Australia Dossier by Allen Douglas
A New South Wales commission has proposed legalized heroin shooting galleries to solve police corruption.
Surveying the sad results of the frequent misleadership of the ancient Israelite nation, King Solomon observed, as recorded in the book of Proverbs, Where there is no vision, the people perish.
By that standard, the kindest thing one could say about the state of New South Wales Justice James Wood, who in mid-May released the long-awaited final report of his two-year-long, $100 million Royal Commission investigation into police corruption, is that he is as blind as a bat.
Because, Wood argued that, since drug money is the chief source of corruption among police, the way to avoid this problem, is to set up legalized heroin shooting galleries, a la the Swiss model. Wood somehow neglected to notice that, in every country where drugs have been legalized, such as in Switzerland, Britain, or Holland, drug usage, and, concomitantly, the flow of drug money, has soared. But, perhaps Justice Wood had other fish to fry.
In 1996, Lyndon LaRouches collaborators in the Citizens Electoral Council defeated a lavishly financed attempt by Victorias Premier Jeff Kennett to decriminalize marijuana. The state of Victoria was to be the first of the falling dominoes, leading to drastic changes in Australias federal drug laws. One might say (pardon the pun), that the Wood Commission call for legalized heroin has given a shot in the arm to a renewed drive to legalize drugs.
In its wake, prosecutors in five of Australias eight states and territories have called for a legalized heroin trial-run to be set up in Canberra, the nations capital. More generally, Australias ruling establishment is on a head-long drive to legalize dope. The chief vehicle for this drive is the Australian Drug Foundation, which is funded by Australias major banks, including its Reserve Bank, and by many of the countrys elite private family foundations, such as the Queens Trust (whose patron is Prince Charles).
Another voice braying for legalization is that of billionaire Kerry Packer, whose [Bulletin] magazine recently ran a cover story entitled, Drugs, Why Fight a War We Cant Win? In the early 1980s, the Costigan Royal Commission had investigated Packer as an alleged drug kingpin, until that commission was suddenly shut down by the new Labor government of Bob Hawke.
Wood and other establishment figures have claimed that the war on drugs is a failure and we have to look at other ways of dealing with the problem. This is a shameless liethere has been no serious war on drugs in Australia since the Costigan Commission was shut down. Victorias chief commissioner of police, Neil Comrie, for instance, in remarks to The Age of May 17, excoriated the lack of federal funding for drug interdiction efforts, which, he said, was causing the explosion of Melbournes heroin trade in recent months, where children as young as nine have become heroin addicts.
A serious war on drugs would mean that one would follow the money trail, as called for by Victorian state Member of Parliament Peter McLellan, in early June: We need to get the big boys . . . To bring in 20 kilograms of heroin you need big money. Surely these laundering organizations can be tackled. There has to be a way theyre moving black money and cleaning it through the system. How is it being legitimized through the normal banking system?
Besides pushing drugs, Woods anti-corruption efforts against the 13,000-man N.S.W. police force, the nations largest, bear a curious resemblance to the drive by the FBI, the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, and private family foundations to break local police forces in the United States in the 1970s, to replace them with a national gestapo.
Woods Investigation was responsible for the recent appointment of British cop Peter Ryan as N.S.W. Commissioner of Police. Ryan is not exactly your small-town cop: He was the national director of the Police Training College, and previously the chief constable of the Norfolk Constabulary, which, as the June 2, 1996 Sun-Herald noted, is an area that includes Sandringham, the Queens country retreat, and would have meant that Mr. Ryan would have been in contact with senior intelligence officers, the Royal Protection Squad, and the Home Office in London.
As a result of Woods report, Ryan has handed out dismissal notices to over 200 N.S.W. police, and is advertising in the U.K. for British police to fill many of the top leadership jobs; N.S.W. Opposition Leader Peter Collins charged in parliament that his state would once again become a colonial outpost.
As the bestseller Dope, Inc. established, Britain has been the center of the worlds drug trade since at least the time the Brits ran the Opium Wars against China in the 19th century. Coincidentally, perhaps, Commissioner Ryan also just happens to be an ardent advocate of the legalization of heroin.
