Bible Believers' Newsletter 1298
"We focus on the present Truth – what Jesus is doing now . . ."
ISSN 1442-8660
Christian greetings in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ; we are pleased you could join us in fellowship around God's unchanging Word.
The focus of today's Main Article, "Our Destiny," is on the Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Seals and Trumpets, and the imminent Peace Treaty of World War II 1939 – 2025 that must be signed, sealed and delivered before we go Home. This takes in the plague of the Seventh Vial. I believe you will find this Article well supported by God's unchanging Word and the Message of His Prophet, William Branham.
Our current news this week is thin as our long term news agency has withdrawn their invaluable support. However we do have an important historical article entitled "The Palestine Plot" written and contributed by eminent figures. It provides an easily understood record on the irreconcilable enmity the Lord God of Israel set between the Semitic descendents of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob who are heirs to the Promised Land, and their non-Semitic impersonators who, according to the Mosaic record have no inheritance in this earth and no hope in the world to come.
This Newsletter serves those of like precious faith. Whoever will receive the truth is welcome to feed their soul from the waters of the River of Life. Everything here presented should be confirmed personally in your own Bible.Your brother-in-Christ
Anthony Grigor-Scott
Leaked NYT Gaza Memo on Gaza
April 15, 2024 — The New York Times instructed journalists covering Israel's war on the Gaza Strip to restrict the use of the terms "genocide" and "ethnic cleansing" and to "avoid" using the phrase "occupied territory" when describing Palestinian land, according to a copy of an internal memo obtained by The Intercept.
The memo also instructs reporters not to use the word Palestine "except in very rare cases" and to steer clear of the term "refugee camps" to describe areas of Gaza historically settled by displaced Palestinians expelled from other parts of Palestine during previous Israeli–Arab wars. The areas are recognized by the United Nations as refugee camps and house hundreds of thousands of registered refugees . . . Full story:
Doctors Killed in Air Crash had Cure for 'man-made' Turbo Cancer
August 16, 2024 — All 62 passengers on board were killed on plane that crashed in Brazil today. Crucial information may be lost. Full story:
Earthquake Shakes Los Angeles!
August 13, 2024 — Los Angeles shakes TV Newsroom during broadcast. Full story:
The 'Palestine' Plot
By B. Jensen © 2024 all rights reserved
Concerning the "Historical" Connection of the Jews with Palestine
"(The Mandate) is a reprehensible document drawn up, not by the Mandate's Commission . . . but by the Zionists themselves in collusion with the British Government in the interests of the National Home. It was never debated in Parliament, but was issued under an Order in Council. This is the true origin of the trouble in Palestine. A fictitious right has been invented, namely, that 'the historic connection' of the Jews with Palestine gives them a special status in the land. This supposed 'historic connection' is none other than an ancient imposture." (Frances E. Newton: "The Mandate for Palestine," 1946).
". . . not a single inscription has been found in Palestine which can be identified with the Hebrew Kingdom (p. 48). Jerusalem has failed to produce any trace of David or Solomon, any tablet, any inscription or even foundation memorial. Thus there is lacking in their case that documentary evidence which is to be found in the cases of all the other races of Western Asia of any note (p. 49). The Greeks make no mention of the Jews in early days, although such a maritime race would surely have come in contact with them, had Palestine been their home. Divine Homer knows nothing of them . . ." (H.D. Daunt: "The Centre of Ancient Civilisation," London, 1926).
In July, 1946, Dr. George Kheirallah, who publishes the "Arab World," New York, stated before the Standing Committee on External Affairs of the Canadian House of Commons that "the Jewish merchants from Stamboul went into the Tartar country, the Caspian district, and Judaized the Khazar Tartars. The result is that when you see thousands and thousands of Polish, Russian and Rumanian Jews they have neither the Semitic wisdom nor the blood. They are Tartars, and the Arabs to-day are constantly confronted with this Tartar invasion."
One remembers Disraeli's references to 'the Jews' as a splendidly organised Caucasian race, and there come to mind, also, various descriptions of the peculiar mixture of semi-Asiatic races which inhabited the lands which gave birth to 'Stalin,' the Georgian-Caucasian, and 'Lenin,' in whose veins flowed a large admixture of Mongol blood, as well as of many of the lesser lights of the Soviet-Talmudic scheme of things.
Dr. Kheirallah's statement that ancient Semitic lands are at the moment being invaded by non-Semitic Tartar-Asiatics who have no more valid claim to 'Zion' than has e.g., Mr. Emanuel Shinwell to Wentworth Woodhouse, receives support from an article entitled 'Zionists Misleading World with Untruths for Palestine Conquest' which appeared in the "New York Herald Tribune," on January 14, 1947, and which is now being distributed freely and widely by the "League for Peace with Justice" in Palestine, New York. Coming from the Metropolis of World Jewry, and having the support of organisations of Americans of the Christian, Mohammedan and Jewish faiths, all apparently violently anti- Zionist, this document is deserving of critical attention. I am informed that it has received no attention, critical or otherwise, from the official press of this country.
