiroshima. The second bomb cost almost 120,000 lives, resulting indirectly in the deaths of over 400,000 people.

After he had given orders to drop the atomic bombs over Hiroshima and Nagasaki, President Truman admitted that he hadn't lost any sleep over the inhabitants of either Japanese cities since, to him, they were no more than savages. (As non-Semitic P.M. Netanyahu callously called Semitic Palestinians Israel's "Indians"). In a speech rendered at the Gridiron Dinner in front of the New York elite on December 15, 1945, Truman said: "It seemed to me that a quarter of a million of our boys in their prime were well worth a few Japanese cities. I am still of that opinion" (Worldwide Evil and Misery, the Legacy of the 13 Satanic Bloodlines, p. 221-222).

One of the biggest crimes against a civil population in the history of mankind must have been the use of atomic weapons. On August 6, 1945, at 08:13, the crew of the Boeing B-29 fight bomber Enola Gray received the order from General Carl A. Spaatz, Commander-in-chief of the US Air Force in the Pacific, to drop a nuclear bomb on Hiroshima. Shortly thereafter the atomic bomb exploded with the power of 12,500 tons of TNT, 580 meters above the city. The explosion as well as the radioactive radiation killed approximately 250,000 people. About eighty-five percent of the city was destroyed in one drop of the bomb.

When asked later in an interview whether he was sorry at all, Paul W. Tibbets, the pilot who dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, replied: "I have never been sorry or ashamed, as I was of the opinion then that I fulfilled my duty towards my country, by following the orders given".

Many people are still of the opinion that President Truman made the right decision to end the war in this manner. Both bombs on Japan however, were redundant in that the country had been ready to capitulate months earlier. Only few people know that the Japanese had already tried some months earlier, in February 1945, to end the war. The American government, however, was not prepared to take that offer into consideration. The offer to end the war was made again in June 1945, when Russia received word that Japan wanted to end the war. Again it appeared that the American government was not willing to consider the proposal. From documents that recently became accessible, it becomes clear that the American government purposely ignored repeated attempts from the Japanese to make peace. From these same documents it becomes clear as well that they were willingly trying to stall for time in order to be able to drop atomic bombs on Japan.

That was the only reason why the Americans decided to prolong the war. This statement is the blatant opposite of the assertion made by the Americans, which is that because of the use of atomic bombs the war ended and therefore saved thousands of victims.

Ralph Bard, representing his department in the Interim Committee, is the only one who is known to have turned against the use of atomic weapons. He stated in a memo on June 27, 1945: "Over the last few weeks I have strongly gained the impression that the Japanese government is looking for a proper opportunity to capitulate. In connection with the Tripartite Conference, representatives of our country on the Chinese coast could come in contact with Japanese representatives, elucidate Russia's position and inform them about the intended use of atomic weapons and about guarantees regarding the position of the Japanese emperor and the treatment of the Japanese nation after an unconditional surrender. This could, as far as I'm concerned, be the opportunity the Japanese are looking for".

Another piece of evidence can be found in the memoirs of the famous scientist Szilard. About the background of the atomic bombs he writes: "Interior minister Byrnes wasn't of the opinion that the use of atomic bombs against Japanese cities was necessary to win the war. He already knew by then, as did the other members of the government, that Japan had already been defeated".

In his book "Hiroshima," Japanese eyewitness Shigetoshi Wakaki gives an insight into the way American troops operated, which was to kill as many women and children as possible. It seems the American fighter-bomber first passed over its target to suddenly return, after the all-clear signal had been given, to that target. Wakaki states: "If the enemy aircraft would have dropped the bomb the first time it flew over the city, much less damage would have been done, because, when the aircraft approached, air defense sirens went off and people fled into their shelters." The minute, however, that the all-clear was given and the people came out of their shelters again, the aircraft came back and dropped the bomb before a new alarm could be given. Because of this, many victims had terrible burn wounds, and the tragedy had a much greater impact. If the bomb had fallen during an air-raid alarm, the number of deaths would have been only a fifth of the actual amount. Moreover, many of the survivors wouldn't have had burns because they would have been in the shelters. The US military, because they dropped the bomb after the all-clear had been given, caused as large a number of civilian deaths as possible (p. 366).

