Bible Believers' Newsletter 1300
"We focus on the present Truth – what Jesus is doing now . . ."
ISSN 1442-8660
Christian greetings in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, by the grace of God we celebrate Bible Believers' 1300th FREE Weekly Church Newsletter. We appreciate the fellowship of our subscribers and readers around the world, and look forward to reunion in the Clouds with those who have gone before us.
1300 is a bumper issue leading us to examine important political truths omitted from the public record. Most people are unaware that history is planned long term—often centuries ahead of the present time and executed by unidentified faceless men we will never know. In the natural world it is this hidden power that determines the future, not your elected representative who is almost certainly unacquainted with these matters.
Please study our current news and listen to Evangelist Derek Prince whose subject is "Ruling by Prayer".
This Newsletter serves those of like precious faith. Whoever will receive the truth is welcome to feed their soul from the waters of the River of Life. Everything here presented should be confirmed personally in your own Bible.Your brother-in-Christ
Anthony Grigor-Scott
Drone Strike hits Russian Oil Depot 1,500km from the Ukraine
August 28, 2024 — A new wave of Ukrainian drone attacks on Russia has damaged and set alight several more oil depots and energy facilities . . . in Russia's Kirov Oblast. . . two inbound drones were intercepted by air defenses, while a third "fell" and a blaze subsequently erupted near the Zenit oil facility . . . Full story:
Despite US Threats, Hezbollah avenges Assassination of Lebanese Leader Foud Shukr with Attack on Israel
August 28, 2024 — At 4:45 am., local time, Sunday August 25, Israel began a series of 50 preemptive airstrikes over villages in the south of Lebanon resulting in civilian casualties and injuries. According to Israel, they had information that Hezbollah was planning a massive attack on Israel using 6,000 missiles. Israel claimed to have hit missile launchers and weapon storages.
At 5:00 am. Hezbollah responded with 320 missiles and tens of drones. The large number of missiles rendered the sophisticated "Iron Dome" Israeli air defense system ineffective. The exact extent of the damages in Israel is not known, but there were significant losses. One missile fired by the Lebanese resistance group, Hezbollah, made a direct hit on the Davoura, an Israeli military boat. The ship was sunk with one dead and five injured. The drones all hit targets successfully and none were shot down. The GPS system in Israel was rendered useless by an unknown source simultaneously as the attack commenced. Some experts have pondered if the GPS system was scrambled to coordinate with the operation . . . Full story:
Comment: Iraqi Resistance batters Haifa's Alon Tavor August 29, 2024.
Voltaire wrote: "The Jews are an ignorant and barbarous people, who have long united the most sordid avarice with the most detestable superstition and the most invincible hatred for every people by whom they are tolerated and enriched (. . .) In all the annals of the Hebrew people, one does not see any generous action. They know neither hospitality, nor liberality, nor clemency. Their sovereign happiness is to practice usury with foreigners (. . .) Their glory is to set fire to and bloody the small villages that they can seize. They slaughter the old and the children (. . .). They never know how to forgive when they are victorious; they are the enemies of the human race. No politeness, no science, no art perfected at any time among this atrocious nation." (See Moses in Genesis 3:15).
Mostly non-Semitic atheists and agnostics, Zionist pioneers in Palestine concluded that "God does not exist, but He promised us this land."
Nuclear Bunker Buster Bomb against Iran would initiate WWIII
August 27, 2024 — The Union of Concerned Scientists in collaboration with the Pentagon reveals the consequence of the use of a Nuclear Earth Penetration Bomb in an attack on Iran . . . currently on the drawing board of the Pentagon, despite the fact that there is no evidence that Iran has stockpiled Weapons of Mass destruction in so-called bunkers, as conveyed in the video.
Joe Biden's 1.3 trillion dollars nuclear weapons program is slated to increase to 2 trillion by 2030 allegedly as a means to safeguarding peace and national security at taxpayer's expense . . . How many schools and hospitals could you finance with 2 trillion dollars? The use of the low Yield B61-11 and 12 so-called mini-nukes (tactical nuclear weapons) which are CATEGORIZED AS CONVENTIONAL WEAPONS WOULD ALSO precipitate WWIII . . . Full story:
China chooses International Law, distances itself from Israel and reunifies the Palestinian Resistance
August 23, 2024 — On July 23, in the presence of Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, representatives of Hamas and Fatah signed the Joint Beijing Declaration, marking their reconciliation. However, a few days later, Israel assassinated Hamas’ negotiator in Tehran Ismail Haniyeh. Wang then called his Iranian counterpart, Ali Bagheri. He offered his support and recognized Iran’s right to defend its sovereignty . . . China’s Middle East negotiator Zhai Jun has toured the region, except Israel. On the other hand, China has accused the Jewish state of provoking a humanitarian crisis in Gaza . . . when rivalries between China and the United States intensified under former President Donald Trump, Chinese control of Haifa was challenged and Israeli cooperation with China steadily declined.
Today, Beijing is planning to run the Silk Road through its ancient route, via Iran, Iraq, Palmyra and Tartus (Syria).
The rapprochement between Fatah and Hamas was followed in a speech by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to the Grand National Assembly of Turkey. He announced that he would visit Gaza for the first time since 2006 and take action to reunify the Palestinian territories. "Victory or death!" he declared.
Egypt, which is taking part in the Doha talks, has asked the two factions to agree on specific issues, including the management of Gaza, border crossings and how to deliver humanitarian aid. In response, Israel assassinated Khalil Maqdah, a Fatah official in Lebanon and brother of the commander of the Al-Aqsa Brigades in Lebanon. He was directing the transfer of Iranian weapons to the West Bank. Tel Aviv is convinced that if Chinese efforts are successful, it is because Iran is secretly associated with them. Full story:
WHO-UNICEF Vaccination Campaign in Gaza: Polio Eradication or Transition to Bio-Warfare?
August 27, 2024 — Over a million doses of polio vaccine . . . shipped to Israel in preparation for a mass vaccination in Gaza . . . emergency response to one (1) confirmed case of polio . . . UN is unable to distribute humanitarian aid to the Palestinians, but they are charging ahead with a mass vaccination campaign?
Doesn't that sound a bit strange? Keep in mind; the Israelis have been preventing food, water and medicine from entering Gaza for months which has led to mass starvation and a sharp uptick in preventable diseases. But now we are expected to believe that they care about the physical well-being of the people they have been bombing . . . for the 10 months?
The campaign is going to be "conducted in coordination" with that great humanitarian organization, the IDF. How does that square with . . . Amalek? After spending some $16 billion over 30 years to eradicate polio, international health bodies have 'accidentally' reintroduced the disease in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and also Iran, as the central Asia region was hit by a virulent strain of polio spawned by the pharmaceutical vaccine. Also, in 2019, the government of Ethiopia ordered destruction of 57,000 vials of type 2 oral polio vaccine (mOPV2) following a similar outbreak of vaccine-induced polio . . . in India as well . . . Gates-funded vaccine causing polio outbreak in Africa, WHO is not a benign public health agency selflessly seeking to eradicate disease and sickness wherever they may be found. Full story:
RFK Endorses Donald Trump for White House
August 27, 2024 — On 24 August 2024, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has endorsed Donald Trump for President without giving up his own aspiration for the White House . . . withdrawing his own candidacy from swing-states. Trump and Kennedy have a common agenda in many ways; among them, stopping endless immigration through southern borders from where in the Biden years some 20 million illegal immigrants as outlined in RFK Jr. Speech, from all over the world have entered the US, mostly male in military age . . . Full story:
Comment: Maybe Donald Trump himself, when he is President, will launch a serious investigation—and divulge the truth (of his attempted assassination)? The Zionist-US war expanding to Lebanon, Jordan—intent to include Iran all for a greater, energy-strong Israel . . . encouraged and financed by Zionist controlled western funding, naturally.