According to the text of this document, "The Zionists claim that persons of the Jewish Faith in eastern Europe (Polish, Lithuanian, Galician, Ukrainian, Russian and Rumanian) have a legitimate right to be 'repatriated' to Palestine, connoting their right to return to the country of their origin." The basis for this Zionist claim is contradicted and disapproved by the world's foremost historians, ethnologists, anthropologists, philologists and cartographers. The works of these notable Jewish and non-Jewish authorities are to be found in the leading public libraries and educational institutions of higher learning. These authorities agree that persons of the Jewish Faith in eastern Europe are the descendants largely of a non-semitic Turkish-Finnish race which came into Europe from Asia about the 1st century AD by a land route north of the Caspian Sea. These people are known in history as Khazars. The Khazars had always been a pagan people. They settled in eastern Europe and there established the Khazar kingdom. By continuous and successful conquests for which the Khazars became famous in history, their kingdom increased in size until by the 8th century AD it occupied the greater portion of eastern Europe located west of the Urals and north of the Black Sea, and extending far westwards into Europe. The Khazar nation was converted to Judaism at about the end of the 7th century AD. The Khazar king in (ca.) 692 selected Judaism rather than either the Christian or Moslem religions which were striving to convert the Khazar king and the Khazar nation to Christianity or to Mohammedanism. After the conversion of the Khazars to Judaism, only a Jewish king could occupy the Khazar throne. Conversion of the Khazars to Judaism was very successful. Judaism became the state religion. Synagogues and schools for teaching Judaism to the Khazars and peoples conquered by them were built throughout the kingdom. Rabbis to officiate in synagogues, and teachers for the schools, were imported from Spain. These non-Semitic Turkish-Finnish people from Asia, now converted to Judaism, formed the Khazar kingdom which dominated eastern Europe: this great and powerful Jewish kingdom at the peak of its power was collecting tribute from no less than twenty-five conquered peoples. Conquest was their vocation.
This great and powerful Jewish kingdom flourished for almost five hundred years without a setback. Even the neighbouring mighty Byzantine and Persian empires feared the Khazars, and eagerly sought military alliances with them. Towards the end of the 10th century AD, the Khazars were defeated in a war with the Russians (Varangians) who came down upon them from out of the north. For the first time in their history this Jewish kingdom was defeated and the Khazars were conquered. This conquest of the Khazars was completed in the middle of the 13th century AD. The Khazar population and former Khazar territory were thus incorporated into the expanded Russian state. The Khazar kingdom disappears at this time from the history of the world. The conquest of the Khazar kingdom by the Russians accounts for the presence in southern Russia of the large and concentrated population of the Jewish faith. During the next few centuries, large parts of this concentrated Jewish population were included in the newly formed Polish, Lithuanian, Galician, Rumanian and other states which through conquests were carved out of the former greater Russia. These new states were in their turn reconquered by Russia, and these large Jewish populations were reunited again as Russians. From the 13th century AD to the outbreak of World War II. the Eastern European area of Southern Russia underwent very little ethnic change and continued to include the descendants of the former Khazar Jewish kingdom."
Ever since that day, Russia has been invading and occupying neighbouring territory: "Conquest was their vocation."
We may recall Disraeli's remark about that 'mysterious Russian diplomacy' which was controlled by his co-racialists. Disraeli was in the habit of spending his Sunday nights with the London Rothschilds, who managed the financial interests in England of the 'Czarist' administration. The London Rothschilds were 'Liberals,' and their financial interests were expertly handled in 'reactionary' Germany by Baron von Bleichroeder of Berlin, and the Warburgs of Hamburg, and in 'reactionary' Russia by Baron Ginzburg of St. Petersburg, and the Wein-steins of Odessa.
The influence exercised over the 'Liberal' press of the world by the Rothschild-Bleichroeder-Warburg combination was decisive. From the middle of the 19th century till 1917, when Communists financed by them seized power in Petrograd, the 'Liberal' press of the world was consistently and solidly anti-Russian. Russia was held up to the world as that Oriental Despotism which, under overt Jewish control, it has since become. Russia is, or was until recently, described by the 'Lab-Liberal' press of the world as a workers' paradise.
The Pro-Sovietism of the 'Internationalist' Press and Parties was, from 1917 to 1933, combined with an equally ardent admiration for German 'Republican' 'Democracy,' an admiration which the advent of 'Hitler' changed into a feeling of vehement 'anti-Nazism,' which, in its turn—as Germany was emptied of her 'Jews' and the war against Hitler 'drew near—broadened into that kind of anti-German frenzy which we associate with the name of Lord Vansittart. (In 1945, Lord Vansittart discovered, and Mr. Churchill re-discovered, the 'Russian' danger which antedates the 'Nazi' peril by at least 25 years. Hitler was a keen student of Trotsky's works and admitted he had learnt a lot from the Jewish Bolshevists.' At the time of writing, the Big British Dailies are discovering, with an air of surprise, that 'Stalin' is beginning 'to copy the methods' of 'Hitler.' The British dailies are' fed 'their news by the International News Agencies, many of which are controlled by Jews.)
