Bible Believers' Newsletter 1303
"We focus on the present Truth – what Jesus is doing now . . ."
ISSN 1442-8660Christian greetings in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ; we are pleased you could join us in fellowship around God's unchanging Word which is unfolding His foreknowledge and disclosing hidden Satan's secrets in real time.
We live in different lands under different circumstances; none of us is created equal but Subscribers and Readers truly baptized into Christ as new-born lambs yet sovereign individuals possess equal eternal Life of One Spirit in the unity of the faith. Jesus said, "I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. If you had known Me you should have known My Father also, for I and My Father are One. By this revelation we are at one, not strange to the present Truth of the Logos" (John 14:6-7; 10:30; II Peter 1:12). This is "the common faith" of Christ's Wife: His end-time Bride. While we may each hold a different measure of revelation, faith grows by fellowship. "Friendly discussion stimulates faith as the sparks fly when Iron strikes iron" (Proverbs 27:17).
Faith is a revelation or clear understanding of God's unchanging Word. As His promises unfold in their season and time His Spirit alerts us to the significance of current news and history past exposing hidden agendas for "God set enmity between the lineage of the First and the last Adam" (Genesis 3:15; 4:9-16; Matthew 23:29-36; John 8:37-44). Therefore our Subscribers and Readers must seriously study the natural and Spiritual import in our Newsletters, proving all things including the spoken Words of our William Branham and preceding prophets with two or three witnesses in written Scripture to ensure we receive what each meant rather than what they said "as the letter without the Spirit brings death whereas the Spirit brings Life and Peace" (II Corinthians 3:6-11).
This week's Newsletter is incomplete so this week will be pure news. However I believe you will be blessed by the late Pentecostal minister Derek Prince as he speaks on The True Christ and the False Christ (Part I). He fails to distinguish that statistically 90% of Jewry are non-Semitic while Israelites are the blood of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and follows the error of Trinitarianism. We serve those of like precious faith. Whoever will receive the truth is welcome to feed their soul from the waters of the River of Life. Everything here presented should be confirmed personally in your own Bible.Your brother-in-Christ
Anthony Grigor-Scott
Did Putin Just Issue the Most Serious Warning to Date?
September 13, 2024 — When the special military operation (SMO) was launched to end the NATO-orchestrated Ukrainian conflict, Russian President Vladimir Putin was very clear about the direct involvement of any third parties.
This has prevented the political West from taking direct action in support of the Kiev regime, but it still didn't prevent it from doing everything else in its power to avert the complete defeat of the puppets in Kiev. In fact, they even sent former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson to sabotage the already signed peace deal that would've ended the NATO-orchestrated Ukrainian conflict a couple of weeks after the SMO started.
Several high-ranking Western officials admitted this in the last two and a half years, including monstrous war criminals such as Victoria Nuland. Even former top-ranking Neo-Nazi junta officials such as Oleksiy Arestovych lamented that the deal was beneficial to both sides, but the US-led political West had other plans.
However, while making sure as many Ukrainians as possible die a pointless death in a perfectly avoidable war with a military superpower, NATO also keeps trying to probe Russia's reaction to various levels of indirect involvement of third parties. This includes everything from sabotage operations and (intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance) support for the Kiev regime to terrorism and guiding NATO-sourced weapons to kill Russian soldiers and even civilians in some cases. Expectedly, Moscow is furious, but it's still trying to keep its cool, as a direct response could easily result in global thermonuclear annihilation. However, Russian patience is regularly mistaken for weakness in the political West, which is why they keep sending ever more advanced weapons to the Neo-Nazi junta. After initially giving mixed signals about this, it seems the political West has now decided to take things up a notch (or a thousand). Namely, both the United States and United Kingdom have given the go-ahead for the use of their long-range missiles against targets deeper within Russia . . . Full story: global
Opposed to Netanyahu, two-thirds of Israelis want to negotiate with Hamas
September 12, 2024 — The recent general strike in Israel . . . marks the beginning of a realization that Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu is not defending Jews . . . Israelis are not yet aware of the ethnic cleansing in Gaza, they are becoming aware of the anti-Arab pogroms in the West Bank . . . Gradually, they are beginning to admit that their enemies are not their neighbours . . . two-thirds are slowly opening their eyes. The execution of six hostages by Hamas on August 31, just as the "Defense Forces" (IDF) were about to free them . . . the presence of soldiers in Gaza condemns them to death . . . the Prime Minister’s obstinacy in invading not only Gaza, but also the West Bank, to the detriment of the hostages’ lives . . . proof that he serves the interests of the settlers alone, and not those of all Israeli Jews. Yet they fail to see the suffering of Israeli Arabs, the pogroms in the West Bank and the ethnic cleansing in Gaza . . . Four months before the October 7 attack, all Israeli intelligence services were drafting report after report announcing the "Perfect Storm" (code name for the October 7 “Al-Aqsa Flood" operation) that the Palestinian Resistance was preparing. The Prime Minister refused to listen . . . Full story:
Comment: Hamas is 50:50 Israeli, watch the videos, it was a false flag black op. and there about.
Towards an 'Oppressive Digital New World Order'
September 11, 2024 — UN 'World for the Future' Conference 22-23 September 2024. Borderless 'Enslavement Package,' Digital Control over 8 Billion People . . . This will be adopted under almost complete exclusion of the public, of people like you and me.