The planning of the Ben Gurion . . . that international sea traffic will be under Zionist control—financially and otherwise . . . Ukraine-proxy US war against Russia, targeting largest country in the world for domination. Next target, China, already the strongest economic power, soon in absolute terms. The US hegemon, and self-styled head of the One World Order, wants to control China, the economic powerhouse.
Ukraine is already being "privatized" by the monetary manipulaters, BlackRock, owning already up to 50% or more, of Ukraine's agricultural land and more of Ukraine's riches . . . The climate hoax is a two-edged sword. On the one hand, destruction; on the other, the make-believe effect that we humans by producing CO2 are the culprits for the devastating climate change causing diseases, destroying agriculture, causing famine, creating poverty around the globe and killing the less fortunate everywhere, and foremost in the Global South.
The West defending Ukraine—the world's hub for crime, abuse, corruption of all kinds and the only officially tolerated Nazi regime—and Nazi military forces . . . still alive and killing in Donbas and wherever Russians can be found, encouraged and funded by the West. The same units which participated during WWII . . . against the Soviet Union, helping killing millions of Russians.
We need more, much more CO2 in the atmosphere for human health and mother earth . . . the chief eugenist, the Bill Gates Foundation . . . The climate hoax is a two-edged sword. On the one hand, destruction; on the other, the make-believe effect that we humans by producing CO2 are the culprits for the devastating climate change causing diseases, destroying agriculture, causing famine, creating poverty around the globe and killing the less fortunate everywhere, and foremost in the Global South. The West also closes its eyes, ignores—but knows—the aborted and new-born children cut open alive for organs—for vaccine production. See this 2-minute . . . A WHO-tolerated, maybe a Gates initiative?
And this is a Ukraine run-down, from the Laboratories of Secrets:
- "It's a hub for human trafficking.
- It's a hub specifically for child trafficking.
- It's a hub for narcotics trafficking.
- It's a hub for weapons trafficking.
- It's one of the biggest money laundering operations in the world.
- We know about our [US] bio labs.
- For the record, 80,000 children from Ukraine have disappeared and vanished since the war began. Women have been kidnapped and thrown into prostitution. This war is a catastrophe; the people bathing in blood are in Kiev and Washington.
- Where are the 80,000 missing children in Ukraine? Zelensky/Biden WAR in Ukraine operates the largest child sex trafficking/organ/adrenochrome-harvesting operation all through Europe.
- Where are the 1,000 missing Maui children?
- Biden openly traffics children at US Borders.
- The sad truth is that our Congress that YOU PAY [you, the US people] cares more about laundering money through Ukraine, than about our own border [the US border] that is falling apart at the seam."
An observation about the missing children during the infamous Swiss-sponsored so-called Peace Conference in the luxury resort of the Burgenstock by the Lake of Lucerne on 14/15 June 2024, Canadian PM Justin Trudeau had the gall to say in a Press Conference that Russian troops (he emphasized Putin troops) have stolen 20,000 Ukrainian children—and nobody knows where they are.
What a flagrant lie and defamation, well-known by Trudeau, of President Putin, who indeed, rescued tens of thousands of abducted, trafficked, and enslaved children from Ukraine. [Just as Adolf Eichmann saved the lives of scores of thousands of self-styled Jews]. This, and the elimination of US bio labs, is one of President Putin's stated missions for intervening in Ukraine. Plus, of course, rescuing Donbass and other Russian regions from the Kiev Azov killings.
All these atrocities are overshadowed by the dramatic Trump event. Dramatic it is and must be investigated thoroughly which does not appear to be in the interest of the elite, Deep State—or those who profit from it. But as dramatic as it is, the attempted killing of a potential future US President cannot be allowed to blend out the rapid decay of the rest of the world . . . Full story: Full story:
At DNC, the Squad warns Democrats to wake up to the Threat of AIPAC
August 24 2024 — With the Democratic primary season winding down, members of the Squad are speaking more directly than ever about the role that the pro-Israel lobby played in silencing critics of Israel's human rights abuses in Congress, as well as Democrats' complicity . . . No Palestinian speakers got time on the dais, despite the protest efforts from the "Uncommitted" movement this week. Instead, the conversation among Democrats about pushing for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza, an end to US weapons shipments to Israel, and the party's role in allowing AIPAC to shape its primaries has been taking place outside the United Center, where progressives held protests to hold convention delegates' feet to the fire.
AIPAC spent more than $25 million to unseat Cori Bush and Rep. Jamaal Bowman, D-N.Y., in primaries this cycle. The outside spending from AIPAC and other pro-Israel groups made the two races the most expensive Democratic House primaries in history. AIPAC's attack ads against Bush concealed the group's sole policy priority is Israel . . . "Not one ad spoke about Israel. Not one ad spoke about Palestine" . . . "Not one ad spoke about anti-Semitism." Full story:
Comment: US-led Gaza ceasefire talks have become a tool for the perpetuation of Israel's genocidal war. What began as a liberatory demand by Rep. Cori Bush and grassroots peace advocates has now been fully co-opted by President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The so-called ceasefire negotiations are a form of camouflage that is being deployed by Biden and Harris to distract from the reality of their support for Israel's mass atrocities in Gaza . . .
Straight Talk about Zionism: What Jewish Nationalism Means
In keeping with the Zionist worldview, Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon told a meeting of American Jews in Jerusalem in July 2004 that all Jews around the world should relocate to Israel as soon as possible. And because anti-Semitism was especially widespread in France, he added, Jews in that country should immediately move to Israel. French officials quickly, and predictably, responded by rejecting Sharon's remarks as "unacceptable."
But imagine if the leaders of France, the United States, and other countries were to respond to those remarks by Sharon, and similar ones by other Zionists, by expressing agreement. Imagine if an American president were to respond by saying: "You're right, Mr. Sharon. We agree with you. We agree that Jews do not belong in the United States. In fact, we are ready to show our support for what you say by doing everything we can to promote and encourage all Jews to leave our country and move to Israel."
That would be the logical and honest attitude of non-Jewish political leaders who say that they support Israel and Zionism. But the political leaders of the United States, France, Britain, and other such countries today are neither honest nor consistent.
During the 1930s, one European government that was honest and consistent in its attitude on this issue was the government of Third Reich Germany. Jewish Zionists and German National Socialists shared similar views about how best to handle what Herzl called "the Jewish question." They agreed that Jews and Germans were distinctly different nationalities, and that Jews did not belong in Europe, but rather in the so-called "Jewish homeland" in Palestine.
On the basis of their shared views, Germans and Jews worked together for what each community believed was in its own best national interest. The Hitler government vigorously supported Zionism and Jewish emigration to Palestine from 1933 until 1940-41, when the Second World War prevented further extensive collaboration.
During the 1930s, the central SS newspaper, Das Schwarze Korps, repeatedly proclaimed its support for Zionism. An article published in 1935, for example, told readers:
"The recognition of Jewry as a racial community based on blood and not on religion leads the German government to guarantee without reservation the racial separateness of this community. The government finds itself in complete agreement with the great spiritual movement within Jewry, the so-called Zionism, with its recognition of the solidarity of Jewry around the world, and its rejection of all assimilationist notions. On this basis, Germany undertakes measures that will surely play a significant role in the future in the handling of the Jewish problem around the world."