Since the end of the Jewish war against 'German' 'Fascism,' the newspaper press of the world has in growing measure directed its powers of invective against the British Empire, now in the process of being liquidated under the guidance of Communist-Labour-Liberal Governments, often openly directed by 'Jews.'
The quarrel of "World Jewry"—that marvellously organised community of Common (i.e., collectivized) Beings—with the British administration is not, as in the case of 'Czarist' Russia and 'Hitlerite' Germany, that a despotic Government persecutes their fellow 'religion'-ists (who, as a matter of common observation, are in open control of the key positions of the economic life of this country) but that streams of their 'persecuted' co-Talmudists are not allowed freely to converge on, and settle in, a tiny corner of the Empire in which the Rothschild Dynasty has been economically and otherwise interested since the middle of the 19th century when the first modern Jewish colonists settled, under Red-shield guidance, in the wine-growing parts of Palestine.
It has been pointed out by Professor Bentwich, former Attorney General of Palestine, Professor of International Relations of the Hebrew University, Mount Scopus, and prominent 'Labour' politician, that the Balfour Declaration to Lord Rothschild and the 'Russian' Revolution took place in the same month, and we may perhaps be justified in considering them as a sort of twin experiment. We know that the Communist and the Zionist movements were financed from the same source. We know that many of the 'officers' of the Tartar-Jewish revolutions; in Russia, Hungary, Spain, etc., found ready employment in the 'agricultural' development of Palestine. We know that the Jewish Agency for Palestine—the mysterious semi-autonomous body which the Jews in Palestine regard as their real government and with which the leading families in Israel, the Samuels, Isaacs, Warburgs, Rothschilds and Schiffs are intimately connected—is left an entirely free hand in the selection of the type of 'labourer' deemed necessary for the continued success of the National Home experiment. The Tartar-Jewish zealots who, apparently under perpetual hypnotic suggestion, are everlastingly singing the Hatikvah, their National Anthem in a posture of Prussian rigidity, while being carted from truck to ship and from ship to truck at the orders of the invisible Zionist High Command, offer the most frightening example of what can be done with beings subjected to years of enforced collectivism. The Zionist 'democracy' has 'decided' to return to the 'land of their fathers.' The Zionist High Command encourages that belief with every means in its power. The lot of the Zionist 'democrat' on reaching his Promised Land is far from easy, often tragic. His essential function is to be a number, and with his often equally tragic fellows he adds up, or is beginning to add up, to the desired total. An American writer has a word for it: the 'refugees' are merely being used as the political football of the leading Zionist Jews of the world. The "New York Herald Tribune" article sums the situation up as follows: "Since 1916, Zionists have proceeded on the theory that their plan for creating an independent Jewish state in Palestine was the only certain method by which Zionists could acquire complete control and outright ownership of the proven Five Trillion Dollar ($5,000,000,000,000) chemical and mineral wealth of the Dead Sea. A Jewish state possessing this fabulous wealth would by virtue of its financial power soon become a nation with greater international importance than any nation in the history of the world. The real driving force behind the feverish Zionist "give me Palestine or give me nothing" struggle now going on is their hope of resurrecting in Palestine their former eastern European Jewish kingdom (Khazar). Zionists are using the horrible Hitler massacre not for the purpose of accelerating the rescue of their co-religionists from eastern Europe, as 'professional' Zionists would have the world believe as they plead for contributions, but perverting this humanitarian task to get the Five Trillion Dollar ($5,000,000,000,000) juicy Palestine 'prize package.' Twenty years before the arrival on the scene of Adolph Hitler and his Nazi murderers, Zionists were then using less impressive alibis to justify their 'high-jacking' of the Five Trillion Dollar ($5,000,000,000,000) chemical and mineral wealth of the Dead Sea, which always has rightfully belonged to the native Palestinians. The official report of the British Crown Agents for the Colonies prepared for the Government of Palestine, entitled 'Production of Minerals from the Waters of the Dead Sea' states on page 2 that there are forty-two billion metric tons of potassium chloride, magnesium bromide, magnesium chloride, calcium chloride and sodium chloride, 'and also a supply of potash which may be considered inexhaustible,' of a total value of about Five Trillion Dollars ($5,000,000,000,000) at to-day's prices. Zionists will some day be held responsible for the political pollution and financial filth by which they have obtained temporary possession of the Dead Sea, and are now removing from it wrongfully through the operation of Palestine Potash, Ltd., a corporate 'front' for the secret Zionist 'high-command,' the natural resources of the land which belong to the people who live there. Ironically, Zionists are using the profits from this operation to finance the conquest of the country from these natives. When published, the facts will shock the world and rock the reputations of many names long held to be above suspicion."
The article then proceeds to show how the operations ordered by the Zionist High Command are leading to unexpected developments in the Near East. The Arab peoples are becoming increasingly bitter against (not the British, as it was hoped?) but the Americans, as they are coming to realize that it is 'New York' far more than 'London' which dictates the 'British' policy in Palestine. A Cairo paper, "Al Misry," is quoted as advocating a complete boycott of American merchandise and American 'culture' in the shape of books, periodicals, etc. There are many indications that New York, having for long with complete impunity sowed the wind, is now at last beginning to reap the whirlwind (The "Palestine" Plot).