Australia's Pro-Dope MAFIA
"Supporters and advocates of legalised drugs should have their names inscribed in a public place so their families could know in fhe future who advocated legalisation and the deaths and sufferina it could cause." U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Director, Thomas Constantine.
lan McFarlane (Chairman and Governor)
Graeme Thompson (Deputy Governor)
Stephen Grenville (Deputy Governor)
Alan Jackson, AO.
Ted Evans (Secretary to the Treasury)
Frank Lowy, AO.
Hugh Morgan
Janet Holmes a Court, AO.
Solomon Lew
Richard Washburton
Prof. Adrian Pagan
Research Dept OECD, Paris
Chairman, Aust. Payments Clearing Assoc.
Chairman and CEO, BTR Plc (UK)
Executive Director, IMF, 1989- 93
Chairman, Westfield Holdings Ltd
CEO, Western Mining Corporation
Executive Chairman, Heytesbury Holdings Pty Ltd
Vice-Chairman, Coles Myer Ltd
Chairman, Sydney Harbour Casinos Ltd
Research School of Social Sciences, ANU
William Invine (Chmn)
Don Argus (MD & CEO)
Brian Loton (V Chmn)
DK McFarlane (V Chmn)
CM Walter
The Lord Nickson
Peter Cottrell, AO
David Allen, AO
Sir Bruce Watson
David Dickins, AO
Christopher Deeley
Joseph Trethowen, AM
Mark Rayner (IPA)
Andrew Turnbull
CB. Goode (Chmn)
Don Mercer (CEO)
JC Dahlsen
Sir Ronald Trotter
Dr. Roderick Deane
Charles Rennie
John D Milne
Milton D Bridgeland
John B Gough, AO, OBE
(frm Chmn IPA)
JK Ellis
JF Fries
Dr. BW Scott
CJ Harper
MA Jackson
AT Maitland
RB Vaughan, AO
John Uhlrig (Chmn)
Robert Joss (CEO)
Peter Baillieu
Barry Capp
Hon. Sir Llewelyn
Edwards, AC
Ian Harper
Prof. Warren Hogan CIS
Stewart Hornery, AO
Eve Mahlab, AO
John Morschel
Peter Ritchie
$ |
Commonwealth Banking Corp.
MA Besley, AO (Chmn)
John Ralph, AO (D. Chmn)
The Queen's Trust
D V Murray (MD)
I K Payne; Trustee, CEDA
A C Booth; VP Sydney
Harbour Casino
Ted Evans Res. Bank
JM Schubert, MD & CEO
Pioneer International
GH Slee
Norman Adler, MD Santos Ltd
Ivan Deveson, AO
G Gleeson, AC
J J Kennedy AO, CBE
BK Ward
Christopher Stewart (Chmn)
David Airey (MD)
Ernest Barr
Malcolm Gray, AM (D Chmn)
David Hamer
Darvell Hutchinson AM
Alexander Nimmo
*Robert Officer (CIS)
Sir Ian Potter (dec)
Lady Potter, AO,
DLJ (Life Gov)
Charles B Goode (Chmn)
John B Gough, AO, OBE
Nobby Clark, AO
Sir Roger Darvall, CBE
Prof. Geoffrey Blaineny, AO
Prof. Thomas W Healy, AO, OBE
Frank L. Nelson
Prof. Graeme B. Ryan, AC
Prince Charles
John Ralph
(Nat. Pres.)