In late 1933, a leading German shipping line began direct passenger service from Hamburg to Haifa, Palestine, and providing "strictly kosher food" on board.
In September 1935, the German government enacted the "Nuremberg Laws," which prohibited marriages and sexual relations between Jews and Germans and, in effect, proclaimed the country's Jews an alien minority group. A few days after the Nuremberg Laws were enacted, the main German Zionist newspaper, the Jüdische Rundschau, editorially welcomed the new measures. It explained to readers:
"Germany . . . is meeting the demands of the World Zionist Congress when it declares the Jews now living in Germany to be a national minority. Once the Jews have been stamped a national minority it is again possible to establish normal relations between the German nation and Jewry. The new laws give the Jewish minority in Germany its own cultural life, its own national life. In future it will be able to shape its own schools, its own theater, and its own sports associations. In short, it can create its own future in all aspects of national life . . ."
During the 1930s, Zionist groups, working together with Third Reich authorities, organized a network of some forty camps and agricultural centers throughout Germany where prospective settlers were trained for their new lives in Palestine.
The centerpiece of German-Zionist cooperation during the Hitler era was the Transfer Agreement, a pact that enabled tens of thousands of German Jews to migrate to Palestine with their wealth. The Agreement, also known as the Ha'avara—Hebrew for "transfer"—was concluded in August 1933 following talks between German officials and an official of the Jewish Agency, the Palestine center of the World Zionist Organization.
Between 1933 and 1941, some 60,000 German Jews immigrated to Palestine through the Ha'avara and other German-Zionist arrangements, or about ten percent of Germany's 1933 Jewish population. (Thanks to Adolf Eichmann). Some Ha'avara emigrants transferred considerable personal wealth from Germany to Palestine. As Jewish historian Edwin Black has noted: "Many of these people, especially in the late 1930s, were allowed to transfer actual replicas of their homes and factories—indeed rough replicas of their very existence."
The Transfer Agreement was the most far-reaching example of cooperation between Hitler's Germany and international Zionism. Through this pact, Hitler's Third Reich did more than any other government during the 1930s to support the Zionist movement and Jewish development in Palestine.
The essence of Zionism, or Jewish nationalism, is that Jews everywhere—regardless of where they live, regardless of their religious outlook, and regardless of their citizenship—are members of the Jewish "people" or "nation," to whom all Jews owe a primary loyalty and allegiance.
The overwhelming majority of Jews in the United States today identify with and support Israel, and are affiliated with Zionist groups and organizations. Every significant Jewish group or association in the United States, and every prominent Jewish American political or community leader supports Israel and Zionism, in most cases fervently so. With very few exceptions, even American Jews who are critical of some of Israel's more embarrassing policies nonetheless express support for Israel and the nationalist ideology upon which the Zionist state is based.
A Zionist Jew, by definition, owes his primary loyalty to the Jewish community and to Israel. Zionism is not compatible with patriotism to any country or entity other than Israel and the world Jewish community. That's why it's difficult to accept as sincere or honest the pious assurances of Jewish leaders in the United States that American Jews are just as loyal to the US as everyone else.
In the United States, nearly every prominent political leader—Jewish and non-Jewish, Democrat and Republican – ardently supports Israel and the Jewish nationalist ideology upon which it is based. In Washington, political leaders of both major parties insist on US support for Israel as an ethnically Jewish state. They fervently support, and eagerly seek the favor of, influential Jewish-Zionist groups, such as the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL).
Everyone—whether Jewish or non-Jewish—who claims to support Israel should, if he is honest and consistent, endorse the view of Israeli prime minister Sharon, and other Zionist leaders, and support the migration of Jews everywhere to Israel. But of course that's not what happens.
With regard to Zionism and Israel, the attitude and policies of nearly all American political leaders, Jewish and non-Jewish, is characterized by hypocrisy and deceit. To put it another way, Zionist Jews and their non-Jewish supporters embrace a blatant double standard. Jewish-Zionist organizations, along with their non-Jewish allies, support one social-political ideology for Israel and the world Jewish community, and a completely different one for the United States and other non-Jewish countries. They insist that ethnic nationalism is evil and bad for non-Jews, while at the same time they vigorously support ethnic nationalism—that is, Zionism—for Jews.
They insist that Israel is and must be a Jewish nationalist state, with a privileged status for its Jewish population, including immigration laws that discriminate against non-Jews. At the same time, Jewish-Zionist groups and leaders, and the non-Jews who support them, insist that in the United States, Britain, France, Germany and other countries, there must be no privileged status for anyone based on race, ethnicity or religion.
Our political leaders tell us that American Jews should be encouraged to think of themselves as a distinct national group with an identity and community interests separate from those of other Americans. At the same time American politicians insist that Zionist Jews be given all rights as full and equal US citizens. On the basis of this double standard, Jews often enjoy what amounts to a privileged status in American political and cultural life.
Americans are led to believe that Zionism is a benign outlook of altruistic and righteous support for a so-called Jewish homeland. In fact, Zionism is an ideology and movement of ethnically-based Jewish nationalism that reinforces the identity and self-image of Jews as a distinct and separate community with interests different from those of non-Jews, and which strengthens the already powerful world Jewish community. Full story:
Germany demands New Citizens accept Israel's Right to Exist
July 27, 2024 — People applying for naturalization in Germany will now be required to affirm Israel's right to exist, under changes to the country's citizenship law. The legislation, which came into effect Thursday, is part of a larger citizenship overhaul from Berlin as the government grapples with rising anti-Semitism, a surge in popularity for the far right, and fierce debate over its response to Israel's war in Gaza. The country's naturalization exam will now include a number of new questions, according to a statement from the interior ministry.
"In response to increasing anti-Semitism in Germany, the list of questions in the naturalization test has been expanded. New exam questions have been added on the topics of anti-Semitism, the right of the state of Israel to exist and Jewish life in Germany" . . . Full story:
Wartime Code-Breaking and an 'Unknown Holocaust'
July 25, 2009 — At an IHR meeting the major part of American historian Mark Weber's address was about an 'unknown holocaust'—a "horrible era of destruction, looting, starvation, rape, 'ethnic cleansing,' and mass killing" in which some three million Germans died unnecessarily after the official end of the war in 1945—about two million civilians, mostly women, children and elderly, and about one million prisoners of war.
This "'unknown holocaust' of non-Jews is essentially ignored not because the facts are disputed or unknown, but rather because this reality does not fit well with the Judeo-centric view of history that is all but obligatory in our society, a view of the past that reflects the Jewish-Zionist hold on our cultural and educational life." Weber cited a 1972 White House conversation between President Richard Nixon and the Rev. Billy Graham, who spoke about a Jewish 'stranglehold' on the media, and agreed that this grip "has got to be broken or the country's going down the drain." He highlighted the fearful unwillingness of even these very influential men to refer publicly to this important matter.
"An awareness of 'real history' is not enough," said Weber as he concluded his address. "It is important to understand the how and why of the systematic distortion of history in our society, and the power behind that distortion. Understanding and countering that power is a critically important task, not merely for the sake of historical truth in the abstract, but for the sake of our nation and humankind" (
The Total Number of Jews gassed by the Nazis is: ZERO!