What was indelible about the Korean War of 1950-53 was the extraordinary destructiveness of the United States' air campaigns against North Korea, from the widespread and continuous use of firebombing (Bruce Cumings), to threats to use nuclear and chemical weapons, and the destruction of huge North Korean dams in the final stages of the war . . . the bombing of North Korean Cities . . . Like Dresden, another real holocaust by the Jew-controlled 'Allies' (so-called). Today the Jew-controlled 'Allies' are bombing North Africa and the Middle East where the genuine Semitic Ten Tribes live in what was once the ancient Empire of Assyria.

General Curtis LeMay who coordinated bombing raids against North Korea during the Korean War acknowledged that: "We went over there and fought the war and eventually burned down every town in North Korea anyway, some way or another, and some in South Korea too . . . Over a period of three years or so, we killed off—what—twenty percent of the population of Korea as direct casualties of war, or from starvation and exposure? (Strategic Air Warfare: An Interview with Generals 1988 . . ." Newsletter 967). "I suppose if I had lost the war, I would have been tried as a war criminal. Fortunately, we were on the winning side."

"The great battleground for the defense and expansion of freedom today is the whole southern half of the globe . . . the lands of the rising peoples. Their revolution is the greatest in human history. They seek an end to injustice, tyranny and exploitation" - John F. Kennedy

Shortly before the demise of the Third Reich many Nazis were brought to the United States to be "integrated" into the army, science or the American space program. All of this happened with the help of Allen Dulles under the code name Operation Paperclip. The Illuminati also decided to "modernize" the American Secret Service and the Office of Strategic Service (OSS) by joining them with the secret service of the National Socialists. Allen Dulles was ordered to contact the National Socialist secret agent and SS-General Reinhardt Gehlen. Their collective deliberations and an official agreement resulted in the foundation of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). At the end of 2000 the National Archives reported that the CIA had been able to keep in touch with the German General Gehlen, a secret for fifty years. The CIA confessed this in reaction to the Freedom of Information Act and the Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act of the investigator Carl Oglesby (p. 368-369).

In 1954 the CIA organized an invasion against the President of Guatemala Jacobo Arbenz, because he wanted to turn the United Fruit Company (property of the Rockefellers and the Bush family) into state property. The United Fruit Company had a monopoly over shipping traffic, communication, railways, and it had a final say in important trade agreements, especially in the banana trade. For seventy-five years the interests of the company went hand in hand with those of many dictatorships in Guatemala. This continued until 1944 when the people chose a president that wanted social reforms. This caused agitation, but it became worse. In 1950 the descendants of the Mayans chose a new president, Jacobo Arbenz. Arbenz planned to continue the implementation of the economic plans of his predecessor even further by proposing reforms. He confiscated the United Fruit Company in 1953. The Secretary of Foreign Affairs of the United States John Foster Dulles demanded a compensation for the damages, but the Guatemalans had no money. The powers behind the New World Order came up with an intriguing plan with the optimistic name Operation Success. During the first half of 1954 the American secret service invested twenty million dollars with which the neighboring country, Honduras, could set up a guerrilla army with its own air force. Meanwhile, the government in Guatemala City felt threatened and ordered two thousand tons of handguns from Czechoslovakia. The valuable goods arrived on May 15, 1954, in Guatemala. At the inter-American conference in Caracas, Guatemala was portrayed as a communist state, a serious threat for the whole of Latin America. Then the green light was given to the opposition. With the support of American fighter planes 400 rebels attacked Guatemala City and Jacobo Arbenz was captured, and the original power of the United Fruit Company was restored. Over the following decades 200,000 Guatemalans would die in a horrible guerrilla battle. Forty-nine years later, in May 2003, the Americans admitted funding the guerrilla war after the death of an additional 140,000 victims.

