Bible Believers' Newsletter 1244
"We focus on the present Truth – what Jesus is doing now. . ."
ISSN 1442-8660
Christian greetings in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ; we are pleased you could join us in fellowship around God's unchanging Word and greatly encouraged by your response to "the present Truth" as it unfolds before us because God's elect is such "a little flock" being "perfected by the five-fold ministry for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the Body of Christ".
This year Good Friday will be on April 7 and the Feast of Pentecost will be May 27. I would like to know if you have any special expectations for these dates in this year. It is important for me to know your mind on these questions so will you each reply by email in ten words or less? There is no need to identify yourself.
The title of this week's Newsletter is "When the Day of Pentecost has Fully Come." And it will come again.
This Newsletter serves those of like precious faith. Whoever will receive the truth is welcome to feed their soul from the waters of the River of Life. Everything here presented should be confirmed personally in your own Bible.Your brother-in-Christ
Anthony Grigor-Scott
Russia is taking on all of NATO plus Ukraine
February 14, 2023 — . . . NATO doesn't respect anything about Russia. NATO knows no limits. — Scott Ritter. It is difficult for the person-on-the-street to get a proper handle on what is happening in a war. Regarding the current fighting between Russia and Ukraine, the monopoly media in the "West" has often pointed to Ukraine winning. Other independent sources will state the opposite. Who should one believe? Two American patriots steeped in US militarism: former Marine intelligence officer (and the UN weapons inspector who warned that Iraq was "fundamentally disarmed") Scott Ritter and retired colonel Douglas Macgregor, both of whom have stated emphatically, and have done so all along, that Russia will win and is winning the war in Ukraine. That these two sources are former US military and profess to love their country gives them credibility.
Giving credence to the statements of Ritter and Macgregor is a Turkish media source, Hürseda Haber [yet to be verified], that has reported data on the fighting in Ukraine that indicates a one-sided death toll. But the data also reveals that the fighting is not two-sided:
UkraineThe casualties of Ukraine, which was on the ground with 734 thousand soldiers (plus 100 thousand reservists) plus NATO officers, soldiers and mercenaries, are as follows:
- Aircraft – 302
- Helicopters – 212
- (S)UAV – 2,750
- Tanks and armored vehicles – 6,320
- Howitzers (Artillery systems) – 7,360
- Air defense systems – 497
- Dead – 157,000
- Injured – 234,000
- Captives – 17,230
- Dead – NATO military trainers (US and UK) – 234
- Dead – NATO soldiers (Germany, Poland, Lithuania, . . .) – 2,458
- Dead – Mercenaries – 5,360
Russian losses in the field with 418 thousand soldiers (plus 3,500,000 reservists) and the increasing number of Wagner mercenaries:Google translate of data from Hürseda Haber.
- Aircraft – 23
- Helicopters – 56
- (S)UAV – 200
- Tanks and armored vehicles – 889
- Howitzers (Artillery systems) – 427
- Air defense systems – 12
- Dead – 18,480
- Injured – 44,500
- Captives – 323
Giving further credence to Ritter and Macgregor, and so many others that have stated this is a proxy war, is the death toll that reveals that the Russians are fighting not just Ukrainians but also NATO military trainers, NATO soldiers, and mercenaries (thousands of the NATO personnel and mercenaries having died). Ritter had pointed out the consequence of failing to accept the Russian demands that Ukraine be neutral, eliminate Nazism, and recognize the independent republics of Donetsk and Lugansk: Russia is one country going up against many countries. That will magnify the success of attaining Russian military objectives. Conversely, such a NATO defeat will be a massive loss of face for the hyped-up American military dominance and throw cold water on the NATO alliance.
Full story:
Urgent Warning to Everyone
February 9, 2023 — Everything they've told you about Ukraine is a lie.
The plot to start this war began in 2014 when America and the European Union (of which the UK was then a fully paid up member, of course) helped overthrow a democratically elected government in Ukraine. Former president Obama admitted in 2015 that the US had been involved in replacing the democratically elected government and offering the incoming government—now headed by [multimillionaire Jewish pornographic actor] Zelensky—billions of dollars in aid. There are plenty of statues to, and much support for Nazi collaborator Bander. Look him up. The US wanted a puppet regime on Russia's doorstep as a launch pad for a planned NATO war with Russia. That was 2014. Obama, who was, unbelievably, awarded the Nobel peace prize, was of course responsible for much of the killing and destruction in Afghanistan.