The grand total number of Jews, Poles, Gypsies and others killed in Nazi gas chambers is ZERO! There was a kind of "holocaust" in German concentration camps, especially in the last months of the war, from disease and starvation. However, the culprits responsible for those horrors were the Allies, especially the US and Britain, using blockade, bombing and strafing of civilians—and NOT the Nazis at all. The Nazis had been trying to keep their concentration camp inmates alive and healthy as best they could under impossible circumstances. If the Nazis had merely wanted to exterminate prisoners, there would have been no need for concentration camps to begin with. The real mass murderers were the Americans and Brits. Full story:; Index 2; Index 3; six_million_myth. (A number of youtube files are censored).
Behind the Scenes of the World Stage
"There are people that remain behind the scenes of the world stage, and that is why there are two types of history: first the official, expurgated of offensive or improper parts, and second the secret one, in which the real causes of events are written down; a disgraceful history." Honore de Balzac
As with Zionist Jews in the United States it seems that lurking in the background of almost every serious diplomatic and military incident involving Israel, Turkey, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Greece, Armenia, Kurds, Assyrians, and some other players in the Middle East and southeast Europe: Serpent's seed Khazar (Ashkenazim, Sephardim), Edomite) and [Dönmeh] Jews (so-called). God set enmity between two races on earth: Cain and his kin, and Adam and his kin. Jacob's people live in North Africa and the Middle East; Jew-ruled apostate Americans would destroy Iran, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Libya and Lebanon, ignoring the fact non-Semitic Israeli self-styled Jews will soon abandon Israel to continue their thousand year war on Russia from their true homeland the Ukraine for world hegemony (Ezekiel 38-39).
US Presidential traitor and Jewish pawn Woodrow Wilson stated: ". . . some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it" (Woodrow Wilson, "The New Freedom," Doubleday, Page & Co. 1913, pp. 13-14). British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli called these controllers the 'hidden hand'.
The Democratic donkey, with Wilson in the saddle installed the Federal Reserve System in 1913 . . . imposing on the United States the demands of the Communist Manifesto, the principles of Marxian Socialism and government controls . . . In November 1916, while all this was going on, Wilson ran for re-election on the slogan, "He Kept Us Out of War." At last, on April 6, 1917, such foolishness over, the great day came. Wilson demanded and received a declaration of war against Germany. And the socialists were already arranging the next step in the plan (The Actor, by Alan Stang, Chapter 2). The odious deceit of the Balfour Declaration and its ongoing cost in lives by corrupt Zionists such as politicians Churchill, Balfour, Lloyd George and Woodrow Wilson serving the Talmud's promise of Jewish one world government "The Balfour Declaration and its Cost in Lives" (essential reading for Christians).
Woodrow Wilson was described as being "attached to Judge Louis Brandeis by ties of peculiar hardness," a cryptic reference to the story that Wilson had been blackmailed for $40,000 for some hot love letters he had written to his neighbour's wife when he was President of Princeton. He did not have the money, and the go-between, Samuel Untermeyer, of the law firm of Guggenheim, Untermeyer & Marshall, said he would provide it if Wilson would appoint to the next vacancy on the Supreme Court a nominee selected by Mr. Untermeyer. The money was paid, the letters returned, and Brandeis had been the nominee.
Wilson had written to the Senate, where opposition to the nominee was strong: "I have known him. I have tested him by seeking his advice upon some of the most difficult and perplexing public questions about which it was necessary for me to form a judgment. When Brandeis had been approved by the Senate, Wilson wrote to Henry Morgenthau: "I never signed any commission with such satisfaction." "Relief" might have been a more appropriate word. Untermeyer was Cyrus Scofield's benefactor in publishing the heretical "Scofield Reference Bible" that introduced Zionist ideas four years after the Zionist Congress of 1897 and was gifted to Protestant ministers from 1909.
"There is also evidence to support the assumption that the American President Wilson donated twenty million dollars from the war budget to the (Russian) revolution. This transaction came to light when attempts were made to reach a compromise with the Russians during a hearing (registration number HJ 8714.US5). An interesting detail is the fact that the American army itself took part in the Russian revolution by, amongst other things, guarding the Trans-Siberian railroad to prevent Japanese invasion. In 1917, fifteen Illuminati bankers used a Red Cross site as camouflage to set up the original revolution and the Bolshevik "government of the people".
And now, 100 years after President Woodrow Wilson lied to the American people and then hoodwinked them into the 'War to end all wars', we have another President who seems prepared to lead America into the next world war of Zionist desires. What President Trump must consider is the cost that the once 'Great Britain' paid for fighting that first Zionist war!
Eustace Mullins argues that the Illuminati appropriated the treasures of the Russian Csar, recovering not only their initial investment, but also garnering an additional hundred million dollars to the Rothschild bank (The World Order, Boring, p. 65). The Illuminati bankers also managed to pilfer all the Russian gold! (Worldwide Evil and Misery, Robin de Ruiter, ISBN: 1-889743-72-0, p. 171)".
"It's not a matter of what is true that counts but a matter of what is perceived to be true." Henry Kissinger
If one takes a closer look at the backstage of history, he always ends up at the center stage of the Illuminati. For centuries they have used their financial power to tie monarchs and governments to them in order to determine the course of history and to control all worldly events, all from behind the scenes. They have manipulated and indebted kings and their kingdoms by creating wars and molding the very shape of the international world.
The Hegelian Dialectic became the tool that the Illuminati are utilizing to manipulate the minds of the average people to accept certain changes, where ordinarily they would refuse it. For example, if the thesis is a hammer, then the antithesis is the anvil and the world and everything that is in between will be destroyed or recreated. As we will see, it took several world wars to turn Illuminati words into actions.
- In 1917 a hammer was created with a safe basis: Russia! This hammer received the name "communism".
- The first anvil arose through the economic crisis in Germany, and it received the name "National Socialism". This anvil was destroyed during the Second World War and from that sprung a new anvil: "democracy".
- Through a Third World War a Satanic religion will eventually arise. By the world this war will be seen as the Armageddon that has been foreseen by the Bible, so everyone will believe that the Messiah will appear in the end. This war will be the most gruesome in the history of all wars, so that the Antichrist can create a miraculous order in the chaos. (Fritz Springmeier, The 13 Top Illuminati Bloodlines, Lincoln 1965, 165).
Ever since the days of the French Revolution there has been a lot more to know about nearly every war than what is mentioned in the history books. Revolutions and wars don't just arise because shots have been fired and blood has been shed. As we know now, many wars have been meticulously planned long in advance and are executed exactly according to the plan. Every war starts with a lie in the media! Our leaders always need a cause to obtain the support of the people for a major military operation. Psychological influence and social manipulation are very effective means of getting the public to support a war or revolution. There is evidence proving that the First World War was started determinedly and was craftily induced and executed! (ibid, p. 166; Albert Pike).
"Although it may sound strange, the state of Israel is indebted to Hitler. Without the decisive impact of Nazism and anti-Semitism the United Nations would never have supported the decision to found a Jewish state in Arab Palestine." Jewish historian Professor Bruno Blau
The Antichrist will choose Jerusalem as the capital of his global empire. Therefore, the foundation of an Israeli state in Palestine was one of the most important elements of the Illuminati plan. As a "fruit" of the Second World War, this objective could be realized. What influence the Illuminati thought the state of Israel would have, at a global level, and how they managed to realize the foundation are interesting questions. The answers to these questions are relevant because they give us a greater insight into the Illuminati strategy. Before subjecting this strategy to a critical analysis, we must not forget that the Illuminati fanatically waged anti-Semitic campaigns against the Jewish people. In addition to these campaigns, from 1932 onwards, they also called on various sects that had been created by the Illuminati. These sects took an active part in the anti-Semitic campaigns (Robin de Ruiter, The Hidden Power Behind the Jehovah's Witnesses, Hoornaar 2001).