Since its existence the CIA played intensely on the keyboard of the New World Order. After its foundation Dwight D. Eisenhower placed the CIA in the forefront in the battle for world leadership. In 2000 it came to light that Eisenhower ordered the CIA to eliminate the thirty-five-year-old Patrice Lumumba, the first prime minister of Congo and celebrated martyr of the African dream of freedom, on January 17, 1961, because he thwarted the plans of the Illuminati. Eisenhower admitted giving the order for killing Lumumba during a meeting with the safety advisors in August 1960, two months after the independence of Congo (p. 370-371) . . . It is estimated that since its inception the CIA has led about 3,000 big and 10,000 small operations. Former CIA agent John Stockwell estimates that in Third-World countries alone, six million people have died because of CIA operations. Recently the activities that were carried out under the flag of the CIA have been taken over by organizations with respectable names such as the Endowment for Democracy. They openly interfere in internal political affairs of a country (Worldwide Evil and Misery).

Jews did not consult the Lord on their "Holocaust" ™ propaganda. The victims in the camps were not gassed or murdered by Germans, but died of starvation and typhus after Anglo-American bombers destroyed supply lines at war's end. Thereafter armies of US, British and French starved and otherwise murdered more than six million Germans after the war. Today there has been and continues a real slaughter of genuine Semitic peoples including blood Israelite Iraqis, Iranians, Egyptians, Libyans, Syrians, Lebanese, Yemenis and other Arabs on the African Peninsula. In Jesus' day the majority of Judeans were Edomites of Cain's lineage. The Judahite Jesus was neither a Jew nor a Judean and "for fear of the Jews" He was loath to walk openly in Jerusalem. The same fear discourages Semitic Israelites of the twelve Tribes from returning to their Promised Land which Jewry's criminal United Nations Organization expropriated and gave to the non-Semitic, anti-Semitic Khazar Jews. The Angel of the Lord appeared to Brother Branham during the UNSCOP Committee at Lake Success in 1946." God spoke to His prophet William Branham, "THUS SAITH THE LORD, America made her final decision in 1946. Watch, since then. She's gone, there's nothing left but judgment and chaos" (58-0309M, The Handwriting on the Wall, E-39).

According to Ezekiel 38 and 39, Zechariah 14:5 and Revelation 16:18-19 there will soon be an unprecedented convulsion of nature, war and a mass exodus of Jews from Israel's Promised Land to Khazaria (the Ukraine) which is the homeland of the Ashkenazim where they are fighting with the object of conquering Russia. But Jewry will not rule One World Government for God told His Prophet Daniel that the last Gentile World Empire will be the Judaeo-Roman Universal Church under Israel's Seventh Trumpet.

"Now why do we have a people mixed in the framework of the church (claiming to be Christians) and calling themselves Jews? The reason is this: Since they were liars they could make any claim they wished. They could say what they wanted as though it were a fact and then stick to it. And in this case they could be lying with a very powerful thought in mind. Was it not so that the early church was almost if not entirely composed of Jews (Israelite Judeans, and not Judean Edomites) making them the original members of His Body? The twelve apostles were (Judahites and Benjaminites—not) Jews, and the later apostles were either Jews (Judean Israelites) or proselytes. Thus for men to swear they were Jews would give them a preeminence and a claim to originality. Tell a lie. Stick to it. Never mind fact or history. Just say it and keep saying it to the people, and soon the people will receive it (and they have)" (An Exposition of the Seven Church Ages p. 120:3).

"Once the Nicene Council had swung the power of political Rome to the church, it seemed that there were no limits to which this First Christian Church would go. The name, Christian, which originally brought persecution, now became the name of the persecutors. It was in this age that Augustine of Hippo (354-430) set forth the precept that the church ought and MUST use force if necessary to bring her children back into the fold, and that it was in harmony with the Word of God to kill the heretics and apostates (as will occur to the elect Israelites after the midst of Daniel's Seventieth Week — Revelation 13:15-18). In his controversy with the Donatists he wrote . . . "It is indeed better that men should be led to worship God by teaching than that they should be driven to it by fear of punishment or pain, but it does not follow that because the former course produces the better men, therefore those who do not yield to it should be neglected. For many have found advantage (as we have proved and are daily proving by actual experience) in being first compelled by fear or pain, so that they might afterwards be influenced by teaching, so that they might follow out in act what they have already learned in word . . . whilst those are better who are guided aright by love, those are certainly more numerous who are corrected by fear. For who can possibly love us more than Christ, Who laid down His life for the sheep? (An Exposition of the Seven Church Ages, p. 195:2).