The current war in Ukraine started in 2014 but escalated in February 2022 and by then the Americans, under Biden, had already begun to get involved. In January 2021—a year before Russia was reported to have invaded Ukraine—the Americans had their eyes on the conflict and there was open talk of halting the Nord Stream pipelines. Biden, you will remember, became the 46th US President in January 2021.
[On Monday, September 26, 2022, the day of Rosh Hashanah (which literally means "beginning of the year" in Hebrew*), US President Joe Biden is alleged to have ordered the destruction of the undersea gas pipelines Nord Stream 1 and 2, linking Russia and Germany. (N.B. The pipeline Nord Stream 1 went into operation in 2012, whereas Nord Stream 2 was completed in 2021, but has never gone into operation.)].
Before Russia invaded Ukraine Biden warned: "If Russia invades . . . then there will be no Nord Stream 2—we will bring an end to it." That's on record.
The Nord Stream pipelines were set up by Russia to transport cheap Russian gas to Germany and the rest of Europe and the Biden administration wasn't happy about this. Biden and his advisors had several objections . . . Full story:
Biden to Syrian Earthquake Victims: DROP DEAD
February 10, 2023 — Brutally politicizing humanitarian aid, Biden assists Turkey but refuses to mobilize aid and rescue workers to save thousands in northern Syria because of US vendetta against Bashar al-Assad government. Team Biden much more muted in regard to Syria, stating that "US-supported humanitarian partners are also responding to the destruction in Syria." These comments made clear the Biden administration's refusal to work with the Syrian government, which has been the target of a US regime-change policy since the early 2000s. (Death toll in Turkey and Syria passes 45,000).
The humanitarian groups to which Biden is referring are NGOs operating in areas outside the control of the Syrian state, which may yet exclude the rest of the country from any such aid, including the badly hit city of Aleppo, which is under Assad government control. [Some of these organizations were infamous for staging false attacks to implicate the Syrian government in crimes it had not committed. Special advisor to Syrian President al-Assad, Bouthaina Shaaban charged that the West provides assistance to support terrorists in areas outside the control of the Syrian state, primarily concerned with protecting Daesh "ISIS," "Jabhat al-Nusra" and the "White Helmets," and isn't interested in areas where most Syrians live] . . . [The Syrian government under Bashar al-Assad, by contrast, humiliated the US by defeating a US-backed uprising over the last decade with Russian assistance. Assad's government has also allied with Iran and stood up to Israel, while resisting US designs to build an oil pipeline that would have undercut supply routes from Russia. (Bashar's father Hafez had allied with Nasserist Egypt and the Soviet Union during the Cold War.)]
A surgeon from Aleppo, Mohamed Zitoun, who spent years treating casualties from the Syrian war, said that he has never experienced anything like the number of injured and the scale of their injuries from the earthquake, and that the hospital's emergency teams where he worked at Bab al-Hawa near the Turkish border were running out of antibiotics, sedatives, surgical supplies, blood bags, bandages and drips.
[The hospital where Zitoun works is in an opposition-held enclave in northwest Syria, an area which bore the brunt of Russian and Syrian bombing during the country's conflict, which killed hundreds of thousands, and where the towns are heavily populated with those who fled other areas of Syria. "The first massive wave of patients surpassed the ability of any medical team," said the surgeon. The outpatient clinic was turned into a ward and mattresses were laid on the floor as the rooms filled with victims and despairing family members. "This is a huge calamity. I lived through shelling and survived massacres. This is totally different, terrifying and horrific."] . . .
The Caesar Photo fraud that undermined Syrian negotiations 12 problems with the story of mass torture and execution in Syria.
Independent journalist Vanessa Beeley posted a report from a northern Syrian resident, Bashar Murtada, on her Telegram channel: "International cargo planes are unable to land at Syrian airports as a result of the US blockade, and countries require Syrian airlines to transport aid on board their civil planes!!! As is well known, the so-called [US] Caesar Act comes in the context of practicing economic terrorism and it is considered one of the most dangerous types of crimes against humanity" . . .
Colonel (Ret.) Richard Black, who flew 299 combat missions in Vietnam and served in the Virginia State Senate as a Republican from 2012 to 2020, has been one of the few former high-ranking military officers or government officials to speak out against US military intervention in places like Syria and Ukraine.