Our Destiny
We must place emphasis on God's Word to Moses in Genesis 3:14-16, who said to the Serpent, a handsome man-like creature without a soul, "Because you have seduced and copulated with Eve, you are placed under a hereditary curse above all cattle and every beast of the field. On your belly shall you go, and dust shall you eat all the days of your life: and I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your hybrid physical Serpent's seed and her seed (Jesus Christ and His offspring); it shall (terminally) bruise your head, and you shall (temporarily) bruise His heel" (John 2:19). To the woman He said, "I will greatly multiply your pain in conception; in pain you shall bring forth children; and your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you".
In Matthew 23:30, 36, and John 8:44 Moses is supported by the Lord God Himself. In speaking to the Edomite Pharisees assimilated by Jerusalem's high priest John Hyrcanus I in 125BC Jesus said, "I know (like Ishmael) you are Abraham's seed, and you are Isaac's seed (like Esau and Jacob); but you are not the Jacob's seed . . . You are (begotten of) your father the Devil (incarnate in the Serpent), and the lusts of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning of procreation. Cain, Eve's firstborn was illegitimate and murdered his half-brother Abel. He stood not in the truth because there is no truth in him. When he speaks the lie, he speaks from his own nature; for he is a liar, and the father of lies" (Deuteronomy 32:5; I John 2:22). Jesus Christ is the beginning of God creating Himself a part of creation and He expects the nature of Christians born of His Spirit to rise in union with the godhead (Revelation 3:14).
Maurice Samuels well explained Genesis 3:15 and the irreconcilable conflict between the seed of Cain and the children of Adam: "There are two life forces in the world I know: Jewish and Gentile, ours and yours . . . I do not believe that this primal difference between Gentile and Jew is reconcilable. You and we may come to an understanding, never to a reconciliation. There will be irritation between us as long as we are in intimate contact. For nature and constitution and vision divide us from all of you forever" ("You Gentiles," (Harcourt, Brace & Co, New York, 1924, p. 19, 23). "We Jews, we are the destroyers and will remain the destroyers. Nothing you can do will meet our demands and needs. We will forever destroy because we want a world of our own" (p. 155; Amos 3:3; Revelation 6:11).
Under the Fifth Trumpet of World War I the name of the king and angel of the bottomless pit means "destruction" or "destroyer" in Hebrew and in Greek indicating his dominion over ALL who come under his demonic influence (John 8:34; Romans 6:16; Revelation 9:1-11). Oscar Levy confirmed, "There is scarcely an event in modern history that cannot be traced to the Jews. We Jews today, are nothing else but the world's seducers, its destroyers, its incendiaries" ("World Significance of the Russian Revolution," (1920), Preface). While natural locusts have no king (Proverbs 30:27) these are ruled by the king of anarchy, called in II Thessalonians 2:7 "the mystery of iniquity (lawlessness)," ultimately the deified Devil-incarnate last Pope of the Judaeo-Roman church (Revelation 17:11). This spirit of lawlessness has destroyed natural authority and good manners in the home, church, school, feudal, monarchical, aristocracic and Hegelian sham democratic societies, to bring the world under Judaeo-Communism which Jesus called "Laodicea" meaning people's rights, egalitarianism or Judaeo-Communism following Satan's pale horse to perdition (II Timothy 3, 4; Revelation 17:8, 11).
The Babylonian Talmud and The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion pull no punches: Tractate Yebamoth 98a says, among other abominable things, "All Gentile children are animals." Tractates Kiddushin 66c and Soferim 15, Rule 10 quote Rabbi Simon ben Yohai: Tob shebe goyyim harog—"the best of the Gentiles should all be killed" (Jewish Encyclopedia, "Gentiles"; also Mechilta, Beshalach 2). Samuel Roth stated: "Our major vice of old as of today is parasitism. We are a people of vultures living on the labor and good fortune of the rest of the world" ("Jews Must Live," p. 18).
Brother Branham said, "They are religious. They believe in God. They are like their father, the Devil, and their ancestor, Cain. Both of them believed in God. They go to church. They mingle with the righteous as tares mingle with the wheat. In so doing they corrupt and produce a Nicolaitane religion. They spread their poison in every effort to destroy the seed of God even as Cain killed Abel. There is no fear of God before their eyes" (An Exposition of the Seven Church Ages, p. 107:2-3).
Daniel 2:40-45, "The fourth kingdom (Rome) will be strong as iron: for as iron breaks in pieces and shatters all things, so shall it break in pieces and crush all peoples. And as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken. And in that you saw the feet and toes, partly of potters' clay and partly of iron, it will be a divided kingdom; but it will have in it the toughness of iron, inasmuch as you saw the iron mixed with clay of mud. And as the toes of the feet were partly of iron, and partly of pottery, part of the kingdom will be strong, and part of it will be brittle. And in that you saw iron mixed with clay of mud, they will mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron does not combine with pottery. And in the days of these kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom, which will never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it will endure forever. Inasmuch as you saw that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands, and that it crushed the iron, the bronze, the clay, the silver, and the gold; the great God has made known to the king what will take place in the future: and the dream is certain, and the interpretation is trustworthy."