Now did you catch something there? Isn't that the same spirit right in the church today? Isn't there a group that claims that they are the original and true church and that salvation is found only in her? Don't they claim that they have the keys of the kingdom which they received from Peter? Don't they claim that Peter was their first pope, and that he resided in Rome when there is ABSOLUTELY NO HISTORICAL FACT FOR IT? And even her most educated and knowing adherents believe her lies. Satan's synagogue! And if Satan be her father, and he the father of lies, then it is not strange that those in Satan's synagogue are liars also" (An Exposition of the Seven Church Ages, p. 120:4).

The best known 18th century editions of the New Testament in English are the Rheims (Douai) Edition and the King James Authorized Edition. The Rheims (Douai) translation of the New Testament into English was first printed in 1582 but the word "Jew" did not appear in it. The King James Authorized translation of the New Testament into English was begun in 1604 and first published in 1611. The word "Jew" did not appear in it either. The word "Jew" appeared in both these well known editions in their 18th century revised versions for the first time . . . History of God's Holy Bible and the so-called Jews.

The word "Jew" today is never regarded as a synonym for "Judean" nor is "Judean" regarded as a synonym for "Jew." It entered the KJV in the 1769 Revision (English Bible History).

When the word "Jew" was first introduced into the English language in the 18th century its one and only implication, inference and innuendo was "Judean." However during the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries a well-organized and well-financed international "pressure group" created a so-called "secondary meaning" for the word "Jew" among the English speaking peoples of the world. This so-called "secondary meaning" for the word "Jew" bears no relation whatsoever to the 18th century original connotation of the word "Jew." It is a misrepresentation . . .

There is not a person in the whole English-speaking world today who regards a "Jew" as a "Judean" in the literal sense of the Word. That was the correct and only meaning of the word in the 18th century . . . (Facts Are Facts, by Benjamin H. Freedman, p. 15-21).

The meaning of the word "Jew" in our Bible is not the same as the colloquial idiom.

Speaking to His elect Church Jesus said, "I know your affliction and your poverty, but you have heavenly riches, and I know the blasphemy of them who say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan . . . Take note, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews, but are impostors who lie come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you" (Revelation 2:9; 3:9).

Speaking to the so-called Jews who were of the sect of the Pharisees (or Judaism) Jesus said, "You serpents, offspring of vipers, how can you escape being sentenced to hell fire? Therefore take notice, I will send you prophets, and wise men, and scribes, some of whom you will kill and crucify; and some of whom you will flog in your synagogues, and persecute from town to town, that upon you may come all the righteous blood that has been shed on the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zachariah the son of Barachiah, whom you murdered between the temple and the altar. I assure you, all these things shall come upon this race" (Matthew 23:33-36).

Jesus identified these so-called Jews as the descendants of Cain. Speaking to Cain God said, "What have you done? The voice of your brother's blood cries to Me from the ground. And now you are cursed from the earth, which has opened her mouth to receive your brother's blood from your hand" (Genesis 4:10-11).

Speaking to Christ's end-time Bride regarding the Words of Jesus, the prophet William Branham said, "Here is a verse that will bear considerable thought, not only because it is most peculiar in its contents, but also it is virtually repeated in an age that is over a thousand years later . . . To begin with, the word, Jews, does not describe the religion of the Jewish people. It refers only to the people of Judah and has the same precise meaning if I were to say I am Irish born. These people were saying that they were actually Jews, real Jews by birth. They were liars. They were not Jews by birth and they weren't Jews by religion." See History of God's Holy Bible and the so-called Jews.

The truth cannot be hateful however, except in the eyes of those who hate the truth. Truth cannot be "anti" anyone, for the truth sets everyone free. nl1307.htm

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Brother Grigor-Scott is a non-denominational minister who has ministered full- time since 1981, primarily to other ministers and their congregations overseas. He pastors Bible Believers' tiny congregation, and is available to teach in your church.

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