A day after the earthquake, Col. Black characterized the Biden administration's response as "an act of vengeance against Syria's rejection to submit to the US regime-change war and sanctions imposed on their country for the past 12 years".
Col. Black continued: "I have got to tell you, I have never seen such a barbaric response to a tragedy where you literally have people in Aleppo city, Syria who are looking up at piles of concrete, their lives are coming to an end, they're freezing in the cold. They're there without food, without water, and they're dying. Meanwhile, the State Department takes that opportunity to re-emphasize the fact that we are bitter because we could not impose our will on the Syrian people.
"It was in 2020 that the United States imposed the Syria sanctions out of anger at the fact that Syria had driven back the ISIS and al-Qaeda terrorists that the United States had supported, and was trying to overwhelm the government with. So, now the State Department looks at this as an opportunity to simply ratchet up the regime of starvation and freezing that we have imposed on Syria through the cruel Caesar sanctions. "I'm quite disgusted by the actions of the United States State Department. It is really unbecoming of any civilized nation that they would choose this moment to take out their vengeance on the poor suffering people of Syria." Full story:
Comment: Unlike corrupt President Biden, Syria's President Bashar al-Assad is a noble and brave man, and a patriot. Very soon the United States will experience "a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great." Thereafter the Old and New Testaments state clearly that Turkey will depart from NATO and eventually the NATO nations will abandon the USA.
The Truth, Mystery Solved
February 17, 2023 — A $12 balloon used by a hobby HAM Radio group in Illinois; they track the balloons and contact them every 10 minutes on Google Maps. They fly under FAA regulation 101 and are licensed up to 6# payloads. That's what they shot down with a $400,000 missile (plus the one that missed). Mexican dogs are much smarter. Full story:
Comment: If you are an American listen to Colonel Douglas Macgregor on this point.
Confirmed: US-backed Pakistan Military Regime Change against Imran Khan
February 13, 2023 — Yet our 'principled democrats' in 'civil society' want all of us to continue to be as delusional as them in their inability to see this for what it was: a Pakistani military establishment/American national security state classic regime change op. against Khan last year—a fact their Westoxicated Islamophobic and Imranophobic racist souls (cheerleading normalization with Israel) would never be able to swallow.
"Pakistan's powerful army chief Bajwa (who has stolen billions of dollars through corruption) publicly admitted that he conspired against elected Prime Minister Imran Khan, who was overthrown in a US-backed coup in 2022. Soon after, Bajwa visited Washington"
Full story:
When the Day of Pentecost has Fully Come
Pentecost means fifty; it is the festival of early harvest and ingathering of firstfruits—a spiritual shadow and type that Israel and Jewry could not understand because they were looking for Messiah's first coming by Talmudic delusions built upon prophesies of His third Coming when He will destroy Rome and restore the Kingdom to Israel (Acts 1:6). Israel rejected His physical or (Gk.) 'erchomai' first Coming as denominational churches in this day have rejected His second unseen (Gk.) 'parousia' Coming "as a thief in the night" while looking for His second physical return or third Coming following the consummation of life (Malachi 4:1-3; Revelation 19:11-21). We are aware that at every junction of time He comes according to His written Word not according to human reasoning. Organized religion does not know Him, so today around the world thousands are meeting Him every hour without knowing Him.
The first sheaf offered at the Passover and the two leavened loaves offered at Pentecost marked the beginning and end of the grain harvest and sanctified the 2,000 year interval between as the whole harvest or Pentecostal season. Pentecost commemorated the giving of the Law on Mount Sinai on the fiftieth day after the Exodus (Exodus 12:2; 19), the fiftieth day from Nisan 15 "the morrow after the sabbath," the first day of holy convocation (Leviticus 23:11, 15). Nisan 16 was the cutting of the Old Testament sheaf of barley saints, signifying the close of the Hebrew dispensation and the Law at Calvary on Nisan 14, and the birthday of the wheat Church (Acts 2:1; 20:16; I Corinthians 16:8). For forty days after Nisan 16 the Old Testament saints resurrected and were seen by Jesus and many of His disciples and believers: after the forty days they were assumed into heaven with Jesus.