From 603BC to the present, history has vindicated Nebuchadnezzar's prophetic dream and the interpretation God revealed through His prophet Daniel. Brother Branham said: "Let me give you a little something on the iron and clay. Remember when Khrushchev beat his shoe on the desk at the UN in 1962? Well, there were five eastern nations or toes of the WARSAW PACT there and five western nations or toes of NATO. Khrushchev spoke for the East, and Eisenhower for the West. In Russian, Khrushchev means clay and in German Eisenhower means iron. (Each name has ten letters). The two main leaders of the world, the two BIG toes of the feet of iron and clay, two Jews side by side. We are in the end of it all" (An Exposition of the Seven Church Ages, p. 237:1-2; The Seventy Weeks of Daniel, p. 100:126). According to Aline Fenwick of Wollstonecraft, Sydney, who was working for the UN, British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan was making a speech at the UN in New York when Soviet leader Khrushchev took off his shoe and banged it to on the desk. Mr. Eisenhower lied to Mr. Khrushchev who produced photographs of Gary Powers' U2 Spy Plane shot down in Russia. "We will bury you . . . We do not have to invade the United States, we will destroy you from within." And they have the Judaeo-communist takeover of Russia and development of the USSR was funded by the US tax-exempt foundations. President Wilson stationed 13,000 US troops in Russia to ensure the Bolshevik revolution succeeded. President Truman furnished the plans, hard water and other materials to Stalin for making nuclear bombs. The spirit of Laodicea which means "peoples' rights," or as Rome has it, "justice of the peoples," is Judaeo-communism or humanism that now rules the US and the apostate (once) Christian world.
These two kingdoms, the BIG toes of the image of Nebuchadnezzar's dream could not agree in the UN in 1962, as President Putin and Jewish President Trump couldn't agree in 2018. "In the days of these kingdoms the God of heaven will set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever. Forasmuch as you saw that the Stone was cut out of the mountain without hands".
This Stone is Jesus Christ the Head of the Corner or Capstone cut out of the great mountain by His Spirit to form His end-time Bride (Matthew 21:42-44; I Peter 2:4-10; Revelation 18:4). Zechariah 4:6-7, "Not by might, nor by power, but by My spirit, says the Lord of hosts. Who are you, O Great Mountain? Before Zerubbabel you shall become a plain: and he shall bring forth the Headstone thereof with shoutings, crying, Grace, grace unto it." Shattering the "silence in heaven".
The revelation of the Seven Seals brought Christ back to earth in W_O_R_D form. Brother Branham said, "How will . . . the people that's believing Him know it unless they're constantly in the Word, to know what He is! Daniel said, "The wise shall know; but the foolish, the unwise, wouldn't know. They shall know their God." Now, now, how He shall appear in the last days, is to bring the people back to the Word, so that the Bride will know Her Husband, know Her Mate, the revealed Word. That's why this has to happen."
Adam is named after the substance from which he was formed, "adamah," soil or earth. Ecclesiastes 3:20-21, "All go to one place; all are of the dust, and all turn to dust again. Who knows the spirit of man that goes upward, and the spirit of the beast that goes downward to the earth?" Physically we are all "dust" or "clay of mud," however God's elect must not "mingle themselves with the seed of men" if we want our souls to "go upward".
In 1789 Benjamin Franklin made this Statement in the Convention, concerning Jewish Immigration:
"There is a great danger for the United States of America, this great danger is the Jew. Gentlemen, in every land which the Jews have settled, they have depressed the normal level and lowered the degree of commercial honesty. They have remained apart and unassimilated—they have created a state within a state, and when they are opposed they attempt to strangle the nation financially as in the case of Portugal and Spain. For more than 1,700 years, they have lamented their sorrowful fate—namely, that they were driven out of their motherland, but gentlemen, if the civilized world today should give them back Palestine and their property, they would immediately find pressing reasons for not returning there. Why? Because they are vampires—they cannot live among themselves; they must live among Christians and others who do not belong to their race. "If they are not excluded from the United States by the Constitution, within less than 100 years, they will stream into this country in such numbers they will rule and destroy us and change our form of Government for which we Americans shed our blood and sacrificed life, property and personal freedom. If the Jews are not excluded, within 200 years our children will be working in the fields to feed the Jews while they remain in the Counting House gleefully rubbing their hands." I warn you, gentlemen, if you do not exclude the Jews forever, your children's children will curse you in your graves. Their ideas are not those of Americans even when they have lived among us for ten generations. The leopard cannot change its spots. Jews are a danger to this land and if they are allowed to enter they will imperil our institutions—they should be excluded by the Constitution".
Brother Branham said, "Then the Gospel goes back to the Jews right there at that time. Then there'll be a revival amongst those Jews right there that'll carry thousands and tens of thousands and a hundred and forty-four thousand into the Kingdom of God, will be sealed by the sealing Angel." I trust that He's coming from the east. That's the way He is from us now, with His Seal in His hand. Then, oh, I want to be gathered in there. "I've sent a persecution here and a persecution there, and I've run the Jews and drove them as hard as I could. And they've drove back in. Many Jews in the United States (which they won't escape from) . . ." (54-0103M, Q&A #1, par. 234-235).