For instance, the literature of the Jehovah's Witnesses not only served as one of the causes of the spread of anti-Semitism, it also provided real support of Adolf Hitler's anti-Semitic policies. The documents that were published during these years often contain anti-Semitic articles. The leader of the Jehovah's Witnesses, Judge J.F. Rutherford, accused the Jews of boycotting Germany. Usually he used words like "naive" and "simpletons" in reference to the Jews. That anti-Semitism was an ongoing aspect of Rutherford's and the Watch Tower Society's policy for many years is made evident by "Enemies," an official Watch Tower publication written by Rutherford and published in 1937. In that book Rutherford shows vicious contempt, not only for Jewish clergymen who were the targets of a general anticlericalism, but for the Jewish people as a whole. Jewish clergy and organizations are called "Yiddish clergy", "Yiddish organizations", and "poor simpletons". Rutherford specifically says: "Amongst the Roman Catholic Hierarchy's instruments that she uses are ultra-selfish men called "Jews", who look only for personal gain, and who therefore readily yield to and join with the Hierarchy in any unrighteous schemes (J. F. Rutherford, Enemies, 222-223, 281). In the Watchtower's "Declaration of Facts," Rutherford proclaimed: "We stand squarely for the principles advocated by the government of Germany" (ibid p. 188).
[Judge Rutherford, the JW's and Adolf Hitler may not have understood that the European "Jews" were and are almost entirely non-Semitic].
As said before, one of the Illuminati's main problems was that most Jews had no plans of immigrating to Palestine at all. All efforts to persuade them were in vain and many openly resisted Zionism. In fact, German Jews were known for their patriotism. Most of them had lived in Germany for over a hundred years, and because of the "Jewish decision" of 1812, they had the same political rights as other German citizens. As a result, they felt more German than anything else and did not see themselves as foreigners. This feeling of connectedness not only generated sympathy and a positive attitude towards their country, it also meant there was a great deal of outright hatred towards Zionism. (To this day so-called Jews migrate to Germany rather than Israel – Ed).
In his book Die Ungeloste Judenfrage (Berlin 1977); the Jewish writer Isaak Deutscher discusses a peculiar phenomenon: "Before, during, and even after the rise of Nazism, a majority of the Jews refused to answer the call of Zionism." Despite the rise of Nazism, most Jews could not be persuaded to move to Palestine. If we are to believe the official version of history, Hitler's takeover of Germany was aimed at speeding up the emigration of Jews, exactly according to the Illuminati plan. To do so, they first had to terminate any Jewish influence in political, economic and cultural circles.
The persecution of the Jews in Germany offered the Illuminati new ways and possibilities for the large-scale immigration of German Jews to Palestine. David Ben Gurion, at the time the Chairman of the Executive Jewish Agency (future Prime Minister of Israel), hoped that the persecution of Jews would strengthen Zionism. The Zionists were happy with the persecution of the Jews because it meant the increase of Jewish immigration to Palestine! In Adolf Hitler, a catalyst had been found.
According to Israeli historian and journalist Tom Segev, a few months after Hitler came to power, a high Zionist representative traveled to Berlin to negotiate with the Nazis about the immigration of Jews, and their possessions, to Palestine. The Zionists tried to negotiate the most favorable conditions for the immigration to Palestine. The Nazi authorities, to a large extent, accepted most of the Zionist's proposals, and as early as May 1933, the first economic treaty was signed, leading to the Ha'avara treaty in that same year.
The mutual interests of the Nazi government and the Zionist movement formed the basis for the Ha'avara treaty. The former director of Ha'avara, Werner Feilchenfeld, in 1972 published a brochure in which he wrote that the Ha'avara treaty was enforced from 1933 until 1941.
The Ha'avara treaty allowed German Jews who wanted to immigrate to Palestine, to transfer their money to special accounts of the Warburg-owned Private Bank in Hamburg. These funds were used in Germany to manufacture agricultural machines, construction materials, pumps, sowing machines and other equipment for the future settlements in Palestine. All these products were transported to the Ha'avara society in Palestine (Tel Aviv). The products were then sold, and the proceeds transferred back to the Jewish immigrants when they arrived in Palestine. On a regular basis the products were also divided among the immigrants themselves, in accordance with their assets with the Private Bank.
In this way, the Ha'avara treaty served as a tremendous stimulus for German exports to Palestine. It was a cooperation that fulfilled the Zionist need for Jewish immigrants and capital in the form of durable materials. Germany benefited enormously from this trade agreement, which between 1933 and 1939 yielded the considerable turnover of 105,670,241 Reichsmarks.
The Warburgs played an important role in the Ha'avara agreement. During the first years that the treaty was in force, Max Warburg was responsible for carrying out the Ha'avara treaty. Later he handed this responsibility over to his brother Felix Warburg, who managed to considerably increase Jewish immigration through dividends and loans.
Those who were considering immigrating to Palestine could deposit their funds in advance and, for the time being, continue to live in Germany. They had free access to their money in the form of credits of the Jewish community in Palestine. However, they could also decide to invest their money in Palestine. They could even pay for future health insurance ten years in advance! The Ha'avara treaty also offered people the option of visiting Palestine before finally deciding on whether or not they wanted to immigrate. They would pay for their travel expenses in advance, and received vouchers which they could use in Palestine. As immigration to Palestine became reality, the Private Bank gave advances of 1000 Palestinian pounds to those interested in relocating to Palestine. The allocation of Palestinian money at the time was a huge exception that only applied to German Jews who immigrated to that country. This is emphasized by the Israeli historian Abraham Barkai in his book Vom Boykott zur Entjudung. The Jewish immigrants had to show the amount in Palestinian pounds upon arrival as proof that they could pay for what they needed and would be able to build a new life. The remainder of their money was awaiting them in private accounts set up by the Ha'avara Bank. When they immigrated, the Jews could take their furniture and anything else (the machines and tools) they needed to build a new existence for themselves.
According to Tom Segev, many Jewish immigrants who had been forced to leave their jobs in Germany would continue to receive monthly allowances from German social security.
In addition to the many private cars, complete libraries of both classical and modem literature and valuable pieces of furniture moved to Palestine, the Jews also brought considerable fortunes to their new homeland. According to Jewish historian Edwin Black: "Especially in the late Thirties, immigrants were allowed to transfer the value of their houses and factories to Palestine." He calculated that a total amount of seventy million dollars ended up in Palestine through agreements and international bank transfers. The influx of German capital had an enormous impact on a Palestine that at the time was considered underdeveloped.
Various large industrial enterprises were rebuilt on the spot; among them were the Mekoroth Water Purification Plant and the Lodzia Textiles Plant. According to Edwin Black, the enormous influx of goods and capital as a result of the Ha'avara treaty was an indispensable factor in the growth of the economy and foundation of the state of Israel.
(The Ha'avara treaty even made it possible for Jews of lesser means to immigrate. The advance of a thousand Palestinian pounds was financed with the proceeds of the trade agreement with Palestine. At the time, the Palestinian pound had roughly the same value as the British pound).