The harvest of wheat, the noblest of grains, signifying Christ's Gentile Bride of all Ages ended on the fiftieth day. When the Day of Pentecost has fully come again two leavened loaves of wheat bread will be offered to the Lord; those baptized into the Body of Christ by revelation of part-W_O_R_D delivered by the angel of each dispensation with His mediation for their ignorance of the fullness of the Word. Since Christ the fullness has returned in the prophetic office Son of Man with the Book of Redemption open He guides us into all Truth and by God's grace we now have today, by God's help, the perfect interpretation of the Word with Divine vindication (I Corinthians 13:10-13; Revelation 10:1-7).
After the Gentile dispensation closes one Good Friday Nisan 14, the resurrection of the Church Age saints will commence over forty days, Church Age by Church Age, and "we who are alive and remain" will manifest that we are the Sons and daughters of God (Romans 8:19). The two leavened loaves indicate that the Church Age saints and Christ's end-time Bride are all one body. Leaven represents the fact that unlike our rising and resurrected Church Age brethren we abide in corruptible flesh with mortal spirits under preeminence to the Holy Spirit indwelling our soul. When the Day of Pentecost has fully come again we shall be changed in the atoms through the recognition of one or more glorified brethren, and "be caught up together with them in the Clouds, to meet the Lord in the Air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord" (I Thessalonians 4:17).
After the Atonement on Calvary and cleansing of the heavenly sanctuary there was a resurrection of the Old Testament saints dispensation by dispensation; they appeared to many over forty days before their ascension with Jesus. Following this pattern Satan will be cast down to earth with his demonic host to cleanse the heavenly sanctuary to receive the resurrected and glorified New Testament saints and Christ's end-time Bride for the Wedding Supper of the Lamb in the Sky. The resurrection and glorification will commence one Nisan 16 with the firstfruits or apostolic saints followed over forty days by the Church Age saints dispensation by dispensation. In this time Christ's end-time Bride will become a hunted and persecuted little group under grace, exercising the 'third pull'—speaking the Word—to produce necessary circumstances that will build our faith for translation grace and the certainty that we are the sons and daughters of God (Romans 8:19). In the ten days that follow one or more known glorified Pentecostal saints will appear to raise faith in us to change in the atoms, and when the Day of Pentecost is fully come again we will ascend to meet the Lord in the Air.
Matthew 19:30, "But many that are first shall be last; and the last shall be first." This conveys a warning that man's estimation is liable to error, and it must not be thought that those who are first in privilege are therefore highest in God's favour. When Jesus spoke He may have had Judas the most trusted early apostle and treasurer in view. Judas fell by covetousness, while Paul, who was "born out of due time," laboured more abundantly than all those before him.
Matthew 20:16, "So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many are called, but few chosen." The great lesson of the parable of the labourers in the vineyard, answers at once the question whether we are to see an absolute equality in the blessedness of the Life to come. The difference of degree will depend, not on duration of service, nor even on the amount of work done, but on the temper and character of the worker. Looking to the incident which gave rise to the parable, we can scarcely help tracing a latent reference to the rich young ruler whom Jesus' disciples had hastily condemned, but in whom the Lord, who "loved" him (Mark 10:21), saw the possibility of a form of holiness higher than that which they were then displaying, if only he could overcome the temptation which kept him back when first called to work in his Master's vineyard in his Master's way. His judgment was even then reversing theirs.
"For many are called, but few chosen"—this warning is repeated after the parable of the Wedding Feast (Matthew 22:14), and it stands there in closer relation with the context, adding something to the warning of the previous clause. Judas, whose state may have been especially present to our Lord's mind, had been "called," but would not be among the "chosen" either for the higher work or for its ultimate reward.
The Israel nation was first called and individual Gentiles last called; last in advantages and privileges, not having been favoured like Jewry but despised by them. Their holy book claims that Jesus was born of fornication between a Roman soldier and a prostitute hairdresser in menstruation, and is presently in hell boiling in excrement! The Talmud says Gentiles are physical Serpent's seed, animals created in human form to serve the Jews (Yebamoth 98a), and that the best of the Gentiles should be killed (Kiddushin 66c; Soferim 15, Rule 10). This is the source of the transhumanism promoted by the World Economic Forum and mRNA inoculations. We more readily and in far greater numbers, embrace the Gospel, and shall far exceed them in knowledge and wisdom, holiness and usefulness, and make abundantly greater progress than Jewry. And many, whether Jews or Gentiles, like Paul called long after others and even late in life, yet being more zealous and diligent in the use of means, and in the exercise of every grace and virtue, and the employment of every talent entrusted with them, shall, in every branch of godliness and righteousness, far excel others who set out in the ways of God long before them. Even of those who hear the Gospel, whether Jews or Gentiles; few are chosen—only those who obey it; and even many who do for a time obey it, and that in reality, and are therefore, the called of Jesus Christ ( Romans 1:6); yet not persevering to give diligence to make their calling and election sure, by adding to their faith every grace, as directed in (II Peter 1:1-12; Matthew 1:5-10), are not finally chosen to everlasting life, but excluded from the marriage-feast for want of a wedding-garment: for without holiness no man shall see the Lord, and only he that is faithful unto death shall receive the crown of life.