Clearly from the birth of Cain and Abel to the present day there have been two races on earth and God put "enmity" between the seed of the Serpent which has no inheritance on earth and the seed of Adam who was a son of God (Genesis 4:11-16; Deuteronomy 7:1-4; Ezra 9:12; The Thirteenth Tribe).
If you look at the map in your Bible or read Genesis 10 and the Table of Nations you will know where Cain's descendants settled after the Flood. They were Turkic peoples whose members speak languages belonging to the—Turkic, Mongolian, and Manchu-Tungus language group historically connected with the Tujue, the name given by the Chinese to the nomadic people who in the 8th century AD founded an empire stretching from what is now Mongolia and the northern frontier of China to the Black Sea. With some exceptions, notably in the European part of Turkey and in the Volga region, the Turkic peoples live in Asia. In addition to those groups already mentioned, contemporary peoples who are classified as Turkic include the Altai, Azerbaijanis, Balkar, Bashkir, Dolgan, Karachay, Karakalpaks, Kazakhs, Khakass, kipchak, Kumyk, Kyrgyz, Nogay, Shor, Tatars, Tofalar, Turkmen, Turks, Tyvans (Tuvans), Uighurs, and Uzbeks (Turkic peoples; Mongolia). Huns, Ghengis and Kublai Khan, Golden horde, etc.,
Revelation 17:1-10 describes the transformation of Imperial Rome to Papal Rome at the First Nicaea Council of AD325 in Eastern Rome or Asia Minor, now Turkey. There the Judaeo-Roman Catholic church organized in the Pergamean Church Age (AD312-606) almost three centuries after Calvary; scripture, history, and "Scenes in the Life and Ministry of Peter" (Thompson Chain Reference Bible), establish that Peter never ventured beyond Judea, Samaria, Galilee and Phoenicia, for his apostleship was "to the circumcision" or Judeans (Galatians 2:8).
Revelation 17:7-13, "And the angel (Brother Branham, Revelation 1:1) "asked . . . enter your name . . . Why do you wonder? I will tell you the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carries her, which has the seven heads and ten horns. The beast that you saw was and is not; and will ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and those who dwell on the earth will wonder, whose names were not written in the Book of Life from the foundation of the world, when they see the beast that was, and is not, but will come. Here is the mind that has wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sits. And there are seven deified kings: five are fallen," Julius Caesar, Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula and Claudius, "and one is," Nero, "and the other," Galba "is not yet come; and when he comes he must continue a short space" seven months and six days)."And the beast that was, and is not yet, he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goes into perdition." I expect the eighth will be the incarnate Jesuit Pope Francis I, who will ride the pale horse to perdition with his followers at the Battle of Armageddon (II Thessalonians 2:3; Revelation 6:8; 17:8, 11). The Prophesies of 'Saint' Malachy, a medieval Irish priest and Kabbalist who went to Rome in 1139 to give an account of the affairs of his diocese to Pope Innocent II, who promised him two palliums for the metropolitan Sees of Armagh and Cashel. According to the Abbot Cucherat, while at Rome, he received the strange vision of the future wherein was unfolded before his mind the long list of illustrious pontiffs who were to rule the Church until the end of time, which has proven accurate.
"The ten horns which you saw are ten kingdoms (European Black Nobility—NATO—signified in the toes of the image of Nebuchadnezzar's god Daniel) who have not yet received a kingdom but will receive power as kings one hour with the beast of Papal Rome. In unanimity these will give their power and authority to the beast as we witness in Jewry's war against Russia in the Ukraine" (their homeland).
Revelation 19:19-21, "And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against Him that sat on the horse, and against His army. And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived all that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his (once Protestant United States) image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone. And the remnant was slain with the sword of Him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of His mouth: and all the fowls were filled with their flesh. And the ten horns which you saw are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast." (The Black Nobility of the ten Eastern and Western European kingdoms have transformed Imperial Rome divided under Emperor Constantine into a vastly more powerful universal church kingdom).
The ten horns into which Imperial Rome divided were the Vandals, Ostrogoths and Heruli (three Germanic tribes), Alemanni (Germans), Seuvi (Portuguese), Burgundians (Swiss), Visigoths (Spanish), Franks (France), Saxons (English) and Lombards (Italians), and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the names of blasphemy [Lutheran, Anglican, Methodist, Assemblies of God, Baptist, etc, her denominational daughters that like Rome's emperors have usurped God's sovereignty (Genesis 11:4; Revelation 3:1). The ten toes or kingdoms of the image in Nebuchaznezzar's dream have become Papal Rome.