In a brochure from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs published in January 1939, it says that the rebuilding of the Jewish state in Palestine was only possible due to the transfer of Jewish property from Germany through the Ha'avara treaty. In the legal publication Haavara: Transfer nach Paliistina und Einwanderung Deutscher Juden 1933-1939 (published by the Leo Baeck Institute), commissioned by Dr. Werner Feilchenfeld and carried out by an influential Ha'avara staff member, it is stated: "The influx of German capital through the trade transactions of the Ha'avara treaty was of great importance to the rebuilding of the country, for the private as well as the public sector. Many new industrial and trade enterprises have been created in Jewish Palestine. Many existing companies that are vitally important to the Israeli economy have also emerged from this. A good example is the Mekoroth Company, which provides the whole of Israel with clean drinking water. Between 1933 and 1940 the production and size of Jewish settlements doubled. This was only made possible through the loans which were granted within the framework of the Ha'avara treaty.
Despite the favorable circumstances for the German Jews and the future Palestine, resistance against the Ha'avara treaty was great. The dealings that took place behind the scenes are described at length by Edwin Black in his book The Transfer Agreement. Black found it hard to comprehend that there existed a treaty between the Third Reich and the Zionist organization that benefited the state of Israel, and he thought it nearly impossible to explain. Not everything went smoothly in Palestine; the Palestinian entrepreneurs saw their trading power decline because of the monopoly of the Ha'avara organization with regard to the import of German products. Especially noted, was the resistance of the budding Jewish trade and industry to import cheaper and better products from Germany. In the end, the Ha'avara organization responded to this resistance by imposing restrictions on imports, in a bid to protect the market for domestic products (the so-called Tozeret-Haarez protection).
There were various ways clever entrepreneurs could benefit from this treaty, especially through deft navigation. In some cases enterprises would first import their machine parts from Germany, via the Ha'avara treaty, and then use import restriction against domestic products. This had a negative impact on demand for foreign products and a positive one on the Ha'avara organization's balance of trade.
The main condition governing the Ha'avara treaty with the Nazis was that the Jews would leave for Palestine. It was made very clear to Jews that immigration to Palestine was their only chance of survival. The assets of Jews who preferred to move to neighboring countries were frozen! Those who planned to immigrate to Palestine, however, received all the necessary aid.
The Ministry for Foreign Affairs, including the German consulate in Jerusalem, the Central-Europe Department (Orient) and the Department of Foreign Trade together supported the Zionist policy. The Ministry for Domestic Affairs was responsible for managing the immigration, while the Ministry for Economic Affairs sped up the mass immigration and took care of the Ha'avara treaty and its economic impacts. Expert on American affairs and historian Francis R. Nicosia, in his doctoral thesis for an American university, shed light on the relationship between the Nazi government and the Zionists, as well as on the persecution of the Jews from Hitler's takeover of power to the outbreak of the Second World War. According to Nicosia, the German government, the SS in particular, supported the immigration of Jews to Palestine by providing practical development aid in a variety of areas. The SS even educated young Jews in special military institutions and from the outset was involved in influencing German Jews. The SS was fully in favor of mass immigration and went as far as putting pressure on the Jews that only saw themselves as German. These Germans were made aware of their Jewish heritage and identity in schools created by Germany and operated by the SS. They did this by annexing many kinds of Jewish socio-cultural institutions. It was only after the Jews had been made fully aware of their Jewish heritage and identity that they would be more willing to immigrate to Palestine. All measures designed to promote the immigration of German Jews fell under the purview of the SS and the Gestapo, including the special military and schooling institutions. Over time, relationships between the Nazis and the Zionists increased. The Zionists believed that the schooling programs had a positive impact on the immigration of Jews to Palestine, so they designed an extensive network of schooling centers funded and built by the SS. To a large extent the SS itself provided the land on which these centers would be built. These schooling programs were first aimed at young Jews without professions or jobs. It provided them with all the knowledge and skills they would need in Palestine. Throughout the German empire was a huge network of these schooling centers where Zionist teachers prepared Jews for a future life in Palestine. It may sound strange, but at the time it was to the Gestapo that many Jews looked for help if they had been threatened by other civil servants or otherwise felt in danger. When the Jewish Emigration Agency in Berlin suffered great damage during the infamous Kristallnacht in November 1938, it was the SS that did everything it could to get the agency up and running again.
Unlike the anti-Zionists, officers within the SS gave Zionists, liberals and willing Jews preferential treatment. Anti-Zionists were imprisoned and only released if they promised to immigrate to Palestine.
After Hitler annexed Austria in 1938 the "Wiener Zentralstelle fûr Jûdische Auswanderung (Immigration Office for Jews), in Vienna, was headed by Adolf Eichmann. In this capacity Eichmann and his staff met regularly with Zionist leaders such as David Ben Gurion in a wing of the Rothschild palace. (After all, the Eichmann of Linz, who has been caught here (Argentina), was a pure Jew (doubtless non-Semitic - Ed) (Adolf Hitler – Founder of Israel, Kardel, ISBN 3 85800 001 9). Most who now call themselves Jews have no lineal connection with the Jews of the Bible, being the descendants of Turko-Mongol people, the Khazars of South Russia, who were converted to Judaism during the seventh century AD (Arthur Koestler, The Thirteenth Tribe).
One of the results of the relationship between the Nazis and the Zionists was that officers like Eichmann regularly visited Palestine, where there were local branches of the Nazi party. According to Nicosia it got to a point, in 1937, where the German government, through its Foreign Department, decreed that the Palestinian Nazis were forbidden to spread anti-Semitic propaganda. The anti-Jewish sentiments of the Palestinian Arabs were not encouraged, because this might have had a negative effect on the German immigration policy for the Jews. In addition, it would have caused unrest amongst the future immigrants to Palestine.
After the annexation of Austria, schooling centers were built there as well. Adolf Eichmann supervised the process himself and later joined the Gestapo in fighting illegal immigration. Large groups of immigrants were regularly escorted to Austria by the SS.
In her book Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banally of Evil, Hannah Arendt writes that during the Jerusalem Tribunal Eichmann expressed his opinion that he had saved the lives of hundreds of thousands of Jews.
With the Nazis' permission, the Jewish Betar youth union was able to carry on its activities in Austria. Meetings, summer camps, hiking, sailing and other sports continued as before. In addition, agricultural courses were provided. Members of this youth union were allowed to continue to wear their full uniforms and even distributed leaflets with fascist texts, all in tune with the times. When an SS unit suddenly raided the Betar youth camp, the leader of the group contacted the Gestapo, and was immediately offered retribution. Later, the Gestapo announced that the unit involved had been punished.
From the start the Ha'avara treaty was supported by the Nazis, but from 1935 onwards, criticism of the immigration policy and the execution of the treaty increased. The intelligence service of the SS was afraid that a Jewish state would give the Jews a power base from which to attack the German empire. From 1937 onwards, most of the government and party institutions turned their backs on the Ha'avara treaty. However, by personal decree from Hitler, these institutions were reprimanded in 1938. The Ha'avara treaty had to be carried out at all costs! Hitler ignored all advice from his economic experts when he said that the immigration of the Jews was more important than any economic considerations. Dr. Yehuda Bauer estimates that although the Ha'avara treaty was, on one hand, an important financial source for the creation of Israel, on the other it was a loss-making treaty for the German empire. In his book Freikauf von Juden: Verhandlungen zwischen demnationalsozialistischen Deutschland und judischen Repriisentanten von 1933 his 1945 (Frankfurt am Main 1996) he writes: "The amounts are impressive and without a doubt have made the construction of the Jewish state possible."