It seems necessary to caution you against concluding that the rewards conferred at the (Gk.) 'bema' or award judgment, after death, or at the day of judgment will be equal in all that receive them. God makes great big mountains and little mountains, deserts and plains, little streams and mighty rivers, white flowers, green flowers, blue flowers, big flowers. He has black heads, red heads and white heads. He has big men, little men. He's a God of variety. And when our Lord comes, His reward is with Him, to give to every man according as his work shall be, that is, in proportion to the degree of the inward and outward holiness which he had attained in the days of his flesh, and according to the efforts he had made and the diligence he had used to glorify God, and serve his generation in obedience to the divine will: and according to the sufferings which he had patiently endured as one star differs from another star in glory.
Brother Branham said, "We which are alive and remain shall not hinder them which are asleep. For the trumpet of God shall sound, the dead in Christ shall rise first." We'll fall right in line with them going in, hallelujah, all down through the age of Luther, Wesley, Methodist, Presbyterian, on down to the last age, who received the Word in their age. God bless you. Get all things ready, and the Fire will fall" (65-1125, The Invisible Union of the Bride of Christ, par. 331).
So if you have died and entered into that theophany, it comes to the earth to pick up the redeemed body, formed from the same elements, and glorified. And if you're here, you take your body to meet the theophany, "and be caught up, and go to meet the Lord in the air."
Now we see here plainly the complete secret of our lives in journey, and death, and where we go after we die. Also, predestination is in plain view here. Now listen as we teach this, closely.
"The stages of God's eternal purpose have now been revealed . . . He redeems His people in three stages. First is justification like Luther preached; second, sanctification, like Wesley preached; third, baptism of the Holy Ghost; then comes the rapture! And it has been in PROCESS for almost sixty years.
Now how did He redeem the world? The first when it sinned, He washed it off in water baptism. Then He dropped His Blood upon it, from the cross, and sanctified it and called it His Own. And then what does He do? As He tore all the world out of you, and renovated the whole thing by the fiery baptism of the Holy Ghost, He will also renovate the world. And it'll be burnt over with Fire, and cleanse every germ, for millions of miles high, everything will be cleaned off. And then there is a New Heaven and a New Earth, just like you are a new creature in Christ Jesus when the Holy Spirit takes a hold of you. See, there you are, the whole thing is just as plain as it can be. Everything is in three.
The natural birth is in three. What's the first thing happens to the woman having a baby? What breaks first? Water. What breaks next? Blood. What's the next process? Life. Water, blood, spirit.
What happens to the plant? Rots. What's the first thing? Stalk. What's the next? Tassel. What's the next? Shuck. Then the grain comes out of that. Just the three stages of it, till it gets to the grain.
God vindicates that, shows plainly the predestinated are the only one's considered in redemption. Did you get it? Let me say that again. The predestinated are the only ones considered in redemption. People might be making like and think they are, but the real redeemed are those who are predestinated. Because, the very word redeem means "to bring back." Is that right? To redeem anything, is "bring it back to its original place." Hallelujah! So only the predestinated will be brought back, because the others didn't come from There." Being Eternal with Him, at the beginning . . . the Eternal Life that you had, His thought of what you were and what He wanted you to be. He wanted me to stand in the pulpit, say. He wanted you to set in the seat tonight. Then we are serving His Eternal purpose. And the one that left home only came to the earth to serve His purpose. Then, after it's finished, it's matured and brought back again in a glorified state" (65-0221E, Who is this Melchisedec? par. 110-117).