From the downfall of Babylon to the French Revolutions, non-Semitic Talmudic Jews have always acted as a destructive force among the Gentiles "whither I have driven thee" (Jeremiah 46:28). The history of the Jews under Talmudic control was the same in Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Imperial and Papal Rome. The avaricious Amsterdam Jews, having been evicted from Spain and France saw commercial opportunities in England girt by sea and had Oliver Cromwell betray King Charles I, causing his decapitation, enabling the self-styled Jews to return and conquer England, which they have since ruled as a colony of "the City of London." Today that sovereign city state rules the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and over fifty other nations. Manasseh Ben Israel and Dutch, German and French money lenders along with the Jewish underground in England financed William of Orange against James II in 1688. In 1694 nameless Jewish majority stockholders established the Bank of England foreseeing that through wars—always a good omen for bankers as all nations come under submission to the self-styled non-Semitic Jews. And today the world is acquainted with the various methods employed by the Elders of Zion shortening the intervals between military wars. Many of the fathers of today's Isaeli terrorists were enthusiastic Zionists who underwent much the same sort of training in the Ghettoes of Russia and Poland as their sons do today in the state of faux Israel—still financed from the same transatlantic source.
Daniel declared this prophecy in about 555BC, six years after King Nebuchadnezzar's death. The vision is now coming to pass. Revelation 17 explains how NATO will initially support Rome but once the Gentiles are thoroughly fed up with Rome and apostatized NATO will ally with re-communized Russia. The ten toes will hate the whore and once allied with re-communized Russia they will 'nuke' Vatican City State (Revelation 18:8-19).
Revelation 10:1 – 11:13 is in parenthesis between the Sixth Trumpet and Second Woe, and the Seventh Trumpet and Third Woe, that is throughout the Bride Age (Revelation 10:1) to the start of Daniel's Seventieth Week. The Sixth Trumpet (Revelation 9:13-21) wrought the Second Woe of World War II upon Israel, "the third part of men," and their impersonators. Non-Israelites not killed by the plagues of modern warfare, fire, smoke and brimstone, repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship demons, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which can neither see, nor hear, nor walk: neither did they repent of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts" (Revelation 9:13-21).
Revelation 10:1-11 describes Christ's second or (Gk.) 'parousia' Coming in W_O_R_D form "as a thief in the night" to Christ's end-time Bride in Arizona on March 8, 1963. Brother Branham himself was caught up into the Cloud and the Lord instructed to return to His Church where He would reveal the mystery of the unwritten Seventh Seal. At this time the elect PART W_O_R_D saints were finished (Revelation 4:1-2).
As instructed in Revelation 10:5-11, we took the little Book from Jesus' left hand as He placed judgment upon the earth and on the seas, and became one with the fullness of the Word as signified by partaking the Lord's Supper. Like Brother Branham's anecdote concerning the little Armour girl, we are Christ's espoused Bride. He made His proposal to us and we gave Him our Word . . . from that moment to our translation we are living under the "investigation judgment" before the Sixth Seal manifests. (Typed by the Ordeal of Jealousy in Numbers 5, the foolish virgins in Matthew 25:6 and The Revelation of the Seven Seals old book p. 400-409; new Seals book, p.358:65-124).
Revelation 11:1-13 outlines the first half of Daniel's Seventieth Week and the miraculous ministry of Moses and Elijah in the modern Israel state, following Israel's invasion and defeat, a mass exodus of non-Semitic Jews will abandon Israel enabling the repatriation of Semitic Israelites of Jacob's bloodline. It also records the murder of God's two witnesses, their resurrection after three and a half days and ascent to heaven on a cloud telecast worldwide.
Revelation 11:14 dictates that World War II (1939 – 2025) must be formally settled by a Treaty of Peace between the UK and Allies, and Germany and the Axis Powers before the Seventh Trumpet, Sixth Seal, Seventh Vial and the Third Woe manifest. As ruler of the Roman World Empire Pope Francis I will be the arbiter and catalyst of the Treaty resolving World War II before Good Friday 2025.
Then "the Sixth Seal will open with an earthquake of unprecedented magnitude since man was on earth; the sun will become black as sackcloth of goat's hair; the moon will become as blood, and the stars of heaven will appear to fall as earth moves on its axis and heaven departs as a scroll when it is rolled together: every mountain and island will move out of their place" (Revelation 6:12-17: 16:18-19; Isaiah 29:6; Jeremiah 30:7; Daniel 12:1; Zechariah 14:1-5; Matthew 24:21). The Seventh Trumpet will sound the end of the Gentile dispensation (Revelation 11:15) and the plague of the Seventh Vial will be poured upon the air commencing the first resurrection (Revelation 15:8; 16:17-21) as the Mount of Olives cleaves, dividing Jerusalem into three parts. "And Mystery Babylon the Great is remembered before God, to give her the cup of the wine of His fierce wrath. Every island fled away, and the mountains were not found. Hailstones, each about one hundred pounds will come down from heaven upon men, and because of the hail they will blaspheme God for its plague is extremely severe".
Brother Branham said, "Remember we have shown clearly all through the ages that even as Adam and Eve fell because they left the Word, so the Ephesian Age fell by turning slightly from the Word, until with every age continuing to turn away, we have a final repudiation of the Word by the World Church system. This Laodicean Age ends in a blackout of the Word, thereby causing a departure of the Lord from the midst. He stands outside calling to His own that follow Him by obedience to the Word. After a short and powerful demonstration of the Spirit this little hunted and persecuted group will go to be with Jesus . . . What Nicaea set out to accomplish has finally come to pass. With all the might of organization the false church turns from any vestige of truth and with political might reinforces herself with state backing and sets out to eradicate forever the true believer" (An Exposition of the Seven Church Ages, p. 361:1; 362:3; 355:2; 357:1; 131:2-3; Revelation 18:4).