The Israeli politician and anti-Zionist Uri Averney, in his book Israel ohne Zionisten, argues that during the war Zionist leaders did nothing to help the Jews in Europe. In their view, philanthropic rescue attempts in Europe and even the rescuing of German Jews would only damage the Palestinian state. Considered unwanted human material, most Jews brought only their immigration papers and nothing else to Palestine. The Zionist leaders of the immigration services in Palestine agreed wholeheartedly: "As far as Palestine is concerned, ninety percent of these Jews are unusable.
In the Zionist archives in Jerusalem, there is a report of the "rescue committee" that contains a very remarkable consideration: "In which case should we rescue them? Do we simply rescue anybody who is in need? Or should we turn this into a Zionist action and rescue only those who will be useful in building the country of Israel and Jewry? If all we can rescue are some 10,000 to 50,000 people rather than a million, we should only rescue those who can be used in rebuilding the Jewish nation, despite all the requests and accusations from the rest. It is important that we save young pioneers with a good education, who are able to carry out Zionist work." The report speaks of "the best material" in reference to who were considered worthy of rescuing.
In other words, all Zionist leaders adhered to a policy that was unJewish. Chaim Weizmann, one of the most important Zionist leaders, had also only considered immigration to Palestine, and nothing more. At the time, he said the following: "I would rather see German Jews perish than the state of Israel. The leaders kept a close eye on Israel's interests and did not consider it their task to save Jews in Europe. Their task was to build the country of Israel, this according to David Ben Gurion in a message from the Jewish Agency. Three weeks after the Kristallnacht, Ben Gurion declared: "If I could be sure that it would be possible to save the lives of all Jewish children in Germany by transporting them to England, while only half of them could be saved by transporting them to Palestine, I would choose the latter." At a session of the Central Committee on December 7, 1938, David Ben Gurion expressed his opinion that "the human conscience" of many countries would respond to the Kristallnacht, and that they would open their borders to refugees from Germany. He saw this as a threat and warned: "Zionism is in danger!"
We must not forget that anti-Semitism was beginning to have terrible consequences under the Nazi regime. As conditions for the German Jews deteriorated, the number of requests for immigration to Palestine increased. It was only in 1939, when the British government decided to restrict immigration that the exodus of Jews to Palestine came to a halt. It is a huge scandal that the British chased away various ships containing Jewish refugees close to the Palestinian coast, as a result of which 600 hundred Jews drowned.
For years we were fed stories about the passengers of the immigrant ships Patria and Struma: that they preferred to die in mid-sea, as a protest against the British mandate not allowing them to set foot on the land of Palestine. Unfortunately, this false version of the events of that day is what continues to fuel public opinion.
In the latter half of November 1940, a number of ships carrying thousands of Jewish refugees from Europe arrived, among them the Patria and the Milos. Unfortunately the refugees who got on the ships without being screened by the Jewish Agency were mostly the elderly and children. Although the Agency had 29,000 entry visas it could have used for these immigrants, it decided these Jews did not merit certificates and categorically-denied their requests to dock in Palestine.
Given the evasive stance of the Jewish Agency, the British began to transfer the passengers of the two ships to another ship, the Patria, which was in Haifa and was to take them to the island of Mauritius. The Jewish Agency felt otherwise and decided to use the lives of the immigrants for a gamble with political achievement as a goal. Haganah activists took explosives into the ship and killed 1,783 people.
Another ship, whose passengers drowned, was the Struma. In early February 1942 the Struma arrived in Istanbul from Europe carrying 769 immigrants. The voyage was organized by Abraham Stoufer. He had raised funds from the local community and used them to hire ships which carried anyone who wanted to escape the Nazi hell. This was different from the Zionist method, which involved screening for suitable immigrants that would be able to work in the settlements. Unfortunately, Stoufer did not belong to the team of Jewish emissaries sent by the Zionist movement to Europe and therefore had no permission from Eichmann to be doing what he did. The Struma was sunk! Was its sinking an unexpected marine accident or was it due to the same deliberate act of terrorism as was the case with the Patria? Whatever the cause of the ship's sinking, the Zionists took advantage of it to arouse world public opinion, sympathy and support for the opening of Palestine's doors! According to the second Prime Minister of Israel, Moshe Sharett, "there was no other way."
What is also remarkable is that it was the United States that tried to do all it could to restrict the exodus of Jews from Germany. The Jewish influence on the US, although powerful enough to elect (Jewish) president Roosevelt, was woefully incapable when it came to helping German Jews.
But let us leave the motives of the British, the Americans and the Zionists for a moment. I only want to point to a quote from the book Schuld und Schicksal by the Jewish author J.G. Burg: "The more unjust the treatment of the Jewish people is, and the more they are persecuted, the better the chances for the Zionists are. If it had been up to the Nazi government, many more German Jews would have moved abroad. It was, however, especially the British government and the official Zionist movement that tried to prevent unwanted Jews from moving to British occupied Palestine.
The Ha'avara treaty continued to function until the middle of the Second World War. Nevertheless, new threads between Nazism and Zionism were woven; the union between the two was never terminated. Professor Yehuda Bauer, Israel's leading Holocaust researcher, and historian Jad Vaschem in his book Freikaufvon Juden? speak of a final meeting between the delegates of Himmler and a representative of the Jewish World Congress, Norbert Masur, in Sweden. This encounter took place in April 1945, shortly before the ultimate fall of the Third Reich.
In his autobiography Staatsmann ohne Staat (Berlin 1970), Dr. Nahum Goldmann, the successor of Professor Chaim Weizmann as leader of the Zionist World Organization, defended the Ha'avara treaty: "It made possible for 80,000 German Jews to immigrate to Palestine; they have made remarkable achievements there and were among the creative elements involved in the construction of the country."
The treaty had been so helpful to Jewish Palestine that after the war it was able to absorb hundreds of thousands of Jews from all over the world and become an independent state. In 1951, Jewish historian Professor Bruno Blau remarked: "Although it may sound strange, the state of Israel is indebted to Hitler. Without the decisive impact of Nazism and anti-Semitism the United Nations would never have supported the decision to found a Jewish state in Arab Palestine." (Founded on a lie - Ed).
Even today, many publications and motion pictures emerge claiming the German Jews fled across the border at night against Hitler's will, leaving all their possessions behind. (Another lie - Ed). The truth is that the German government did everything it could to get Jews out of the country. The Jewish exodus from Germany was planned in advance and was carried out under ever-increasing pressure. It was an accurate and premeditated plan . . .
As we have seen, the same powerful circles financed the Zionist Organization and the rise of Nazism, and provided Hitler with the resources he needed. The Illuminati were behind the weakening and ultimate destruction of Europe and the foundation of the state of Israel. Without the Illuminati, Hitler would never have been able to seize power. Today, the ties between Hitler's rise and reign and these influential Western circles are no longer secret. There are but a few researchers and historians who realize that Hitler was an effective tool in the hands of a small elite who made Hitler's mission complicated and a well-kept secret until now.
In the near East, the Second World War created a new political situation. In November 1947, the United Nations decided to divide into a Jewish and an Arab state. (Brother Branham said, "America made her final decision in 1946. Watch, since then. She's gone, and there's nothing left but judgment and chaos (58-0309M, The Handwriting on the Wall, par. E-39). However, that was not enough for the Zionists; they wanted to rule the whole of Palestine.
After the world had learned of the persecution of the Jews by the Nazis, Zionism gained supporters . . . the Zionist dream was given shape in 1948 with the formation of the state of Israel. This happened with a mixture of diplomacy and terror. People like the Rothschilds ended up being the fundamentalist Zionist leaders . . . The Zionists have conquered Palestine with weapons, bombs, grenades and fighter planes. The Illuminati have helped to power and finance both Zionism and Adolf Hitler. They are at the beginning of the current state of Israel! The eventual foundation of an Israeli state in Palestine was a crucial element of the Illuminati program. Today, the foundation is being laid in Israel, making it possible for the world leader . . . to rule the world from Jerusalem (ibid p. 188-199).