Most parliaments and governments worldwide have apparently already agreed to it, so that the presentation and the so-called discussion during the UN Annual Conference is . . . a digital straightjacket, escaping from which is almost impossible. People nowhere have been consulted or even informed . . . unnamed powers-that-be to accept a complete digitization of our future–what the WEF calls the 4th Industrial Revolution . . . No waiting for the end of the UN Agenda 2030. The goals have conveniently been advanced. You–and me–will be confronted with cash elimination, already started in many European countries and to some extent in the US; and even in some 'developing countries' like India, without people's consent . . . Full story:
China-Africa Summit Enhances Relations to the Level of 'Strategic Partnership'
September 11, 2024 — This year's Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) Summit was held in Beijing where decisions were made to strengthen already existing ties into a strategic partnership between the two geopolitical entities. 53 states on the continent were represented at the FOCAC gathering in Beijing. Between September 4-6 African heads-of-state, foreign ministers, journalists and members of civil society engaged with their Chinese counterparts in following through on existing programs while creating new ones. A host of bilateral meetings involving Chinese President Xi Jinping and African leaders resulted in pledges of more than $US50 billion in investments.
Whereas China is seeking partners in its forward-looking strategic planning centered on the building of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), many African states are also seeking to expand their reach related to trade and investment on more favorable terms. At present the reemergence of an African debt crisis impacting Kenya, Nigeria, Zambia, Egypt and other states, has fueled the search for development partners from China, Russia and particularly among others within the Global South . . .
"Having successfully lifted 800 million people out of poverty, China has acquired firsthand knowledge of the transformative impact of poverty alleviation on a country's development and long-term stability. This experience has also strengthened China's belief that eradicating poverty is not only a domestic priority but also a global imperative . . . China's victory in poverty reduction resonates particularly in Africa, where many nations view China's efforts as a source of inspiration in their own quests to eradicate poverty and promote sustainable development.
One example of China's commitment to helping African countries tackle poverty is the transfer of Juncao technology, often referred to as the Chinese hybrid grass technology. Originally developed in China, this innovative technology uses a type of hybrid grass to cultivate edible and medicinal mushrooms, while also serving as animal feed and a natural method for controlling soil erosion."
"Since the FOCAC was set up, Chinese companies have helped African countries build or upgrade more than 10,000 km of railways, nearly 100,000 km of highways, roughly 1,000 bridges, almost 100 ports and 66,000 km of power transmission and distribution lines, all of which have created arteries of connectivity across the continent . . . According to a report released by Chinese authorities last week, China has remained Africa's largest trading partner for 15 consecutive years, and the proportion of China-Africa trade in Africa's total foreign trade has steadily increased . . . Full story:
World War III is on but the Empire has Already Lost. Part I
September 8, 2024 — Since October 8, 2023, Hezbollah, Yemen, and Iran have exposed Israel's vulnerability to missile assault. Emigration by its citizens out of Israel is growing by the day, with tens of thousands displaced from their homes, meanwhile the Israeli economy is collapsing . . . the "settler state" of Israel is on the cusp of being destroyed. For definitive detail, see Fadi Lama's article in his personal Substack: "Israel: The Jewish Settler State in the Levant: a Prognosis". Fadi Lama is one of the principals of the Three Sages Substack. Also see the on-line publication The Cradle and its series of commentaries on the war.
Presently in dire jeopardy is the project some believe has been in place during the entire history of Zionism, whereby those who control the Rabbinic Talmud will someday become the rulers of mankind. After all, they have already conquered America, Great Britain, and much of Western Europe ideologically. Full story:
Comment: Noam Chomsky: "Israel uses sophisticated attack jets and naval vessels to bomb densely-crowded refugee camps, schools, apartment blocks, mosques, and slums to attack a population that has no air force, no air defense, no navy, no heavy weapons, no artillery units, no mechanized armor, no command in control, no army . . . and calls it a war. It is not a war, it is murder."
"When Israelis in the occupied territories now claim that they have to defend themselves, they are defending themselves in the sense that any military occupier has to defend itself against the population they are crushing. You can't defend yourself when you're militarily occupying someone else's land. That's not defense. Call it what you like, it's not defense"
Gates & WHO target 640,000 Palestinian Children with Experimental GM Polio Virus 'Vaccine'
September 7, 2024 — Israeli military attacks on water wells, sanitation and sewage treatment, and the obstruction of essential hygiene supplies into the Gaza have created major waste-water and hygiene problems. Israeli authorities claim to have detected "vaccine derived polio virus 2" in sewage samples in Gaza. Vaccine-derived polio occurs when an attenuated poliovirus used to make oral vaccines, regains its virulence, and begins circulating . . . four Palestinian children presented with acute flaccid paralysis. One of them tested positive for "vaccine derived polio virus 2". There are various possible causes of flaccid paralysis including toxic fumes from the bombs and fires, polio, and others. at least thirteen thousand children have been killed in the war on Gaza in the past two years . . . after claiming a diagnosis of vaccine derived polio in four children, Bill Gates and the WHO are now targeting six hundred and forty thousand Palestinian children with a genetically modified experimental polio virus, that has previously caused polio . . . so far, the experimental covid-19 genetic "vaccines" from Bill Gates, the WHO and their partners, have killed tens of millions and injured hundreds of millions of people. I believe that we have more than ample reason not to trust (Jew) Bill Gates, the WHO, or their partners . . . it is not vaccines, but improved standards of living including water, septic, hygiene, food supply and security that are responsible for dramatic reductions in most infectious diseases. Full story:
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Brother Grigor-Scott is a non-denominational minister who has ministered full- time since 1981, primarily to other ministers and their congregations overseas. He pastors Bible Believers' tiny congregation, and is available to teach in your church.
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