"And when that time (of the latter rain) comes, there'll be a persecution rise then and the Holy Ghost will fall and Methodist and Baptists, and all will speak with tongues, praise God, and heal the sick, and prophesy, and all the signs and wonders will be coming. The elect will go up, and the remnant will be left here to go through the tribulation period. And at the end of the time, when they see what has happened, they'll have to go down in martyrdom" (54-0103M, COD, par. 271).
"Oh, what a picture you could pull out of Daniel, Revelation, tying those together and show by the Scripture that the Church is coming into the same type of persecution before She's called out. That's the way the Gentile Church was brought in; that's the way the Gentile Church will be taken out. As she come in so shall she go" (54-0103E, COD, par. 83).
The Seventh Trumpet will sound the close of the Gentile dispensation; the first resurrection of the sleeping saints will commence on the third day, and Christ's end-time Bride will manifest that we are the Sons of God. When our time comes the recognition of one of the glorified saints will supercharge our faith to change in the atoms and ever be with the Lord. When we have all gone Home, Satan will come down to earth with his demonic angels (Revelation 12:7-12). He will incarnate Rome's Pope and Russia will invade the United States.
In "The Grand Chessboard," Zbigniew Brzezinski, former National Security Advisor of the United States speaks to the historical and geostrategic moves by the West to control the Eurasian landmass. The Rhodes/Rothschild/Milner/Round Table plan was to control the Eurasian "Heartland" along the Mackinder Line running from the Baltic Sea through Eastern Europe, bisecting the Ukraine, and terminating in Palestine. US broken promises, treaties and geostrategic missteps have catalyzed Russia's re-emergence as a global power, shifting geostrategic power eastward, proverbially snatched defeat from the jaws of a US/NATO victory. Brother Branham prophesied that Russia will invade the US mainland: the Pentagon will surrender and the nation will capitulate. Following the successful invasion, Russia will have the upper hand but Rome will invoke Daniel 9:27 and refinance the US dollar with gold backing. The UN in New York City will proclaim the Devil-incarnate pope World President. Russia will withdraw her troops and peace will be restored, vouchsafed by her apostate once Protestant US image. Rome will rule the world "by flatteries" unto the consummation. The Judaeo-Roman Universal religion will be preeminent and the Pope will make her US enforcer "an image to the beast" (Revelation 13:1-10, 15-18; Isaiah 14:12-14, Daniel 7:19-27 and 9:27; (54-0509, The Invasion of the United States, par. 96-103; Daniel 2:40-45).
"Peace, Peace, and there is no Peace! The Third Woe cometh quickly"!
History planned by God is counter-planned by Satan. The seven Trumpet angels are Heavenly beings bringing an investigation or temporary judgment upon Israel—"the third part of man"—and upon the church (Numbers 5:11-31; Matthew 25:1-13; Revelation 8:13). "I beheld and heard an angel flying in mid-heaven saying with a loud voice, Woe, woe, woe, to the inhabiters of the earth by reason of the other voices of the trumpet of the three angels, which are yet to sound!" Jesus' threefold ultimatum was sounded in Martin Luther's Message of "Justification by grace through faith," John Wesley's Message of scriptural "holiness," and William Branham's Message which "restored the apostolic faith, finished the mystery of God and introduced Christ's second unseen (Gk.) 'parousia' Coming, calling His end-time Bride out from the Great Whore and her denominational harlot daughters into the unity of the faith for the manifestation of the Sons of God and the translation" (Revelation 14:6-11). On the fiftieth day after the first resurrection and the manifestation of the Sons of God, "The Day of Pentecost will be fulfilled" again, and Christ's end-time Bride will be translated.
We have met the glorified Church Age saints with our Lord in the Air. Revelation 12:13-17, "And the dragon, aware that he is cast down to the earth and conscious of our absence, persecutes Israel, the woman who gave birth to the Man child. And to the woman were given two wings of the great eagle, Moses and Elijah, that she might fly (from North Africa and the Middle East) into the wilderness, to Israel the land of her Covenant where she is nourished Spiritually from the face of the serpent (incarnate in the last pope) for the first three and a half years of Daniel's Seventieth Week). And the serpent cast water out of his mouth as a flood after the woman, US, Israeli, NATO and UN blue helmets that he might cause her to be swept away by the flood. And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, cleaving the Mount of Olives (Isaiah 29:6; 55:10; 64:1-2; Micah 1:3-4; Zechariah 14:4; Matthew 24:30; Acts 1:11) and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth. And the dragon was wroth with the woman (Israel), and went to make war with the remnant of her seed (the foolish virgins), who keep the Commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ (144,000 elect Israelites). nl1298.htm
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Brother Grigor-Scott is a non-denominational minister who has ministered full- time since 1981, primarily to other ministers and their congregations overseas. He pastors Bible Believers' tiny congregation, and is available to teach in your church.
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