The end of the Second World War formed the basis for a new war: the Cold War. The American general at the time, Dwight Eisenhower, and later the President of the United States, saw to it that the Red Army slowly made the Germans retreat. At his command many Allies ceased fire at many places in order to let the Russians take over the areas that could have easily been conquered by the Americans. Prague is the best example of this. Eisenhower only opened attacks on major German targets when it turned out that the Soviets were able to enter Germany the next spring. We now know that Eisenhower, after Roosevelt's decision during the Yalta Conference, stopped the British and American army so that the Red Army could occupy half of Europe and Berlin.
With this, Eisenhower thwarted the plans of the Allies that were not Illuminati initiates. General Montgomery's plan to attack Berlin was refused with deceptive arguments. The (Jewish) government in Washington refused to meddle in Eisenhower's military decisions. Because of this the Red Army was able to make the German eastern front retreat from the Carpathian Mountains into the Baltic Sea. Because Eisenhower ordered the American army to stop in Italy, the Allies had to pass time before they could enter Europe any farther. The following months the Allies, again under Eisenhower's close command, slowly rose up against the Germans over a wide front.
One can easily speak of the Russian Conquest, but the beastly way in which the Russian troops behaved was detestable. Hundreds of thousands of Poles, Russians and Hungarians fled westward from the barbaric avalanche of the Russian attacks. Countless people ended up on the eastern banks of the Vltava river, which was the agreed upon frontier towards which the American and Russian troops would march. This is where the trip of tens of thousands of refugees ended. The Americans stopped everyone from crossing the river! In his book Acts of War Heroism Eisenhower's orders to his troops become clear: "Open fire on every refugee or mass of refugees that tries to flee to the west." Refugees that made it alive in spite of this were classified as "chased from the homeland" by the Allies. In May of 1945 Eisenhower issued a guideline in Germany for those chased from the homeland stating: "After identification by the representatives of Russia the chased will have to be sent back without considering the person or his wishes.
Luitenant-Colonel Dr. Ernest F. Fisher of the 101st Air Brigade, Senior Historian of the American army, declared: "At the beginning of April 1945 both the American and French army started the cold-blooded killing of one million German men, most of them lived in American refugee camps."
Healthy refugees that remained after May 8, 1945, were interned by the Allies.
This was not limited to the infamous camps along the Rhine: there were refugee camps spread out all over Germany. Under Eisenhower the prisoners lived in extremely bad conditions, in cages of barbed wire in which they were literally confined shoulder to shoulder. Thousands of captives lived in the open air in dirty swamps filled with diseases. The Americans simply left the prisoners to die of hunger. I know one Latvian Waffen SS who was briefly in an American Camp but fortunately transferred to a British camp. I won't describe how certain Negro GI's treated the bread before they threw it into the mud from the back of a truck.
William Langer, Senator of the United States, was overwhelmed by this post-war policy of the Allies and wrote: "We have been caught up in a fanatic destruction of the German people with which we are giving them a taste of their own medicine for the terror of the Third Reich." (This is a lie, the "medicine," food and care was excellent until Britain and America bombed the supply lines).
Food depots remained hermetically shut for these people. The Allied occupiers purposefully starved and set out to ruin the German people, who died a slow but certain death in the most dreadful circumstances. The imposed starvation punishment started in 1945 and ended in 1948! Well over three million German captives died as a result. Beastly behavior was no exception for the Allies. This tragedy remained, not surprisingly, hidden from the world in the archives of the Allies.
Canadian journalist James Bacque first discovered these cruelties. Three years later he caused a worldwide stir with his book Other Losses." In this book he holds Eisenhower responsible for these cruelties. According to Bacque, Eisenhower left the German captives to starve despite the superfluous supply of food. Simply because of a personal vindictive hatred of Germany, Eisenhower willingly deprived millions of captives their rights to food and medication, which ultimately resulted in their deaths. (Eisenhower wrote to his wife, Mamie, in late 1944 that "the German is a beast," exclaiming, "God I hate Germans" (The Jewish Threat, by Joseph W. Bendersky, chapter 18; p. 368).
On July 4, 2004, Bacque said in an interview with the daily paper "Junge Freiheit:" "Early on I found indisputable evidence for the numerous deaths in American and French prison camps. German and Allied sources state that the number of deaths between 1945 and 1950 reaches millions. Through comparison of the yearly statistics I could prove that between 1946 and 1950 at least 5.7 million Germans died in the camps. These deaths weren't reported officially anywhere. The majority died of starvation despite the fact that there was enough food and medication. This fact has never been officially confirmed."
The captives that were fit enough performed forced labor in many places, mainly in France and England. The captives in France had it especially bad. On real slavemarkets farmers could choose their servants and workers; arms, legs and even teeth were investigated. Captives that willingly signed themselves up for the clearance of minefields received a written guarantee that they would be released after a certain amount of time. But this promise was never fulfilled. After completing the extremely dangerous job they discovered that their fates had been determined differently: continued heavy labor in coal mines. Exhausted and discouraged they usually chose, as a last alternative, to join the Foreign Legion.
Eberhard Krehl (1915-2008) served the Second World War as a German soldier. Some years ago I had some long conversations with mister Krehl and, among other things, he told me the following about his captivity: "At our arrival at the camp near Cherbourg we were awaited by white GIs that took everything we brought with us and threw it on a big pile. Bread, provisions, cutlery and toiletries, everything we had was taken away except for our clothes and our shoes. Then we were divided into groups of about a hundred men per tent. These tents were put up sloppily and hastily on empty fields. Every captive received a woolen blanket and nothing more. We had to sleep on the wet ground without a mattress or floor covering. There was so little space that you could only sleep on your side. The next day we received a breakfast that consisted of coffee bean peels that had not been grinded, and nothing to eat. Lunch consisted of about half a liter of salted watergruel. In the evening we were given about 200 grams of white bread and a 150 gram slice of liver cheese that had been mixed with potatoes. That was our daily allowance. We could change this if we decided to sign up as a volunteer for the war in Vietnam, but nobody did that."
In the same camp near Cherbourg, one day prisoner Ernst Wanke from Vienna stood on a small hill and bared his upper body. His chest was blue in many places and covered with deep wounds. Ernst Wanke was a Communist in heart and soul. Because of his communist activism he was one of the first captives of the Nazis that was put in the Buchenwald Nazi concentration camp. Wankes shouted: "Look at this, comrades! This is what the Schutzstaffe (SS) in Buchenwald did to me. They broke all my ribs. Here it is much worse than in Buchenwald; there we could at least relieve ourselves. You are in much better condition than I was in Buchenwald. So, hang on, we will get through this!
It was only many years after the war that the surviving captives were released. In total 3,242,000 German soldiers died while in captivity. The total loss of Germans during and directly after the Second World War was about ten-and-a-half million. Of these, about four million died during the war, while the vast majority died during the genocide of the Allied forces. Over one million women, children and elderly people died during the massive bombardments (ibid p. 214-217). nl1300.htm
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Brother Grigor-Scott is a non-denominational minister who has ministered full- time since 1981, primarily to other ministers and their congregations overseas. He pastors Bible Believers' tiny congregation, and is available to teach in your church.
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