I was speaking with one of the Brothers last week and he told me He thinks that God is anti-matter, and we are matter and when we die we become anti-matter, but I was listening to the Science Show at lunch last Saturday week. The presenter was touring the antimatter factory at CERN, the European Council for Nuclear Research. This international scientific powerhouse on the border of Switzerland and France exposes the hidden particles that make up our universe, and occasionally the anti-particles are made and studied.
When it is unmade, it's probably the most violent process you can imagine because the full mass of the object disappears and transforms into energy. On the front of this giant warehouse building was a sign that said "Antimatter Factory." Antimatter is identical to matter but with the important difference that all of the electrical charges of its component parts are reversed.
Antimatter appears every single time matter appears. Whenever lots of energy is concentrated in a tiny space, new matter is created. This equivalency is famously described in Einstein's equation, E = MC² such that, E (energy) can become M (mass) or matter. When this happens, lots of energy is concentrated to make new matter, this also creates antimatter. And this process of lots of concentrated energy creating new matter-antimatter pairs is not uncommon, at least when it comes to very tiny things. When you transform energy into stuff, you always get production of pairs, of a particle with its antiparticle: an electron, anti-electron; a quark, it's an anti-quark; and neutrinos, its antineutrinos. Antimatter completely obliterates matter when they come into contact. And with so much matter in our universe, antimatter has a tough time existing anywhere. Whenever it is created naturally, it's quickly uncreated. This factory is designed to make it and capture it, to better understand it.
First of all, if we want to study it we have to make it, since it doesn't exist anymore.
It's probably the most violent process you can think of because the full mass of the object disappears and transforms into energy. A proton and antiproton annihilate each other and their mass completely disappears. In the case of a chemical reaction, you're transforming only about a millionth of the mass of the object, of the molecule, into energy. So this is by far the most energetic process that you can think of. On the other hand, we have so few antiprotons that the energy that's released in these processes is just ludicrously small. We make such minute quantities that even if you were to destroy all the antimatter that we're making, in the course of a year it wouldn't be even enough to boil a cup of tea.
The anti-protons come in at almost at the speed of light. And the whole goal of this is to decelerate. In order for us to study antimatter, we have to work with very slow anti-particles; we have to catch them, and in order to catch them they cannot be moving at more than one-tenth the speed of light. So the antiproton decelerator allows us to catch the antiprotons.
As soon as you touch it, it annihilates and disappears. So we use electric and magnetic fields rather than something tangible with which to hold the particles. You also need an extremely good vacuum as in empty space.
So in the deceleration tunnel beneath us there's an empty tube, completely empty, a vacuum, with almost no particles bubbling around in there like they do in the regular air all around us. And that means any antimatter inside that tunnel won't have any matter to bump into. Then, to stop those little antimatter particles from touching the walls of the vacuum pipe, which are still made of matter, the tunnel is also surrounded by massive electromagnets. These super-powered magnets generate a magnetic field, which can be used to repel the tiny charged particles inside the tunnel, keeping them roughly in the middle of the vacuum tube. All this means the antimatter particles inside can just innocuously spin round and round the empty tunnel without hitting the sides and they can be slowed down little by little, all by the big electromagnets. And finally, they're caught in a special antimatter cage, a vacuum bottle in which we trap the antiprotons. And these bottles or these cages for antimatter are relying on the fact that you're not allowed to touch antimatter. And the best of these experiments manages to hold on to the antiprotons for about one year. And that's because the vacuum bottle isn't quite a perfect vacuum. There's a little bit of air and a little bit of gas, and occasionally an antiproton will collide with a molecule or an atom.
I was speaking with a brother last week and he said that God is antimatter. But God is a Spirit; He is eternal and therefore He cannot change. In the big scheme of things the predestined that were called and chosen by Jesus Christ are attributes of God's eternal thinking foreknown and eternal with God. But there is a lesson here because the natural types the spiritual. The Bible instructs us in Ezekiel 18:4, 20, Romans 2:6-9; 6:23, I Corinthians 15:23-28, and Revelation 20:14-15 that "the soul that sin, it shall die" . . . the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him."
Because God is omniscient those souls were foreknown but as physical Serpent's seed they were never in the Book of Life, or as spiritual Serpent's seed they are removed from the Book of life, Adam's genealogy and without a KINSMAN redeemer they cannot be redeemed and will be annihilated after a time of torment.