President: Bill Hayden,
AC former GG
Will Bailey, Chmn,
Finance Committee
Sir Evelyn de
Hon. Amschel MJ
Rothschild (dec)
Sir Peter Denham,
Sidney Ballieu
Myer, AC
V |
John Gandel
-- no
Carrillo Baillieu Gantner
Stephen Shelmerdene
Sidney Baillieu Myer
Rupert Myer
Neilma Baillieu Gantner
Joanna Vaeski
Margaret M. Baillieu
Richard Pratt
Board of
Board of
Mont Pelerinite Think Tanks
(* Mont Pelerin Society Think
Tank Board Members)
Drug Foundation
Prominent names associated with the Foundation
since becoming pro-drug in 1979:
Federal Government
<------ $246,150 Grant
Victorian Government
<------ $925,000 (1995)
Institute of
Public Affairs
Personnel ==========>
Sir Ian Potter (dec)
Sir Peter Denham
Nobby Clark
John Gough
Kevan Gosper
Sir John Holland
Milton D Bridgeland
Michael Moore MLA
Prof. David Penington
Brian Quinn, AO
Eric Mayer
John Calvert-Jones
Mark Rayner
Tasman Institute
Sidney Baillieu Myer
Eric Mayer
Kevan Gosper
Sir Avi Parbo
Personnel ==========>
Chairman Brian Hamley,
Chairman, Victorian
Financial Institutions
Commission. Former
MD Tricontinental
Richard McGarvie
Bill Stronach
Michael Denham
David Edwards
Sir Rupert Hamer
John Gandel
Charles Rennie
John D Milne
Dame Phyllis Frost
Some of the ADF's life
Sir Peter Denham
Dame Phyllis Frost
John Gandel
Kevan Gosper
Warran Irvine
Victor Smorgon
Ian Spicer
Ron Walker
Margaret Hamilton
Prof. Greg Whelan
Prof. Duncan Chappell
Dr. Nick Crofts
Dr. Ernest Drucker
Prof. Nick Heather
Dr. Ethan Nadelmann
Pat O'Hare
Dr. Rene Pols
*John Calvert-Jones
governors and donors:
Brian Quinn
Dame Elizabeth Murdoch
Eric Mayer
Neil Cole MP
*Milton D Bridgeland
Ron Baillieu
*Nobby Clark
*Sir Peter Denham
*CB Goode
*Kevan Gosper
*John B Gough
*Sir John Holland
*Eric Mayer
Brian Quinn
(in prison)
*Sir Avi Parbo
Some of the companies that have
supported the Foundation over the
Australia and New Zealand Group Ltd
Amcor Limited (paper)
Bell Charitable Fund (Holmes a Court owned)
BP Australia (petroleum)
Beechams Products (drug company)
Cadbury Schweppes Pty Ltd
Carlton & United Breweries Ltd (beer)
Coca Coala CCA Amatil (food)
Coles Myer Limited (retailing)
Comalco Ltd (owned by RTZ)
CSR Ltd (food)
CSR Hume Pty Ltd (Smorgons owned)
David Syme Co Ltd (The Age newspaper)
Esso Australia Ltd (petroleum)
Hoechst Australia Pty Ltd (drug company)
JB Were and Son (stockbrokers)
Jetset Tours (Isi Leibler)
Johnson & Johnson Pty Ltd (drug company)
Marion Merrell Dow Pty Ltd (drug company)
National Mutual Trustees
Nestle Australia Ltd (food)
Norwich Union Life Insurance
Pacific Dunlop (rubber)
Sigma Company Ltd (drug company)
Shell Company of Australia (petroleum)
Sidney Myer Fund
Unilever Australia Ltd
United Distillers Pty Ltd (spirits manufacturers)
Wyeth Australia Pty Ltd (drug company
Victorian Premier's Drug Advisory Council
Chairman: Prof. David Penington (of Melbourne), IPA counsellor
Kennett's DAC tried to ram through marijuana decriminalisation in
1996, but was stopped by a CEC-led mobilisation.
Accepted submissions from people and
institutions overlapping the ADF, or fronting
for George Soros (Rothschilds).
Justice James Wood, together with Australia's major banks and family funds, wants to legalise dope. Wood claims the war on drugs has failed. That is a liethere has been no serious war on drugs in Australia, at least since the Costigan Commission was shut down. One of Costigan's targetsKerry Packeris now braying for legalised dope, through his Bulletin magazine, TV9, and front men such as Graham Richardson. (Reproduced by permission from The New Citizen June/July/August 1997the Official Publication of the Citizens Electoral Council of Australia). eirdope.htm |