Jesus Christ is the sole Person of God. As Revelation 3:14 explains He is not a second or third person but the Beginner and the beginning of God creating Himself a part of creation. The Word was made flesh by Mary's faith in the promise of Genesis 3:15, Isaiah 7:14 and 9:6-7 to play the part of Adam's Kinsman Redeemer. The last Adam Himself was the beginning of the new creation formed by the spoken Word and faith without human instrumentality. Jesus was formed in Mary's womb but not of her ovum because He was the W_O_R_D made flesh (Matthew 1:21-23). With His mind in us we must exercise manifesting faith over our ten senses to change in the atoms to a glorified eternal body in the likeness of our theophany.
Einstein's natural theory of relativity E = MC² helps us spiritually to understand the mystery how "We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed (or transformed from sin-born mortality to the glorified form of our theophany). In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we will be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption (or immortality), and this mortal must put on immortality. So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is your sting? O grave, where is your victory? The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the Law. But thanks be to God, Who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."
"Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; nor does corruption inherit incorruption. Therefore, My beloved brethren, rest on it, be steadfast, immoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labour is not in vain in the Lord" (I Corinthians 15:50-58). As this promise is THUS SAITH THE LORD—something must happen in spiritual dimensions when our sin-born body meets its theophany from the mind of Christ as in the natural when matter and antimatter, protons and antiprotons make contact and the full mass of the object disappears and transforms into energy as described in Einstein's theoretical type so that Christ's end-time Bride will not see death but disappear into the Sixth Dimension. Don't allow yourself to doubt.
Our sin-born body will be transformed into the glorified flesh of our eternal film positive or theophany which will replace our mortal spirit. The natural types the spiritual and as we have read, "antimatter completely obliterates matter when they make contact and the full Mass of the object disappears and transforms into Energy." In our Message E = MC² we learned that there is Potential Energy and Kinetic Energy. Potential Energy is energy that is stored as in an inflated balloon, the cartridge in a rifle, or the stretched rubber band of a slingshot. Kinetic energy is the energy of movement. When the neck of an inflated balloon is loosed, as a boy releases the rubber band of his slingshot the potential energy is changed to kinetic energy. Christ's end-time Bride and the foolish virgins each have learning but whereas the wise have also proven all things by the written and spoken Word, the dilettante foolish virgins have the Rhema of the Message but not the Logos. After the Seventh Trump sounds they will have insufficient Oil of the Holy Spirit, or living faith of the spoken Word because the Rhema, though absolutely essential, cannot produce Kinetic energy for the 'third pull' and the body change.
Luke 9:1, "Jesus called his twelve disciples together, and gave them (Gk.) 'dunamis'—inherent power and ability residing in them by virtue of its nature, and (Gk.) 'exousia'—authority over all demons, and to cure diseases." Provided we are sanctified this power and authority must operate is us.
Jesus' requirement is for perfection in the saints; He has made a way whereby we can reach that place. That way is the second birth, which in this end-time is the invisible marriage union with "that which is perfect"—the fullness of the Word that was unveiled in the Seven Thunders of Revelation 10:1-4. This house in which we live was born by sex. The glorified mansion Jesus has gone away to prepare for each of His elect is born by faith in the spoken Word of God for their day. The Hebrew word "cherem" speaks of separating things from a common to a sacred use, consecrating them to the Lord in order that He might consume or otherwise pour His righteous indignation upon them, as He did to Israel's sin offerings and to Christ in our stead on the cross, hence the expression, "accursed to the Lord" (Leviticus 27:28-29; Joshua 6:17-21). Nothing "cherem" may be redeemed.
"Cherem" means something which is withdrawn from common use and set apart for the exclusive use of God. Something forcibly dedicated to Him as a thing that had been withdrawn from His service and worship, wherein He was not glorified, and again, by the hands of another, devoted to Him that He might be glorified. That something is your ragged old sin-born body and mortal spirit. "Cherem" is translated accursed (thing), consecrated, devoted, corban, ban, or utterly destroy. The Greek equivalent is "anathema." nl1244.htmHomework: Please study E = MC² and Cherem. These important teachings will help explain the phenomenon of the body change of Christ's end-time Bride to your understanding.
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Brother Grigor-Scott is a non-denominational minister who has ministered full-time since 1981, primarily to other ministers and their congregations overseas. He pastors Bible Believers' tiny congregation, and is available to teach in your church.
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